Showrunner ‘Short': The 4 Essential Elements of a Remarkable Podcast


Do you want to create a podcast for listeners?

Or do you want to deliver a remarkable audio experience to your audience?

In this reprisal of his presentation at Authority Rainmaker, Jerod Morris dives deep into the four essential elements of a remarkable audience experience.

You’ll learn:

  • Why the general perception of the term “showrunner” is too limiting
  • How Jerod’s method of proposing to his now-fiancée was a quintessential example of responsibility for an audience experience
  • The step you should take right now if you’re considering launching a podcast
  • What authenticity really is (and isn’t), and how to create an authentic connection with your audience
  • How to ensure that every single episode you publish is useful to your audience
  • Why sustainability is so simple to explain but so difficult to do
  • What the elements of podcast profitability are — and which one is most important

Plus a lot more — including an impassioned call to action at the end that you won’t want to miss. It might just change how you view your relationship to your topic, your audience, and your show.

Click Here to Listen to

The Showrunner on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Behind the Scenes: Authority Rainmaker, the Next Wave of Rainmaker.FM Shows, and the Departure of Robert Bruce


Here’s the “too long, didn’t listen version” … Authority Rainmaker was awesome (if we do say so ourselves). Especially Henry Rollins.

We’re launching a whole bunch of new shows on Rainmaker.FM. This is exciting.

Robert Bruce is leaving the show. He makes Benedict Arnold look like Arnold from Happy Days.

In this 34-minute episode of New Rainmaker with Brian Clark, Brian and Robert discuss:

  • A look back at Authority Rainmaker 2015
  • The amazing Henry Rollins experience
  • A quick rundown of what’s coming on Rainmaker.FM
  • Brian’s new, new podcast (yes, he’s starting something else)
  • Why Robert is betraying Brian and what Brian’s doing about it

Click Here to Listen to

New Rainmaker with Brian Clark on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Editor-in-Chief: The Reader’s Advocate


An Editor-in-Chief evaluates what’s best for the reader in ways a writer does not …

Discover why a writer’s “final” draft is different from an Editor-in-Chief’s “final” draft.

In this 15-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman discusses:

  • Why you need to always delete text from your “final” draft
  • How to keep your readers in your “created reality”
  • How to appreciate (and use) all of your ideas, even if you delete them from where they originally appear
  • Why Stefanie doesn’t care about her audience in order to care about her audience
  • What you can do if you don’t know who your readers are
  • How to write without pressure, regardless of the size of your audience

Click Here to Listen to

Editor-in-Chief on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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How to Learn From High-Quality Failures


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is the founder and Client Success Officer of Dream Local Digital, a startup helping small-to-medium-sized businesses market themselves online.

She has more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing, sales, and product development. She has worked with media companies focusing on Internet product development and digital revenue growth.

She is considered an expert in the field of digital marketing and social media.

Today’s guest is a sought-after speaker and speaks across the country about social media and online marketing.

Now, let’s hack …

Shannon Kinney.

In this 28-minute episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, host Jon Nastor and Shannon Kinney discuss:

  • How being open to meeting a lot of people helped Shannon grow her business
  • Always staying in touch with people in her network
  • Why you can’t work in your business and on your business
  • Dreaming big and creating a scalable solution
  • Having a team that’s strong in areas where she’s not

Click Here to Listen to

Hack the Entrepreneur on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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10 Odd Books That Will Improve Your Writing


You don’t have to look far to find a list of the best books a writer should read. This is a benefit for new writers, no doubt.

Unfortunately, those of us who have been around for a number of years often own every book that tends to make these lists. And we read them. And re-read them.

Not only do we own them, we’ve absorbed them into our bloodstreams.

It wouldn’t be so bad if that list changed from year to year. But it doesn’t.

So while the usual best-books-writers-should-read lists are fine for the greenhorns in the field … what about the rest of us?

What about those who want to go from undergraduate to graduate work? Those who want to inject a tangible and seductive element in their writing that growls, “You better take notice of me!”

What are the best books they should read? And why?

As you might guess, Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth has an answer.

In this 9-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • The authors of this 1604 Bible edition who made language their slave
  • An award-winning producer who delivers some of the best tips on how to inject emotion into any story
  • The book that offers some magnificent metaphors, if you read it
  • How to imitate the ebb and flow of people-centered tales in this book to make what you write memorable
  • The real reason Demian wants you to read these books

Click Here to Listen to

Rough Draft on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Last Day to Join the Certified Writers Program

the difference is strategy, perception, and a higher pay grade

Last week on Twitter, our own Demian Farnworth reminded us of a stark, lovely post he’d written about just how hard the life of the writer can be.

The piece was called The Year of Falling Apart, and detailed how — even when he’d taken the leap to follow his dreams and live as a writer — he still wasn’t happy. In fact, he was miserable.

I thought it would be the year of flying.

It was the year I fell apart.

(Spoiler alert, he turned out fine. In fact, he seems to me to be a pretty happy guy. Thank goodness.)

I think a lot of us who write for a living have a story something like that one.

Writing for a living can be hard

Writing for a living is a weird thing to do. Maybe not as weird as playing Minecraft on YouTube, or reviewing marijuana for the local newspaper, but it’s still weird.

It’s a path not often chosen.

So we wind up picking our way through a confusing path — one that’s full of prickles, extremely large rocks, muddy holes with wiggly things swimming in them, and the occasional disgruntled bear.

The craft of writing is something we each have to develop as individuals. How to put the words down, one after another, in a way that pleases us … and maybe even pleases an audience.

And once we get to that point, we still have a whole new path to uncover.

The business of writing — crafting work that has value to others, then getting paid for actually doing it — is tougher for many of us than the putting-words-together part is.

Paths are easier when you walk them with company

My goal in writing this post isn’t to depress you — it’s to remind you that even if your path looks difficult, you are in the right place. It’s worth the time and energy to keep going.

The hard part — that whole prickly path business — means that only a few of us follow it through. And the view when you get there is amazing.

My second goal is to offer you some company, if you think that would help you.

We have a small, passionate group of writers who gather together around a business course that Brian Clark and I created. The course exists to take talented, creative writers (that’s you) and turn you into effective, smart businesspeople and marketers.

Some writers think that sounds like a wretched, sad thing to do. This course is not for such writers.

Some writers think it would be lovely to pay the bills (perhaps even pay the bills rather handily) while stringing words together.

If you are that type of writer, today’s the last day we’re taking applications for our newest batch of students.

Click here to find out more about the Certified Content Marketer program.

Our recommended writers list

Once you’ve completed the four-week course, you can apply to be on our list of recommended Certified Content Marketers.

Each writer’s work is carefully reviewed by someone on our editorial team — I do a good chunk of the reviews myself. If we can vouch for your work — both the quality of your writing and the solidity of your strategy — you’ll be on our list of recommended writers.

This can, as you can imagine, do very nice things for your roster of clients. Not to mention your cash flow.

If you’d like to join us, you need to do it before the close of the business day today. At 6:00 p.m. Pacific U.S. time (9:00 p.m. Eastern), we’ll be closing the program to new registrants.

Compared to some of our projects at Copyblogger Media, this program has quite a small (though mighty!) audience. It won’t be a good fit for most of the people reading this post.

But if it is a good fit for you … I would love to see you there.

Here’s the link with all of the details:

Join Copyblogger’s Certified Content Marketer program

About the author

Sonia Simone

Sonia Simone is co-founder and Chief Content Officer of Copyblogger Media. Get lots more from Sonia on her podcast, Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, or come hang out with her on Twitter.

The post Last Day to Join the Certified Writers Program appeared first on Copyblogger.

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