Chasing Shadows

Chasing shadows

From the moment we can, until our moments are no more, we’re forever chasing shadows.

As children, we chase the shadow of ourselves that the streetlight throws in front of us.

As teenagers, we chase the impossible date with the most popular boy or girl.

As adults, we chase the dream job that never happens, or the pot of gold we never reach.

We know – subconsciously or otherwise – that some shadows can never be caught, and yet we chase them anyway.

And the damage is catastrophic.

People chase after opportunities around the world and watch marriages collapse because of it.

People chase popularity online and see children forget who they are.

The damage gets done; and yet still we chase the elusive shadows.

Some shadows we catch, and it makes the chase worthwhile.

But for how long? The make-up of a shadow means it’s always on the move – can we afford to always be on the move too?

We all make choices every day. Some have a clear outcome, some don’t.

The clear ones may not be the most rewarding financially, but money never cured a broken soul.

The non-clear ones live in the shadows, and the thrill of the chase appears again.

Some of us succumb; some step away and accept the futility of chasing that particular shadow.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with chasing shadows; there is something inherently wrong chasing futile shadows.

Alfred A. Montapert once said,

Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.

Our shadows are our choices. Our consequences are the future and the past of these choices.

Make sure you’re choosing wisely.

The post Chasing Shadows appeared first on Danny Brown – all rights reserved.

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