New website and branding for Sugar Calendar

Today I’m really excited to announce the launch of a new, dedicated website for Sugar Calendar! Say hello to

This is the first in a large series of updates we are working on for our sweet and simple event calendar plugin for WordPress. In the coming months you will see new features released, improved interfaces, numerous add-on plugins, and a whole lot more!

Back in November, 2017, John James Jacoby joined my team at Sandhills Development specifically to work on Sugar Calendar. With the skills and experience that John brings to the table, we will be elevating Sugar Calendar  from a small, simple event calendar plugin to a full-featured event platform. Work on this is in progress and a lot of updates will be coming out in the near future.

John and I have both spent considerable time building and maintaining our own event calendar plugins so with our combined knowledge and experience added to the vast wealth of skills at Sandhills Development already, we should be able to deliver a really good platform.

While we are working on the updates, we need to ask a small favor of existing customers. As part of the migration to the new website, we have regenerated all license keys and account records on In order to ensure your site(s) stays up to date with the latest versions, please follow these steps:

  1. Update to Sugar Calendar version 1.6.6 from within WordPress like any other update.
  2. Reset your account password at using the same email address you purchased Sugar Calendar with.
  3. Once updated and logged into your account, please retrieve your new license key and update your site(s) that use Sugar Calendar with it. This is the license key you will use from now on.

That’s it!

With the launch of the new site, we also have an affiliate program available that you may join. Help promote Sugar Calendar and earn a commission on every sale!

If you have any questions or issues, do not hesitate to reply to this email or send us a support ticket from the new support page.

P.S. The upcoming updates will include a price change. Upgrade to or purchase an Ultimate license now to lock yourself into the low price forever.

The post New website and branding for Sugar Calendar appeared first on Pippins Plugins.