31DBBB Day Five Challenge: Email a Blog Reader

Welcome to day 5 in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge. You can find today’s challenge here.

There’s nothing like a personal touch in any kind of business, and that includes blogging. When service goes above and beyond, or when a blogger takes the time to notice and acknowledge their readers, it can result in ongoing loyalty and goodwill.

In the early days of my blog I would always email readers who left a comment to thank them and let them know I’d responded. It was always met with surprise and gratitude, and I know to this day some of those commenters still read ProBlogger today.

It’s the kind of gesture that people are pleasantly surprised by and it is one of the absolute most simple things you can do (and that’s why many people don’t!). It may be too slow for some – converting readers one at a time – but that one connection can have a lasting impact and it’s often in ways you can’t even see yet.

So reach out to your readers. Follow them where they are on social media. Chat. Create a community. Today’s episode will show you how (and in ways you might not even have thought to consider).

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Click here to listen to day five of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog series on the ProBlogger Podcast. 

Don’t forget to let us know how you’re going with the challenges – you can do so by leaving a comment on todays show notes page here.

If you missed yesterday’s post about analysing other blogs and finding gaps you can fill, go here. For all other podcast episodes, go here.

Further Reading:

Further reading is further watching today, as Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income tells us how to turn casual readers into raving fans. He gave this presentation as the keynote speech for the ProBlogger Training Event in 2014 and it turned the whole room into raving Pat fans:

31DBBB Day Five Challenge: Email a Blog Reader
@ProBlogger » 31 Days to Building a Better Blog
Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging – ProBlogger

Check out This Amazing Bundle of Training for Bloggers and Online Entrepreneurs [72 Hours Only]

A few minutes ago an amazing bundle of great hand picked teaching for online entrepreneurs was made bundle at a great discount from some guys I’ve come to know and respect.

Check it out – it’s called Only 72 and as the name suggests it’s a once off bundle that lasts for just 72 hours.

I’ve not done a major endorsement or promotion of anything as an affiliate here on ProBlogger for over 12 months because increasingly I’ve been disillusioned with the quality of what’s been produced in this space and have felt skeptical about many of the people’s motivations behind products.

I’m happy to say that this one is different. Two of guys behind this bundle are people I’ve come to know and respect – many will be familiar with them – Pat Flynn and Adam Baker. They are experienced online entrepreneurs who not only do well at business but who are genuine guys who act with good faith, transparency and a down to earth approach.

You can get to know them a little more in this trailer.

The bundle that Pat, Rick and Adam have put together for this 72 hour period is called the ‘Be Everywhere Bundle‘ and includes:

  • Pat Flynn is contributing a portion of his first premium course – ‘Breakthrough Blogging‘ – targeted at bloggers who have started but who have stalled or are not yet seeing the result they want.
  • Scott Dinsmore offers four modules from his ‘How to Connect with Anyone‘ training which will help you to grow your network and make genuine and beneficial relationships with others to help you grow your business.
  • Adam Baker has put together some training modules with Emmy Award winning studio production study Stillmotion to help you create Better Web Videos. It’ll help you with talking head videos, gear, audio, lighting and more.
  • Gideon Shalwick has rereleased his Rapid Video Blogging course – the perfect companion for the other video training in this bundle. It has video monetization strategies, covers viral videos (the theory), content creation and more.
  • Cathy Presland has a great course called Publish Your Book on Kindle which is a great training on self-publishing for the Kindle. You’ll learn what to write, how a kindle book fits into the big picture of what you do, how to make writing easy, how to format your book and more (this training in itself is the best rated course on Udemy, has 98 modules, 13 hours of teaching and normally retails for $199 – the price of this whole bundle).
  • Cliff Ravenscraft offers some great training on Podcasting which will give you everything you need to know when podcasting.

All in all this is one of the best bundles of training for bloggers and online entrepreneurs that you’re going to find. You’ll come away with training on blogging, networking, video, eBooks and podcasting – some great content to set you up for the rest of 2013!

The price of this bundle is $197 – a massive saving as if you were to buy the parts individually it’d cost you over $1500! In fact most of the parts of the bundle would normally cost you more than the $197 deal.

It is only available for 72 hours though so check out all the details and grab yours here before time runs out at midday US Eastern time on 4 July.

Check out This Amazing Bundle of Training for Bloggers and Online Entrepreneurs [72 Hours Only]
@ProBlogger» Blogging for Dollars
Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging – ProBlogger