Blog Promotion Strategies: How to Think Outside the Square

It’s day three of our thirty one day challenge!

How are you feeling? Pumped? Motivated? Ready to shake up your blog and your routine during these 31 days?

We’ve already covered nailing your elevator pitch and how to create a super-shareable list post, and today it’s all about getting yourself off your blog to promote it and find some readers.

Build it and they will come“, you think? That is really not the case with blogging.

You need to put your blog where people will read it. In today’s podcast we discuss doing just that – how, where, and why to promote your blog with the maximum chances of it being seen. You have to get off your blog to get your blog read!

In todays episode there are tips on where to go to share your posts, how to build reader profiles (and why you need them), and how to figure out where those ideal readers are. Then we go through what to give those readers when you finally catch their attention – are you worthy of being found? How are you being useful? What kind of content are you creating?

Where are those potential readers?

The internet is vast, and while we immediately think of social media as the first place to share content, it isn’t always the only place.

In this episode we talk about developing editorial schedules for social media, but we also go beyond that, into the realm of guest posts, forums and other forgotten places to be seen.

We’re going to encourage you today to get off your blog and put yourself out there. Take today’s challenge and choose a certain post to share. All it takes is a little of your time and some creative thinking.

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Click here to listen to day three of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog series on the ProBlogger Podcast. 

Let us know how you go with today’s challenge on twitter – just tag @ProBlogger and head to todays show notes to leave a comment.

Further Reading:

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher to get updates of new episodes.

Blog Promotion Strategies: How to Think Outside the Square
@ProBlogger » 31 Days to Building a Better Blog
Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging – ProBlogger

How to Create Blog Posts That People Remember

Getting people to return to your blog

While traffic to a blog is usually top of mind for a blogger, the real gold is when you create recurring traffic from loyal and engaged fans. It’s all very well and good to have lots of numbers in your stats, but if nobody is interacting or sticking around, it actually doesn’t get you very far at all.

With this end goal in mind, you’ll find that it’s creating content that creates memories in your audience that’s important. And it’s important for a few reasons – your content becomes your brand, it’s what you become known for, and it’s what others tell about you when they share your content or your blog with their friends and family.

I find that when I go to conferences and blogging events, there is always someone who will come up and tell me about a piece of content I shared that resonated with them. It means that I’ve made a connection in some way, a left a lasting impression on a reader who has carried that impression with them as the kind of blog I have and the kind of content I provide.

In today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, I want to talk about all the ways you can make this kind of impression on the people who come to your blog. Whether they’ve searched for key terms, found you on Pinterest, were recommended your post by a friend, it doesn’t matter. What you want is for them to hang around.

The posts that people come up to me at conferences and remind me about are:
  • story posts
  • playful posts
  • emotive posts
  • inspirational posts
  • opinion pieces
  • personal posts
  • vulnerable posts

The times when I’ve opened up and shared something are usually the times when it strikes a chord in the reader and they feel as though they’re not alone.

The impact of most of these kinds of posts is that they hit the heart, not just the head. It makes the reader feel something, and you’ve succeeded in making a connection. It makes you human. It makes you relatable.

This is what people remember.

You can find today’s show notes on, and I’d love to hear – what posts do people remember on your blog? What have you written or shared that has struck a chord?


Further Reading:

  • Why My First Blog Failed … and What You Can Learn from My Mistakes
  • Hey Bloggers! Is it Time to Focus a little Less on Your Blog and A Little More on YOU?
  • ProBlogger Podcast 39: What is Your Why?
  • How to Write in a More Personal and Engaging Tone
  • ProBlogger Podcast: Turn Blog Surfers into Loyal Readers by Building a Sticky Blog

The post How to Create Blog Posts That People Remember appeared first on ProBlogger.

How to Create Blog Posts That People Remember
Blog Promotion – ProBlogger
Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging – ProBlogger

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The Foundational Elements of Profitable Online Courses

After ebooks, online courses are one of the most popular business models for digital entrepreneurs. The tech is easier to put together than ever. Audiences know that online courses are valuable and have shown they’re willing to pay. And courses are a natural showcase for the authority you build as you develop great content for

The post The Foundational Elements of Profitable Online Courses appeared first on Copyblogger.