What Does It Mean to Be a Showrunner?


So … what exactly is a “showrunner” anyway? And what does it take to be a successful one?

The Showrunner hosts Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor define the term and explain what separates successful Showrunners from all the rest.

In this episode of The Showrunner, hosts Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor discuss:

  • What essential lesson about building an audience can we learn from the very first scene of House of Cards?
  • Why aspiring Showrunners should think of themselves as producers, in the classic media sense of the term
  • How being a Showrunner is essentially ownership of an audience experience — whether it’s a TV show, a podcast, or even a live event
  • What is a Showrunner’s responsibility? (And why would someone want it?)
  • The importance of long-term thinking to showrunning success
  • How Jon made the transition from do-it-all podcaster to true Showrunner
  • The importance of community when growing a show (especially for new Showrunners)
  • What does it take to be a successful Showrunner?
  • How the profitability of a podcast is about much more than money
  • How to overcome “The Dip” (in more ways than one … )
  • Listener question: Did our listener shoot himself in the foot by not having a keyword in his show title?

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Passion Projects, Clarity, and the Evolution of No Sidebar


As an online entrepreneur, No Sidebar host Brian Gardner is learning just how crucial being agile is to running a successful business.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being involved in a personal project — especially when you’re passionate about it — but continually keeping your audience in mind is always a good thing.

Over the last couple months of running No Sidebar, Brian has identified three types of people he wants to specifically cater to …

In this 24-minute episode of No Sidebar, host Brian Gardner and Robert Bruce discuss:

  • Who has control over whether or not something is great
  • Focusing on the fundamentals of your craft
  • Bono, being 16, and taking over the world
  • Why passion projects are tough in the context of business
  • George Costanza doing “The Opposite”
  • The early stages of No Sidebar and how it got started
  • Brian’s focus on writers, designers, and podcasters
  • The Dip by Seth Godin

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No Sidebar on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Deadly Conversion Busters: Building a Targeted Audience


Lots of people talk about “traffic,” but how can you attract more of the right people?

How can you grow an audience of people you can help the most — people who will see success from using your products and services, and who will be long-term, loyal customers?

In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal:

  • Why you need to constantly look for ways to attract new people into your community
  • How to clone your best prospects
  • What to do to meet your prospects where they are and bring them home
  • Perfecting your messaging and funnels through testing

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The Mainframe on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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5 Ways to Write a Seductive Sentence


Here’s the thing: Your sentences don’t have to say much. They just have to say the right things.

When you are trying to get people to respond to your articles, subscribe to your email newsletter, buy your products, or donate to your cause … you need to write seductive sentences.

And you need to do it naturally. Here’s how to do that.

In this episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • The one thing every good sentence needs
  • How to use active verbs and concrete nouns to create tiny worlds inside your sentences
  • A list of questions to help you find emotions for your sentences
  • Why novelists and screenwriters won’t help you with this tactic
  • How to make writing seductive sentences an instinct (you will be disappointed)

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Rough Draft on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Proof That Grit Is the Only Way to Reach Your Potential


In our culture, much is made of natural ability. But natural ability is nothing without grit. In fact, without grit, natural ability can actually be wasted.

Recent science tells us that grit can accurately determine who will graduate from high school or West Point or even win a spelling bee. In other words, grit is an indicator whether or not someone will reach his or her potential.

But what is grit? Where does it come from? Can you develop grit if you don’t have it? And what does this have to do with content marketing?

Fortunately, these are the questions The Lede hosts Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth tackle in this week’s episode of The Lede. Not to mention, there’s a fun Grit Quiz you can take to determine how much grit you have.

In this 34-minute episode of The Lede, you’ll also discover:

  • Why the way you’ve been thinking about talent is all wrong
  • What people who don’t have grit can do to develop it (it’s boring, but works)
  • The daily mindset that sets you up for achieving more of your goals
  • The six-minute, must-watch video on grit
  • The proven secret to staying motivated for the long run
  • One thing grit will never overcome
  • Which host of The Lede has more grit

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The Lede on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Ask the Experts: What Is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?


Hey guys, thanks so much for tuning in to WordStream’s fourth installment of “Ask the Experts.” My name is Erin Sagin, and I’m a manager here on the Customer Success team at WordStream.

Today, I’ll actually be asking a question that was submitted by one of our viewers, which is awesome – we love getting questions from you guys for this video series. So today we’ll be focused on, “What is dynamic keyword insertion, and should I be using it in my PPC account?”

So, dynamic keyword insertion – or DKI, as a lot of people call it – is a common practice used in PPC that allows you to plug in a little snippet of code to your ads, and it will automatically insert whatever keyword matches to the user’s search query in the ad. The goal of it is to ensure that your ad text is super-catered to what that particular searcher is looking for.

Alright, so I know coding sounds a little scary – it’s actually really easy. All you have to do to plug this code into your ad is use a curly bracket, and then the word “keyword” with a capital “K” and a capital “W.” Then you’ll plug in a colon, and the substitute text. The idea of plugging in that substitute text is to ensure that, if your keyword is too long to plug into the ad, we have something else to go off of, so we’ll throw in that substitute text if that’s the case. Then, to close out that snippet of code, you’re just going to plug in another curly bracket and you’re all set.

You can put this in the title of your ad – that’s the most common place to put it – but you can also put it in the body, or in the description URL. Really, wherever you want to plug it into your ad, it will work for you.

Alright, so the second part of the question is, “Should I be using it?” It’s really dependent on the advertiser themselves. This is a godsend for lazy advertisers. So, if you don’t have the time or don’t have the resources to commit to creating really, really small, catered ad groups, with really, really specific ad text, this is kind of a way to jump over that hurdle. You can use a more assorted group of keywords and still ensure that your ads are catered to what that searcher is looking for – not necessarily the best way of doing things, but definitely an easier way of doing things.

It’s also awesome for those of you out there who are advertising for products that have SKU numbers. So, say for example you’re advertising for printer ink. Now, I know that when I search for ink for my printer, I always plug in the SKU number of that particular printer. Because God knows, you buy the wrong printer ink, and you actually put it in your printer, it’s too late to return it by that time. So I want to make sure I’m getting the right printer ink, and I’m always looking up the SKU number. And I’m really only going to click an ad that shows they have printer ink for that particular SKU number.

So dynamic keyword insertion is awesome here, because you can use it to ensure that whatever SKU number someone is looking for – as long as you’re bidding on a keyword that matches that – is plugged into your ad text and you’ll ensure that the searcher is actually seeing that SKU number in the ad. Amazing, right?

That said, there are definitely some drawbacks to using this particular coding in your ads. The first thing is if you’re bidding on your competitors’ terms, this is a no-no for those particular ad groups. The reason being you don’t really want your competitors’ terms to show up in your ad, because you could definitely risk getting in trouble with Google.

Another thing you want to think about is if you’re bidding on misspellings, this could cause some serious problems because you could end up with misspelled words in your ad text, which definitely doesn’t look super professional.

And then finally, if you’re bidding on super-long-tail keywords, chances are they’re going to be too long to fit within the character limits for your ads, so will end up substituting in whatever substitute text you’re using, resulting in a generic ad. So you probably don’t want to use this particular strategy if you are bidding on a lot of long-tail keywords, or the keywords you’re using are just longer words.

That said, it really depends on you as an advertiser what the best fit would be. I absolutely recommend to most of you to give it a shot. Always A/B test to see if it’s a good fit for you, and we typically see these fall within the top 5 to 10 percentile of ad text, so you can expect pretty decent results.

Hope that sums it up for everybody. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to comment below, or tweet at us @WordStream, or directly to me @ErinSagin. You can also subscribe to the video series by clicking the button below! Thanks so much for joining!

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How to Be Smart in a World of Dumb Verbs


Sentences are pretty simple little things. Noun and predicate. So why do we screw them up with lame verbs? Good question.

Even in the complex sentence, we still depend upon the noun, we still depend upon the verb. So those constructions better rock.

And because the difference between a brilliant sentence and a bad sentence usually boils down to the verbs … your verbs need life.

They should vibrate. Tremble. They should carve a vivid picture in the head of your reader.

In other words, they should be active. And fierce. They should growl, hiss. Leave an aroma.

So, in this episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • A few exercises to help you write warm-blooded verbs
  • The verb trap all writers fall into (and the stupid-easy way to break this bad habit)
  • Demian’s silly advice for overcoming bad verbs (you can’t afford to ignore)
  • The William Faulkner short story that drives Demian absolutely nuts

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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How Neuroscientist Michael Grybko Defines Creativity


Have you ever wondered how prolific writers summon vast stores of creativity without seemingly breaking a sweat?

The Writer Files host, Kelton Reid, would like to introduce you to a guest segment where he enlists the help of a neuroscientist to give us a tour of The Writer’s Brain.

He has invited research scientist Michael Grybko — of the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington — to help him define creativity from a scientific standpoint.

He will help us pinpoint where exactly in the brain creative ideas come from, decide if you can teach an old writer new tricks, and test the theory that writers’ brains are similar to professional athletes.

In this 22-minute file, host Kelton Reid and Michael Grybko discuss:

  • How science is expanding our definition of creativity
  • Why memory plays such a big part in writing
  • Why you shouldn’t take your typing skills for granted
  • Where creative ideas come from
  • Can you teach an old writer new tricks?
  • Why staying curious is so important to creativity
  • Are prolific writers like pro athletes?
  • Why “write what you know” is good advice

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The Writer Files on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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How to Generate a Never-Ending Flow of Blog Post Ideas


Ever find yourself scratching your head, trying to figure out what to write about on your blog?

We’ve all been there.

It’s tough to come up with blog post topics week after week, and it’s not easy to keep all those ideas organized, either.

This week on Hit Publish, host Pamela Wilson invited three Copyblogger experts to share their best advice for generating a never-ending flow of blog post ideas.

Tune in to Hit Publish to hear from host Pamela Wilson, Sonia Simone, Jerod Morris, and Demian Farnworth as they discuss:

  • Sonia Simone’s “secret” technique for coming up with a consistent flow of blog topics
  • How to use an editorial calendar to keep your content on track and avoid annoying repetition
  • Why going through life as a “black hole” will help you find content ideas wherever you look

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Hit Publish on iTunes

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Behind the Curtain: 4 Tips for Creating Landing Pages That Convert


Behind the curtain

Landing pages are still somewhat of a mystery to many marketers. In theory they sound simple, but it may feel like there are secrets or some mystic formula that has to be cracked in order to be successful.

Now you not only need a website that is filled with stellar content and optimized for conversion, but you must also create landing pages for different marketing tactics. The question is, how effective are they really?

According to Marketing Sherpa, 64% of marketers say that landing pages are the most effective way to test value proposition. Additionally, they’ve found that 48% of marketers build a new landing page for each marketing campaign.

Chances are, your competition is already at least testing the use of landing pages. We’ve decided to pull back the curtain and share 4 of our most practical landing pages tips to encourage conversion.

4 Landing Page Conversion Tips

#1 – Understanding Landing Page Types

Typically, marketers will use two different types of landing pages depending on the path of the consumer to the landing page, and their end goal.

Lead Generation Landing Pages
A landing page focused on lead generation should be used if you’re looking to build a list of contacts to begin marketing to. This type of page should also include some sort of fulfillment piece such as a helpful toolkit, eBook or something else of value.

Paid Search Landing Pages
If your visitors come to your landing page directly from Paid Search, your layout, copy and CTA should precisely align with the ad the drove them there. Ultimately, your conversion goal should center around completion of a contact form or the a direct call.

#2 – Specificity is Key

Let’s pretend that you’ve recently been online shopping and stumbled upon news from your favorite brand that they were hosting a blowout sale on a your favorite item. However, when you visited their website, the sale was in fact on a completely different item (that you have no interest in purchasing).

It is imperative that all paid and organic means of driving people to your landing page align directly with the message that appears once they reach your destination. If there is a specific offer, ensure that all of the information is correct and detailed for all tactics deployed within your campaign.

#3 – Create Headlines & Content That Speak to Need

A well written headlines can greatly impact the success of your landing page. If you can, try to include a mention of insight into what they’ll find, and empathy for their pain point or need.

The content on your landing page should be short, impactful and easy to scan. Include a few sentences covering the premise of the landing page and then a bulleted list of details of the offer or ways you can help your visitor solve a problem.

#4 – Develop Forms That Encourage Conversion

Convincing your visitors to complete a form with their personal information can be quite the undertaking. Unbouce’s 7-day Lead Gen Landing Page Course contains some excellent information about creating forms that convert.

Unbounce recommends that you always include content that reaffirms what your visitor is signing up for (to be contacted or receive and offer). The actual form fields that you include on your form will vary by offer. Your call to action however provides another opportunity to specifically mention what it is that your visitor will be receiving by completing the form.

Avoid using phrases that contain negative words such as:

  • We won’t spam you
  • Our company won’t sell your email address
  • This isn’t junk

Additional Landing Page Best Practices to Keep in Mind

  • Third Party Validation: Include testimonials from clients or industry experts as a means of building trust.
  • Thank You & Confirm: This extra step provides confirmation that their information has been received and they should expect their offer or contact shortly.
  • Test, Test, Test: To get your landing page really humming along, you will likely have to test different designs, content and CTA’s. Don’t be afraid to try different elements on for size!

If you’ve never created a landing page before we hope that the insight we’ve provided has empowered you to take first step towards incorporating landing pages as a part of your digital marketing strategy. However, if you have built landing pages before we’d be curious to know what elements you believe have garnered you the best conversions.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Behind the Curtain: 4 Tips for Creating Landing Pages That Convert | http://www.toprankblog.com

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Dennis Goedegebuure on the Holistic Practice of SEO and Content Marketing


Listen to Search & Deploy host Loren Baker and Dennis Goedegebuure discuss content for marketplaces, the power of community and audience, and how that content helps attract links and interaction around e-commerce sites.

In this 38-minute episode of Search & Deploy, Loren and Dennis talk about:

  • Content for communities and content that is user-generated
  • Tapping into your audience from a content and sharing/conversation perspective
  • Building sincere localized content that is not solely SEO driven
  • Producing content that mobilizes communities and loyal groups
  • Guidelines that help users generate content that helps the base site they list products on
  • The challenges and limitations of e-commerce sites and marketplaces
  • Short-sighted content and linking by SEOs … for SEO goals only
  • The Content Pyramid system and the importance of producing foundational content
  • Incorporating video, infographics, and written content
  • Bundling it all together to make sure the site benefits from an SEO, marketing, and branding perspective

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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How the Perfect Article Is Framed by White Space


White space sounds like a design issue. So why should you, dear web writer, care? Because words matter.

Imagine a statue. An aged bronze sculpture of a young girl, possibly eight years old, in a long dress.

She stands about 50 inches … roughly four feet tall.

Her head is cocked to the left, a pensive, sad look on her face. Both elbows are pinned to her side and her forearms stretch upward, her palms open to the sky, a bowl in each hand.

As if she is feeding the birds. You probably recognize this statue.

Discover the name of this statue and what it can teach you about white space, web writing, and more in this episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth. Plus:

  • Don’t make this mistake when thinking about white space
  • How web writers can improve their copy with white space
  • The problem with some print magazines, like Woman’s Day
  • The two books on web usability every web writer should read
  • A beautiful little essay by designer Mig Reyes about copywriters

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Rough Draft on iTunes

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post How the Perfect Article Is Framed by White Space appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Live Streaming Showdown: Meerkat Versus Periscope

live video streaming

Live streaming video services have finally hit the mainstream market, and are beginning to pick up steam. Many might compare their use to Dave Egger’s 2013 novel, “The Circle,” which explores the beginning of a transparent society in which politicians, public servants, and private citizens “go transparent” by wearing body cams and live streaming every moment of their waking life. In the book, this technology is offered by a popular social media platform, and is adopted at an exponential rate.

Egger’s vision of a “live streaming” society is now coming to fruition. Live video streaming services like Meerkat and Periscope allow users to stream and share videos in real time. The overall market for digital video has also experienced explosive growth in the United States, with over 200 million Americans (just under two thirds of the population) watching videos online on a regular basis.

When it comes to the battle of Meerkat vs. Periscope, who reigns supreme and what do marketers need to know?

What Is Live Video Streaming?

Live video streaming services like Meerkat and Periscope allow users to post and stream live video content on social media. Live streaming has been used by journalists for years, but 2015 is the first year that this kind of technology has gained mass popularity with the public, thanks in large part to the ubiquity of cell phones and social media.

Meerkat vs. Periscope: Turf Wars Begin

Meerkat made a big splash when they launched their live video streaming service in February, 2015, two weeks before South by Southwest (SXSW). Early adopters loved Meerkat because of how well it integrated with Twitter. However, during SXSW, Twitter announced that they would remove Meerkat’s access to their social graph in favor of the live video streaming service Periscope that they quietly acquired in January, 2015.

Twitter’s decision to throw their weight behind Periscope has sparked intense online debates about which platform is better, and which will ultimately survive. Because Meerkat and Periscope are so similar both in terms of functionality and target audience, many people are convinced that one of the two platforms will inevitably fall out of favor.

Meerkat versus Periscope

Which Platform Do Users Prefer?

As the Meerkat vs. Periscope debates continue, sophisticated marketers should know a bit about each platform and the comparative value of each. Although these live video streaming services are similar, there are some key distinctions that might help you decide which app to try first.

Key Features of Meerkat

  • Meerkat has a chat functionality that’s useful for sharing links and comments with your followers. However, be aware that anything posted during a live stream will be automatically posted to your Twitter profile.
  • Meerkat shows the avatars of people who are watching your video at the top of the video screen. This makes it easy to find and connect with relevant viewers.
  • Meerkat videos are gone as soon as the live stream ends. This means that videos can’t be saved or re-purposed.
  • Many users prefer Meerkat’s commenting functionality, because it’s easier to find comments after they’re posted.
  • Meerkat early adopters were impressed by how well this platform integrated with Twitter. For instance, Meerkat users on Twitter could see which of the people they were following were Meerkat users. Meerkat users also received a notification every time someone they followed on Twitter was streaming, or scheduled a live video stream. Unfortunately, these features are being phased out since Meerkat lost access to Twitter’s social graph.

Key Features of Periscope

  • Marketers will appreciate the fact that Periscope shows you performance stats on retention, number of viewers, and average viewing time after your live video stream ends.
  • It’s difficult to find comments after they’re posted, because older comments disappear as newer comments are posted.
  • Meerkat was developed in a mere eight weeks, while Periscope was developed over the course of a year. The care taken in creation shows in Periscope’s aesthetically pleasing interface, and high quality video. Most users concede that Periscope offers the superior visual experience.
  • Both live video streaming services allow viewers to interact with you as you stream. The difference between the two services is that Periscope makes you open a text box to see who’s watching. Unfortunately, the text box partially obscures the video.
  • Periscope videos can be saved after the live stream ends. Having the ability to save live video streams makes it possible to re-purpose and re-share content, which is one area where Periscope shines.
  • As a native Twitter application, Periscope now has the advantage of being fully integrated with Twitter. It’s easy to follow people form Periscope, and you can choose whether or not to share your live streams on Twitter.
  • User’s report that they like Periscope’s blocking feature, which is something Meerkat lacks.

5 Ways Marketers Can Use Live Streaming Apps

Live video streaming services like Periscope and Meerkat bring video to the masses. While consumers have been using Meerkat and Periscope to show the world what’s inside their fridge, marketers may find some more compelling uses.

#1 Event Marketing: Marketers can now easily stream live at company or industry events. For example, you can provide a behind the scenes sneak peek, share the announcement of a game changing product/service or quickly interview influencers on the fly.  Make sure that you use the event hashtag in your stream title to increase your visibility on Twitter.

#2 Supplement Customer Research: Understanding how your customers are utilizing live video streaming both personally and professionally can be used to augment your existing customer research process. Remember to follow them on Twitter so you can be notified when they publish an upcoming stream.

#3 Newsjacking: Use live streaming as an opportunity to provide commentary on important news stories for your industry and customers. You may decide just to cover the relevant points, or add your own flavor with team commentary.

#4 Product Demos: Have a great new product and don’t think a Press Release will do it justice? Consider creating a “pop-up” product demo to share with your customers.

#5 Company Announcements: If someone in your organization has recently received a big promotion or you team has reached a big milestone, consider live streaming a candid video about your announcement. This provides a great opportunity to showcase your team and open the door for people to better connect with your brand.

Which platform do you prefer, and do you plan on using it for marketing purposes? Weigh into the debate by leaving a comment below!

Top Photo: Shutterstock

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Join Me at Conversion Conference on May 13

Conversion optimization is critical for all marketers, but none so much as paid advertisers. When every click to your site costs you money, you need to know you’re making the most of every bit of that traffic.

Still, advertisers struggle with CRO. How does your campaign and site performance measure up against others in your industry? If you’re seeing small increases, is your CRO strategy working? If it’s not, what’s the problem – your ads, landing pages, offers, buttons – or something else entirely?

On May 13, join me at Conversion Conference, the epic conversion-focused event founded by the godfather of conversion optimization himself, Tim Ash. I’ll be sharing “CRO Strategy for Advertisers: Proven Secrets for 5X Conversion Lift” at 2:25pm.

We’re going to have a look at the many different ways that conventional conversion optimization could be leading you astray and actually hurting your performance, then talk about alternative strategies that have proven far more effective. We’ll quickly move past the small-fry improvements you’ve been hearing for years and dive into tactics that work today, with the most recent changes in AdWords and mobile.

This year, Conversion Conference kicks off with three in-depth pre-conference workshops at the Rio All-Suites in Vegas on May 12. Led by Ryan Deiss, Roland Frasier, Bart Schutz, Ton Wesseling and Tim Ash himself, these three intensives promise valuable, actionable lessons and expert advice.

Over the next two days, attendees will hear three awesome keynotes:

  • Conversion strategies that don’t work and what I learned by trying them – Amy Africa, CEO of Eight by Eight
  • Good to Great: The 8 Ways True CRO Masters Think Different Than Everyone Else – Lance Loveday, CEO of Closed Loop
  • The Secret Psychology of Persuasive Copy – Nathalie Nahai, Author of Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasions

In total, over 40 speakers are bringing their A-game to Conversion Conference this year, to help you close your leaky funnel, improve your marketing and advertising ROI, and ultimately build your business.

Register for Conversion Conference today and I’ll see you there! If you’re also attending Content Marketing Conference in Las Vegas (it’s on at the same time!) make sure you catch me at 3:30 for my content performance session, Small Tactics That Have Big Impact.

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The Power of Teamwork and Collaboration


The Pilot launch of The Showrunner Podcasting Course went live on Friday, April 24.

On the eve of the launch, weary-eyed but still enthusiastic at 10:30 p.m., The Showrunner hosts, Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor, took a short break from course prep to hop on Skype and share a few thoughts about the power of teamwork and collaboration.

Shortly after their chat began, the podcasting gods gave them a clear sign that they should end the call and resume working. So they did.

But to make this bonus episode a true bonus, they decided to give you a sneak peek at one of the bonus interviews inside of the course …

This episode ends with a short snippet of Jon’s interview with Jared Easley, whom you may know from Starve the Doubts and Podcast Movement.

Enjoy. (And if you want to check out the Pilot launch of the course, hop on The Showrunner email list.)

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The Showrunner on iTunes

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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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The Amazing Copywriting Machine


Join host Robert Bruce for the third episode of Allegorical …

A simple story about a man with a billion-dollar idea, and the fatal flaw in his algorithm that he did not foresee …

Listen to Allegorical No. 3 …

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Allegorical on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post The Amazing Copywriting Machine appeared first on Copyblogger.

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One Simple Step to Attracting More Business Opportunities


In 2009, today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur co-founded Loudpixel, a successful social analytics company, where she was also Director of Analytics. After many successful years, she realized it wasn’t quite what she wanted to be doing, so she made a change.

Currently, she is an independent wedding and lifestyle photographer. In a market that most people struggle to start a business in, she has managed to build one to the point where she works part-time and makes a full-time income. This allows her to spend time with her one-year-old daughter.

She also runs an interview podcast series for photographers called Photo Field Notes and teaches in Michigan State University’s Advertising Department.

Now, let’s hack …

Allie Siarto.

In this 35-minute episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, host Jon Nastor and Allie Siarto discuss:

  • The need to take calculated risks in business and life
  • Brushing off failures and embarrassment (and how your biggest embarrassment can help you)
  • How putting your goals out to the world can help fulfill them
  • Finding what makes you happy and building a business to suit that
  • Why you should do things before you are ready

Click Here to Listen to

Hack the Entrepreneur on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post One Simple Step to Attracting More Business Opportunities appeared first on Copyblogger.

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