How Chief Content Officer Sonia Simone Writes


Coral-coiffed marketer and prolific online publisher Sonia Simone stopped by The Writer Files on Rainmaker.FM this week to share her writing secrets with us.

Ms. Simone is co-founder and Chief Content Officer of Copyblogger Media, as well as an educator, speaker, and the devious mastermind behind the podcast Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer.

Sonia appeared in The Writer Files written series on Copyblogger and stopped by again to drop some writerly wisdom on us.

In this 18-minute file, host Kelton Reid and Sonia Simone discuss:

  • Why you should read outside your echo chamber
  • Sonia’s secret of reading the tea leaves
  • Writer’s block vs. deadlines
  • Productivity for flakes, head cases, and other natural disasters
  • The fetishization of creativity
  • Sonia admits her most unwholesome writer’s addiction
  • Why the more you care, the more you’ll write

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The Writer Files on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Clean Up Your Sidebar!


Does your sidebar look like a cluttered closet that’s stuffed to the gills with distracting ads, images, and text?

Time to unpack your sidebar, look at everything you’ve put there, and consider whether or not it’s pulling its weight.

The result of your efforts? A sidebar that’s good for business.

This week on Hit Publish, host Pamela Wilson invited three Copyblogger experts to share their best advice on cleaning up your sidebar once and for all.

Tune in to Hit Publish to hear from host Pamela Wilson, Brian Gardner, Rafal Tomal, and Brian Clark as they discuss:

  • Why the very best sidebar might be no sidebar
  • How your design approach should change depending on where your sidebar is located
  • The secret power of an “accent widget”
  • Why sidebars are such a minefield, and how to make yours the exception to the rule

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Hit Publish on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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The 10 Rules of Rough Drafts


Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth is about to destroy the lie that suggests your first draft must be perfect. The illusion that great copy is born in a single moment of white hot inspiration.

One of the most famous white-hot inspiration ambush stories in American literary history involves Jack Kerouac, Beat Generation pioneer.

As the legend has it, Kerouac wrote On the Road, a 293-page novel, in three coffee-fueled weeks on one long, flowing scroll.

Now, that is true. He did do that. But it’s not the full truth.

In this 6-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • The truth behind Jack Kerouac’s legendary writing frenzy (and how you can capitalize on it)
  • A trick to keep the ideas flowing when you are scared
  • The crazy low expectation you can have with your first draft
  • What you must be doing for inspiration to actually work
  • A quote from Kurt Vonnegut to help you not feel you are the only one who struggles with getting your ideas out

Click Here to Listen to

Rough Draft on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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5 Smart Content Strategies from a Stellar Marketer of Ideas

Quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson -- 'We should all build libraries of thought for ourselves, not knowing how we might use them in the future'

Marketers tend to get very caught up in thinking about how to persuade people to buy a product or service. Which makes sense … but it’s often jumping the gun.

Because it’s quite common (and perhaps increasingly so) that we have to market our ideas — and connect our beliefs with those of our audience — before we can do any business.

Which is why, for my money, one of the greatest content marketers working today is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

You think your product or service is a hard sell? Try astrophysics. (So many science, so many math.)

Or even worse, scientific literacy. Challenging your own confirmation biases and saying good-bye to certainty. Yeah, that’s a door-buster.

Here are some things (that are not astrophysics) that Tyson is very smart about — with thoughts on how you can put them into play when you’re speaking with passion about the ideas that matter to you.

1. Be curious about everything

I liked this one so much that I stole it for our post image above.

In this video, Tyson talks about the value in having a passion for all kinds of things, not just your specific area of study. (Tyson has pursued serious interests in wrestling, rowing, wine collecting, and ballroom dancing, so he practices what he preaches.)

We should all build libraries of thought for ourselves, not knowing how we might use them in the future.

The videos in this post and quotes that go with them, by the way, come from this Fast Company interview.

From his Cosmos special to his new TV show, books, Twitter stream, and podcast, Tyson is a powerful spokesperson for cultivating a sense of wonder.

One thing is for certain, the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas. — Death by Black Hole

Focus is a fine thing, but you’ll find the most compelling stories at the intersections and the crossroads of ideas that might seem unrelated. Speaking of which …

2. Look for the crossroads

One thing Tyson is exceptionally good at is balancing the technical stuff with a lot of interesting, funny, and accessible material. Some people doubtless call it fluff — but it’s what lets him communicate complex ideas to people who don’t have his background.

Listen to how he’s framed the ideas for his new National Geographic show, Star Talk (a TV version of his long-running podcast):

A lot of energy is invested in the juggling of information — packaging it in a way that when the viewer sees it, they can embrace how it has just been stitched together. So Star Talk is a blend of science, comedy, and pop culture.

3. Embrace the wider audience … but take a stand

Making your ideas accessible isn’t the same thing as trying to please everyone with bland, safe Cream-of-Wheat statements that offend no one.

Tyson takes aim at ignorance and pseudoscience, and he doesn’t pull his punches. He’s no stranger to the sharp quip, and he’s good at them.

A common way to compute density is, of course, to take the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume. But other types of densities exist, such as the resistance of somebody’s brain to the imparting of common sense…. — Death by Black Hole

4. Do the math

If you’re going to claim authority, you have to know what you’re talking about. (And keep working on learning and growing, so you can keep benefiting your audience.)

You have to do the math.

On Venus, you could cook a 16-inch pepperoni pizza in seven seconds, just by holding it out to the air. (Yes, I did the math.) — Death by Black Hole

5. Have a sense of humor

The easiest way to get other people to listen to you?

Have a sense of humor about yourself. Funny people are interesting, and interesting people get to share their ideas.

Without physics there’d be no Fashion Channel — there’d be no TV. But w/o fashion, physicists might just be naked. Not good. — from Tyson’s Twitter stream

By the way — if you’re offended at the whole idea that a pure, noble scientist like Neil deGrasse Tyson could be thought of as a (shudder) marketer, take a look at this YouTube video. An impassioned speech that Tyson made to Congress has had some music and imagery added — turning it into a hell of an ad for Tyson’s ideas.

Audacious visions have the power to alter mind states.

Stay curious. Believe in what you do. (If you don’t — find something that you do believe in.) Deliver your message with wit, integrity, and a sense of humor.

And keep looking up. That’s where the stars are.

About the author

Sonia Simone

Sonia Simone is co-founder and Chief Content Officer of Copyblogger Media. Get lots more from Sonia on her podcast, Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, or come hang out with her on Twitter.

The post 5 Smart Content Strategies from a Stellar Marketer of Ideas appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Social Media Advertising: Don’t Be Tardy for the Party

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising presents many exciting opportunities for marketers regarding media, targeting and general flexibility for reaching customers where they hang out.

However, having seemingly unlimited options can make paid social a daunting channel to tackle. Just like you may feel after a long week, it’s sometimes easier to just stay home on a Friday night. But in today’s social media driven world, having a quiet evening at home just isn’t an option.

According to a recent report from Salesforce, 70% of marketers plan to increase their social media ad spend in 2015. Over the last couple of years, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have made numerous updates to their algorithms. These updates have made it even more difficult to engage with your current followers, let alone attract new audiences.

Since it has become clear that “not going out” is off the table, I’ll share the basics for a successful night out on the social media town.

Plan Your Destination

What does your night out entail? Perhaps you’ll have dinner and catch a comedy show. Have you ever gotten your group of friends together and then no one could decide what to do? You should always have a game plan with your night out and the same is true for your paid social media campaigns.

When starting a campaign, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What do you want to accomplish with your campaign?
  2. How much do you plan on investing?
  3. What is the offer or promotion that you’ll be advertising?

With any type of marketing, but specifically Social Media, the best results will come from campaigns with one specific goal and/or action to be taken.

Interact with the Crowd

Nobody wants to sit next to the person on a night out that sits and talks about themselves without taking an interest in anyone else.

Similarly, I’ve seen many campaigns fail when the target audience is too broad or the messaging within the ads is too generic. Paid social media gives you an opportunity to target specific groups of people, companies, individuals and even behaviors. Each campaign you run should have one singular target with messaging that speaks directly to them.

I receive tons of sponsored updates within my own LinkedIn. Below you’ll find an excellent example that calls out a concern for many digital marketers.

BrightRoll Ad

Try Some Different “Looks”

You can’t wear the same outfit each time you go out; people will quickly tire of it and think you’re behind the times. You have to experiment to see what works.

In that same way, social media moves at a very fast pace. I recommend that you test and adjust messaging with regular frequency, along with any images to find out what will work best for your target audience. Social Media Advertising presents a great opportunity to experiment with features like bolder images and copy in a way that you aren’t able to with other paid search advertising.

Stick to Your Budget

Chances are, you’ve likely let loose and spent a night out on the town without keeping a budget in mind. And then the next morning when you check your bank account, it’s not a pretty sight. Don’t make that mistake with your social media ads.

Most social media platforms will provide suggestions for recommended budgets, and most budgets are set at a daily spend. The cost for entry is low and for the most part, CPC’s/CPM’s tend to be relatively inexpensive.

Your social ads budget is going to be dictated by the size and scope of your audience. That said, developing a highly focused target audience for your first campaign would generally keep the budgets required for a successful campaign small. This will help mitigate any financial risk.

I typically recommend ramping up the budget based on performance versus starting high and windling down your budget.

The Performance

It’s finally time for the big show, but do you know what you’re watching?

As I mentioned earlier, you should always have a general understanding of what your desired outcome is worth to your business, whether that outcome is a lead, demo or signup. Always base the campaign’s performance against that goal.

Paid Social Ad Results

Mobile is the Magic

A cell phone on a night out can mean the difference between boring (where is everybody?) and knowing where the fun is.

So, make sure that you’re keeping your mobile audience in mind when building paid social campaigns. Approximately 59% of Facebook and 81% of Twitter advertising revenue comes from mobile devices, which means many other smart marketers are reaching their customers through mobile targeting.

When optimizing social ads for mobile, make sure that your images and landing pages are mobile friendly to help meet the needs of these audience members.

Social Media Advertising can give you the opportunity to develop highly targeted media directed at a specific audience to drive a specific action – all at a low cost and in a way that can complement your other online marketing programs. With those huge opportunities and little to no risk, what are you waiting for?

Consider this post your invitation. And don’t be tardy to the party!

Image: Shutterstock

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Social Media Advertising: Don’t Be Tardy for the Party |

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