Post Event Report: WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul

Post Event Report: WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul

They ate donuts, drank beer, and played board games. But it wasn’t just about having fun at WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul. There was also education, information, assistance, and plenty of networking.

WebDevStudios (WDS) Senior Backend Developer, Justin Foell, and Backend Developers, Jeremy Ward and Gary Kovar, all attended the event, each playing an active role. Justin acted as a volunteer, while Jeremy assisted the WordCamp as a volunteer organizer, including working the Happiness Bar for two hours. Gary presented a seminar, “Cowboy Coding – Best Practices,” which went really well.

But educating others wasn’t Gary’s only favorite moment. “I really enjoyed the hallway track with a bunch of friendly folks in Minneapolis/St. Paul,” he says. Another big highlight was when the three developers co-worked together at Jeremy’s home. Because we work remote at WDS, it’s always an enjoyable moment when teammates can spend time bonding in-person and working together.

Of course, no WordCamp would be complete without tacos.

WordCamps are a pretty big deal to us. We attend and speak at many. Find out which ones we’ll be at next by visiting the WDS Gives Back page.

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Author: Laura CoronadoPost Event Report: WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul

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