2015: The Year of Video Marketing (Infographic)

2015 brought a large scale expansion to the already popular online video space: Everyone from content marketers, to internet users, and social networks have jumped on the video bandwagon. An infographic from business software solutions provider Orchestrate explores the impact of video this year, and the potential implications for next year.

The infographic dubs 2015 the year of video marketing, and with good reason. Orchestrate points out that 70 percent of B2B marketers said video can engage and convert online audiences, and 87 percent of online marketers are currently using video content. A wise move when 85 percent of U.S. internet audience watches online video.

This consumer demand for video is particularly helpful to a marketing campaign during the customer journey. According to the infographic, 46 percent of viewers take action after watching a video, 96 percent of them click links after watching video content, and 64 percent of them buy products from a site after watching related video content.

The future for online video looks bright. Predictions for 2016 estimate online video users at 1.5 billion globally, and by 2017 69 percent of all consumer internet traffic will be video related.

For more details on user recall after watching video, check out the infographic below.


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