How to Build A Culture of Community on Your Blog

How to Build A Culture of Community on Your Blog

If you were listening to the episode 60 of the ProBlogger podcast, you would have heard me talking about why I think it’s so vital that bloggers create a culture of community on their blog to help deepen relationships with their readers and to drive engagement. I also promised a follow-up podcast on how to do just that!

Today’s episode is part two of building a culture of community and I wanted to talk about the strategy of how to create an atmosphere of belonging, what you should aim for, and how to go above and beyond just encouraging engagement, but to foster a sense of ownership and even collaboration with your readers.

There are 7 ways I think are useful in creating a culture of community to help your blog come alive. As i mentioned in the last podcast, there’s no real way to have it happen overnight, it just takes time as you build trust with your readers. These seven steps will help you on your journey though, so grab a pen and take some notes!

You can find the show notes of episode 61 here, and as always, I welcome your feedback on the podcast in the comment section. What have you done to create a culture of community on your own blog?

Further Reading:

  • You’ve Got Readers To Your Blog – This is How You Keep Them There
  • The ProBlogger Podcast How-To: Leave Comments on Blogs
  • 5 Ways to Ramp Up Comments on Your Blog
  • ProBlogger Podcast: Turn Blog Surfers into Loyal Readers by Building a Sticky Blog
  • Facebook Theme Week: Case Studies of Popular Pages (and What They’re Doing to Get Great Engagement)

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How to Build A Culture of Community on Your Blog
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