9 Step Social Media Audit for Improving LinkedIn Business Page Results

LinkedIn Company Page

It’s undeniable that LinkedIn is leading the pack for professional social networks. In fact, more than half of all of the business in the world have created a business page on LinkedIn. With over 4 million business pages on LinkedIn, the competition for the attention of potential clients and job seekers is at an all-time high.

One way to take a critical look at your LinkedIn business page is to conduct a social media audit and identify areas for improvement. Understanding the elements that will help you build trust with your audience and provide a seamless brand experience for visitors navigating between your website and LinkedIn business page are incredibly important in creating a cohesive strategy.

If you know that your LinkedIn Business Page could be better, but you don’t know where to start, this guide is for you. The social media audit below identifies nine important elements of LinkedIn business profiles that can be improved in order to get more engagement from your audience, and referral traffic back to your website. Ready to see how many of these items you’re executing successfully and how many are an opportunity for improvement?

9 Step LinkedIn Company Page Audit

#1 – Identify the Right Content Mix
“Content mix” refers to the different types of content posted on your LinkedIn Company page. The first step is to analyze what types of content are published to your business page on a regular basis.

Content types can include:

  • Promotional content
  • Industry news
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Links to helpful articles

Ideally, all of these content types should be present in your content mix. Posting only one or two types of content will bore your audience. Engage your audience by posting a variety of content to your LinkedIn business page. Don’t forget to include visual content in your mix: posting images on LinkedIn can increase engagement and comments by as much as  98%!

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#2 – Establish a Cadence
How often does your brand post on LinkedIn? Are your updates posted regularly, or do days or weeks pass by with no updates? Aim to post at least one message a day on your LinkedIn business page in order to begin engaging your audience and create the expectation that visitors can discover new content on a daily basis. Posting intermittently can cause visitors to think that your LinkedIn page is unmaintained or out of date.

#3 – Post at Optimal Times of Day
Now that you know how often you’re posting, consider what time of day updates are typically posted. Do you use a social media management tool to schedule updates at specific times, or do you post updates whenever you can find the time? Scheduling your updates to post at a time of day when the majority of your followers are on LinkedIn is a great way to increase engagement with your content.

According to Fannit, the best times to post updates on LinkedIn are between 7-8 am and 5-6 pm. That’s because many LinkedIn users check their profile at the beginning or end of their work day. 

Image courtesy of QuickSprout

Image courtesy of QuickSprout

#4 – Create Consistency with Your Company Name
This seems like an easy one, but it can have a huge impact on how visitors find and perceive your LinkedIn Company page. First, search for your company’s name on LinkedIn. How many results appear? Some brands have multiple pages on LinkedIn, which can make it very difficult for visitors to know which page is the “correct” LinkedIn business page to visit. If your brand has multiple LinkedIn business pages, consider consolidating into one just one page. If your brand has multiple markets, products, or business units, create showcase pages to speak to those different segments.

Finally, ensure that the spelling on your LinkedIn business page matches the branding on your website. This will provide a consistent experience for visitors, and help them understand that this page is the “official” LinkedIn page for your brand.

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#5 – Find the Perfect Profile Picture
Take a critical look at the profile picture on your LinkedIn company page. It should be a clear, well-cropped image that showcases what your brand is all about. What’s most important is to ensure that your audience can easily recognize the profile image. Most companies opt to use the brand logo for their LinkedIn profile. This is a great way to improve brand recognition.

The image should be high resolution, and perfectly cropped. Grainy, off-centered images may give your business page an unprofessional or sloppy appearance. The size of LinkedIn profile pictures is 50×50 pixels.

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#6 – Use a Banner Image to Create Continuity
The banner image should in some way indicate what your company does. If you work for a healthcare organization, an image of a hospital may be appropriate. They say that one image is worth 1,000 words, so use an image that speaks to your company’s area of expertise. Create a custom image that overlays text over an image in order to include a message, or information about your brand in the banner image. LinkedIn banner images should be a minimum of 646×220  .

Consider changing the banner image on your LinkedIn business page on a quarterly basis to give your page a fresh, updated appearance. The banner image may correspond to a season, event, or important product offering.

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#7 – Provide a Detailed Description
Use the description section of your profile to explain what your company does. Avoid vague, industry jargon in favor of precise language and keywords that explain how your company provides value to your customers. Don’t forget that LinkedIn business page descriptions are crawled by Google, which means that you should include keywords in the description section. You should also fill out the sections provided for specialties, website, industry, type of business, address, and company size.

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#8 – Include a URL in the First Sentence of the Description
When you visit LinkedIn company pages, you’ll notice that only the first one or two sentences of the description appear, unless you click “see more.” If you’d like to drive more referral traffic to your website, either include your brand’s URL in the first sentence of the description, or keep the description short enough that visitors won’t have to click “see more” to find your website URL .

#9 – Dive Into LinkedIn Analytics
LinkedIn business page administrators should take advantage of the data collected within LinkedIn analytics. Get insight into which updates are performing best by viewing impression, click, and engagement metrics for each update. You can also see how much reach and engagement your updates receive over time. LinkedIn’s unique demographic data can show you what industries your fans and visitors are from, what their job functions are, what their seniority level is, and what size company they work for. This information can help you understand more about your audience, and their interests.

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Know When to Call in the Professionals

If you’re overwhelmed by how much time and effort it takes to conduct a social media audit, or to optimize your LinkedIn company page, it may be a sign that it’s time to call in the reinforcements. Do you feel that your LinkedIn company page could be better, but don’t have the time it takes to update and maintain it? Do you crave more expert insights and tips for improving your brand’s social media profiles? Contact TopRank Online Marketing to learn more about our social media audit services .

What are some examples of LinkedIn Company Profiles that you think are well optimized and have followed the checklist above?

Disclosure: LinkedIn, Innovatech and Uponor are all TopRank Online Marketing clients.

Header Image: Shutterstock

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9 Step Social Media Audit for Improving LinkedIn Business Page Results | http://www.toprankblog.com

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#CMWorld Infographic: 12 Marketing Box-Office Titans Share Tips For Creating Blockbuster Content Marketing

Content Marketing World Infographic Header

There’s a special kind of magic to behind-the-scenes photos from movie sets. You can see how a team of special effects wizards transforms a toy model into a spaceship hurtling towards an alien planet, or a lifeless doll into a skyscraper-climbing giant gorilla. Knowing how the trick is done somehow makes the finished product even more satisfying. That’s especially true if you’re a kid with a camera trying to bring your own dreams to the silver screen.

In the newest eBook series co-produced by TopRank Marketing and Content Marketing Institute, we asked content marketing wizards to take us behind-the-scenes and show us how they make their own brand of magic. Their advice is inspiring to anyone who wants to create great content that connects with an audience.

The infographic below contains content marketing tips from the entire eBook triple feature and features 12 of the speakers from the upcoming Content Marketing World conference. Let their expert advice inspire you to create your own blockbuster content marketing.

Here are some tweetable takeaways from the infographic:

Sarah C- 062815
Sarah Compagnoni: “Great content marketing strategy starts well before anyone clicks a link.” @SarahCompagnoni tweet this

j moat
James Moat: “The power of employees generating & sharing content is a greatly undervalued strategy.” @digecomm tweet this

b clark
Brian Clark:
“Put yourself in the customers’ shoes to experience the content marketing journey from their perspective.” @brianclark tweet this

cleve g
Cleve Gibbon: “
Be clear on what you need to say & why it’s relevant to your audience at that point in their lives.” @cleveg tweet this

a handley 62815
Ann Handley:
“Your story is the thing that sets your content marketing apart. What’s your story? And how do you tell it?” @annhandley tweet this

j rohrs 62815
Jeffrey Rohrs:
“Scene stealing content marketing is sales activated, marketing promoted, optimized & reported.” @jkrohrs tweet this

a higgins 62815
Amy Higgings:
“Before publishing content, follow a launch plan checklist to make sure you haven’t left out steps.” @amywhiggins tweet this

k wincko 62815
Ken Wincko:
“Successful content needs to be the 3 C’s: Credible, Compelling, & Consistent.” @KenWincko tweet this

Lee Odden:
“For content marketing success, make all content accountable & measurable to attract, engage, & convert.” @leeodden tweet this

Todd Wheatland:
“Link content marketing strategy to results by using a repeatable process & collecting the measurements that matter, in real-time.” @ToddWheatland tweet this

Julie Fleischer:
“Content marketing success starts by first determining what critical measurements drive spending decisions.” @jfly tweet this

jpulizzi - 0619
Joe Pulizzi:
“If you’re trying to measure the value of your content marketing, create a subscription program.” @joepulizzi tweet this

View the Full Infographic Feature

Experience the entire thrill-a-minute eBook trilogy on-demand:

The Big Picture of Content Marketing Strategy

Making Content Marketing the Star of Your Marketing

Measuring Content Marketing Box Office Success

For more information on the speakers and their sessions, check out the Content Marketing World 2015 website.

See you at the movies!

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#CMWorld Infographic: 12 Marketing Box-Office Titans Share Tips For Creating Blockbuster Content Marketing | http://www.toprankblog.com

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Online Marketing News: Introduction From Instagram, DuckDuckGo Goes Past 10 Million, Pinterest Pins Partners

Social For Customer Acquisition

How to Utilize Social Media for Customer Acquisition – One of the biggest reasons we all do social media marketing is to find new customers for our products or services. Maybe it is the biggest reason. It comes before social customer service, because without finding customers in the first place, we’d have no one to serve. This infographic from Salesforce Canada gives some insight into the process of acquiring customers via social media. Salesforce Canada

Facebook Makes Ads Manager, Power Editor Easier to Use – Facebook Thursday announced significant updates to its Ads Manager and Power Editor tools to create and manage ads on the social network. SocialTimes

Google Launches YouTube Newswire To Verify Eyewitness Videos – YouTube has started a video news service to showcase the most interesting clips recorded and posted by eyewitnesses at events unfolding around the world. In partnership with the social news group Storyful, YouTube Newswire will be “a curated feed of the most newsworthy eyewitness videos of the day, which have been verified by Storyful’s team of editors,” a blog post said. cnet

Facebook Tests Auto-Filling Marketing Forms With People’s Profile Info – A lot of marketers build their businesses by getting people to sign up for things like email newsletters. It’s a way to get people’s contact information so that the marketer can keep in contact with them and try to make them a customer. Now Facebook’s going to make it easier for marketers to collect that contact information. Ad Age

Introducing Instagram’s All-New Search and Explore – This week Instagram announced two major updates to Instagram: the all-new Explore page, with trending Tags and Places, and more powerful search that makes it easier to find the people, places, and tags you’re looking for. Get more details on the Instagram blog. Instagram

Facebook Rolls Out Author Tags: A New Way to Grow Your Following – Facebook has introduced a way for publishers to grow their audience with a new feature called Author Tags. When implemented on a website, Author Tags allow people to easily follow the author of a piece of content they found on Facebook. Facebook

Twitter To Let Users Follow Live Events, Not Just People – Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) will start curating tweets on live events, the microblogging service said, as it plans major changes to make its real-time news feed more user friendly. Reuters

Facebook Unveils Vision For Immersive Mobile Ads – The social network is showing mockups of interactive mobile ad formats at Cannes Lion advertising festival in France. Marketing Land

Pinterest Streamlines & Simplifies Its Search Interface – New search enhancements from Pinterest make finding the right type of information quicker and more accurate thanks to the first ever inclusion of spellcheck. Marketing Land

Twitter Testing New Ways To Make It Easier To Discover Products and Places – Last week Twitter is beginning to test two ways to make it easier for you to discover rich and relevant content about products and places on Twitter. Twitter

DuckDuckGo Surpasses 10 Million Daily Queries – DuckDuckGo, the privacy focused search engine, hits a major milestone – reaching 10 million daily queries. Search Engine Journal

Instagram Ads to Get More Focused with Facebook Targeting Options – Get ready, your Instagram advertising options are about to get a lot more specific. Ahead of the Cannes Lions Festival this week, Facebook’s Vice President of Global Marketing Solutions Carolyn Everson has said that Facebook’s targeting data will soon be available for use on Instagram.  Social Media Today

Pinterest Announces Marketing Developer Partners for Ads – Pinterest announced that 4C, Adaptly, Ampush, Brand Networks, HYFN, Kinetic Social, SocialCode and SocialFlow are the first Marketing Developer Partners using the company’s ads API. SocialTimes

What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Infographic: Salesforce Canada

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Online Marketing News: Introduction From Instagram, DuckDuckGo Goes Past 10 Million, Pinterest Pins Partners | http://www.toprankblog.com

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Remarketing Lists for Search Ads, Powered by Google Analytics

Today we’re excited to announce you can use audiences (previously remarketing lists) created in Google Analytics to reach your customers on Google Search, with no tagging changes required. 
Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) allows you to tailor your search ads and based on your visitors’ past activity on your website. Now you can leverage more than 200 Google Analytics dimensions and metrics to create and activate your audiences for remarketing, then use those audiences to reach and re-engage your customers with a consistent message across both Google Search and Display.
TransUnion cuts CPA in half with RLSA
In order to find more customers while reducing waste in their search campaigns, TransUnion, a leading financial services provider, used the audience creation capabilities in Google Analytics to spend more efficiently on Google Search.
TransUnion started by creating two audiences. The first was for new customers―those who had visited the site and started, but not completed a credit application. The other included customers who had already converted. Splitting the audience between new and existing customers allowed TransUnion to bid higher on Google search ads for new customers and spend less on converted customers.
The new RLSA capabilities in Google Analytics yielded impressive conversion rates and cost efficiencies for TransUnion’s search campaigns. RLSA visitors had a lower bounce rate and viewed twice as many pages per session compared with regular visitors. 
By using more tailored text with their remarketing lists, TransUnion increased their conversion rate by 65% and average transaction value by 58%. Meanwhile, CPCs for existing customers dropped 50%, resulting in a roughly 50% drop in their cost per transaction. Read the full case study here
How to get started
Getting started with RLSA is easier than ever before thanks to Instant Activation. Within the Admin tab, simply click Property, then Tracking Info, and finally Data Collection. Ensure that Remarketing is set to ‘ON.’

Once you’ve enabled this setting, all your eligible audiences will begin to populate for RLSA.

Building Audiences
If you’d like to create new audiences, there are three ways to get started. 
First, you can create a new audience using the Audience builder in the remarketing section of the Admin tab. Make sure you select the relevant AdWords account to share your audience with for remarketing.

Admin Remarketing.png

If you have an existing segment you’d like to turn into an audience, simply click on the segment options and select “Build Audience” right from within reporting. This option will take you directly to the audience builder as above.  

Segment Remarketing.png

Finally, you can get started quickly and easily by importing audiences from the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery.
Activating audiences in AdWords
Once you have shared an audience with AdWords, it will appear instantly in your AdWords Shared Library and will show eligible users in the column List size (Google search).  Keep in mind that an audience must accumulate a minimum of 1,000 users before you can use it for remarketing on Google Search. To get started, follow the instructions in the AdWords Help Center

Support for RLSA with Google Analytics is part of an ongoing investment to provide powerful ways to activate your customer insights in Google Analytics, along with recent features like Cohort Analysis, Lifetime Value Analysis, and Active User Reporting. Stay tuned for more announcements!
Happy Analyzing,
Lan Huang, Technical Lead, Google Analytics,
Xiaorui Gan, Technical Lead, Google Search Ads

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5 Practical PPC Insights You Can Only Get From Phone Calls

Have you ever felt like giving up and letting your paid search campaigns run on autopilot? You think, “There’s no way I’m squeezing more conversions out of these campaigns without more money.” I can’t tell you how to get more money, but I can tell you where to get tons of new actionable data with the potential to make a big difference – and it’s phone calls.

Phone Calls and the New Customer Journey

Let me explain. As it turns out, the new customer journey is all about the phone. You can see from Invoca’s infographic (embedded below) that mobile search drives 45% of phone calls, and according to Google, 61% of people say they always or frequently need to call a business from a mobile search ad. In fact the vast majority of phone calls are referred by digital marketing.

phone calls and customer journey

The point is, people are responding to digital marketing by making phone calls, and those calls are chock-full of insights with the power to boost performance. Here are just a few examples:

1. Top Campaigns Driving Calls

This is a basic insight with big implications. Think about what you can do when you know how people respond to your ads.

For example, if you know one campaign is driving a massive volume of phone calls, but few online conversions, you can:

  • Invest more in that campaign – because calls are typically high-value leads!
  • Optimize your messaging to encourage phone calls
  • Make sure you target people on their mobile devices

2. Peak Call Times

If you’re using any type of call tracking solution, this is a standard data point. But have you ever thought about how this could inform your advertising strategy?

Let’s say you have a campaign that drives the most calls on Tuesday between the hours of 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. With this information, you can make sure to only serve ads with click-to-call buttons at this time. Alternatively, encourage an online-only experience during days and times when you receive the fewest calls.

3. Demographic Details

Who doesn’t want to know their customers on a deeper level? Demographic information can be used to improve targeting, messaging, and your overall strategy. For example, capturing the geographic location of callers’ ads lets you focus your efforts on key regions and where your most valuable customers come from. Some call intelligence solutions can attach demographic details to each call so you get details like age and gender. Yes please!

4. Caller Intent

Now this is where the story gets really juicy. Phone calls provide almost limitless insights into your customers’ priorities, questions, and overall state of mind. Using call intelligence to scan each conversation you can capture important signals and events that happen during a phone call. Did the caller mention a competitor? Was the caller conducting early stage research? Was this a current customer that needed help? Was it a junk call from someone looking for a job?

Having the answers to these questions will help you craft extremely personalized campaigns and a highly relevant consumer experience.

5. Call Outcome

Knowing the outcome of each call can significantly improve your targeting, budgeting and overall digital advertising ROI. When you know if a call resulted in a sale or other important conversion action, you have a much better understanding of your campaign performance and how best to optimize.

For example, if most of your calls result in lost opportunities, you may need to adjust your targeting or do a better job of qualifying prospects with the type of language and imagery you use in your campaigns. And you know that while a campaign may be driving a lot of calls, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a successful campaign generating revenue.

About the author

Amber Tiffany is a marketing manager at Invoca with a background in SEM, lead generation, and content marketing. Invoca is a call intelligence solution that helps marketers learn who’s calling and why.


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Content Marketing: 4 Tips for Creating B2B Content When You’re at a Loss for Words


Content marketing has rapidly become an essential piece of the B2B marketing puzzle. Buyers are more connected and more self-directed than ever before, and informative, engaging content is key to making sure your organization becomes part of the buyer journey.

Creating a steady stream of quality content can be challenging for any marketer, but especially for those in B2B marketing, where buyers expect to be informed and entertained at the same time. So it’s no surprise that Content Marketing Institute’s latest report found that 54% of B2B Marketers rated producing engaging content as a top challenge, and 50% said producing content consistently is a challenge.

If you’re a B2B content marketer, sooner or later you’ll likely find yourself facing a blank screen with a head full of complex information that won’t move to the keyboard. So what do you write when you don’t know what to write? Here are a few strategies to remove the block between your brain and your fingertips:

#1 – Start with Structure

If you’re like me, you hated writing outlines for school assignments. I would always draft first, then reverse-engineer the outline.

But as a professional content creator, outlines are your new best friend. Take your complex topic and imagine what your sub-headings should be to discuss the topic. That way, you won’t get hung up on word choice or phrasing and can focus on the key information you want to get across. Once the structure is in place, it will be far easier to fill in the content.

#2 – Write the 5-Year-Old Version

Recently I was writing content for a client about the importance of balancing marketing efforts across the top, middle, and bottom of the sales funnel (sometimes called ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu marketing). I was having trouble explaining it in a clear and concise way. Finally, I thought, how would I explain this to my 5-year-old son? In a matter of minutes, I wrote the following little fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there were three little goats named Tofu, Mofu, and Bofu. Tofu trip-trapped happily through the meadow all day, blissfully unaware of the troll under the bridge nearby. Mofu knew the troll lived under the bridge, but wasn’t sure how the troll affected his day-to-day life and wasn’t ready to do anything about the monster. Only Bofu had seen across the bridge to a beautiful meadow of green grass, and was ready to take steps to get rid of the troll.

The local heroes who got rid of trolls focused their attention on Bofu exclusively. He knew he had a problem and wanted someone to solve it. The heroes didn’t see that it was important to offer their services to Tofu and Mofu, and so they missed out on getting the other two goats to start thinking about their troll problem. The heroes would have had better luck selling their services to all three goats.”

Obviously, I didn’t forward my fairy tale to the client. But writing it enabled me to lay out the argument for full-funnel marketing that I was trying to make, and I finished the client draft within the hour.

The “5-year-old-version” strategy helps you to explain what you’re trying to write to yourself, which makes the grown-up version far easier to write.

#3 – Write the Conversational Version

If you don’t have a 5-year-old in your life to use as an imaginary sounding board, write the way you would talk to an old friend. You don’t ever have writer’s block in a casual conversation, right? So write the way you would talk. Even better, exaggerate the tone—let yourself be silly. Try to make yourself smile.

For example, when I get stuck I’ll write something like: “Okay, so check it out bro, this new eBook is the bomb dot com. I know you’ve got some mad problems with your content marketing, but this book is gonna drop knowledge on you. Get it, yo!” After about a paragraph of that, I’m ready to reign it in and write the professional version.

#4 – Write the Garbage Version

Voltaire said, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Sometimes the source of writer’s block is that perfect version of the content you see in your head. So you write a few lines, they don’t measure up to the standard, and you erase everything. It’s easy to convince yourself that the version in your head is so much better than anything you could put on the screen.

But the truth is, any version of the content that exists is better than something that isn’t real. So don’t let that imaginary ideal form of the content stop you from writing.

When you get stuck trying to write the perfect words, turn off your inner editor and just write garbage. Type with your eyes closed if you can, so you’re not tempted to edit. Whatever clumsy, error-riddled, clichéd garbage you put on the screen is still better than a non-existent perfect piece. And now you have a start, something you can edit and refine until it’s worth showing to the world.


Content marketing is a business function, but it’s also a creative endeavor. As such, it’s just as subject to writer’s block as any other form of writing. When you’re stuck with that blank screen, stop thinking about creating the perfect finished piece and try for a different perspective. Write an outline to make sure your structures solid, or write a simplified version to help organize your thoughts. Write a silly version, bro, for reals. Write absolute trash. Just write something. Even the messiest first draft is the start of creating an amazing piece of content.

What is your favorite way to get past a block in your writing?

Image: Shutterstock

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Content Marketing: 4 Tips for Creating B2B Content When You’re at a Loss for Words | http://www.toprankblog.com

The post Content Marketing: 4 Tips for Creating B2B Content When You’re at a Loss for Words appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

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Learn to optimize your tag implementation with Google Tag Manager Fundamentals

We’re excited to announce that our next Analytics Academy course, Google Tag Manager Fundamentals, is now open for participation. Whether you’re a marketer, analyst, or developer, this course will teach you how Google Tag Manager can simplify the tag implementation and management process.

You’ll join instructor Krista Seiden to explore topics through the lens of a fictional online retailer, The Great Outdoors and their Travel Adventures website. Using practical examples, she’ll show you how to use tools like Google Analytics and Google AdWords tags to improve your data collection process and advertising strategies.

By participating in the course, you’ll explore:

  • the core concepts and principles of tag management using Google Tag Manager
  • how to create website tags and manage firing triggers
  • how to enhance your Google Analytics implementation
  • the importance of using the Data Layer to collect valuable data for analysis
  • how to configure other marketing tags, like AdWords Conversion Tracking and Dynamic Remarketing

We’re looking forward to your participation in this course!

Sign up for Google Tag Manager Fundamentals and start learning today.

Happy tagging!

Post By: Lizzie Pace & The Google Analytics Education Team

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5 LinkedIn Experts Share Power Tips that You Can Use Right Now


In this episode of The Missing Link, Tim Ash, Eric Enge, Adam Riemer, Bill Leake, and Krista Neher reveal their tips and tactics on how you can use LinkedIn to grow your business.

Have you ever wondered how online marketing experts actually use LinkedIn?

Sean Jackson has, too. So, he asked them.

Luckily for you, Sean brought his recorder.

Listen in as Sean Jackson and Mica Gadhia lead you through some of the best LinkedIn power tips they’ve heard:

  • Tim Ash shares a proven technique for reaching out to people who have viewed your profile.
  • Eric Enge tells you how to use the LinkedIn search tool for the best profiles to view.
  • Adam Riemer talks about excellent strategies for getting people from LinkedIn to your website.
  • Bill Leake doles out beneficial advice about how to segment your ads and promotions.
  • Krista Neher brings us home with practical advice about how employees can boost your LinkedIn presence.

Click Here to Listen to

The Missing Link on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post 5 LinkedIn Experts Share Power Tips that You Can Use Right Now appeared first on Copyblogger.

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How to Use the 5 Stages of Audience Awareness to Dominate Online


In the last episode of Rough Draft, Demian Farnworth walked you through the magic that is an Upworthy headline as an introduction to a concept called “The 5 Stages of Audience Awareness.”

The actual name is “The 5 Stages of Market Awareness” — a concept originally developed by Eugene Schwartz.

But Demian modified it for our purposes.

Every product or idea goes through these stages. And to maximize your chances of getting noticed (and getting read), you’ve got to know which stage your audience is in.

In this 9-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • What to do when your reader is weary of your headlines
  • How to write a headline when competitors start copying you
  • When you should elaborate on and enlarge the mechanism
  • How to write a headline if your product or idea is in stage one
  • The simple way to revive a dead product or idea (unfortunately, most people start here)

Click Here to Listen to

Rough Draft on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post How to Use the 5 Stages of Audience Awareness to Dominate Online appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Is Hypersensitivity the New Fascism?


It’s always been part of the web — but we’re seeing more of it than ever.

What does it mean to live in this environment of constant social inflammation, and how does it affect what we bring to our web content?

This session offers more questions than answers, but Sonia Simone talks about some of the approaches and practices that she uses to manage the balance between self-censorship and respect for others.

In this 19-minute episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone talks about:

  • Why we all seem to be getting on each other’s nerves lately
  • The way in which words don’t always mean what we want them to mean
  • How to handle individual sensitivities as we grow a larger audience
  • How to handle that “hot button” feeling — in yourself and others
  • A question to consider if you find yourself triggering a lot of sensitivity in others

Click Here to Listen to

Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post Is Hypersensitivity the New Fascism? appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Joe Pulizzi (The Godfather) Discusses the Content Marketing Revolution #CMWorld


Without anyone accusing me of exaggerating, I can safely say that Joe Pulizzi is a bona fide content marketing visionary. Joe started using the term “content marketing” in 2001, long before the rest of the industry caught on to its potential. In the past decade and a half, Joe has firmly established his thought leadership in the field, earning the nickname “The Godfather of Content Marketing.”

In 2007, Joe founded the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), which has grown into a vital resource for thousands of marketers worldwide. In addition to building a massive hub of marketing resources, classes, and training programs, CMI produces Content Marketing World, the world’s largest content marketing event.

I recently sat down with Joe for a sneak preview of his keynote address at the 2015 Content Marketing World. Read on for Joe’s thoughts on how content marketing is evolving, the strategies that led to CMI’s success, and how to become an “octopus of content love.”

If you focus on a subscriber approach to audience development, you can go deeper with your content and emphasize value.

Without giving too much away from your keynote, what are 3 exciting evolutions for content marketing that you see on the horizon?

  1. I’m really interested in the merger and acquisition scene. It’s going to hit people like a big surprise, especially in B2B. Particularly in tech, companies will see content factories already built and those will be attractive acquisitions when considering the time it takes to build.
  1. Only 30% of marketers have subscription growth as a key metric. It speaks to where we are with content marketing. The notion that we need to build content for the buyer’s journey and different stages has been overblown. It’s easier to simplify that idea and just become an ongoing guide and resource and we touch the customer with value – every day, every week. They’re going to create their own buyer’s journey anyways. If you focus on a subscriber approach to audience development, you can go deeper with your content and emphasize value. Instead of focusing on 57 segments and 5 stages, create an incredible experience for your customers and you’ll have an amazing outcome. Simplify and create more value.
  1. I’m excited about the field of journalism again. Marketers are bringing in professional journalists that have a nose for stories. The media business model is broken, but media itself is flourishing. There’s never been lower barriers to entry and easier ways for customers to access it. The more journalists in marketing, the better. If they want to tell great stories and have funding to do so, the opportunity is there.

Digital publishing has become more popular because we can, and not for the right reasons.

Based on your recent report at CMI, it appears that B2B and B2C marketers alike are continuing to struggle with measurement of content marketing activities. What do you believe are the biggest barriers to either collecting the data or focusing on the right metrics?

The clear majority of marketers have no documented content marketing strategy. If we can start with documenting the why, the business goal and audience, then you can begin to develop an action and execution plan that includes measurement. Digital publishing has become more popular because we can, and not for the right reasons.

People implementing content marketing do so because they’re told to, without understanding why. Content marketers need to ask the right questions relevant to achieving business goals.

We want to be an octopus of content love to provide them with options.

What are the biggest challenges that your own company faces when it comes to content creation, promotion and measurement?

Choosing the right activities – there are so many things we could do. Our key metric to everything is based on subscribers. I’m focused on creating a unique story that subscribers can’t get anywhere else. I’m focused on looking at subscribers and how we can improve.

Those people that engage with at least 3 different types of content, they are way more likely to attend CMI or buy something from us. We want to be an octopus of content love to provide them with options. The more we can do that the more positive results we’ll see.

Brands with huge budgets are struggling because they are so campaign focused.

What is the single most important thing you’ve learned in your journey from publishing to becoming the “Godfather of Content Marketing”?

If you build a loyal audience over time, you can sell them whatever you want. Focus on a content niche relevant to an area of business that you’re focused on, and develop an audience. As you build that audience, you can figure out what best to sell to your community.

Brands with huge budgets are struggling because they are so campaign focused.

There’s convergence – media companies are becoming product and product companies are becoming media companies. Soon you won’t be able to tell the difference.

What Content Marketing mix is CMI currently experiencing the most success with?

The podcast has been a pleasant surprise with a consistent flow of sponsorship that’s growing. In person events that I and Robert Rose speak at. The masterclass series of small workshops in different cities across the U.S. have been successful for driving registrations to the CMWorld event.

We have one person in charge of Internal content curation and repurposing that drives subscribers.

Do you believe that email marketing is dead or still very much alive? Why?

Not at all. It’s the most important thing we do. It’s harder to cut through the clutter but if you do, you get the lion’s share of attention.

Ready to Up Your Content Marketing Game?

Be sure to reserve your space at Content Marketing World for thought-provoking presentations from Joe and over 200 other luminaries in the content marketing industry.

Get a preview of Content Marketing World’s blockbuster lineup with Measuring Your Content Marketing Box Office Success, featuring advice from industry thought leaders Michael Brenner, Julie Fleischer, and of course, Joe Pulizzi.

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CMWorld 2015 eBooks

If you missed the premiere of any one of the eBooks in our triple feature, you are in luck! You can access all three of them anytime, anywhere. Select the links below, grab some Junior Mints and dig in.

The Big Picture of Content Marketing Strategy

Making Content Marketing the Star of Your Marketing

Measuring Content Marketing Box Office Success

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Joe Pulizzi (The Godfather) Discusses the Content Marketing Revolution #CMWorld | http://www.toprankblog.com

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How Bestselling Author Austin Kleon Writes, Part One


New York Times bestselling author Austin Kleon has been called “one of the most interesting people on the Internet” by The Atlantic magazine, and he stopped by The Writer Files to chat about creativity and the writing life.

Austin is the author of three illustrated books: Steal Like An Artist, Newspaper Blackout, and Show Your Work!. They’re guides The Writer Files host Kelton Reid recommends to all writers seeking insights for tapping into your endless reserves of creativity and innovation.

In addition to being featured on NPR’s Morning Edition, PBS’s Newshour, and The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Kleon speaks about “creativity in the digital age” for organizations as varied as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist.

In the first part of this two-part file, host Kelton Reid and Austin Kleon discuss:

  • Why you should read more than you write
  • How a paper dictionary can improve your writing
  • The difference between little writing and big writing
  • Why you should research out in the open
  • How your daily ritual can save you from failure
  • Three symptoms of writer’s block and how to cure them
  • Why you should print your work and read it aloud
  • How to harness the power of productive procrastination

Click Here to Listen to

The Writer Files on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Handing the Mic to Amy Harrison, Your New Hit Publish Host


In this episode of Hit Publish, you’ll meet Amy Harrison (your new host!) and learn about the plans she has for the future of the Hit Publish podcast.

Yes, Pamela Wilson is handing the mic to Amy Harrison on this episode of Hit Publish.

Find out why you’re going to love listening to Amy, and hear what she has in store for the future of the show!

Listen in and discover:

  • The story Pamela Wilson has never told you about how the Hit Publish format came about
  • Why Pamela is passing the mic to Amy Harrison: it has to do with some behind-the-scenes decisions at Copyblogger
  • Why Amy is uniquely qualified to take over the podcast, and what she has planned for the future

Click Here to Listen to

Hit Publish on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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The Art of Working Between Your Comfort Zone and Your Panic Zone


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur wasn’t always an entrepreneur. He attended Harvard and worked in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, did policy work for the National Economic Council at the White House, and political organizing for the Service Employees International Union.

Then he gave it all up to become an entrepreneur.

He is the CEO and co-founder of Mic, a leading news and media company for young people. Each month, more than 20,000,000 readers rely on Mic’s unique sensibility to stay informed and make sense of the world.

He was also named to the Forbes 2014 30 Under 30 list.

Now, let’s hack …

Chris Altchek.

In this 30-minute episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, host Jon Nastor and Chris Altchek discuss:

  • The importance of picking something you are passionate about
  • Why Mic needs to provide depth, not headlines, to its readers
  • Lessons Chris didn’t learn fast enough as CEO
  • Setting priorities: Is this important or urgent?
  • The true value of having amazing advisors

Click Here to Listen to

Hack the Entrepreneur on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post The Art of Working Between Your Comfort Zone and Your Panic Zone appeared first on Copyblogger.

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