Why Your Mom Was Right About Blogging

When it comes to blogging, Mom knows best

It’s a good thing your mom taught you everything you need to know to become a well-respected, successful blogger, isn’t it?

What’s that?

Your mom never taught you anything about blogs? Because blogs didn’t exist when you were growing up?

I beg to differ.

I’m going to bet that she really did teach you everything you need to know. She just may have forgotten to say “when blogging.”

Let’s take a look.

Choose your friends wisely (when blogging)

Did your mom ever tell you she didn’t like your friends? Maybe it sounded something like this:

Be careful about who you spend time with. Your friends should be a positive influence on you. Don’t pick friends who will lead you down the wrong path.

Yes, blogging is a relatively new phenomenon. And there are a lot of people online who want to teach you how to blog.

But you have to choose your teachers wisely.

There’s the first tribe: the cool kids. They’re the touchy-feely, “profit is evil” types, who don’t believe you have a right to make a living from blogging.

Then there’s the second tribe: the yellow highlighter crew. The ones who only talk about “monetizing your audience,” as if they were piggy banks you can squeeze coins out of.

Then there’s us. We’re the third tribe.

We believe there are many, many strategies you can use to make a living from blogging and content marketing, and none of them should make you feel like you need to scrub with soap and hot water after doing them.

Don’t stay out too late, and get a good night’s sleep (when blogging)

Your mom wanted you to take care of that body and brain of yours.

And as a blogger, that body and brain are two elements that have to be working well so you can show up week in and week out on the pages of your website.

So listen to mom, and strive for balance.

  • Work hard at your content marking: Put in the hours and energy needed to succeed.
  • Schedule play time into your week: Get away from the screen, and get some fresh air.
  • Get plenty of sleep: It’s essential to keep your ideas and energy flowing.
  • Don’t neglect your loved ones: Interact face-to-face with the people in your life.

Make it a priority to keep your physical, mental, and emotional health in tip-top shape.

(When blogging), remember that some people are carrying a heavy burden

You know that time you got angry with the friend who snubbed you for no reason at all?

Later on, you found out his dog died earlier that day. He was having one of the worst days of his life, and you didn’t know.

That’s when your mom told you to have patience with people, because sometimes they’re carrying a heavy burden and you may not know about it.

As content marketers, we need to remember this, too.

The next time someone loses his cool on Twitter, or blows off steam on Facebook, let’s cut him some slack.

Social media makes it too easy to turn our bad days into public spectacles.

If someone seems off in his email message, or his tweet seems angry, or his Facebook rant comes out of nowhere, remember what mom said, and give him a break.

There might be a very good reason he’s feeling off that day.

Don’t give up (when blogging)

This might be the most important message mom gave you.

Don’t. Give. Up.

If you fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

Because in the end, persistence is what will take you across the finish line.

Content marketing is a long game. You won’t see results right away. You may not see them for months. And sometimes, it takes years to really get the momentum you crave.

Don’t give up. Keep working at it.

The more content you create, the more feedback you’ll gather. The better you understand what your audience wants from your site, the more you can provide it.

Keep hitting publish on a regular basis.

Just like mom recommended. Remember?

About the author

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is Vice President of Educational Content at Copyblogger Media. Follow her on Twitter, listen to her Hit Publish podcast, and find more from her at BigBrandSystem.com.

The post Why Your Mom Was Right About Blogging appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Online Marketing News: Facebook Comes Calling, Pin Partners, Highlighting Twitter


Time Spent Consuming Content

Exposing The Generational Content Gap: Three Ways to Reach Multiple Generations – With more people of all ages online than ever before, marketers must create content that resonates with multiple generations. Successful marketers realize that each generation has unique expectations, values and experiences that influence consumer behaviors, and that offering your audience content that reflects their shared interests is a powerful way to connect with them and inspire them to take action. Moz

Google Gets Into Content Recommendation With AdSense Matched Content – Google is getting into the content recommendation mix with a new tool for AdSense publishers. Matched Content gives publishers access to the familiar style of widget that appears at the bottom articles. Marketing Land

Facebook Launches Video Calling In Messenger – This week, we’re introducing video calling in Messenger. Now you can have face-to-face conversations with your friends and the people you care about, via Messenger. Facebook

Survey: Facebook is Becoming a Primary News Source for Millennials – Social media has become a news reader for many users. Users are using everything from Whatsapp to Twitter’s new Periscope app to gather news and stay informed about the world. According to data aggregated by eMarketer, Facebook still holds the most allure as a social news source, especially among millennials. SocialTimes

Report: Mobile Video Ads 5X More Engaging Than Standard Banners – Millennial Media says 22 percent of mobile ads on the platform included Watch Video actions in 2014. Marketing Land

Google: You Should Not Have A Mobile Sitemap – If you deploy any of the three mobile configuration types and they are deployed appropriately, you do not need a mobile XML sitemap file. Search Engine Roundtable

REPORT: Key Players in Digital Marketing Are Shifting – For many tech companies, like Google and Yahoo, digital advertising has become an important part of their business models. Companies that can capitalize on digital ads can push themselves to the top of the market, as Facebook has done in recent years. New data from eMarketer examines how digital marketing’s key players will shift positions in the coming years. SocialTimes

Facebook Hits 40 Million Page Milestone, Launches Live Chat for Businesses – Facebook announced Wednesday that there are now 40 million active small business pages on the site. Facebook also launched more support for these pages, through the Boost Your Business program and an online chat platform. Facebook

Pinterest Launches “Marketing Developer Partners” Program – Pinterest gives content publishing API access to 10 companies that offer social media management tools and services. Marketing Land

REPORT: More Advertisers Will Run Video Campaigns on Facebook than YouTube in 2015 – While YouTube is likely still the first platform that comes to mind when thinking about videos, more advertisers will run video campaigns on Facebook this year than on YouTube, according to a new report from video and social advertising company Mixpo. SocialTimes

Twitter Launches Highlights For Android, A New Tool That Gives You A Summary Of The Best Tweets – In its continued bid to keep its more than 300 million users engaged on its platform, Twitter on Thursday unveiled Highlight, which is a new tool that pushes some of the day’s best tweets directly to your phone. SocialBarrel

Facebook Introduces “Anthology” To Cash In On Video – Facebook announces new group of video production partners that will help brands create video ads. Marketing Land

What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

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Introducing Search Response and Airings Data in TV Attribution

The following is a cross post from Adometry by Google, a Marketing Analytics and Attribution product

Mass media drives people to interact with brands in compelling ways. When a TV or radio ad creates an I-want-to-know, I-want-to-go, or an I-want-to-buy moment in the mind of a consumer, many pursue it online. Immediately – and on whatever screen they have handy.

Last year, we announced Adometry TV Attribution, which measures the digital impact of offline channels such as television and radio. Now, we’re moving TV Attribution forward by integrating Google Search query data and Rentrak airings data to help marketers better understand the important moments their broadcast investments create.
New Search Behavior, New Search Analysis
Broadcast media doesn’t just drive consumers directly to websites — it drives searches. Now, TV attribution lets you analyze minute-by-minute aggregated Google Search query data against spot-related keywords to detect and attribute search “micro-conversions” to specific TV airings. 
With insights on the entire digital customer journey — including search behaviors — brands can better evaluate broadcast network and daypart, specific ad creative, and keyword performance. As a result, brands can:
  • Assess Immediate Influence: See which messages are sticking in the minds of consumers to both maximize TV interest and choose ideal keywords for SEO and paid search strategies.
  • Evaluate Awareness Goals: Optimize against a digital signal even when a site visit isn’t the primary goal, such as in brand awareness or sponsorship campaigns.
  • Analyze Competitive Category: Glean which generic keywords drive category interest for the industry — a type of insights not possible through site traffic analysis alone. 

Rentrak Partnership Speeds TV Attribution Insights
Knowing when your spots aired and collecting that data for timely TV attribution analysis can be a challenge. Marketers who buy broadcast media through agencies often don’t have direct access to this data. And once data is obtained — after coordinating with multiple agencies, partners, and TV measurement companies — the time lag makes for outdated analysis. 
TV Attribution now solves these challenges a new partnership with Rentrak, the leading and trusted source for TV airings information. 
What Rentrak Integration Delivers
Integrating directly with Rentrak TV Essentials, TV Attribution now overcomes some of the biggest hurdles in TV measurement, with increases in: 
  • Actionability: TV Attribution can more quickly and easily obtain TV data for analysis without time-consuming coordination from you or your agencies.  
  • Accuracy: Rentrak provides a comprehensive data set with aggregated viewership information from more than 30 million televisions across the country, and from more than 230 networks.
  • Frequency: A direct relationship means more frequent reporting since there is no longer a manual find-and-transfer of data required from TV buying partners.
“What makes this partnership so exciting is it removes the biggest barrier to truly measuring TV effectiveness, timely access to spot airings data including impressions,” said Tony Pecora, CMO for SelectQuote. “Rather than hunting and gathering data, we are now able to spend our time evaluating insights and optimizing our marketing investments across both TV and digital. As a CMO, this is a really big win for our business.”
Want to Get Moving?

The gap between offline and digital measurement continues to close. Learn more about how Adometry TV Attribution, now with Google Search query data and integrated Rentrak airings data, can help you gain more actionable cross-channel insights.

Posted by Dave Barney, Product Manager

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