A Day to Be With Family and Remember

Sgt. Benton Thames inspects a sentinel before the sentinel begins his walk on the mat at Arlington National Cemetery.

At the grave of a hero we end, not with sorrow at the inevitable loss, but with the contagion of his courage; and with a kind of desperate joy we go back to the fight. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver Wendell Holmes fought in the Civil War, enlisting with the Massachusetts militia during his senior year of college. He suffered numerous wounds and nearly died of dysentery.

After three years, in 1864, Holmes was able to walk away from military service. He would go on to live another 71 years, ultimately becoming one of the best-known and most oft-cited U.S. Supreme Court Justices in history. (He defined “clear and present danger,” for example.)

Holmes would serve all the way until just a couple of months before his 91st birthday. His was a full and vibrant life.

Unfortunately, so many of the men Holmes fought with and against in the Civil War did not make it home. Nor have so many of the men and women who have fought in the wars that have occurred since. So much life unlived. So much potential unable to be fulfilled.

Today, those of us in the U.S. pause to honor these men and women — those whose lives ended, as Holmes wrote, “at the grave of a hero.”

As Ronald Reagan said, “It’s a day to be with the family and remember.”

We’ll be back tomorrow with our usual content schedule.


By the way, if you’re interested in learning the history of Memorial Day — did you know it was originally called “Decoration Day” or that a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time? — here is a short video and article from the History Channel.

Flickr Creative Commons Image via A Nowak.

About the author

Jerod Morris

Jerod Morris is VP of Rainmaker.FM, the digital marketing podcast network produced by Copyblogger Media. He hosts The Lede and The Showrunner, and recently launched The Showrunner Podcasting Course.

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B2B Marketing Roundup: Resources, Trends and Case Studies to Prep for #BMA15

BMA Speakers

BMA Speakers

For nearly 900 B2B marketers, this week will bring a cornucopia of ideas, insights and networking opportunities to the BMA National conference in Chicago. There’s a lot going on in the B2B marketing space from the increase in humanization of business marketing content to the application of big data, the impact of video, mobile and ecommerce.

The need to innovate isn’t owned by B2B marketers of course – CMOs are looking hard at differentiating their marketing and digital marketers are always looking ahead to see what marketing trends are worth exploring, experimenting with and adopting.

Making sense of it all takes time, so as part of my prep for the event, I’ve curated a nice mix of helpful resources, thoughts about future B2B marketing trends and even some case studies.

b2b marketing infographic

B2B Marketing Trends, Research and Statistics:

2015 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends - North America

B2B Marketing Strategy

B2B Marketing 2015

B2B Marketing Tactics and Case Studies

As I mentioned above, I’ll be attending BMA’s Global B2B Marketing conference this week in Chicago. Here are the sessions and people I’m really looking forward to most. You’ll see several of these presentations liveblogged later in the week and next here at TopRank’s Online Marketing Blog:

  • Capitalizing on Change: Skills for the New Era of B2B MarketingMichelle M. Smith, SPIM, CRP, VP, Research, BMA, and VP, Marketing at O.C. Tanner
  • Being 3MJesse Singh, SVP of Marketing and Sales at 3M
  • The Rise of the Data-Driven MarketerRussell Glass, Head of Products, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions; Founder, Bizo=
  • Here’s Why You’re Failing at Content MarketingJoe Pulizzi, Founder at Content Marketing Institute
  • Predicting the Future: Unlocking the Power of Big Data in B2B MarketingLaura Ramos, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research
  • Taming the Marketing Technology Beast and Teaching It to Fetch (Customers)Scott Brinker, Co-Founder and CTO at ion interactive
  • The Cloud Games: Catching Fire – A big panel featuring:
  • INSPIRED: How Brilliant Brands Create a Sudden Urge to ActAndrew Davis, author, Brandscaping
  • Putting Editorial Content at The Heart of B2B MarketingJohn Bell, VP, Enterprise Digital Marketing at Travelers
  • Successfully Making the Tectonic Shift from B2C to B2BMark Wilson, SVP, Marketing at BlackBerry
  • Face-to-Face Marketing RulesRuth Stevens, President at eMarketing Strategy
  • Big Data, Little Data and Marketing at the IntersectionTheresa Kushner, VP, Data Governance at VMware
  • B2B Video: The Comedy Writes ItselfTim Washer, Senior Marketing Manager, Social Media at Cisco Systems

If you’re attending BMA, I hope to see you there.

The post B2B Marketing Roundup: Resources, Trends and Case Studies to Prep for #BMA15 appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

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