LinkedIn’s First TV Ad to Debut During Oscars

The 88th Annual Academy Awards Sunday night will welcome an interesting first-time television advertiser: LinkedIn.

The ad (embedded below), voiced over by LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner, states that 3 million LinkedIn members were qualified to be NASA astronauts, and LinkedIn said in an email to SocialTimes that it arrived at that figure by analyzing its membership last year, when NASA sought its help in filling that very position.

“You’re Closer Than You Think”—a partnership between LinkedIn’s in-house creative studio and BBDO San Francisco, its newest agency partner, with ad placement handled by Spark Media—will debut during the Oscars Sunday night, with a print ad to follow in The New York Times Monday.

LinkedIn said placements in the weeks following the Oscars may include Jimmy Kimmel’s post-Oscar special, Shark Tank, Fresh Off the Boat and The Family.

The company added in an email to SocialTimes:

Everything that LinkedIn does is rooted in its vision to create economic opportunity for the global workforce. This means helping members find jobs, learn from influential people in their industry, build their professional brand and connect to people who can make a difference in their path. This also influences the way LinkedIn builds products, curates content and who and what it promotes, etc. This ad is an extension of the greater sentiment.

Readers: What do you think of LinkedIn’s first TV spot, “You’re Closer Than You Think?”

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From Insights to Impact: Driving Value with Analytics

At eTail West this week we were thrilled to give a joint presentation with Chris Duncan, VP of Strategic Marketing for Kohl’s, a $19B+ retailer making big strides in omni-channel analytics.  Casey Carey, Head of Marketing for Google Analytics, kicked off the presentation with highlights from our new report with Harvard Business Review.  Following Casey’s introduction, Chris gave the audience a glimpse into the Kohl’s Greatness Agenda, launched in 2014 with the goal of becoming “the most engaging retailer in America.”

Kohl’s has seen the growing effect of micro-moments on their business in recent years and has used measurement and analytics to gain key insights:

  • They had more visits on digital devices last year than in all stores combined.
  • Most of their sales are driven by people who have engaged with more than one marketing channel.
  • Customers who engage online are spending more in-store.

Kohl’s has taken action, finding better ways to engage consumers across channels.  They combined direct mail with digital display to make their direct mail dollars go further, they blended email marketing with social media to increase app downloads by 180%, and they got hyper-local with digital display and paid search.  In other words, they used their insights to drive action.

The Google Analytics team is all about turning insights into action, which is why we commissioned a study with Harvard Business Review—we wanted to understand how great companies are using insights to drive customer value.  The findings are compelling:  some companies who capture the full customer journey with integrated data are generating up to 8.5x higher shareholder value.

We invite you to read the full report to learn how great companies like Kohl’s are analyzing and acting to create value for their customers and for themselves.

Posted by:  Jocelyn Whittenburg, Product Marketing Manager

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How to Decide What Marketing Metrics to Track and Report

Yesterday I was at a marketing event and the topic of metrics came up. That’s not a huge surprise, as modern marketers continue to be concerned with justifying their activities with the right metrics of success. This was actually a vendor presentation, but it was an intimate enough group that the presenter not only was willing to entertain the question in the middle of his presentation, but he turned to the attendees for responses. The initial question was how do you know what metrics to track.

I jumped at the chance to respond. I didn’t literally jump out of my chair, but my hand shot up so I could take a crack at it. As I started answering her question, I almost felt the need to go to the front of the room, or at least stand up, but I kept my seat. Over the course of the presentation there were a few more questions about metrics. Here are some of the things that I said.

The first thing that you have to concern yourself with are what metrics are important to your executives and the rest of the organization. These are the metrics that track to business goals. Marketing qualified leads, sales qualified leads and even sales are the most common things to align with. Also consider customer service or customer satisfaction goals. Focus on what is important to your company, and not what some blog post says. We try to provide some best practices and to guide you in your strategic thinking, not presume what will work for your company.

For example, social media metrics like followers, likes, and comments are important to track within the team that is doing it. You need to understand the health of your social media channels through its growth and engagement, but those are not metrics to report up your management chain. The same is true for blog page views and visitors.

This really gets at the distinction between what metrics are worth tracking and what metrics are worth reporting. With more and more data points available to marketers, you really need to focus on the metrics you can control. If you are spending time tracking things that you cannot influence in any way, that is not worth tracking.

Another attendee at the event mentioned that if you send monthly reports around and no one opens them, then you should stop sending them. Again, don’t waste your time on something that has no impact. If nobody cares, why should you. Track them in spreadsheet if it is something that helps the day-to-day, but don’t waste time on the powerpoint.

And about that powerpoint. If all you are doing is pulling charts and graphs from a marketing tool, you are not doing anyone any good. This is just metrics eye candy. Even if you call it a dashboard, the real value comes from the insights and analysis you apply to the numbers and the trends. How does this impact your business? If you are trying to drive leads, but they are not happening from your blog, try to figure out why that is. 

Is it the topic or the offer itself? Are other channels have success with the offer? Are there things about your audience that are not a good fit with the offer? Do you have a good baseline to understand the difference between good and bad performance?

It really all comes down to understanding your own organization, tracking what helps you do your job, and providing analysis in your reporting about company-wide metrics.

Many sales-driven organizations focus on driving leads as a leading indicator of their sales pipeline. Learn how marketing automation can help you get started tracking those leads through your funnel by downloading Marketing Automation Simplified.

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How and Why To Set Your Site Up for Google’s Rich Answers

Google Search

There’s a huge new thing evolving in the search results. I’m sure you’ve already seen them. Maybe you’ve noticed more of them recently, too. I’m talking about rich answers.

Rich answers are not like other search results. They play by different rules, affect other rankings, and offer a major new opportunity for SEOs who know how to use them.

What’s a “rich answer”?

A “rich answer” is any attempt by Google to answer the searcher’s query in search results in a way not requiring a click through to a website.

            – Eric Enge, CEO of Stone Temple Consulting

What do rich answers look like?

Rich answers come in many forms. They can be recipes, sports scores, stock graphs, calculators, sliders, text-based answers, numbered step-by-step directions, maps, and much more. Most of them fall into one of three broad categories:

  1. Answers provided by Google: These are shown at the top of web search results, and are often public domain information.
calories in banana

2. Basic Snippets: These are often shown within the regular web search results. Note that this one is 226 characters and spaces, well beyond the 155 recommended for a meta description.

basic snippets

3. Featured Snippets: These are results extracted by Google from third-party websites and shown at the top of the web search results.

Featured Snippets

Rich answers are taking over the search engine results pages (SERPs)

Google is adding more rich answers to the search results every month. Here’s how the percentage of rich answers has risen between two studies Stone Temple did last year:


Should site owners worry about rich answers?

No. Rich answers are a threat only if you’ve built your website with public domain information. That’s because Google seems to prefer indexing and formatting public domain content into rich answers, and they don’t have to include a link to any site if they use public domain data.

This form-style rich answer is an example of public domain data:

Public Domain Example

If you’re a company that Google has chosen for rich answers, it might seem like Google is trying to “steal” content from your site and show it to their searchers without sending any traffic to your site, but that’s not true. You do sometimes get a link; searchers just don’t need to click your link to get the answer they want.

increase credit score

But the real pay-off is that being picked out this way says your information has been chosen as the best. And the positioning on the page helps your brand look authoritative and trustworthy. It’s publicity you can’t buy, which is why it’s so valuable.

Part of Stone Temple’s research on rich answers included two case studies about how rich answers affected different sites. The two sites they studied saw an increase in traffic after their content was included in a rich answer.

Does your site need high authority to get its content used for a rich answer?

No. As Enge says, “54% of the domains we found Google using had a [Moz] domain authority of 60 or less. And we even found some domains with a domain authority of less than 20 that Google used for rich answers. We don’t believe that there’s any connection between authority and getting the rich answer. We believe it’s all about an information quality analysis that Google does. And that’s the key to this.”

Stone Temple Consulting looked at over 800,000 sites that had had their content made into rich answers. Many of them had surprisingly low domain authority.

This is possibility the biggest story around rich answers. It means sites that would probably never make the top of the search results can now rank … if they can get their content used as a rich answer.

Rich answers make SEO even more of a winner-take-all game (on a single page). 

You’ve probably seen this chart or one like it before:

dvanced Web Ranking’s Google Organic CTR Study 2014
Chart from Advanced Web Ranking’s Google Organic CTR Study 2014.

It shows how pages in the first position of search results get twice as many clicks as the second position. And the second position gets a higher click-through rate than the page ranked third, and so on.

This pattern applies to rich answers, too – only more so. Because rich answers are set apart, and because they push other search results lower on the page, rich answers typically get an even larger percentage of overall clicks than the page in first position gets in regular results. So instead of the page in first position getting 30% of clicks, a rich answer might get 40-50% or more of clicks.

User engagement matters – a lot

Google often tests rich answers from different sites. It appears they rotate different content to see how well searchers like it. This is, of course, exactly what they do with regular search results all the time.

What does this mean for marketers? That the content/landing pages on your site (the page the rich answer links to) need to have high engagement metrics. So format your content well, add images and videos and other content formats. Consider a quiz. Once you get your content into a prized rich answer slot, do everything you can to keep those visitors happy.

How to get your content indexed as a rich answer

There’s no guaranteed way – right now – to get your content featured in a rich answer. That said, there are things you can do to improve your odds:

1. Create a list of the most common questions people ask in your industry or niche.

This might be a good time to check the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to see how many search phrases are also questions in your niche. If you’ve got Google Site Search set up on your site, that’s another source of information about what people are asking about. Q&A sites like Quora and Yahoo Answers also might be helpful for finding common questions.

Be sure to use the words searchers use, not industry jargon… unless industry jargon is included in the typical question being searched.

2. Pay particular attention to questions that show up in autofill.

Here’s an example of autofill in action:

Autofill Phrases

When I checked those search options, six out of eight of them had a rich answer. So if there are any questions that apply to your business, industry or niche that appear in autofill, you might want to try making a rich answer page for them. Especially if there isn’t a rich answer for them yet.

3. Create content that specifically – and succinctly – answers those questions.

One question per page. Where you can, use step-by step-answer formats, like these step-by-step instructions for boiling an egg.


Above all: keep it short and sweet. I checked ten different “how to” style rich answers for word counts and character counts. The average word count was 54. The average character count was 288.

How Queries

Of course that’s just for one type of rich answer – if you want to get listed for a rich answer that’s a figure or number, those word and character averages won’t apply.

4. Use keywords in those short answers.

This is not too surprising… but I noticed many of the rich answers had a hearty dose of keywords sprinkled in. In typical Google search results style, the keywords were in bold. That makes them even more likely to attract people’s attention.

I copied a bunch of text-based rich answers into a Word doc. A few of them are below. You can see how often the keywords appear. I think most of us would have automatically sprinkled relevant keywords into the answers, but here’s confirmation it is indeed a good idea.

Rich Answer Keywords

5. Mark up the question you want to answer with <h1> tags.

Here’s another example of a simple rich answer:

simple rich answer

Here’s the HTML code that creates the page that rich answer drew its content from. Notice the <H1> tag.


I did a “view source” on over 20 pages that had generated rich answers. In almost every case, the question was within <H1> tags. And the answer was within <p> paragraph tags (except for rich answers with step by step instructions). 

The interesting thing here is that no schema markup appears to be required. That’s according to the research done by Stone Temple. It also mirrors what I found when I looked at the code of pages used for rich answers.

For step by step instructions, use <li> tags. I didn’t come across one step-by-step instruction that wasn’t coded with <li> tags. 

6. Add supplemental information to each page with the rich answer content.

Here’s your opportunity to go into more detail. People almost always have follow-up questions or related questions. Answer those lower down on the page. For my (extremely small) sample group of content pages that generated rich answers, the average word count was 1,658.

There’s an app for that 

If all these changes and new opportunities weren’t enough, Google has another new angle on this for you. An app. An entire app of rich answers.

This may reveal Google’s vision for rich answers. They’re not just mobile friendly – they’re mobile native. Mobile is in their DNA.

Rich answers are just the kind of short definitive answers mobile users want. And, as you know (because I am a broken record about this) mobile usage now exceeds desktop usage.

Rich answers may just be Google’s way of moving desktop-based information to a mobile platform. That’s where the users are.

Rich Answers App


Rich answers appear to be something Google is committed to. At the rate they are adding them to search query results, we could see half of our question-based queries returning a rich answer by summer of this year.

If you can get your rich answer to show up, you’re likely to see a significant spike in traffic. But because these rich answer boxes do so well, if you’ve been ranking well in the organic listings – in position 1, 2 or 3 – but you don’t get your page into a rich answer, you’ll probably see a drop off in traffic. Even if your page holds its place in the SERPS. We’ve seen this with other search widgets Google adds, like local carousels, ads, and news.

According to Eric Enge, it looks like Google is testing out a new algorithm with rich answers. An algorithm that is independent of links and other site or page-based ranking signals. Rich answers appear to show only according to content value. So we’ve got a potential new algorithm here. It’s solely focused on content quality, to the exclusion of other ranking signals. If that’s true, it’s a big deal.

Finally, rich answers present a terrific opportunity for smaller, newer, less authoritative sites. Google will show a rich answer from a page with relatively low authority – a page that often would not appear in the regular SERPs. That’s another very big change. But it’s just one of many.

Back to you

Is any of your content appearing in rich answers? Are you reformatting your content or creating new content in hopes of getting it into a rich answer? Tell us about it in the comments.

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How I Brought My Blog Back to Life with Tumblr

This guest post is by David Edwards of

Over the past few years I’ve had success with guest posting and uploading videos on YouTube, but the one thing I’ve struggled with was my blog. There were two reasons:

  1. Illustrations are very time consuming to make.
  2. Thinking what to write used to stress me out!

I’m not sure about you but I totally failed at blogging, I set a plan to produce a fresh post every Friday and before I knew it the next Friday was here already and I had nothing to publish! There are many minefields online when you’re using images and text content, and when I was blogging, I started to drift away from the main theme.

A lot of new bloggers could probably relate to this. When you start a blog, you end up trying to find out how to rank on Google, gain traffic, and so on. That leads you to websites like, and you read them so much that you start to talk about their subjects on your blog. Why would a designer want to know about pay per click on my blog? He can come here for that!

tumblrA few months back I looked at my blog and I didn’t like what I had published. I made a quick decision to convert it into a squeeze page and build an email list. Then, instead of blogging, I’d send the occasional newsletter.

It worked, but the traffic and community around the website lost its buzz. Back when I was publishing every Friday I did start to see that day was popular in terms of traffic stats, so I was getting that weekly return traffic. I knew that I had to get some more momentum on the website if I were to launch a series of products. The solution was Tumblr.

Why Tumblr works for lazy people

On joining Tumblr, you instantly become a member of a vast community of very creative people. You can select your favorite topics and hunt through fresh, quality posts. Within minutes I managed to follow 100 top bloggers and the five topics that I wanted to keep “A Sitting Duck” based around:

  • art
  • comics
  • design
  • gaming
  • illustration

Once you have logged in, set your tags, and started following some relevant people, the dashboard shows you posts on your subject, and basically helps you become a curator for your niche! Through the re-blog feature, you can publish other people’s hard work straight to your blog instantly. They get exposure from their work being shared, and you have something for your regular visitors to look at. It’s a win/win situation.

I’ll continue to publish drawings and ideas, but the main benefit of Tumblr is that I always have the backup of the reblog feature, which makes blogging fun again, and a stress-free experience.

I’ve already started to see my traffic climb again and people are keen to see fresh blog posts, which is a huge boost!

Why reblog?

Tumblr has a one-touch button that lets all members instantly reblog a post from another publisher on the platform. I’ve seen posts that have been reblogged over 50,000 times in a day! Reblog is kind of like Twitter’s retweet function, only that it seems more permanent, as the post is actually published on the domains of bloggers who have reblogged it.

As a character designer myself, many people ask me if I’m afraid of letting my ideas getting stolen. As far as I’m concerned, you’re better off having people see your work and share it than hide it in a sketchbook. It’s always best to get copyright advice first, but I think you need to get your stuff out there to build an audience!

Tumblr: a good choice for relaunch

The best part about my relaunch is that I’ve owned my domain for over three years now, and I’ve built up stacks of great links. Relaunching the blog has given all my metrics a kick, and I’ve joined a community which has over 30 million members, so the opportunity to grow my audience is huge.

Is your blog going off track or dead? Would you rather become a curator for your site and keep the momentum going than leave it to stagnate? As always I look forward to your comments.

David Edwards is the founder of and today has released a brand new video on YouTube called “Milkshake Cat”.

The post How I Brought My Blog Back to Life with Tumblr appeared first on ProBlogger.

How I Brought My Blog Back to Life with Tumblr
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