Social Login using Angular and RESTful APIs

There are a number of advantages to implementing social login in your web applications. First of all, it best secures the user credentials, the user can use a single login for accessing multiple sites, this can automatically access the user details for further use, and many such. This article is about how to implement the social login with Facebook and Google using Angular and RESTful API. This social login helps to store social data of the logged in user into the database, so that it provides you valid user data like email, name, and others. Let’s see how this works, follow the live demo and code below.

Social Login using Angular and RESTful APIs

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Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Adding Custom Fonts like Open Sans and Font Awesome.

We all know that Ionic is the useful framework for building HTML 5 mobile applications. It is mainly designed for the front end. When it comes to look and feel of the Ionic website, you have to work more on your application branding standards. Ionic default icons are not up to current market standards. This tutorial is all about how to add custom downloaded fonts like open sans and font awesome for icons into the Ionic application. Let’s see how you use customized fonts in your Ionic website.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

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Ionic 3 and Angular 4: JSON Parsing with Token Based Restful API

We have covered most of the topics in building a mobile application using Ionic 3 and Angular JS 4. Today’s topic is to pull in data for news feed from a server and display it on your website. This is suggestible post since it does proper verification at the backend based on token. All it does is, it will verify system token and user token at the backend and then pulls data using feed API url. I have also added an extra code to the previous post for login authentication with PHP Restful API for showing alert messages. Please do follow the below video and code for your understanding.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Login and Signup with PHP Restful API.

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Ionic Split Pane with Login and Logout System.

I received a tutorial request from one of my blog readers to implement Ionic Split Pane with the login system. Ionic has been improving and releasing new desktop layout features. This post is an enhancement to my previous application. SplitPane is the new component introduced in Ionic 2.2.0. This targets to create apps of any screen size like desktops and tablets. With this, it is easy to show a side menu with side-by-side navigation controllers. Let’s see how we do this, and follow the demo below for more details.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Login and Signup with PHP Restful API.

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Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Insert and Delete with Token Based Restful API

This is the continued series of article on developing a mobile app with Ionic and Angular JS. This post deals with updating and deleting any post on the application. This also explains how to show the loading image by making an Ajax call. While deleting a post, it will show an alert message to confirm whether to delete or not. This post is all about this. Hope you all make use of this series of articles on Ionic and Angular to build your own mobile app.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Insert and Delete with Token Based Restful API

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Angular 4 TypeScript Google Account Email Login and Routing

A few days back, I read an article about Google Authentication. A bug was mentioned in the article, that Google login status can be easily accessed by calling out some images. After reading the article, I got an idea that why don't we use this bug in a positive approach to validate user authentication. This same idea has been implemented in this post to do email validation. I have used Google email login system (not OAuth) using Angular 4 CLI project. Take a look at the live demo ( Make sure to login into your Google account in another tab to do this validation).

Angular 4 TypeScript Google Account Email Login

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PayPal Express Checkout with PHP and MySQL

Most of the people prefer to shop online which made eCommerce to grow rapidly. But, what makes an excellent eCommerce site for the customers? The answer is – an excellent checkout process. There are several different payment options available in the market today. Out of all, Paypal is the most popular and convenient way to get paid. Making it as easy as possible for your customers to pay is essential for increasing conversions and sales. This is why your checkout page is critical. I have already discussed 2 checkout options in my previous articles BrainTree PayPal using PHP and Payment System which were in most trend till day. Now, a new checkout option has been introduced by Paypal which is Paypal Express Checkout option.

PayPal Express Checkout with PHP and MySQL

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ReactJS Welcome Page with Routing Tutorial

Days back, I have posted an article on how to create a welcome page with proper login and logout using Ionic 3 and Angular 4. Today’s article is to create the same welcome page with ReactJS and ES 6. The article is about how to login/signup to get inside the application home page, you can navigate to different pages and finally you end up with a logout action. Lets see how to set a starting page with navigations using ReactJS and ES 6.

Video Tutorial: ReactJS Welcome Page with Routing Tutorial

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Ionic Angular Lazy Loading with Child Components

We have already discussed few articles on Ionic. Latest Ionic 3 came up with lazy loading concepts. Changing Ionic apps to use lazy loading significantly boost up the app performance. This actually improves the app speed, instead of loading everything in root application module file. This allows doing the work in sync with when your users want it to happen. This article explains to you how to modify the existing default Ionic app and apply lazy load concepts like working with providers, shared/child components. It process by loading chunks of code such as child components when it’s requested not when the app is loaded. Use this feature and enrich your application. Watch the video, you understand it better.

Ionic Angular Lazy Loading with Child Components

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