What Fact Checkers Do and Why The Role is So Important

What Fact Checkers Do and Why The Role is So Important

Robert McGuire, currently publisher and editor of Nation1099.com, and owner of McGuire Editorial & Consulting, once worked as a reporter at weekly newspaper publisher, Community Newspapers, Inc. One thing that’s stuck with McGuire from his tenure at the paper, was the authority of the staff’s junior-level fact-checker.

“She could pull the brake on the train in ways nobody else could,” McGuire recalled. “Even the desk editors were afraid of her. They had worked on and approved stories that now someone less senior had the power to shove right back at them and say, ‘We can’t print this.’” Ouch.

Just the Facts, Ma’am

So what does a fact-checker, or researcher, do exactly? They check facts, sure. But what’s that really mean? Like, what facts? What are we talking here, Reese Witherspoon’s government name or how many times 50 Cent got shot? Gigi Hadid’s diet? Or the stats and statements candidates make during a presidential debate? The short answer: all the above. Fact-checkers verify it all, even the seemingly obvious.

Fact-checkers help a source of news or information maintain credibility and integrity. To that end, McGuire tells his team not to take anything for granted. “If the source says [his] name is Bob, ask how it’s spelled”—a lesson McGuire learned the hard way, as an obituary writer. “The first time it’s your fault that a misspelling of the deceased or of their bereaved shows up in print, you learn how important it is to check everything,” he added.

The Devil’s in the Details

In fact (pun intended), sometimes the lighter stuff is tougher to verify than hard news. “Because all of the material can seem less significant, the story lies in the small details,” says Sharmila Venkatasubban, BuzzFeed copy editor. “And in pieces that involve celebrities, the most minute details can be really important.” In pop-culture writing, misidentifying the type of shampoo a celebrity uses or the car she drives is big, as those particulars could be the result of contractual brand obligations.

Fact-checkers verify that all the facts and claims in a story are accurate and represented fairly, says Venkatasubban, who splits her time between copy editing and fact-checking. This involves reading through a reporter’s notes, audio and transcripts. Checking court records, video footage, research documents, any materials that the reporter used (or didn’t) in researching and reporting on a piece is imperative.

“Fact-checkers also look for holes in stories. They research sources to make sure they don’t have their own conflicts of interest and what they’re providing can be relied upon. And they read very closely on a sentence level to make sure the research and reporting [haven’t] been framed in a way that makes for good copy but doesn’t represent what exactly the reporter found. This involves what is often described as reporting in reverse,” adds Venkatasubban.

Learn what facts to check and where to check them by enrolling in our new Fact-Checking course.

Attribution is Everything

Publications rely on fact-checkers to help them maintain their credibility. Of course, writers and reporters bear responsibility too. If they write it, they better be able to attribute it. Submitting notes accumulated while writing a piece, a list of credible sources (sorry, Wikipedia doesn’t count) and source contact information may be required. But not every publication uses fact-checkers.

“Many magazines, particularly those that publish longer reporting, employ fact-checkers,” says Venkatasubban. “News desks that publish breaking news and shorter stories—that are responding quickly to the news cycle—often don’t.” This may explain why many newspapers don’t use fact-checkers, though some have a research department that may assist with investigative pieces with longer turnaround times.

“For many industry-specific sites, specifically those that are not entertainment-related, I think the reporters themselves are policing their own articles,” offers Jake Tully, editor-in-chief and de facto fact-checker for Truckdrivingjobs.com. “Certainly, the larger news sources have a department or team dedicated solely to fact-checking, but I suspect that many other writers are doubling up on their duties. I don’t predominantly consider myself a fact-checker, per se; it’s more of an inherited duty.”

Politically Correct

But mags aren’t the only game in town for fact-checkers. There’s plenty work for those committed to verifying the veracity of political claims at outfits such as Politifact, a Tampa Bay Times offshoot. The process at Politifact is a bit different, but the mission is the same: truth-telling.

A typical day for a fact-checker at Politifact begins with reviewing the news and checking out a list of factual claims, usually gathered by interns who comb transcripts of TV interviews, explains Bill Adair, Politifact’s founder and former editor. Reporters reach out to the person who made the statement, or that person’s press secretary, and request background to verify any claims made.

This evidence is usually government data or a report from a think tank, explains Adair, also a Knight professor of the practice of journalism and public policy at Duke University and director of the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy. Next, the fact-checkers find their own sources—independent experts whenever possible—and start their check.

The process is similar at Verbatim, the fact-checking arm of nonprofit, nonpartisan collaborative political encyclopedia, Ballotpedia. First, freelance researcher Kent Klein gets assigned a claim made by an elected official or other public figure. He researches the claim and then assembles an outline in which he answers a series of questions posed by editors, including whether the claim can be proven or disproven and who’d be interested in the outcome.

Truth Seeking

Klein is quick to point out that fact-checkers—at least at Verbatim and other such projects—aren’t on a witch hunt. They’re not conspiring to take someone down. “Contrary to what some may believe, reputable fact-checkers do not have a partisan agenda, but are simply interested in finding the truth.”

As is any fact-checker worth his or her salt. Because the fact of the matter is (yep, another pun intended) good writing can’t exist without stone-cold facts.

For more in-depth lessons on fact checking, register today for our new self-guided course Check Yourself: Quick, Simple and Thorough Fact-Checking.

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Author: Amirah BeyWhat Fact Checkers Do and Why The Role is So Important

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Hot Jobs in Advertising

Hot Jobs in Advertising

“Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.”

– Leo Burnett

Do you have the creative wit, writing skills and technical savviness to catapult a brand to the next level? If so, check out these new openings in the advertising field.


Hylink Group
Santa Monica, California

American Media
New York City, New York

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
New York City, New York (US)

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How to Install New WordPress Plugins (YouTube Video)

How to Install New WordPress Plugins (YouTube Video)

For anybody just getting started with WordPress, pretty much as soon as you’ve chosen your theme, the next thing to do is to take a look at plugins… in preparation, let’s take a look at how to download/upload, install and activate them… Here’s a quick all-you-need-to-know video – from our new YouTube channel: How to… View Article

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Author: WinningWP EditorialHow to Install New WordPress Plugins (YouTube Video)

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How to Install a New WordPress Theme (YouTube Video)

How to Install a New WordPress Theme (YouTube Video)

If you’re just getting started with WordPress, one of the first things you’ll want to do is get the design right, which usually involves installing a new theme. But how? Well, fear not, because as part of our new new YouTube channel, we’ve put together a handy step-by-step guide. How to install a brand new… View Article

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Author: WinningWP EditorialHow to Install a New WordPress Theme (YouTube Video)

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22 Essential Tips for Choosing the Best Possible Domain Name for a Website (2017)

22 Essential Tips for Choosing the Best Possible Domain Name for a Website (2017)

Choosing the best possible domain name for your website can be absolutely critical! It’s something that deserves hours (if not days) of thought… and it’s no exaggeration to say that in some circumstances, making the wrong choice can break a business… In short: choosing the ideal domain name is something that every website owner needs… View Article

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Author: Karol K22 Essential Tips for Choosing the Best Possible Domain Name for a Website (2017)

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WordPress Hosting Explained: Shared, VPS, Dedicated and Managed WordPress Hosting (YouTube Video)

WordPress Hosting Explained: Shared, VPS, Dedicated and Managed WordPress Hosting (YouTube Video)

As we’ve said previously a bunch of times, when it comes to starting a WordPress website (especially for business), you need to get your hosting RIGHT! The wrong kind of hosting will leave your site unstable, slow and require constant fussing over. When it comes to making money via a business website, you need to… View Article

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What Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You? (Part 1)

What Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You? (Part 1)

Editor’s Note: The following is Part 1 in a three-part series titled, “What Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You?”

Introduction to WordPress Multisite

There is a good deal of information on the web about WordPress Multisite, but most of it dives too deep technically, or quickly shows you steps to set up a Multisite environment. I am going to tackle it from another angle, from the point of view of an outsider looking in (with possibly no technical background) wondering if WordPress Multisite will fit the needs of their organization. To help facilitate the discussion, let’s start with some terminology.

New Terminology

WordPress Multisite introduces new ideas into WordPress, and there are several new terms that come along with it. Below are the various Multisite terminologies defined to help provide a foundation in communication for the rest of the article.

  • Network: The Network refers to a group of sites created on your Multisite instance. Though it is technically possible to run multiple networks on a single Multisite instance, we will focus on the basic single network that comes with Multisite. To keep things simple, you should be aware that some older literature referred to a Network as a Site.
  • Site: A site refers to a single site within a network. These are sometimes also referred to as subsites, or blogs. Over the years, the term site has changed meaning to refer to the individual sites on a network. You may see reference in older literature that use the term site in the context of network.
  • Blog: Another name for a single site on the network.
  • Subsite: Another name for a single site on the network.
  • Network Admin: This is a new section of the wp-admin area that appears in the Admin Bar after enabling Multisite on your WordPress installation. The Network Admin is where you will control the sites, plugins, and themes available to your sites.
  • Super Admin: Super Admin is a new role that is available specifically for Multisites. Users with Super Admin access are allowed to access the Network Admin area and manage the entire network. Super Admins can access the dashboards of any site and administer them as well. The traditional Administrator account only has access to the sites it has permissions on.
  • Subdomain Install: Network setup option that creates new sites with a subdomain of the primary domain. For example:
    • Primary domain: example.com
    • Site for Bob: bob.example.com
    • Site for Sally: sally.example.com 
  • Subdirectory Install: Network setup option that creates new sites with a subdomain of the primary site. Useful when creating sites that all need the same look and feel such as corporate or language sites. For example:
    • Primary domain: example.com
    • Site for Bob: example.com/bob
    • Site for Sally: example.com/sally

What is WordPress Multisite?

You are undoubtedly familiar with WordPress. A content management system you install to manage your website content. Perhaps you have multiple websites, each with their own installation of WordPress running the site. Enter WordPress Multisite; WordPress Multisite transforms a single site into a powerhouse that can run an unlimited number (nobody has found a max number yet!) of websites from a single WordPress installation. In essence, it could combine all the individual WordPress installations you run into one single installation that supports all the sites. Each site can have its own domain, theme, and set of plugins utilized.

As an example of how I use the power of WordPress Multisite, I have several family members who have basic blogs set up to post their random thoughts. There are also several organizations that I have helped support over the years and test beds for new corporate sites running. Each of the site owners are able to manage their own content, while I ensure the network stays up and running efficiently with WordPress, and that all plugins are kept up to date.

Feel free to take a peek at a couple sites on my network:

You will notice there are subdomains and custom domains. WordPress handles both with elegance. By default, new sites on my network are created as subdomains of lobaugh.us and then a custom domain is applied when ready. Subdirectories are also supported. Subdirectories make it look like all the sites are part of the same domain. For example, in my network, my sister’s site could be http://lobaugh.us/raeann. There are good reasons to run WordPress Multisite in subdomain mode that I will get into in Part 3.

In Part 1, you were introduced to new terminology used by WordPress Multisite and provided a high level view of what WordPress Multisite is. In the following parts, we will cover why using WordPress Multisite matters, and how to determine if it could be the right tool for your organization.

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Author: Ben LobaughWhat Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You? (Part 1)

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Post Event Report: WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul

Post Event Report: WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul

They ate donuts, drank beer, and played board games. But it wasn’t just about having fun at WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul. There was also education, information, assistance, and plenty of networking.

WebDevStudios (WDS) Senior Backend Developer, Justin Foell, and Backend Developers, Jeremy Ward and Gary Kovar, all attended the event, each playing an active role. Justin acted as a volunteer, while Jeremy assisted the WordCamp as a volunteer organizer, including working the Happiness Bar for two hours. Gary presented a seminar, “Cowboy Coding – Best Practices,” which went really well.

But educating others wasn’t Gary’s only favorite moment. “I really enjoyed the hallway track with a bunch of friendly folks in Minneapolis/St. Paul,” he says. Another big highlight was when the three developers co-worked together at Jeremy’s home. Because we work remote at WDS, it’s always an enjoyable moment when teammates can spend time bonding in-person and working together.

Of course, no WordCamp would be complete without tacos.

WordCamps are a pretty big deal to us. We attend and speak at many. Find out which ones we’ll be at next by visiting the WDS Gives Back page.

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WebDevStudios (WDS) would like to proudly introduce you to BRAD. No, not Brad Williams, our CEO. We mean the WordPress plugin you didn’t even know you needed till now: Better Responsibility Around Discoverability, aka BRAD.

Developers Aaron Jorbin and Andrew Norcross created the BRAD plugin after our own Brad tweeted this:

I REALLY wish this was easier to spot on WordPress installs. So many sites are launching with privacy enabled https://t.co/X12J8tdYVy

— Brad Williams (@williamsba) July 13, 2017

Boom. Aaron and Andrew combined their talents and BRAD was born—their effort to prevent WordPress websites from accidentally excluding themselves from search engines. Learn more about how and why Aaron and Andrew developed the plugin at The Daily Jorbin.

When Brad innocently tweeted his dismay with sites launching with privacy enabled, he certainly didn’t expect to inspire the creation of a plugin, much less have one named after him.

“It’s funny because years ago Scott Basgaard and I worked on a patch for WordPress Core to make the Privacy Enabled option more obvious,” explains Brad. “It was eventually accepted into Core and looked great, but somewhere over the years, and many many releases since then, the notice was made less obvious again.” Sounds like BRAD is the solution to that.

Overall, Brad loves BRAD.

“Aaron and Andrew are both great guys, and amazing developers, so it was awesome to see them go from idea to release in less than 24 hours. You really do have to love the WordPress Community.”

But don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not as though having a WordPress plugin named after him has gone to Brad’s head. Okay. That’s a lie. Brad thinks he’s immortal now.

“I think I’m reaching Highlander status,” he declares. At the very least, Brad is grateful, and he plans to repay Aaron and Andrew through gifts of whisky and coffee.

“They know who gets what,” he says. Are you launching a new site and want to ensure that it’s not excluded from search engines? Download and install BRAD today. Use the link below.


Follow Aaron and Andrew on Twitter: @aaronjorbin and @norcross. Aside from installing BRAD, use the checklist below (created by WDS Lead Frontend Developer, Greg Rickaby) next time you launch a new website.

  • Turn off the “Block Robots” setting under Settings –> Reading
  • Check robots.txt to ensure it’s also not blocking robots
  • Manage redirects (old pages to new pages, and www -> non-www)
  • Make sure the SSL certificate is set up for both WWW and non-WWW
  • Make sure any Webhooks are set up (WooCommerce, Stripe, Gravity Forms, etc…) and pointing at the new URL
  • Optimize images
  • Check accessibility
    • Total Validator
    • WAVE extension
    • Screen Reader testing
  • Set your favicon
  • Run the site against: https://www.webpagetest.org/
  • Run the WordPress SEO (Yoast) Configuration wizard and input social media links, logos, and turn on Sitemap
  • Set up Google Analytics
  • Ensure that Website Feature Documentation is up-to-date
  • Create a screenshot for your theme
  • Set up your RSS Feed

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Preparing for Gutenberg

Preparing for Gutenberg

Your WordPress editor is about to get a makeover! While the details aren’t complete yet, we know that soon, the way we edit our content in WordPress is going to change. It’s called the Gutenberg Editor, and the time has come for you to prepare for it.

Typically when you log into your website, you go to a Post, Page, or other “thing” to add or edit text, images, and more. Central to your website experience is a the big blank Text Editor. Most of the stuff you want to show your users goes into this Text Editor. If your site has a bit more customization, you’ll have extra meta boxes to add extra bits of information and content. Whether it’s for SEO or linking to related resources, these meta boxes aren’t always displayed in the editor where they show up in your content. Heck, sometimes they don’t even show up in your content at all.

When you think about, it’s not the most intuitive way to deal with your content. How did we end up here? Years ago, the WordPress admin interface was revolutionary, if you wanted to publish and still own your content. Instead of having to learn HTML, you could simply enter a username/password, write, and show the world—totally friction-less. Just type, publish, and it went live.

As website complexity has grown and site owners have figured out how visitors use websites, our understanding of content has expanded well beyond just a wall of text and a picture. Content, these days, can be relationships to other posts and products, supporting images, sales pipelines, tutorials, forms, and a billion other things. Essentially, web publishing has outgrown the humble Text Editor view. WordPress agencies and plugin developers have been dealing with this by bolting on meta boxes as needed.

WordPress core developers see this Frankenstein approach as problematic. The solution is Gutenberg. Named after Johannes Gutenberg, who invented a printing press with movable type more than 500 years ago, the Gutenberg Editor is very much beta software. Each point (0.0.x) release of Gutenberg has significant changes and improvements over the previous, so it’s difficult at this point to see where it will end up. Because the developers are seeking active feedback, each update polishes the user experience a bit more. However, we’re still months from Gutenberg being part of WordPress core. So, expect many more changes before all the dust settles.

Gutenberg is an attempt to make the editing experience feel a bit more logical. This is accomplished by treating everything as a block. Ideally, this will make the task of creating content much more intuitive (and heck maybe even fun?). One of the biggest changes that hasn’t been accounted for in Gutenberg is what to do with all of the “legacy meta boxes.” In some cases, they’ll make sense as a block that is added to the content. But some meta isn’t necessarily something you’ll need to display. That kind of content doesn’t fit in the Gutenberg block model.

We expect Gutenberg will ship in WordPress 5.0. That’ll probably be in the second quarter of 2018. In the meantime, it will be important to stay on top of both WordPress core and plugin updates as some of the groundwork for dealing with Gutenberg will be laid before it’s available in the backend. Start thinking about the metadata you use in your posts. Unlike when Facebook changes the interface, WordPress is giving us a huge amount of notice. If you need help in either of these areas, reach out to experts at Maintainn. They’re actively preparing for Gutenberg and are fluent in all things WordPress.

Photo by Bruno Martins on Unsplash

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Yahoo! Search Testing Google Search Results

Search PandaMonium

A couple days ago Microsoft announced a deal with AOL to have AOL sell Microsoft display ads & for Bing to power AOL’s organic search results and paid search ads for a decade starting in January.

The search landscape is still undergoing changes.

I am uncertain to what degree they are testing search results from Google, but on some web browsers I am seeing Yahoo! organics and ads powered by Bing & in other browsers I am seeing Yahoo! organics and ads powered by Google. Here are a couple screenshots.

Bing Version

Google Version

Comparing The SERPs

Notable differences between the versions:

search provider Bing Google
top ad color purple blue
top ad favicon yes no
clickable ad area all headline
ad label right of each ad near URL once in gray above all ads
ad URL redirect r.msn.com google.com
ad units above organics 5 4
ad sitelinks many fewer
ad star rating color blue yellow
Yahoo! verticals like Tumblr & Answers mixed into organic results not mixed in
footer “powered by Bing” message shown missing

When the Google ads run on the Yahoo! SERPs for many keywords I am seeing many of the search arbitrage players in the top ads. Typically these ads are more commonly relegated to Google.com’s right rail ad positions.

The Google Yahoo! Search Backstory

Back in 2008 when Yahoo! was fighting to not get acquired they signed an ad agreement with Google, but it was blocked by the DOJ due to antitrust concerns. Unless Google loses Apple as a search partner, they are arguably more dominant today in general web search than they were back in 2008. Some have argued apps drastically change the way people search, but Google has went to great lengths to depreciate the roll of apps & suck people back into their search ecosystem with features baked into Google Now on tap & in-app keyword highlighting that can push a user from an app into a Google search result.

In Q4 last year Yahoo! replaced Google as the default search provider in Firefox in the United States.

And Yahoo! recently signed a deal with Oracle to bundle default Yahoo! Search settings on Java updates. Almost all the Bing network gains of late have been driven by Yahoo!.

A little over a year ago Yahoo! launched Gemini to begin rebuilding their own search ad network, starting with mobile. In their Q1 report, RKG stated “Among advertisers adopting Gemini, 36% of combined Bing and Yahoo mobile traffic was served by Yahoo in March 2015.”

When Yahoo! recently renewed their search deal with Microsoft, Yahoo! was once again allowed to sell their own desktop search ads & they are only required to give 51% of the search volume to Bing. There has been significant speculation as to what Yahoo! would do with the carve out. Would they build their own search technology? Would they outsource to Google to increase search ad revenues? It appears they are doing a bit of everything – some Bing ads, some Yahoo! ads, some Google ads.

Bing reports the relative share of Yahoo! search ad volume they deliver on a rolling basis: “data covers all device-types. The relative volume (y-axis) is an index based on average traffic in April, therefore it is possible for the volume to go above 1.0. The chart is updated on a weekly basis.”

If Yahoo! gives Google significant share it could create issues where users who switch between the different algorithms might get frustrated by the results being significantly different. Or if users don’t care it could prove general web search is so highly commoditized the average searcher is totally unaware of the changes. The latter is more likely, given most searchers can’t even distinguish between search ads and organic search results.

The FTC was lenient toward Google in spite of Google’s clearly articulated intent to abuse their dominant market position. Google has until August 17th to respond to EU antitrust charges. I am a bit surprised Google would be willing to run this type of test while still undergoing antitrust scrutiny in Europe.

Choosing to Choose Choice

When Mozilla signed the deal with Yahoo! & dumped Google they pushed it as “promoting choice.”

A cynic might question how much actual choice there is if on many searches the logo is different but the underlying ads & organic results are powered by Google, and an ex-Google executive runs Yahoo!.

“Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” – Henry Ford


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Collective #343



A Node queue API for generating PDFs using headless Chrome. Comes with a CLI, S3 storage and webhooks for notifying subscribers about generated PDFs. By Esben Petersen.

Check it out


Free Font: Interface

Interface is a typeface specially designed for user interfaces, with excellent legibility at small sizes.

Get it



A great library that enables you to compose and visualize points in spaces.

Check it out


Run multiple versions of Chrome side-by-side

Chrome Beta and Chrome Dev can now be installed on the same Windows computer as stable Chrome and run simultaneously, allowing developers to more easily test their site across multiple versions of Chrome.

Read it

Collective #343 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

The Resource You Need to Move Your Digital Business Forward

I love digital business. Nothing else can match it for the freedom, the flexibility, the ability to make a living while only occasionally putting pants on. But. Sadly, it just isn’t true that you can wave your hands around, say a few magic words, and turn the internet into your ATM. The internet has no

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12 Essential Scroll-To-View Animation Trends

Animated page elements are super common on landing pages and startup websites. But they’re not always talked about in design circles because the idea of “animate on view” isn’t covered a lot.

I use the phrase scroll-to-view because it seems like an accurate description. Basically as you scroll down the page new animated elements come into view.

It’s not a technique that works for every website but it does add a nice touch into certain layouts. And I’ve curated some of my favorites here to showcase how these scroll-to-view animations work and why you might try using them yourself.

1. Tomorrow Sleep

On the Tomorrow Sleep website you’ll notice a few fairly benign animated effects. These fade different pieces of text and CTAs into view all around the layout.

What’s interesting is how most of the images and background areas are fully visible even on first scroll. Many websites use fading animation to display images and screenshots while keeping the text visible.

This minor difference helps draw attention to the text as it fades into view. A great way to capture attention from visitors browsing along.

2. Twist

Another technique I often see is targeting most of the page’s content for on-scroll animations.

For example the Twist app homepage includes varying page segments and blocks of text that animate in & out of view on scroll. These have a very soft fading effect so they’re noticeable yet not too harsh.

Some visitors may be annoyed by the delay but I don’t think it’s too long. Plus it only animates one time so if you hit the bottom of the page all animations are done.

3. Yarn App

For much more complex animations check out the Yarn App lander. This one has multi-part animations and even elements that come into view from different angles.

Some of the screenshot demo images animate upwards while the accompanying text/BG patterns animate down into view. This alternating style is pretty unique and not something I see often.

However the landing page is also incredibly simple and there isn’t much else here to grab attention. In this case varying animations work nicely.

4. DashFlow

Out of all these examples I think DashFlow uses the most common animation techniques.

This lander animates images and text into view all in one sitting. It’s real simple and uses a single-column layout so all content flows straight down in a linear path.

Nothing inherently special about this design beyond the very clear-cut method of animating items on scroll. A great style if you have a similar website and want to keep the animations simple.

5. Quuu Promote

Quuu Promote keeps animations to the bare minimum and only uses them in CTA areas.

I can’t say if this increases conversions but that does seem to be the goal. When you first load the page the very top header animates into view with a tilting animation on the CTA.

As you scroll down you’ll notice the rest of the page is pretty static. But at the bottom there’s one final CTA above the footer that also animates & runs the same tilting animation.

Goes to show you can have on-scroll animation effects that don’t run across the entire page.

6. Qonto

The homepage for Qonto has an interesting take on scroll-to-view animation. It uses the same type of animation across the entire website and animates individual items into view from the side.

For the majority of the page this includes icon sections that have a small graphic above some content explaining the app’s features. Not too subtle yet not overly overt either.

Plus you can find a few other animation styles in the header along with some BG images that fade into view. This page is just a gorgeous example of what web animation can do.

7. Hike

For an example of subtle animations check out Hike.

Their page alternates between animated elements and fixed elements. But the animation effects are fast so you don’t feel annoyed waiting for viewable content.

This is my preference for any scroll-to-animation effect. It’s always a beautiful technique but the timing needs to be quick and to the point. Nobody wants to wait around for content to come into view and Hike clearly understands this.

8. Project Fi

If there’s anyone who knows great UX it’s Google. And across all their products they have a ton of landing pages, Project Fi being one example with some fantastic animations.

These only apply to icons and they don’t fade into view, but rather pop up from lower on the page. As you scroll you’ll find icons that slide up into view for each small section.

It’s a pretty subtle effect but it adds some life into the design. And it’s based solely on the viewer’s position on the page so if you scroll to the top & move back down you’ll be greeted by the same animation effects.

9. Base

The Base CRM homepage is an excellent example of simple animation at work. This site uses custom animation effects to move images up and into the viewer’s eye line.

Based on the number of landing pages I see daily this is very typical of what I expect. It’s not really a complex animation to recreate and it doesn’t affect the experience too much either.

One thing I wish is that the animations would load a bit faster. But beyond that I think this is a prime example of animating images on scroll with a very clean layout to boot.

10. AnyList

All the best mobile applications have their own websites for promotion. And the best ones usually have some pretty snazzy animation styles.

AnyList mixes a few different techniques together on one page. Their header image animates up from beneath the cut-off area but it’s the only “moving” animation on the page.

Everything else just fades into view and it all uses a pretty quick load time for the animation. These techniques are used elsewhere on the site which gives it a more cohesive feel.

11. Ernest

The page style for Ernest is a little different than other landing pages I’ve covered.

It uses parallax scrolling animations to create motion on a single page layout with different sections.

These vary based on the direction you’re scrolling whether you move up or down, and at what speed. They also vary with intensity based on the different sections of the page.

You can navigate using the side dot navigation menu and this quickly jumps around the page to different areas. It’s one of the few techniques you’ll often see on parallax pages and it certainly helps Ernest stand out from the crowd.

12. TaxiNet

To catch a glimpse of full-page animations in action take a look at the TaxiNet website.

It’s a smorgasbord of scroll-based animation effects tied to icons, text, images, and even background styles. Individual page background colors animate into view with the user, definitely not a typical technique but certainly an interesting one.

If you like this style you could absolutely apply a similar approach to your own landing page. Just make sure you keep the animations snappy and quick because nobody wants to wait around for your neat animations to load.

But if you do ‘em right these scroll-to-view elements add a nice effect to any landing page.

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6 Writing and Productivity Rituals from the Copyblogger Creative Team

I’ve said for a long time … writers are magicians. We make something out of nothing. We take syllables and turn them into dreams, sights, sounds. Calls to action and detailed plans for shenanigans. And as every magician knows, if you want to perform magic … you have to know a thing or two about

The post 6 Writing and Productivity Rituals from the Copyblogger Creative Team appeared first on Copyblogger.

Implementing Push Notifications: The Back End

In the first part of this series we set up the front end with a Service Worker, a `manifest.json` file, and initialized Firebase. Now we need to create our database and watcher functions.

Article Series:

  1. Setting Up & Firebase
  2. The Back End (You are here)

Creating a Database

Log into Firebase and click on Database in the navigation. Under Data you can manually add database references and see changes happen in real-time.

Make sure to adjust the rule set under Rules so you don't have to fiddle with authentication during testing.

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true

Watching Database Changes with Cloud Functions

Remember the purpose of all this is to send a push notification whenever you publish a new blog post. So we need a way to watch for database changes in those data branches where the posts are being saved to.

With Firebase Cloud Functions we can automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features.

Set up and initialize Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions

To start creating these functions we need to install the Firebase CLI. It requires Node v6.11.1 or later.

npm i firebase-tools -g

To initialize a project:

  1. Run firebase login
  2. Authenticate yourself
  3. Go to your project directory
  4. Run firebase init functions

A new folder called `functions` has been created. In there we have an `index.js` file in which we define our new functions.

Import the required Modules

We need to import the Cloud Functions and Admin SDK modules in `index.js` and initialize them.

const admin     = require('firebase-admin'),
      functions = require('firebase-function')


The Firebase CLI will automatically install these dependencies. If you wish to add your own, modify the `package.json`, run npm install, and require them as you normally would.

Set up the Watcher

We target the database and create a reference we want to watch. In our case, we save to a posts branch which holds post IDs. Whenever a new post ID is added or deleted, we can react to that.

exports.sendPostNotification = functions.database.ref('/posts/{postID}').onWrite(event => {
  // react to changes    

The name of the export, sendPostNotification, is for distinguishing all your functions in the Firebase backend.

All other code examples will happen inside the onWrite function.

Check for Post Deletion

If a post is deleted, we probably shouldn't send a push notification. So we log a message and exit the function. The logs can be found in the Firebase Console under Functions → Logs.

First, we get the post ID and check if a title is present. If it is not, the post has been deleted.

const postID    = event.params.postID,
      postTitle = event.data.val()

if (!postTitle) return console.log(`Post ${postID} deleted.`)

Get Devices to show Notifications to

In the last article we saved a device token in the updateSubscriptionOnServer function to the database in a branch called device_ids. Now we need to retrieve these tokens to be able to send messages to them. We receive so called snapshots which are basically data references containing the token.

If no snapshot and therefore no device token could be retrieved, log a message and exit the function since we don't have anybody to send a push notification to.

const getDeviceTokensPromise = admin.database()
  .then(snapshots => {

      if (!snapshots) return console.log('No devices to send to.')

      // work with snapshots  

Create the Notification Message

If snapshots are available, we need to loop over them and run a function for each of them which finally sends the notification. But first, we need to populate it with a title, body, and an icon.

const payload = {
  notification: {
    title: `New Article: ${postTitle}`,
    body: 'Click to read article.',
    icon: 'https://mydomain.com/push-icon.png'

snapshots.forEach(childSnapshot => {
  const token = childSnapshot.val()

  admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token, payload).then(response => {
    // handle response

Handle Send Response

In case we fail to send or a token got invalid, we can remove it and log out a message.

response.results.forEach(result => {
  const error = result.error

  if (error) {
    console.error('Failed delivery to', token, error)

  if (error.code === 'messaging/invalid-registration-token' ||
      error.code === 'messaging/registration-token-not-registered') {

      console.info('Was removed:', token)

  } else {
    console.info('Notification sent to', token)


Deploy Firebase Functions

To upload your `index.js` to the cloud, we run the following command.

firebase deploy --only functions


Now when you add a new post, the subscribed users will receive a push notification to lead them back to your blog.

GitHub Repo Demo Site

Article Series:

  1. Setting Up & Firebase
  2. The Back End (You are here)

Implementing Push Notifications: The Back End is a post from CSS-Tricks