Showrunner Short: Why Color Psychology Matters for Your Branding


There are many elements to take into account when you are determining how you will brand your podcast. Don’t overlook the psychological impact of the colors you choose.

In this Showrunner Short, Jerod Morris delivers a quick lesson on the oft-overlooked importance of color psychology in podcast branding. It matters both for your podcast’s artwork and for the overall branding of your platform.

How do you want your content to make your audience feel? What kind of emotional connection are you trying to make?

Your color choices should fall in line with the answers to these questions.

And different colors deliver distinctly different emotional impacts, which Jerod runs down in this episode.

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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A Much Better Revenue Model for Podcasting


It’s the new thing: 1. Start a podcast. 2. Attract an audience. 3. ??? 4. Profit!

Sounds a lot like blogging in 2006. Problem is, with the exception of a few huge sites, it didn’t really work out that way for most bloggers. Which is why thinking in terms of content marketing and developing your own products took off in that field.

Brian Clark will admit that the prospects for good revenue from audio ads — when done correctly — are much better than banner ads and AdSense were for bloggers. So there’s no reason why working with the right sponsors shouldn’t be a part of your revenue mix.

But what else is in that mix? Or put another way, what might be the backbone of your podcast monetization strategy, rather than advertising?

In this 39-minute episode of New Rainmaker with Brian Clark, Brian, Jerod Morris, and Robert Bruce discuss:

  • The default (yet difficult) revenue model for podcasts
  • The very profitable future of audio content
  • How Jerod built an online course from scratch
  • Why podcasts are such a great fit with online courses
  • How to think bigger about your own podcast revenue model

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New Rainmaker with Brian Clark on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Greg Hickman on Working Backwards and the Journey to $20,000 Per Month


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is an entrepreneur on the path to success. In fact, if you visit his website, you can follow him on his journey from zero to earning $20,000 per month.

He is a mobile marketing consultant, entrepreneur, podcaster, speaker, coach, and advisor.

In September 2013, he quit his job and made the move from corporate employee to entrepreneur. His journey, along with its bumps and struggles, is one that many of us can relate to.

He is currently the co-host of Zero to Scale and the host of Mobile-Friendly, two podcasts worth checking out.

Now, let’s hack …

Greg Hickman.

In this 31-minute episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, host Jon Nastor and Greg Hickman discuss:

  • Breaking big goals into mini-milestones
  • Working backwards from where you want to be
  • How the Miracle Morning has increased Greg’s focus
  • Understanding wealth dynamics
  • How Greg accidentally became an expert in mobile marketing

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Hack the Entrepreneur on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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The Professional Way to Proofread Your Writing When You Don’t Have Time


In this episode of Editor-in-Chief, learn how to perform a power proofreading. It’s like power napping or a power lunch: You extract a substantial benefit from a brief activity.

It takes time to produce your best work. If you don’t have time, do this …

In this 20-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman talks about:

  • An important question she forgot to ask Demian Farnworth during their conversation on Editor-in-Chief
  • Why proofreading is a profession in its own right
  • How you should respond if people devalue your online business
  • What 108 sun salutations can teach you about a regular proofreading practice
  • The best steps to take when you don’t have time to proofread your writing

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Editor-in-Chief on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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The Great Paragraph Hoax


On the Internet, there is no shortage of answers to the question: “What is a paragraph?” You’ll find answers from prestigious universities and on popular forums. Unfortunately, they are all wrong.

The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill defines a paragraph as “the building blocks of papers.”

Fair enough. What else would you expect from a college? But that won’t do for us. Us, web writers.

The best answer Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth could find on the Yahoo! Answers forum was: “Usually consists of more than one sentence on the same topic.”

Again. Fair enough. But here’s the web writer’s version of what a paragraph is …

In this episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • The web writer’s definition of a paragraph
  • The scary message your 22-sentence paragraph sends to web readers (and you probably don’t even realize it)
  • The proper way to break up a 10-sentence paragraph online
  • What you need to know about dialogue

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Rough Draft on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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B2C Mobile Marketing Tips to Strike Marketing Gold

b2c email marketing

Confession: I am an email junkie. Ok, more accurately, I have is a strong appreciation for a well-crafted email campaign. My favorite types of emails to receive are on the topics of digital marketing, apparel and food.

I’m Not the Only One
Sorry marketers, the statistics don’t lie. Here’s a couple to whet your appetite:

  • 74% of smartphone owners use their devices to check email (Gartner)
  • 51% of email opens are on mobile devices (Litmus)
  • 68% of Gmail and Yahoo opens are coming from mobile devices (Litmus)

Unfortunately, other email marketers are not the only sources vying for the attention of your consumers. Mobile users have access to a seemingly limitless list of apps, content and sources for information.

As a busy consumer and marketer (which is exemplified by the number of unread emails in my personal inbox), I am quick to signup to receive email communications, but selective in which ones I actually read and act upon. Let’s dive a little bit deeper in the head-turning elements that make for a successful B2C email marketing campaign.

Who is the Email From?
Unless there is an individual or “brandividual” that is associated with the brand, send the email from the name of your company. When mobile users are scanning their email inbox, they’ll be looking for updates or offers from the names of brands that they’ve subscribed to.

email marketing from

Keep Headlines Succinct & Meaningful
Depending on the device that consumers are using, the number of characters that they will see in their email client will differ. First consider how many characters would be visible in their email snippet that is seen prior to actually opening the email. Believe it or not, that number can be as low as 15 characters. Next, you’ll need to inspect the length of the full subject line based on popular devices. Subject line displays also vary significantly by device.

Personally, I’m a sucker for a well-written headline that helps solve a problem, is aligned with my lifestyle or I can create a personal connection with. For example, Express, Chipotle and Content Marketing Institute have all sent me emails within the last week that fall under one of the categories above.

email marketing headlines

Use Eye-Catching Visuals
One of the key components of most B2C email marketing campaigns is the visuals. Once you’ve persuaded a consumer to open the email, it is essential that they stay engaged.

The visuals contained within the email should match the promise or message that was delivered in the email headline.

email marketing visuals

Email marketers also need to ensure that the visuals (and content) are optimized for different screen sizes. The Ultimate Guide to iPhone Resolutions provides a helpful overview of optimizing images for iPhones.

Be prepared for image blocking. Some devices and email clients will automatically (or based on user settings) block images from appearing in email campaigns. One option for overcoming this hurdle is making sure that the ALT Text used to label images aligns with the content of your email.

Season Content With Simplicity & Flair
Email content should be effortless for consumers to scan on-the-go. Use a combination of hard-hitting bullet points and bold statements to inspire action.

Be mindful of the size of the headline and body text. You may want to consider making this text substantially larger than normal, so that it is easy to see on a mobile device.

Above All, Make CTAs Stand Out
Undoubtedly, the Call to Action (CTA) is the most important part of an email. The entire reason you went to all the trouble of making an email campaign is to persuade consumers to act upon the message.

CTAs should be pronounced, spaced significantly and easy to read. When you’re including multiple CTAs in one email, the copy and visuals must be orchestrated in a way that clearly separates which CTA belongs to a specific offer or message.

email marketing cta

Give the People What They Want!
Ultimately, email marketing data is going to tell you when you’ve hit gold or felt flat. As is a best practice with any email campaign, begin running A/B tests for mobile to see what garners the best results.

What email marketing campaigns (good or bad) have resonated with you as a consumer? What have you found has worked best in your mobile email marketing efforts?

Top Image: Shutterstock

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