Responsive Images Now Landed In WordPress Core


While the growing adoption of responsive images cannot be ignored, it can be very difficult to employ the functionality under the constraints of a large CMS like WordPress. Although it is entirely possible to write the feature into your theme on your own, doing so is a challenging and time-consuming endeavour.

Responsive Images In WordPress Core

Thankfully, with the launch of WordPress 4.4, theme developers and maintainers will find it much easier to introduce responsive image functionality into their themes. In this recent launch, the RICG Responsive Images plugin has been merged into WordPress core, which means that responsive image support now comes as a default part of WordPress. Let’s take a look at how the feature works, and how you can use it to get the best support for your WordPress site.

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Help Your Content Go Anywhere With A Mobile Content Strategy

You’ve put a lot of thought, time and effort into creating great content, and you want users to have a great experience with your content. While you might have created the best content in the world, you don’t get to choose how users access it. That’s why it’s important to make sure your content works beautifully on every platform and device, desktop, mobile or something else entirely.

Before you panic, I’m not advocating that you create individual content strategies for each device or network that your content is published to. That would be crazy, and it wouldn’t necessarily work better for your users.

It’s not because you wouldn’t do a good job — it’s because it would be impossible to plan and keep up with special content strategies for every device that exists now (not to mention ones that haven’t been invented yet).

While there’s no magic bullet to make sure your content is publishable and useful on every device, you can change the way you think about, plan for and create content so that it can go anywhere it needs to go.

Developing a mobile content strategy isn’t just about making content look as good on phones and tablets as it does on the desktop. It’s about creating portable, flexible content structures that go wherever your users are, without sacrificing quality. It’s an intimidating task, but not impossible. We’ll start with an example, then cover some of the things you can do to make your content more flexible and accessible.

First, An Example: How NPR Learned To COPE

National Public Radio’s (NPR) core product has long been high-quality audio journalism. But because audiences don’t solely rely on their radio for news, NPR needed a content strategy that would allow it to reach a larger audience by publishing stories to multiple platforms. It needed a way to expand its radio stories with photos, videos, audio and text and get them to readers, no matter what devices they were using. They also needed to be efficient and cost-effective and make it easy for journalists to publish their stories. So, it developed a content strategy that would ensure that its stories would work well on every device without their having to create new publishing platforms for each type of device or having to duplicate every story for each platform.

The key to the strategy was to create “display-agnostic” content structures that allow journalists to COPE — create once, publish everywhere1. In NPR’s new strategy, journalists file their stories once to a CMS. Each story published to the CMS has common elements — titles, categories, tags, captions, etc. — that can be shown or hidden depending on the device and that is distributed via an API. This way, NPR’s designers can change the content’s presentation for each platform without sacrificing quality or requiring the editorial team to publish stories multiple times.

Here’s a small example of how it works. Check out one story about Downton Abbey from NPR’s Monkey See blog. The story was written, edited and then published to NPR’s CMS. But because of NPR’s COPE model and APIs, it displays a little differently on different screen sizes.

Here’s how the story’s excerpt was displayed on NPR’s home page on the desktop:

This is how the story appears on NPR's home page on the desktop.2
This is how the story appears on NPR’s home page on the desktop. (View large version3)

Looks good, right? Let’s break it down by the elements in the desktop excerpt:

  • categorization (of the Monkey See section)
  • headline
  • excerpt
  • a few links to related tags (to the right)
  • image
  • image caption (hidden behind that blue button)
  • image credits (also hidden behind the blue button)

Now, here’s how that same story’s excerpt looks on the mobile version of NPR’s home page:

This is how the story appears on NPR's home page on mobile.4
This is how the story appears on NPR’s home page on mobile. (View large version5)

You’ll notice it’s pretty much the same, but with a few small differences:

  • While the category is still there, the related tags aren’t used.
  • The image credit is visible right below the image, while the caption is still hidden behind the button.

So, the journalist published the story once, and the same content is presented, but some of its elements are left out or rearranged to accommodate for the smaller screen.

In order to create a content strategy that works for you and that goes wherever your users are, you have to stop thinking about devices. Instead, start working to create content that has structure, even as it takes on different forms.

Content Modeling: A Difficult, Time-Consuming And Incredibly Necessary Process

Before you can build an effective content strategy, mobile or otherwise, you have to know exactly what you’re working with. That’s where content models come in — they’re a way to give your content an organizational structure without defining its form, and they’re very important to your strategy’s success.

Trust me, content modeling is something you want — no, need — to do, not because it’s a fun time necessarily, but because doing it early has the potential to save you a ton of time, money and heartache later. Doing content modeling early, before you get into the design and development process, is much better.

Raise your hand if your design team has ever spent weeks or months on a really lovely design for desktop and mobile, only to show it to the client for review and realize that you haven’t accounted for content types that need images or video or some other crucial element. That’s the worst, right? By spending a little time on content modeling, you’re reducing the risk of that happening, while also making your designers and developers’ lives easier. Content modeling isn’t difficult, but it takes some time and effort.

Let’s say you’re working on a website geared to home cooks. Your team is ready to start working on a new mobile content strategy. Before diving into your strategy, though, you need to get your team together for a content modeling session.

A content modeling session is easy to set up. You’ll just need to get a few key stakeholders together around a whiteboard for an hour or two (though, don’t be surprised if it takes longer). There’s no limit to how many people you should invite to the content modelling session, but don’t let it get too big. Include a few of the people who will be creating the content — they’re the ones who will be dealing with the content the most — as well as anyone charged with setting standards, goals and direction for the brand.

Start by looking at the website’s existing content types. What kinds of stories, blog posts or other content types are being created? List each content type and the elements it includes, like photos, captions, body copy, headlines, etc. Don’t forget to include things like newsletters, podcasts, listings and events — the point here isn’t to do this quickly, but to be thorough. For our cooking website, two of the website’s content types might be recipes and ingredients.

Once you’ve got a list of content types, break them down by element. You’ve established that two of the content types are recipes and ingredients. These two content types are related (recipes consist of ingredients, and ingredients can be tied to specific recipes), but each includes its own unique set of elements.

This is an example of what the content model for recipes and ingredients might look like. The diagonal lines show the relationships between content elements and content types. (View large version7)

After you’ve listed each existing content type and its elements, think about what content types you’d like to be able to create in future. For example, do you want to go beyond recipes and ingredients and create sets of seasonal dishes? Or is your business model shifting to include notable chefs or contributors, who will need to be featured. Nothing is off limits — think about your business goals, editorial goals and audience’s needs.

Once You’ve Got Models, Start Building Them Out in the CMS

Once you’ve got your content model in place, start setting up a CMS that will help you COPE.

Every CMS is a little different, but in most cases you won’t need to create an entirely custom CMS to support your new content strategy. In most cases, you can bend your existing CMS to your will by creating page types, post types, custom fields and field sets that make it easier to create and display content. You can tie field sets to page and post types, which will make it easier for your content creators to add all of the necessary information.

For example, you might set up a page type in your CMS for each recipe and include these fields:

  • ingredients list (linking each ingredient to its ingredient page);
  • cooking time;
  • categories (like season or course — think appetizers, desserts, etc.);
  • introductory copy about the recipe;
  • recipe instructions;
  • tags;
  • author (which could possibly include fields for the author’s name, a head shot and a short bio).

Once you know which elements make up each content type and have accounted for them in your CMS, you’ll be able to COPE. You’ll have a flexible content structure that allows you to publish each recipe or ingredient once, even though it might be presented differently on each platform. You can then work with your designers and developers to figure out which elements should appear when.

Understand How Your Content Will Be Used

Ultimately, we don’t get to choose when someone decides to use the content we create or which platform they use it on (but, oh, the world would be a much simpler, if less interesting place, if we did). So, why think about use cases? Because our job is to make our content accessible and useful to all users, no matter when or where it’s being used.

Super-smart content strategist Karen McGrane puts it this way8:

People use every device in every location, in every context. They use mobile handsets in restaurants and on the sofa. They use tablets with a focused determination in meetings and in a lazy Sunday morning haze in bed. They use laptops with fat pipes of employer-provided connectivity and with a thin trickle of data siphoned through expensive hotel Wi-Fi. They use desktop workstations on the beach—okay, they really only use traditional desktop machines at desks. You’ve got me on that one.

Going back to the recipe website, it has a ton of possible use cases. You may have users who:

  • spend time browsing the website for recipes on their desktops and planning their menu before going to the grocery store;
  • pick up an interesting ingredient at the store and pull up your website on their phone to learn more about it and to see what recipes it could be used in;
  • call on Google Glass to find a recipe on their way to the store;
  • prop their tablets up in the kitchen like a cookbook;
  • ask an audio interface to read a recipe to them step by step.

What do all of these users have in common? Each one of them deserves to have a great, complete experience with your content.

“But wait!” you might say. “We’ve got a ton of data showing that our users use our website in this particular way on this particular device.” That may be mostly true, but you can’t always be absolutely positive. That’s why the best solution is to make all of your content available and easily accessible across all platforms.

Such accessibility doesn’t mean sacrificing the user experience, though, nor does it mean that the presentation of your content must be identical on phones, desktops and tablets.

Each device has its own considerations for design and user experience that your content can work within. Let’s consider some examples.

  • You might choose to highlight specific content elements on different platforms, while placing others behind a menu.
  • Or you could opt for a more visual presentation on large screens, using larger images that might not work as well on smaller screens. (For example, you might hide each section of a recipe behind a tappable button on a phone, so that users can quickly see and access the information they need.)
  • On desktop displays, you might choose to immediately show more photos of recipes associated with an ingredient to encourage further browsing.

The point is that while your content’s presentation may change, users should be able to access the same amount and quality of content from any platform.

Adapt Your Editorial Process To Your Strategy

Once you’ve done the hard work of modeling your content and thinking about use cases, you should have a pretty good idea of the content you’re working with and where it needs to go.

Before running off and firing up your CMS, you need to consider one more thing: the editorial process. Remember that content strategy is not just about structuring content for the reader, but also about making the process of creating content efficient, thoughtful and sensitive to the content’s mobility.

Your editorial team and its process are crucial to implementing your new content strategy. Your content creators are the ones who will be dealing with the new structure the most, so it’s important to understand their existing processes, any pain points they may have and any changes they’d like to see. Even if you feel pretty good about the editorial process, this is a good time to check in with the content creators to see whether they need anything to make their work easier.

Creating and implementing a flexible content strategy could also mean making some changes to the way your content is published. In a perfect world, it’ll make things easier. When you don’t have to worry about publishing each piece of content to its own platform, you’ll probably be able to streamline the editorial process. Instead of content creators having to create content in more than one place and editors having to edit for each platform, a COPE model allows the editors to edit each piece only once.

During content modeling, you may have added a few new content types or elements to the content’s structure. Don’t forget that these new pieces will need to be brought into your editorial policy. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Who is responsible for creating each piece of content? The writer, the editor or someone else?
  • Who publishes the content once it has been edited? Does the editor publish it, or do they inform the writer that it’s ready to go?
  • Who is responsible for categorizing and tagging content? Will your writers do that or your editors?
  • How will the content be created? Will the writers create content directly in the CMS, copy and paste from a document, or submit a document to an editor for publication? Given that many CMS’ allow writers to save unpublished drafts, asking your writers to create their stories in the CMS instead of in a document might not be a bad idea. This will reduce the number of steps each story goes through and will make formatting and editing easier.

Additionally, the new content structure could require changes to your editorial standards. You’ll likely have to put new guidelines in place for any new content elements you have added. This is also a good time to review existing editorial guidelines to make sure they still make sense. Think about things like the following:

  • Who will choose the photos that go with posts? Who will write the captions? Do photos have to have captions?
  • If you’ve added any new content types (for example, “chefs”), who is responsible for creating those new pieces?
  • How many categories and tags should be assigned to each piece of content? Does the writer or editor choose them? Also, who determines when it’s time to add a new post category or tag? (Personally, I recommend that editors set them in order to keep things consistent and to make sure you’re not doubling up on tags. This is especially important in content structures such as in the recipe example, which require posts to be in certain categories in order to be found.)

Before implementing your new device-agnostic content strategy, you may need to revisit your guidelines to account for things that might display differently on small screens. Headline lengths may have to be adjusted so that they don’t completely take over small screens. Also, you might have to change the guidelines on image sizes to make sure that a photo attached to a story looks just as good on large monitors as it does on tablets.

Finally, even if you feel pretty good about the editorial process, this is a good time to check in with the editorial team to see whether they need anything or whether you could implement new processes as part of your strategy to make content creation easier.

Final Thoughts

Remember that any new strategy is partly a learning process. And content is messy — it’s human and it’s vital, and ensuring that its creation, distribution and use go smoothly requires a lot of time, effort and coordination. As long as you’re working to make sure that every user has a great experience with your content, you’re fighting the good fight.

Use content models to understand each type of content you’re publishing and the elements it includes. Then, use post types, page types and custom fields to account for each element in your CMS. Study your users to learn how they interact with your content. Try to address their most common needs while making sure the content works well across all platforms. Adapt the process of creating content to your new strategy. Train your content creators to use the new content structures you’ve created, and put editorial guidelines and practices in place to ensure that the strategy will be implemented.

By taking the time to create content structures that can go anywhere, as well as considering use cases and tightening up your editorial strategy, you’ll be confident that the content will work, no matter who’s using it or where.

If you’ve got stories about creating mobile or device-agnostic content strategies that you’d like to share, please leave them in the comments.

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Help Your Content Go Anywhere With A Mobile Content Strategy
Smashing Magazine
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Automatically Art-Directed Responsive Images? Here You Go.


In many projects, responsive images aren’t a technical issue but a strategic concern. Delivering different images to different screens is technically possible with srcset and sizes and <picture> element and Picturefill (or a similar) polyfill; but all of those variants of images have to be created, adjusted and baked into the logic of the existing CMS. And that’s not easy.


On top of that, responsive images markup has to be generated and added into HTML as well, and if a new image variant comes into play at some point (e.g. a file format like WebP or a large landscape/portrait variant), the markup has to be updated. The amount of extra work required often causes trouble — so if you have a perfect product shot, you need to either manually create variants for mobile and portrait and landscape and larger views, or build plugins and extensions to somehow automate the process.

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Efficient Image Resizing With ImageMagick

Responsive1images2 have been keeping us on our toes for quite some time, and now that they are getting traction in browsers3, they come with a scary problem: the need to efficiently resize all our image assets. The way responsive images work is that an appropriately sized image is sent to each user — small versions for users on small screens, big versions for users on big screens.

It’s fantastic for web performance, but we have to face the grim reality that serving different sizes of images to different users means that we first need to create all of those different files, and that can be a huge pain4.

Many tools out there automate image resizing, but too often they create large files that cancel out the performance benefits that responsive images are supposed to deliver. In this article, we’ll see how we can use ImageMagick145 — an open-source command-line graphics editor — to quickly resize your images, while maintaining great visual quality and really tiny file sizes.

Big Images == Big Problem

The average web page is about 2 MB6 in size, and about two thirds of that weight is from images. At the same time, millions of people are accessing the Internet on 3G-or-worse connections that make a 2 MB website a horror show to use. Even on a fast connection, a 2 MB website can wreak havoc on your users’ data plans and cost them real money7. Improving web performance and giving a better experience to our users is our job as developers and designers.

HTTP archive pie chart of average bytes per page by content type8
The average web page is 2,099 KB, 1,310 KB of which comes from images. (Image: HTTP Archive9) (View large version10)

Responsive images11 to the rescue! Right? Well, yes, but first we have to generate our responsive image assets, and we have to make sure those assets look good and have a small enough footprint to improve the website’s performance.

For a very small website, saving a few different sizes of each image directly in our image editor is trivial — Photoshop even provides a handy “Save for Web” option that keeps file sizes low. But what about a large website with a lot of images? An online store, for example, might have hundreds or thousands of image assets, and having to create different sizes of each of these is an enormous task.


This is where automated image resizing comes in handy. A bunch of tools out there do this, including GD12 and GraphicsMagick13, but ImageMagick145 strikes a good balance between power and availability in hosting environments. ImageMagick has been around for almost 25 years and is a full-fledged command-line image editor. It is widely supported by content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress7115 and Drupal7616, integrated with task runners such as Grunt8317, and used on its own to automate image editing — including resizing.

It’s also available on desktop systems (Mac, Windows and Linux). If you use Homebrew18 on a Mac, you can install it like this:

brew install imagemagick

Otherwise, look for it in your favorite package manager, or download it directly from the ImageMagick website19.

ImageMagick provides a fast, simple way to automate image resizing. Unfortunately, with the default settings, the resized files it outputs are often really big — sometimes bigger than the inputted image, even though the output has fewer pixels. These big files completely negate the performance gains you’d expect to get from responsive images and, in fact, can make things worse for your users than if you’d simply loaded the huge unshrunk assets.

Below, I’ll describe why this problem exists and show you how to change ImageMagick’s default settings to solve this problem and get small, great-looking images.

How Image Resizing Works

The best way to solve the problem is to understand why it’s happening, and that means understanding the basics of how image resizing works.

By definition, when a computer resizes an image, the number of pixels in that image will change. If the image is being enlarged, the output will have more pixels than the input; if the image is being shrunk, the output will have fewer pixels than the input. The challenge is in figuring out the best way to store the original image’s content in this different number of pixels. In other words, we need to figure out the best way to add or remove pixels without changing what the image looks like.

Although not as common a use case, image upsampling (i.e. making images larger) can be a little easier to visualize, so let’s start with that. Consider an image of a blue 4 × 4 pixel square that we want to double in size to 8 × 8 pixels. What we’re doing is taking the same image and applying it to a new pixel grid; this is called resampling and is usually what we mean when we talk about resizing images. To resample our 4 × 4 blue square to 8 × 8 pixels, we need to add 48 extra pixels somewhere. Those pixels will need some color value, and the process of determining that color value is called interpolation. When you’re resampling, the algorithm for determining how the interpolation works is called a resampling filter.

Two blue squares, one 4 by 4 pixels, the other 8 by 820
How do we resample a 4 × 4 pixel square to an 8 × 8 pixel grid? (View large version21)

We could use all sorts of resampling filters and interpolation methods to figure out those 48 extra pixels. The absolute simplest thing we could do is to add four more rows and four more columns of pixels in some arbitrary color — say, red. This is called background interpolation, because the empty pixels are simply exposing a background color (red). This is what you’re doing in Photoshop when you resize using “Image” → “Canvas Size,” instead of “Image” → “Image Size.”

This, of course, is a terrible outcome when we want to resize an image: we don’t perceive the new outputted image to really look like the original inputted image at all; the original square is blue, the new one is blue and red. Background interpolation is only possible when adding pixels (i.e. when making the image bigger or when upsampling), and even then it is essentially useless for resizing, except as a means to show where the new pixels are.

A pink and blue square22
Background interpolation. (View large version23)

Another very simple interpolation method is to make our new pixels the same color as their neighboring pixels; this is called nearest-neighbor interpolation. This produces a much better result than background interpolation, especially for a simple square like this.

A blue square24
Nearest-neighbor interpolation: upsampling a square. (View large version25)

Downsampling (i.e. making the image smaller) with nearest-neighbor interpolation is not as intuitive as upsampling, but it helps to remember that the math involved is OK with fractional pixels. First, the new pixel grid gets applied to the orignal image. Because there are fewer pixels to store the image information, some of the pixels in this new grid will contain multiple colors; in the example below, some pixels contain both blue and white.

Outputting the image in this way to the physical pixels in the real world isn’t possible, though — each pixel can be only one color. The final color of each pixel in the new grid is determined by the color at its center point. In other words, that center point is sampled to determine the final color, which is why nearest-neighbor interpolation is sometimes called point sampling.

Four images: a circle; an 8×8 pixel grid; the grid overlayed on top of the circle with the center marked; and the resized circle, which is blocky and not very circular26
Nearest-neighbor interpolation: downsampling a circle. (View large version27)

For anything more complicated than a line or square, nearest-neighbor interpolation produces very jagged, blocky images. It’s fast and creates small files but doesn’t look very good.

Most resampling filters use some sort of variation on nearest-neighbor interpolation — they sample multiple points to determine the color of a pixel and use math to try to come up with a smart compromise for those values. Bilinear interpolation, for example, creates a weighted average of colors. It produces much nicer results than nearest-neighbor interpolation.

Two circles28
Bilinear interpolation. (View large version29)

One way that resampling — and the specific resampling filter used — can affect file size is by affecting the colors in the image. Bilinear interpolation gives the circle smooth edges, but that means giving the image more colors. The original blue circle has two colors, blue and white. The resized circle has more — some pixels are a pale bluey-white. All else being equal, more colors in an image will make the file size bigger. This is one reason why resizing an image to have fewer pixels sometimes gives it more bytes.

What All This Means for Us

In order to make our outputted images smaller, we’ll want to look at ways to reduce the number of colors without sacrificing quality. Choosing an appropriate resampling filter has one of the biggest effects, but other settings can affect the number of colors in the output as well. I’ll also discuss settings that control file compression and quality and that eliminate extraneous data.

Optimal Settings For ImageMagick

ImageMagick Basics

ImageMagick has a ton of options and functions30, and finding a good combination of these can be tricky.

Two main ImageMagick settings are of interest to us, convert and mogrify. Both of these perform similar operations, but mogrify is intended to be used with multiple files at once, while convert handles only one image at a time.

A simple ImageMagick operation might look like this:

convert input.jpg -resize 300 output.jpg

This says that we want ImageMagick’s convert function to take input.jpg and resize it to 300 pixels wide, and then save that to output.jpg. The -resize 300 part is an example of one of ImageMagick’s many built-in functions. Each function uses the same format: -functionName option.

Using mogrify is similar, but with the syntax reordered a bit:

mogrify -path output/ -resize 300 *.jpg

This says that we want ImageMagick’s mogrify function to take all JPEG files in the current directory (*.jpg), resize them to 300 pixels wide and then save them in the output directory.

Functions can be combined for more complex results:

convert input.jpg -resize 300 -quality 75 output.jpg

As before, this resizes input.jpg to 300 pixels wide, but this time it also sets the JPEG quality to 75 before saving it to output.jpg.

I’ve performed hundreds of tests31 to see which combinations of functions and options produce the smallest results at an acceptable quality.

Testing and Results

I wanted to keep the file size as low as possible but keep the quality high — indistinguishable from Photoshop’s “Save for Web.” To do this, I used both a subjective quality measure — my own opinion on whether the output looks good — and an objective quality measure — structural dissimilarity32 (DSSIM). DSSIM compares two images — in this case, my test image and a control generated by Photoshop’s “Save for Web” — and generates a score. The lower the score, the more the images resemble each other; a score of zero means they are identical. To make sure test images look the same as Photoshop’s output, I wanted a mean DSSIM score of 0.0075 or lower. In research released last year33, RadWare34 found that image pairs with a DSSIM score of 0.015 were indistinguishable to their test users.

To make sure the results weren’t biased by outliers, I tested on 40 images that are a mixture of JPEGs and PNGs; photos, drawings and line art; color and monochrome; transparent and opaque. I also tested at three output sizes (300, 600 and 1200 pixels wide) from a variety of input sizes. Finally, I tested both with and without image optimization.

From my tests, running ImageMagick with the following settings produced the smallest results, while generally being visually indistinguishable from Photoshop’s output:

mogrify -path OUTPUT_PATH -filter Triangle -define filter:support=2 -thumbnail OUTPUT_WIDTH -unsharp 0.25x0.25+8+0.065 -dither None -posterize 136 -quality 82 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=1 -define png:exclude-chunk=all -interlace none -colorspace sRGB -strip INPUT_PATH

That’s a lot to take in, so let’s go through each bit and see what it means.

Mogrify vs. Convert

As mentioned, ImageMagick provides two similar tools for manipulating images: convert is the basic image editor and works on one image at a time; mogrify is mostly used for batch image manipulation. In an ideal world, these two tools would produce identical results; unfortunately, that’s not the case — convert has a bug35 that makes it ignore one of the settings I recommend using (the -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off setting, discussed below), so using mogrify is better.


Choosing a resampling filter in ImageMagick is surprisingly complicated. There are three ways you can do this:

  • with the resizing function you choose,
  • with the -filter setting,
  • or with the -interpolate setting.
Example output from twelve different resizing functions36
One of these things just doesn’t belong here, but the rest look pretty much the same, which is why I used an objective quality measure. (Image: Richard Fisher6249464337) (View large version38)

The most obvious resizing function to use is -resize, but it creates files that are too large. I looked at 11 different functions and found that -thumbnail does the best job of optimizing quality and file size. In most cases, the -thumbnail function uses a three-step process to resize images:

  1. It resizes the image to five times the output size using the -sample function, which has its own built-in resampling filter that’s similar to the nearest-neighbor approach discussed above.
  2. It resizes the image to its final output size using the basic -resize filter.
  3. It strips meta data from the image.

This means that if we were resizing an image to be 500 pixels wide, -thumbnail would first resize it to 2,500 pixels wide using -sample; the result might be blocky and pixelated, as we saw in the examples above, but the operation would be fast and would produce a result with a small file size. Then, ImageMagick would resize this image from 2,500 pixels wide to 500 pixels wide using -resize. This smooths out the blockiness, but the file size stays pretty low. Finally, ImageMagick would remove meta data to get an even smaller file.

The second way to choose a resampling filter in ImageMagick is with the -filter setting. Some resizing functions (such as -sample) have a built-in resampling function that’s always used, but others (such as -resize) have defaults that can be overridden with -filter. The -filter setting gets used in -thumbnail’s second step, because that step uses -resize.

I tested 31 different settings for -filter and got the best results with Triangle. The Triangle resampling filter is also known as bilinear interpolation, which I discussed above. It determines pixel color by looking at a support area of neighboring pixels and produces a weighted average of their colors. I found it best to specify this support area at two pixels using the -define filter:support=2 setting.

The third way to choose a resampling filter, the -interpolate setting, is ignored by -thumbnail, so it’s not needed here.

In addition to the settings above, by default ImageMagick also uses something called JPEG fancy upsampling39, an algorithm that tries to produce better-looking JPEGs. I’ve found that it produces larger files and that the quality difference is negligible, so I recommend turning it off with -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off.


Images pretty often get a little blurry when resized, so programs such as Photoshop will often apply some sharpening afterwards to make the images a little crisper. I recommend using an unsharp filter — which, despite its name, actually does sharpen the image — with the setting -unsharp 0.25x0.25+8+0.065.

Unsharp filters work by first applying a Gaussian blur40 to the image. The first two values for the unsharp filter are the radius and sigma, respectively — in this case, both have a value of 0.25 pixels. These values are often the same and, combined, tell ImageMagick how much to blur the image. After the blur is applied, the filter compares the blurred version to the original, and in any areas where their brightness differs by more than a given threshold (the last value, 0.065), a certain amount of sharpening is applied (the third value, 8). The exact meanings of the threshold and numerical amounts aren’t very important; just remember that a higher threshold value means that sharpening will be applied less often, and a higher numerical amount means that the sharpening will be more intense wherever it is applied.

Color Reduction

I mentioned that one of the biggest reasons why resized images get bloated is because of all the extra colors in them. So, try to reduce the number of colors — but not so much that the quality suffers.

One way to reduce colors is with posterization, a process in which gradients are reduced to bands of solid color. Posterization reduces colors to a certain number of color levels — that is, the number of colors available in each of the red, green and blue color channels that images use. The total number of colors in the final image will be a combination of the colors in these three channels.

Posterization can drastically reduce file size, but can also drastically change how an image looks. With only a few color levels, it creates an effect like what you might see in 1970s rock posters41, with a few discrete bands of color. With many color levels — for example, 136, as I’m suggesting — you get a smaller file without losing much image quality.

Close up of an owl with reduced colors42
Original image. (Image: Richard Fisher6249464337) (View large version44)
Close up of an owl with reduced colors45
Posterization reduces the colors in the image. (Image: Richard Fisher6249464337) (View large version47)

Dithering is a process that is intended to mitigate color banding by adding noise into the color bands to create the illusion that the image has more colors. In theory, dithering seems like a good idea when you posterize; it helps the viewer perceive the result as looking more like the original.

Two images of an old woman, the second full of image rendering artifacts48
Dithering. (Image: Richard Fisher6249464337) (View large version50)

Unfortunately, ImageMagick has a bug that ruins images with transparency when dithering is used like this. So, it’s best to turn dithering off with -dither None. Luckily, even without dithering, the posterized images still look good.

Two images of an old woman, the second full of image rendering artifacts51
ImageMagick dithering bug. (Image: Nemo52) (View large version5653)

Color Space

While not strictly a matter of color reduction, setting an image’s color space is a related concept. The color space defines what colors are available for an image. The image below shows that the ProPhoto RGB color space contains more colors than the Adobe RGB color space, which in turn contains more colors than the sRGB color space. All of these contain fewer colors than are visible to the human eye.

Map that compares how much of the color spectrum is covered by different color spaces; sRGB covers the least54
Color spaces. (Image: Cpesacreta55) (View large version5653)

sRGB was created to be the one true king of color spaces on the Internet. It has been endorsed by the W3C and other standards bodies; it is the required color space in the CSS Color Module Level 357 and the SVG specification58 and is the assumed color space of the WebP59 specification; and it is explicitly referenced in the PNG specification60. It’s also the default color space in Photoshop. In short, sRGB is the color space of choice for the web platform, and, assuming you want your images to render predictably, using it is probably a good idea.

Quality and Compression

With lossy image formats such as JPEG, quality and compression go hand in hand: the higher the compression, the lower the quality and the lower the file size. We could drastically reduce file size by setting a high JPEG compression factor, but this would also drastically reduce quality. A balance is needed.

When I was doing my tests, the control images I created with Photoshop had a JPEG quality setting of high, or 60. I’ve found that this setting works well for me and strikes the right balance between quality and file size. However, in my ImageMagick settings, I’m recommending -quality 82. Why?

It turns out that JPEG quality scales are not defined in a specification or standard, and they are not uniform across encoders. A quality of 60 in Photoshop might be the same as a quality of 40 in one program, quality B+ in another and quality fantastico in a third. In my tests, I found that Photoshop’s 60 is closest to -quality 82 in ImageMagick.

For non-lossy image formats, such as PNG, quality and compression are not related at all. High compression doesn’t change how an image looks at all and only comes at the expense of processing load (in terms of CPU usage, memory usage and processing time). Assuming that our computers can handle this load, there’s no reason not to max out PNG compression.

PNG compression in ImageMagick can be configured with three settings, -define png:compression-filter, -define png:compression-level and -define png:compression-strategy. Compression filtering61 is a pre-compression step that reorganizes the image’s data so that the actual compression is more efficient; I got the best results using adaptive filtering (-define png:compression-filter=5). Compression level is the amount of compression that gets applied; I recommend maxing this out to 9 (-define png:compression-level=9). Finally, the compression strategy setting determines the actual algorithm that’s used to compress the files; I got the best result with the default compression strategy (-define png:compression-strategy=1).

Meta Data

In addition to the actual image data, image files can contain meta data: information about the image, such as when it was created and the device that created it. This extra information could take up space without providing any benefit to our users and should usually be removed. Above, when describing the -thumbnail function that handles the actual resizing of the image, I mentioned that its third step involves stripping meta data. Even though that’s true, -thumbnail doesn’t remove all of the meta data, and there are gains to be had by using -strip and -define png:exclude-chunk=all as well. Neither of these should affect quality at all.

Progressive Rendering

JPEGs and PNGs can be saved to use either progressive or sequential rendering. Sequential rendering is usually the default: The image will load pixels row by row from top to bottom. Progressive rendering means the image is delivered and rendered in stages.

For JPEGs, progressive rendering can happen in any number of stages, as determined when the file is saved. The first stage will be a very low-resolution version of the full image; at each subsequent stage, a higher-resolution version is delivered until, in the last stage, the full-quality version is rendered.

An owl, rendering at progressively higher quality
Progressive JPEG simulation. (Image: Richard Fisher6249464337)

PNGs use a type of progressive rendering called Adam7 interlacing63, in which the pixels of the image are delivered in seven stages based on an 8 × 8 pixel grid.

Pixels being rendered in seven passes
Adam7 interlacing. (Image: CountingPine64)

Both types of progressive rendering can be controlled in ImageMagick using the -interlace setting. But should progressive rendering be turned on or not?

For both JPEGs and PNGs, progressive rendering increases the file size, but for a long time conventional wisdom held that it was worth turning on65 because it delivered a better experience to the user. The idea is that even if the full, perfect image doesn’t load quite as quickly, users would be able to see something earlier, and that something is probably better than nothing.

Last year, though, Radware66 released research on progressive JPEGs67 that shows users actually tend to prefer sequential image rendering. This is just one study (and one that hasn’t gone through a formal peer review process), but the results are interesting. Radware’s results, combined with the fact that sequential images have smaller file sizes, lead me to recommend the -interlace none setting in ImageMagick.

Image Optimization

I mentioned above that I ran tests both with and without image optimization. All of the settings I’ve described so far are what I’d recommend if you’re not optimizing your images. If you can optimize them, though, my recommendations would change slightly: I found that slightly different -unsharp settings work better (-unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 versus -unsharp 0.25x0.25+8+0.065 without optimization) and that there’s no need to use -strip.

mogrify -path OUTPUT_PATH -filter Triangle -define filter:support=2 -thumbnail OUTPUT_WIDTH -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 -dither None -posterize 136 -quality 82 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=1 -define png:exclude-chunk=all -interlace none -colorspace sRGB INPUT_PATH

A lot of different image optimizers are out there. I tested image_optim68, picopt69 and ImageOptim70, all of which run images through a battery of different optimization steps. I tested these tools both individually and in combination, and I found that the best results come from running files through all three, in the order listed above. That said, there are diminishing returns: After the first round of optimization with image_optim, the extra compression that picopt and ImageOptim achieve is quite small. Unless you have a lot of time and processing power, using multiple image optimizers is probably overkill.

The Results (Or, Is This Even Worth It?)

The settings I’m recommending are, admittedly, complicated, but they are absolutely worthwhile for your users. When I set out to do these tests, I did so hoping that I’d be able to drastically reduce file size without sacrificing image quality. I’m happy to report that, using the settings described above, I was successful.

On average, my recommended settings and optimizations reduced file sizes by 35% compared to Photoshop’s “Save for Web”:

Savings compared to Photoshop Creative Cloud
Condition File size: mean File size: % difference
My settings, with optimization 218,274 bytes
My settings, without optimization 259,852 bytes 19.05%
Photoshop CC, with optimization 260,305 bytes 19.28%
Photoshop CC, without optimization 299,710 bytes 35.26%

My settings without optimization even beat Photoshop’s output with optimization!

Compared to ImageMagick’s default image resizing, my recommendations resulted in file sizes that were 82% smaller on average:

Savings compared to ImageMagick defaults
Condition File size: mean File size: % difference</th
My settings, with optimization 218,274 bytes
My settings, without optimization 259,852 bytes 19.05%
-resize 397,588 bytes 82.15%

Compared to WordPress’s default image resizing (which uses ImageMagick under the hood), my recommendations resulted in file sizes that were 77% smaller on average:

Savings compared to WordPress
Condition File size: mean File size: % difference
My settings, with optimization 218,274 bytes
My settings, without optimization 259,852 bytes 19.05%
WordPress7115* 385,795 bytes 76.75%

* Simulation using ImageMagick with the settings that these CMS’ use by default. The specific settings used can be found in the GitHub repository for these tests8072.

Compared to other CMS’ and tools that use ImageMagick, my recommendations resulted in file sizes that were up to 144% smaller:

Savings compared to other tools
Condition File size: mean File size: % difference
My settings, with optimization 218,274 bytes
My settings, without optimization 259,852 bytes 19.05%
CodeIgniter73/ExpressionEngine74* 340,461 bytes 55.98%
TYPO3.CMS75* 359,112 bytes 64.52%
Drupal7616* 397,588 bytes 82.15%
Perch77* 416,790 bytes 90.95%
Craft CMS78* 425,259 bytes 94.83%
grunt-responsive-images79 533,030 bytes 144.20%

* Simulation using ImageMagick with the settings that these CMS’ use by default. The specific settings used can be found in the GitHub repository for these tests8072.

And remember, this is all with the images being visually indistinguishable from the Photoshop output, on average.

Using the settings I described above can get you huge file size savings without hurting quality. This can be a huge boon to your website’s performance!

How To Implement This In Your Projects

I hope the benefits of using this technique are obvious. Luckily for you, the hard part — figuring all of this out — is all done. Despite the apparent complexity of the recommended settings, implementing this in your own projects can be fairly quick and easy. Although running this whopper of a command from the terminal every time you want to resize an image may be inconvenient, there are simpler options that require very little muss or fuss.

bash shell

Most command-line shells allow you to setup aliases and functions for complicated commands. If you use a bash shell, you can add a function to your .bash_aliases (or .bashrc) file that acts as an alias for my recommended command:

smartresize() {
   mogrify -path $3 -filter Triangle -define filter:support=2 -thumbnail $2 -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 -dither None -posterize 136 -quality 82 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=1 -define png:exclude-chunk=all -interlace none -colorspace sRGB $1

Then, you can call it like this:

smartresize inputfile.png 300 outputdir/


An npm package called, unsurprisingly, imagemagick81 allows you to use ImageMagick via Node.js82. If you’re using this module, you can add resizing using my recommended settings like this:

var im = require('imagemagick');

var inputPath = 'path/to/input';
var outputPath = 'path/to/output';
var width = 300; // output width in pixels

var args = [
   '-unsharp 0.25x0.25+8+0.065',
   '-dither None',
   '-posterize 136',
   '-quality 82',
   '-define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off',
   '-define png:compression-filter=5',
   '-define png:compression-level=9',
   '-define png:compression-strategy=1',
   '-define png:exclude-chunk=all',
   '-interlace none',
   '-colorspace sRGB',

im.convert(args, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
   // do stuff


If you use Grunt8317 as a task runner, good news: I’ve built a Grunt task named grunt-respimg9384 (npm85) that handles everything I’ve described above. You can include it in your projects by running:

npm install grunt-respimg --save-dev

Then, you can run it in your Grunt file like this:

  respimg: {
    default: {
      options: {
        widths: [200, 400]
      files: [{
        expand: true,
        cwd: 'src/img/',
        src: ['**.{gif,jpg,png,svg}'],
        dest: 'build/img/'


PHP86 has ImageMagick integration called Imagick87 that makes it relatively easy to run ImageMagick operations from within your PHP scripts. Unfortunately, Imagick is a bit limited and doesn’t let you do some things that I recommend, like setting a resampling filter to be used with the thumbnail function.

But, again, you’re in luck: I’ve created a composer package called php-respimg9488 (packagist89) that handles everything described above. You can include it in your projects with Composer90 by running:

composer require nwtn/php-respimg

Then, you can resize your images like this:

use nwtnRespimg as Respimg;
$image = new Respimg($input_filename);
$image->smartResize($output_width, 0, false);

Content Management Systems

If you use a CMS, you might want to take advantage of these savings for the thumbnails and other resized images that get generated when users upload images. A few options are available to you.

If your CMS is built on PHP, you could bake the PHP stuff above into a theme or plugin. However, if your PHP-based CMS happens to be WordPress, then there’s no need for you to do that work: This is now integrated into the Responsive Issues Community Group’s plugin RICG Responsive Images9591 as an experimental feature. After you install the plugin, all you’ll need to do to activate these ImageMagick settings is add the following lines to your functions.php file:

function custom_theme_setup() {
   add_theme_support( 'advanced-image-compression' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'custom_theme_setup' );

If you don’t use WordPress and don’t want to try to hack this into your CMS, most CMS’ include some way to modify image defaults (especially for quality). You might be able to get a lot of these benefits with a few simple changes to your CMS’ configuration. Check out the documentation and see what options are available to you.


The settings I’m recommending are obviously far more complex than simply using -resize, and this complexity brings a performance hit with it. Using my recommendations will take longer and use more resources on your computer or server. In my tests, I found that memory and CPU usage peaks were comparable but that my settings took an average of 2.25 times longer to render an image than from just using -resize alone.


As designers and developers, we have an enormous amount of power to shape how — and how well — the web works. One of the biggest impacts we can have is to make our websites more performant, which will improve our users’ experiences and even make our content available to whole new markets92. Cutting image weight is a relatively simple and hugely impactful way to increase performance, and I hope the information outlined above helps you make a difference to your users.


Thank you to Mat Marquis for reviewing a draft of this article.

(da, ml, al)


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Efficient Image Resizing With ImageMagick
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