How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS

Category Image 091

The wave is probably one of the most difficult shapes to make in CSS. We always try to approximate it with properties like border-radius and lots of magic numbers until we get something that feels kinda close. And that’s before we even get into wavy patterns, which are more difficult.

“SVG it!” you might say, and you are probably right that it’s a better way to go. But we will see that CSS can make nice waves and the code for it doesn’t have to be all crazy. And guess what? I have an online generator to make it even more trivial!

If you play with the generator, you can see that the CSS it spits out is only two gradients and a CSS mask property — just those two things and we can make any kind of wave shape or pattern. Not to mention that we can easily control the size and the curvature of the waves while we’re at it.

Some of the values may look like “magic numbers” but there’s actually logic behind them and we will dissect the code and discover all the secrets behind creating waves.

This article is a follow-up to a previous one where I built all kinds of different zig-zag, scoped, scalloped, and yes, wavy border borders. I highly recommend checking that article as it uses the same technique we will cover here, but in greater detail.

The math behind waves

Strictly speaking, there isn’t one magic formula behind wavy shapes. Any shape with curves that go up and down can be called a wave, so we are not going to restrict ourselves to complex math. Instead, we will reproduce a wave using the basics of geometry.

Let’s start with a simple example using two circle shapes:

Two gray circles.

We have two circles with the same radius next to each other. Do you see that red line? It covers the top half of the first circle and the bottom half of the second one. Now imagine you take that line and repeat it.

A squiggly red line in the shape of waves.

We already see the wave. Now let’s fill the bottom part (or the top one) to get the following:

Red wave pattern.

Tada! We have a wavy shape, and one that we can control using one variable for the circle radii. This is one of the easiest waves we can make and it’s the one I showed off in this previous article

Let’s add a bit of complexity by taking the first illustration and moving the circles a little:

Two gray circles with two bisecting dashed lines indicating spacing.

We still have two circles with the same radii but they are no longer horizontally aligned. In this case, the red line no longer covers half the area of each circle, but a smaller area instead. This area is limited by the dashed red line. That line crosses the point where both circles meet.

Now take that line and repeat it and you get another wave, a smoother one.

A red squiggly line.
A red wave pattern.

I think you get the idea. By controlling the position and size of the circles, we can create any wave we want. We can even create variables for them, which I will call P and S, respectively.

You have probably noticed that, in the online generator, we control the wave using two inputs. They map to the above variables. S is the “Size of the wave” and P is the “curvature of the wave”.

I am defining P as P = m*S where m is the variable you adjust when updating the curvature of the wave. This allows us to always have the same curvature, even if we update S.

m can be any value between 0 and 2. 0 will give us the first particular case where both circles are aligned horizontally. 2 is a kind of maximum value. We can go bigger, but after a few tests I found that anything above 2 produces bad, flat shapes.

Let’s not forget the radius of our circle! That can also be defined using S and P like this:

R = sqrt(P² + S²)/2

When P is equal to 0, we will have R = S/2.

We have everything to start converting all of this into gradients in CSS!

Creating gradients

Our waves use circles, and when talking about circles we talk about radial gradients. And since two circles define our wave, we will logically be using two radial gradients.

We will start with the particular case where P is equal to 0. Here is the illustration of the first gradient:

This gradient creates the first curvature while filling in the entire bottom area —the “water” of the wave so to speak.

.wave {
  --size: 50px;

  mask: radial-gradient(var(--size) at 50% 0%, #0000 99%, red 101%) 
    50% var(--size)/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

The --size variable defines the radius and the size of the radial gradient. If we compare it with the S variable, then it’s equal to S/2.

Now let’s add the second gradient:

The second gradient is nothing but a circle to complete our wave:

radial-gradient(var(--size) at 50% var(--size), blue 99%, #0000 101%) 
  calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%

If you check the previous article you will see that I am simply repeating what I already did there.

I followed both articles but the gradient configurations are not the same.

That’s because we can reach the same result using different gradient configurations. You will notice a slight difference in the alignment if you compare both configurations, but the trick is the same. This can be confusing if you are unfamiliar with gradients, but don’t worry. With some practice, you get used to them and you will find by yourself that different syntax can lead to the same result.

Here is the full code for our first wave:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;

    radial-gradient(var(--size) at 50% var(--size),#000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--size) at 50% 0px, #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      50% var(--size)/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

Now let’s take this code and adjust it to where we introduce a variable that makes this fully reusable for creating any wave we want. As we saw in the previous section, the main trick is to move the circles so they are no more aligned so let’s update the position of each one. We will move the first one up and the second down.

Our code will look like this:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --p: 25px;

    radial-gradient(var(--size) at 50% calc(var(--size) + var(--p)), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--size) at 50% calc(-1*var(--p)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      50% var(--size) / calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

I have introduced a new --p variable that’s used it to define the center position of each circle. The first gradient is using 50% calc(-1*var(--p)), so its center moves up while the second one is using calc(var(--size) + var(--p)) to move it down.

A demo is worth a thousand words:

The circles are neither aligned nor touch one another. We spaced them far apart without changing their radii, so we lost our wave. But we can fix things up by using the same math we used earlier to calculate the new radius. Remember that R = sqrt(P² + S²)/2. In our case, --size is equal to S/2; the same for --p which is also equal to P/2 since we are moving both circles. So, the distance between their center points is double the value of --p for this:

R = sqrt(var(--size) * var(--size) + var(--p) * var(--p))

That gives us a result of 55.9px.

Our wave is back! Let’s plug that equation into our CSS:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: sqrt(var(--p) * var(--p) + var(--size)*var(--size));

    radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(var(--size) + var(--p)), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0 / calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(-1*var(--p)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      50% var(--size)/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

This is valid CSS code. sqrt() is part of the specification, but at the time I’m writing this, there is no browser support for it. That means we need a sprinkle of JavaScript or Sass to calculate that value until we get broader sqrt() support.

This is pretty darn cool: all it takes is two gradients to get a cool wave that you can apply to any element using the mask property. No more trial and error — all you need is to update two variables and you’re good to go!

Reversing the wave

What if we want the waves going the other direction, where we’re filling in the “sky” instead of the “water”. Believe it or not, all we have to do is to update two values:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: sqrt(var(--p) * var(--p) + var(--size) * var(--size));

    radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(100% - (var(--size) + var(--p))), #000 99%, #0000 101%)
      calc(50% - 2 * var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(100% + var(--p)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      50% calc(100% - var(--size)) / calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

All I did there is add an offset equal to 100%, highlighted above. Here’s the result:

We can consider a more friendly syntax using keyword values to make it even easier:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: sqrt(var(--p)*var(--p) + var(--size) * var(--size));

    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(var(--size) + var(--p)), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      calc(50% - 2 * var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(-1 * var(--p)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      left 50% bottom var(--size) / calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

We’re using the left and bottom keywords to specify the sides and the offset. By default, the browser defaults to left and top — that’s why we use 100% to move the element to the bottom. In reality, we are moving it from the top by 100%, so it’s really the same as saying bottom. Much easier to read than math!

With this updated syntax, all we have to do is to swap bottom for top — or vice versa — to change the direction of the wave.

And if you want to get both top and bottom waves, we combine all the gradients in a single declaration:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: sqrt(var(--p)*var(--p) + var(--size)*var(--size));

    /* Gradient 1 */
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(var(--size) + var(--p)), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      left calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) bottom 0 / calc(4 * var(--size)) 51% repeat-x,
    /* Gradient 2 */
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(-1 * var(--p)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      left 50% bottom var(--size) / calc(4 * var(--size)) calc(51% - var(--size)) repeat-x,
    /* Gradient 3 */
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% top calc(var(--size) + var(--p)), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      left calc(50% - 2 * var(--size)) top 0 / calc(4 * var(--size)) 51% repeat-x,
    /* Gradient 4 */
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% top calc(-1 * var(--p)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      left 50% top var(--size) / calc(4 * var(--size)) calc(51% - var(--size)) repeat-x;

If you check the code, you will see that in addition to combining all the gradients, I have also reduced their height from 100% to 51% so that they both cover half of the element. Yes, 51%. We need that little extra percent for a small overlap that avoid gaps.

What about the left and right sides?

It’s your homework! Take what we did with the top and bottom sides and try to update the values to get the right and left values. Don’t worry, it’s easy and the only thing you need to do is to swap values.

If you have trouble, you can always use the online generator to check the code and visualize the result.

Wavy lines

Earlier, we made our first wave using a red line then filled the bottom portion of the element. How about that wavy line? That’s a wave too! Even better is if we can control its thickness with a variable so we can reuse it. Let’s do it!

We are not going to start from scratch but rather take the previous code and update it. The first thing to do is to update the color stops of the gradients. Both gradients start from a transparent color to an opaque one, or vice versa. To simulate a line or border, we need to start from transparent, go to opaque, then back to transparent again:

#0000 calc(99% - var(--b)), #000 calc(101% - var(--b)) 99%, #0000 101%

I think you already guessed that the --b variable is what we’re using to control the line thickness. Let’s apply this to our gradients:

Yeah, the result is far from a wavy line. But looking closely, we can see that one gradient is correctly creating the bottom curvature. So, all we really need to do is rectify the second gradient. Instead of keeping a full circle, let’s make partial one like the other gradient.

Still far, but we have both curvatures we need! If you check the code, you will see that we have two identical gradients. The only difference is their positioning:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --b: 10px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: sqrt(var(--p)*var(--p) + var(--size)*var(--size));

  --_g: #0000 calc(99% - var(--b)), #000 calc(101% - var(--b)) 99%, #0000 101%;
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(-1*var(--p)), var(--_g)) 
      calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0/calc(4*var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% top    calc(-1*var(--p)), var(--_g)) 
      50% var(--size)/calc(4*var(--size)) 100%;

Now we need to adjust the size and position for the final shape. We no longer need the gradient to be full-height, so we can replace 100% with this:

/* Size plus thickness */
calc(var(--size) + var(--b))

There is no mathematical logic behind this value. It only needs to be big enough for the curvature. We will see its effect on the pattern in just a bit. In the meantime, let’s also update the position to vertically center the gradients:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --b: 10px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: sqrt(var(--p)*var(--p) + var(--size)*var(--size));

  --_g: #0000 calc(99% - var(--b)), #000 calc(101% - var(--b)) 99%, #0000 101%;  
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(-1*var(--p)), var(--_g)) 
      calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 50%/calc(4 * var(--size)) calc(var(--size) + var(--b)) no-repeat,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% top calc(-1 * var(--p)), var(--_g)) 50%
      50%/calc(4 * var(--size)) calc(var(--size) + var(--b)) no-repeat;

Still not quite there:

One gradient needs to move a bit down and the other a bit up. Both need to move by half of their height.

We are almost there! We need a small fix for the radius to have a perfect overlap. Both lines need to offset by half the border (--b) thickness:

We got it! A perfect wavy line that we can easily adjust by controlling a few variables:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --b: 10px;
  --p: 25px;
  --R: calc(sqrt(var(--p) * var(--p) + var(--size) * var(--size)) + var(--b) / 2);

  --_g: #0000 calc(99% - var(--b)), #000 calc(101% - var(--b)) 99%, #0000 101%;
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% bottom calc(-1 * var(--p)), var(--_g)) 
     calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) calc(50% - var(--size)/2 - var(--b)/2) / calc(4 * var(--size)) calc(var(--size) + var(--b)) repeat-x,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at left 50% top calc(-1*var(--p)),var(--_g)) 
     50%  calc(50% + var(--size)/2 + var(--b)/2) / calc(4 * var(--size)) calc(var(--size) + var(--b)) repeat-x;

I know that the logic takes a bit to grasp. That’s fine and as I said, creating a wavy shape in CSS is not easy, not to mention the tricky math behind it. That’s why the online generator is a lifesaver — you can easily get the final code even if you don’t fully understand the logic behind it.

Wavy patterns

We can make a pattern from the wavy line we just created!

Oh no, the code of the pattern will be even more difficult to understand!

Not at all! We already have the code. All we need to do is to remove repeat-x from what we already have, and tada. 🎉

A nice wavy pattern. Remember the equation I said we’d revisit?

/* Size plus thickness */
calc(var(--size) + var(--b))

Well, this is what controls the distance between the lines in the pattern. We can make a variable out of it, but there’s no need for more complexity. I’m not even using a variable for that in the generator. Maybe I’ll change that later.

Here is the same pattern going in a different direction:

I am providing you with the code in that demo, but I’d for you to dissect it and understand what changes I made to make that happen.

Simplifying the code

In all the previous demos, we always define the --size and --p independently. But do you recall how I mentioned earlier that the online generator evaluates P as equal to m*S, where m controls the curvature of the wave? By defining a fixed multiplier, we can work with one particular wave and the code can become easier. This is what we will need in most cases: a specific wavy shape and a variable to control its size.

Let’s update our code and introduce the m variable:

.wave {
  --size: 50px;
  --R: calc(var(--size) * sqrt(var(--m) * var(--m) + 1));

    radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(var(--size) * (1 + var(--m))), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
      calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
    radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(-1 * var(--size) * var(--m)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
      50% var(--size) / calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

As you can see, we no longer need the --p variable. I replaced it with var(--m)*var(--size), and optimized some of the math accordingly. Now, If we want to work with a particular wavy shape, we can omit the --m variable and replace it with a fixed value. Let’s try .8 for example.

--size: 50px;
--R: calc(var(--size) * 1.28);

  radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(1.8 * var(--size)), #000 99%, #0000 101%) 
    calc(50% - 2*var(--size)) 0/calc(4 * var(--size)) 100%,
  radial-gradient(var(--R) at 50% calc(-.8 * var(--size)), #0000 99%, #000 101%) 
    50% var(--size) / calc(4 * var(--size)) 100% repeat-x;

See how the code is easier now? Only one variable to control your wave, plus you no more need to rely on sqrt() which has no browser support!

You can apply the same logic to all the demos we saw even for the wavy lines and the pattern. I started with a detailed mathmatical explanation and gave the generic code, but you may find yourself needing easier code in a real use case. This is what I am doing all the time. I rarely use the generic code, but I always consider a simplified version especially that, in most of the cases, I am using some known values that don’t need to be stored as variables. (Spoiler alert: I will be sharing a few examples at the end!)

Limitations to this approach

Mathematically, the code we made should give us perfect wavy shapes and patterns, but in reality, we will face some strange results. So, yes, this method has its limitations. For example, the online generator is capable of producing poor results, especially with wavy lines. Part of the issue is due to a particular combination of values where the result gets scrambled, like using a big value for the border thickness compared to the size:

For the other cases, it’s the issue related to some rounding that will results in misalignment and gaps between the waves:

That said, I still think the method we covered remains a good one because it produces smooth waves in most cases, and we can easily avoid the bad results by playing with different values until we get it perfect.

Wrapping up

I hope that after this article, you will no more to fumble around with trial and error to build a wavy shape or pattern. In addition to the online generator, you have all the math secrets behind creating any kind of wave you want!

The article ends here but now you have a powerful tool to create fancy designs that use wavy shapes. Here’s inspiration to get you started…

What about you? Use my online generator (or write the code manually if you already learned all the math by heart) and show me your creations! Let’s have a good collection in the comment section.

How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Committing CSS Crimes

Category Image 052

The time for CSS-Tricks is over. Now is the time for CSS Crimes!

In this current landscape of content service providers, users are often limited to expressing themselves in text, links, and images. Sanitization rules tend to strip out HTML, JavaScript, and various attributes.

Social media service Cohost allows users to have greater freedom with markup and inline styles than we may be typically used to. Some users have taken advantage of this freedom to commit CSS Crimes! It has resulted in creative recreations of familiar interfaces and interactive games by using properties in unconventional ways.

Blackle Mori created a contraption where pulling a handle slowly turns a series of gears, pulleys, and chains. Eventually an aperture opens to reveal the site’s mascot (“eggbug”) and the proclamation “Good Job!”. I have stared at this in Developer Tools and it is an amazing combination of grid, resize, transform, and calc(). I ended up adding a border to all <div>s to try and get a better understanding of how each individual element moved.

There have been situations in the past where I have been restricted from using the full toolkit of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. There have been many instances of using decorative CSS shapes to get around images. I have used :hover as a workaround for mouseenter and mouseleave. I have used input:checked as a sibling selector for toggling.

While CSS Crimes are probably not something you would want to employ on a regular basis, we should embrace experiments within constraints that can foster creative solutions.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

Committing CSS Crimes originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Exploring Deferred and Promise in JQuery

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The jQuery Deferred object was introduced as a part of the 1.5 release of the framework. The Deferred object in jQuery is based upon the concept of Promises. To understand all about Deferred objects, it would be wise to try to understand what a Promise is all about.

Many times in our daily lives, we cannot rely on the outcomes of certain actions. However, we may still need to make decisions about the future depending on an anticipated outcome. All we know for sure is that we are going to get an outcome. Let’s just say that we wrap the term “outcome” in a fancy-looking gift wrapper and call it a “Promise.”

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This has progressively gotten more complicated over time, and now we are often balancing many conditions that sometimes conflict with each other.

How Dynamic Rendering Works Using HTML and CSS?

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A user might be operating in front of a mobile screen and a desktop screen, but their expectation changes widely on both devices. A user in front of a mobile device is a little less patient, as they are mostly “on the go” compared to when they are in front of a desktop. Mobile devices have changed the overall user experience and how a user perceives a website nowadays. In short, we need our content to render dynamically on mobile and desktop screens abiding by their requirements. If we could do that, we could create a responsive design with content specific to the device users.

For example, you cannot hide a “Login” button on a dropdown or hamburger menu in the corner. While you can do that on a desktop screen (even though it’s a bad design!) and the user will find it. The developers cannot mess up with the mobile design, considering the traffic size and data generation a mobile device is responsible for. Also, we have a lot to share with our users on the developer's end and want a large screen space to accommodate everything.

CSS Basics: Creating Inset Borders With CSS

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How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS

Category Image 091

“Raise the curtains” is what I call an effect where the background goes from dark to light on scroll, and the content on top also goes from light to dark while in a sticky position.

Here’s an example where I used the effect on a real-life project:

Want to know how it’s done? I will take you behind the curtain and show you how to raise it, with nothing but HTML and CSS.

Let’s start with the HTML

What we’re making is sort of a simplified “raise the curtain” effect like this:

Showing the raise the curtains effect from dark blue to wheat.
The background and text both change color while scrolling over the element.

I’m keeping things simple for the sake of clarity, but we can stub this out with three elements:

<div class="curtain">
  <div class="invert">
    <h2>Section title</h2>

First, we need a container for the curtain, which we’ll give a .curtain class. Then, inside the .curtain, we have the an .invert child element that will serve as our “sticky” box. And, finally, we have the content inside this box — a good old-fashioned <h2> element for this specific example.

Let’s set up some CSS variables

There are three values we know we’ll need upfront. Let’s make CSS variables out of them so it’s easy to write them into our styles and easily change them later if we need to.

  • --minh – The height of the container
  • --color1 – The light color
  • --color2 – The dark color
:root {
  --minh: 98vh;
  --color1: wheat;
  --color2: midnightblue;

Time to draw the curtain

Next, we can define our .curtain element using the following techniques:

  • A linear-gradient for the “split” background
  • min-height for the extra space at the bottom of the container

We use the ::after pseudo-element to add the extra space to the bottom. This way, our “sticky” content will actually stick to the container while scrolling past the ::after element. It’s an illusion.

.curtain {
  /** create the "split" background **/
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--color2) 50%, var(--color1) 50%);

/** add extra space to the bottom (need this for the "sticky" effect) **/
.curtain::after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  min-height: var(--minh);

Making sticky content

Next up, we need to make our content “sticky” in the sense that it sits perfectly inside the container as the background and text swap color values. In fact, we already gave the .curtain‘s child element an .invert class that we can use as the sticky container.

Stay with me for a moment — here’s how this is going to play out:

  • position: sticky and top define the stickiness and where it sticks.
  • mix-blend-mode: difference blends the color of the content inside the <h2> element into the .curtain‘s background gradient.
  • display: flex centers the content for presentation.
  • min-height defines the height of the container and allows for the extra space at the bottom.
  • color sets the color of the h2 heading.

Now to put that into CSS code!

.invert {
  /** make the content sticky **/
  position: sticky;
  top: 20px;

  /** blend the content with the contrast effect **/
  mix-blend-mode: difference;

  /** center the content **/
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  /** set the minimum height of the section **/
  min-height: var(--minh);

h2 {
  /** set the color of the text **/
  color: var(--color1);

There are many things going on here, so let’s explain each one of them.

First, we have a sticky position that is self-explanatory and flexbox to help center the content. Nothing new or particularly tricky about this.

The content’s height is set using CSS variable and the value is the same height value as the .curtain::after pseudo-element.

The mix-blend-mode: difference declaration blends our content with the background. The difference value is complicated, but you might visualize it like inverted text color against the background. Here’s a nice demo from the CSS-Tricks Almanac showing off the different mix-blend-mode values:

To make the blending work, we need to set the color of our heading. In this case, we’re assigning a light color value (wheat) to the --color1 variable.

“Raise the Curtains” Demo


I experienced a few problems while working out the details of the “raise the curtain” effect. If you want to add images to the “sticky” content, for example, avoid using images that don’t look good when their colors are inverted. Here’s a quick demo where I made a simple SVG and transparent PNG image, and it looks good.

Another gotcha: there’s no way to set mix-blend-mode: difference on specific child elements, like headings, while avoiding the effect on images. I discovered there are several reasons why it doesn’t work, the first of which is that position: sticky cancels the blending.

The same goes when using something like transform: skewY on the container to add a little “tilt” to things. I suspect other properties don’t play well with the blending, but I didn’t go that far to find out which ones.

Here’s the demo without scrolling that removes the troubling properties:

Curtain call!

I enjoyed building this component, and I always love it when I can accomplish something using only HTML and CSS, especially when they work smoothly on every browser.

What will make with it? Is there a different way you would approach a “raise the curtain” effect like this? Let me know in the comments!

How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Transitions Generator

Category Image 052

CSS transitions give us the ability to smoothly transition from one set of styles to another. Without them, your hover, click and transform effects can look janky and sudden. 

To illustrate a CSS transition, below are two emojis. Click on them to see the difference:

How to Disable Gutenberg Styles on the Frontend

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By default the Gutenberg Block Editor loads its default CSS/stylesheet on the front-end of your WordPress site. This is fine for most cases, but there may be situations where you want to disable the Gutenberg styles for whatever reason. For example, my free WordPress plugin, Disable Gutenberg, enables users to disable the Gutenberg Block Editor and restore the Classic Editor. Included in the plugin settings is an option called “Enable Frontend” that lets users enable or disable the Gutenberg CSS/styles as desired. This quick DigWP tutorial explains programmatically how to disable Gutenberg styles on the front-end.

Bonus: Disable Gutenberg plugin also enables restoring of Classic Widgets!


One reason why people may want to remove extraneous/unnecessary CSS/stylesheets from loading is improved site performance. So by disabling the Gutenberg CSS when it’s not needed, that’s one less asset that needs to load for every page request. That can have a huge cumulative effect on the performance of your WordPress site.

FYI the default Gutenberg stylesheet looks like this when included in the source code of your web pages:

<link rel='stylesheet' id='wp-block-library-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />

So you know what to look for.

Disable Gutenberg styles on the front-end

Without further ado, here is the magic code snippet sauce to add to your WordPress-powered site. You can add this code using a plugin such as Code Snippets, or you can add directly via theme (or child theme) functions.php, or add via simple custom plugin. Many ways to add the following code:

// disable gutenberg frontend styles @
function disable_gutenberg_wp_enqueue_scripts() {
add_filter('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_gutenberg_wp_enqueue_scripts', 100);

This script disables the default Gutenberg stylesheet wp-block-library, and it also disables the theme-specific Gutenberg stylesheet (if applicable) wp-block-library-theme. That’s all it does, plain and simple.

Note: To re-enable the Gutenberg styles, simply remove the above code snippet.

Bonus: Disable other block stylesheets

In general, any WordPress stylesheet can be disabled using the WP core function, wp_dequeue_style(). For example, if you are using WooCommerce and the Storefront theme, you may want to prevent their related Gutenberg Block CSS/stylesheets from loading on the front-end. To do it, modify the previous code snippet so it looks like this:

// disable gutenberg frontend styles @
function disable_gutenberg_wp_enqueue_scripts() {
	wp_dequeue_style('wc-block-style'); // disable woocommerce frontend block styles
	wp_dequeue_style('storefront-gutenberg-blocks'); // disable storefront frontend block styles
add_filter('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_gutenberg_wp_enqueue_scripts', 100);

The wp_dequeue_style() function is what’s doing all the work here. It is very effective and can be used to disable any stylesheet that is registered with WordPress. Check the docs at for more details.

One for the road..

The code techniques so far are kept very minimal for the sake of clarity. But as you probably know, there is much more that can be done when customizing asset loading and so forth. For example, you can add conditional logic so the stylesheets will be disabled only under certain conditions.

To give you an idea of the possibilities, here is a “real-world” example showing how Disable Gutenberg conditionally disables the front-end styles depending on user preference in the plugin settings.

// disable gutenberg frontend styles @
function disable_gutenberg_wp_enqueue_scripts() {
	global $wp_query;
	if (is_admin()) return;
	$post_id = isset($wp_query->post->ID) ? $wp_query->post->ID : null;
	$options = get_option('disable_gutenberg_options');
	$enable = isset($options['styles-enable']) ? $options['styles-enable'] : false;
	if (!$enable && !disable_gutenberg_whitelist($post_id)) {
add_filter('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_gutenberg_wp_enqueue_scripts', 100);

Again this is just an example taken from an actively developed plugin. So much more is possible, as WordPress core provides all sorts of useful functions with which to work. So have fun and build something creative :)

Note: The above code snippet taken from the Disable Gutenberg plugin is for example purposes only; so don’t try to use it on any live site. Instead if you want to explore, download the plugin and examine the source code.

Related Posts

More of our posts on Gutenberg Block Editor:

7 Practical Uses for the ::before and ::after Pseudo-Elements in CSS

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CSS ::before and ::after pseudo-elements allow you to insert “content” before and after any non-replaced element (e.g. they work on a <div> but not an <input>). This effectively allows you to show something on a web page that might not be present in the HTML content. You shouldn’t use it for actual content because it’s not very accessible in that you can’t even select and copy text inserted on the page this way —  it’s just decorative content.

In this article, I’ll walk you through seven different examples that showcase how ::before and ::after can be used to create interesting effects.

Note that for most examples, I am only explaining the parts of the code that deal specifically with CSS pseudo-elements. That said, all of the CSS is available in the embedded demos if you want to see the code for additional styling.

Styling Broken images

When a user visits your website, their internet connection (or a factor beyond your control) might prevent your images from downloading and, as a result, the browser shows a broken image icon and and the image’s alt text (if it’s actually there).

A broken image icon with alt text that says Red and white Chevrolet.

How about showing a custom placeholder instead? You can pull this off using ::before and ::after with a bit of CSS positioning.

Two card elements, both with a large image, a title, and a description. The card on the left has a red Chevrolet Camaro image. The card on the right shows alt text centered in a gray placeholder area that says Red and white Chevrolet.

First, we need to use relative positioning on the image element. We are going to use absolute positioning on one of the pseudo-elements in a bit, so this relative position makes sure make sure the pseudo-element is positioned within the content of the image element, rather than falling completely out of the document flow.

img {
  display: block; /* Avoid the space under the image caused by line height */
  position: relative;
  width: 100%

Next, let’s create the region of the broken image effect using the image’s ::before pseudo-element. We’re going to style this with a light gray background and slightly darker border to start.

img::before {
  background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 93.3%);
  border: 1px dashed hsl(0, 0%, 66.7%);
  /* ... */

<img> is a replaced element. Why are you using ::before pseudo-element on it? It wont work!. Correct. In this scenario the pseudo-element will show in Chrome and Firefox when the image fails to load, which is exactly what you want. Meanwhile, Safari only shows the styling applied to the alt text.

The styling is applied to the top-left corner of the broken image.

Two card elements, both with a large image, a title, and a description. The card on the left has a red Chevrolet Camaro image. The card on the right shows alt text that says Red and white Chevrolet.

So far, so good. Now we can make it a block-level element (display: block) and give it a height that fills the entire available space.

img::before {
  /* ... */
  display: block;
  height: 100%;
Two card elements, both with a large image, a title, and a description. The card on the left has a red Chevrolet Camaro image. The card on the right shows alt text that says Red and white Chevrolet inside of a gray placeholder area. That area is highlighted with a red border.
Things are already starting to look better!

We can refine the style a little more. For example, let’s round the corners. We should also give the alt text a little breathing room by giving the pseudo-element full width and absolute positioning for better control placing things where we want.

img::before {
  /* ... */
  border-radius: 4px;
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;

If you stopped here and checked your work, you might be scratching your head because the alt text is suddenly gone.

Two card elements, both with a large image, a title, and a description. The card on the left has a red Chevrolet Camaro image. The card on the right shows a gray placeholder area.

That’s because we set content to an empty string (which we need to display our generated content and styles) and cover the entire space, including the actual alt text. It’s there, we just can’t see it.

We can see it if we display the alt text in an alternate (get it?) way, this time with help form the ::after pseudo-element. The content property is actually capable of displaying the image’s alt attribute text using the attr() function:

img::after {
  content: attr(alt);

  /* Some light styling */
  font-weight: bold;
  position: absolute;
  height: 100%;
  left: 0px;
  text-align: center;
  top: 1px;
  width: 100%;

This is awesome! In Chrome, at least.

Two card elements, both with a large image, a title, and a description. The card on the left has a red Chevrolet Camaro image. The card on the right shows alt text inside of a gray placeholder area.

But, in Firefox, not so much.

Two card elements, both with a large image, a title, and a description. The card on the left has a red Chevrolet Camaro image. The card on the right shows alt text on top of alt text inside of a gray placeholder area.
The generated content is colliding with the actual alt text in Firefox.

A quick fix is to target the alt attribute directly using an attribute selector (in this case, img[alt]), and target similar styles there so things match up with Chrome.

img[alt] {
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: hsl(0, 0%, 60%);

Now we have a great placeholder that’s consistent in Chrome and Firefox.

Custom blockquote

Blockquotes are quotes or an excerpts from a cited work. They’re also provide a really great opportunity to break up a wall of text with something that’s visually interesting.

There are all kinds of ways to style blockquotes. Chris has a set of five styles that go all the way back to 2007.

I want to look at another technique, one that incorporates ::before and ::after. Like we saw with the last example, we can use the content property to display generated content, and apply other properties to dress it up. Let’s put large quotation marks at the start and end of a blockquote.

Firefox 91

The HTML is straightforward:

  <!-- Your text here -->

A few cosmetics in the CSS:

blockquote {
  font-style: italic;
  line-height: 1.618;
  font-size: 1.2em;
  width: 30em;
  position: relative;
  padding: 40px 80px;

Note the position: relative in there because, as you’ll learn, it’s essential for positioning the blockquotes.

As you’ve probably guessed, we’re going to use ::before for the first quotation mark, and ::after for the closing one. Now, we could simply call the content property on both and generate the marks in there. But, CSS has us covered with open-quote and close-quote values.

blockquote::before {
  content: open-quote;
  /* Place it at the top-left */
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

blockquote::after {
  content: close-quote;
  /* Place it at thee bottom-right */
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;

This gets us the quotation marks we want, but allow me to button up the styles a bit:

blockquote::after {
  background-color: #cccccc;
  display: block;
  width: 60px;
  height: 60px;
  line-height: 1.618;
  font-size: 3em;
  border-radius: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  position: absolute;

Icon Bullet List

We have ordered (<ol>) and unordered (<ul>) lists in HTML. Both have default styling dictated by the browser’s User Agent stylesheet. But with ::before pseudo-element, we can override those “default” styles with something of our own. And guess what? We can use emojis (😊) on the content property!

.name-list li::before {
  content: "😊";
  margin-right: 15px;
  font-size: 20px;

While this is great and all, it’s worth noting that we could actually reach for the ::marker pseudo-element, which is designed specifically for styling list markers. Eric Meyer shows us how that works and it’s probably a better way to go in the long run.

Animated toggle switch

One of the neatest tricks for styling forms is creating a toggle switch out of a standard HTML checkbox. In fact, Preethi Sam recently shared one approach for it when showing off a handful of other checkbox styling tricks using CSS masks.

True to its name, a toggle switch is used to toggle or switch between the checked and unchecked states of a checkbox element.

<form class="container">
  <label class="switch">
    <input type="checkbox" />

The customization is all thanks to modifications added to the <input> element via the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. But first, here is some baseline CSS for the <form> element:

.container {
  background: #212221;
  background: linear-gradient(to right, #1560bd, #e90);
  border-radius: 50px;
  height: 40px;
  position: relative;
  width: 75px;    
We’re not quite there, but see how the checkbox element is displayed.

We’re going to “hide” the checkbox’s default appearance while making it take up the full amount of space. Weird, right? It’s invisible but still technically there. We do that by:

  • changing its position to absolute,
  • setting the appearance to none, and
  • setting its width and height to 100%.
input {
  -webkit-appearance: none; /* Safari */
  cursor: pointer; /* Show it's an interactive element */
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;

Now, let’s style the <input> element with its ::before pseudo-element. This styling will change the appearance of the input, bringing us closer to the final result.

input::before {
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 50px;
  content: "";
  height: 70%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(7px, -50%); /* Move styling to the center of the element */
  width: 85%;

What, wait? You’d think that ::before wouldn’t work with a replaced element, like <input>. And that’s true, but only when the input type is image which is equivalent to an <img> element. Other form controls, like a checkbox, are defined as non-replaced elements in the HTML spec.

Next, we need to create the “toggle” button and it just so happens we still have the ::after pseudo-element available to make it. But, there are two things worth mentioning:

  1. The background is a linear-gradient.
  2. The “toggle” button is moved to the center of the <input> with the transform property.
input::after {
  background: linear-gradient(to right, orange, #8e2de2);
  border-radius: 50px;
  content: "";
  height: 25px;
  opacity: 0.6;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(7px, -50%);
  transition: all .4s;
  width: 25px;

Try clicking on the toggle button. Nothing happens. That’s because we’re not actually changing the checked state of the <input>. And even if we were, the result is… unpleasant.

The fix is to apply the :checked attribute to the ::after pseudo-element of the <input>. By specifically targeting the checked state of the checkbox and chaining it to the ::after pseudo-element, we can move the toggle back into place.

input:checked::after {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(170%, -50%);

Gradient border

We can decorate images with borders to make them stand out or fit more seamlessly within a design. Did you know we can use a gradient on a border? Well, we can with ::before (there are other ways, too, of course).

The core idea is to create a gradient over the image and use the CSS z-index property with a negative value. The negative value pulls the gradient below the image in the stacking order. This means the image always appears on top as long as the gradient has a negative z-index.

.gradient-border::before {
  /* Renders the styles */
  content: "";
  /* Fills the entire space */
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  /* Creates the gradient */
  background-image: linear-gradient(#1a1a1a, #1560bd);
  /* Stacks the gradient behind the image */
  z-index: -1;

figure {
  /* Removes the default margin */
  margin: 0;
  /* Squeezes the image, revealing the gradient behind it */
  padding: 10px;

Gradient overlays

This is similar to what we did in the previous example, but here, we’re applying the gradient on top of the image. Why would we do that? It can be a nice way to add a little texture and depth to the image. Or perhaps it can be used to either lighten or darken an image if there’s text on top it that needs extra contrast for legibility.

While this is similar to what we just did, you’ll notice a few glaring differences:

figure::before {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to top right, #1a1a1a, transparent);
  content: "";
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;

See that? There’s no z-index because it’s OK for the gradient to stack on top of the image. We’re also introducing transparency in the background gradient, which lets the image bleed through the gradient. You know, like an overlay.

Custom radio buttons

Most, if not all, of us try to customize the default styles of HTML radio buttons, and that’s usually accomplished with ::before and ::after, like we did with the checkbox earlier.

Firefox 91

We’re going to set a few base styles first, just to set the stage:

/* Centers everything */
.flex-center {
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;

/* Styles the form element */
.form {
  background: #ccc;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100%;

/* Styles the inputs */
.form-row {
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 50px;
  height: 40px;
  margin: 10px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;
  width: 150px;

Now let’s remove the default styling of the radio buttons, again, with appearance: none;

.form-input {
  -webkit-appearance: none; /* Safari */
  appearance: none;

::before should be positioned at the top-left corner of the radio button, and when it’s checked, we change its background color.

.form-input::before {
  /* Renders the styles */
  content: '';
  /* Shows that it's interactive */
  cursor: pointer;
  /* Positions it to the top-left corner of the input */
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  /* Takes up the entire space */
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

/* When the input is in a checked state... */
.form-input:checked::before {
  /* Change the background color */
  background: #21209c;

We still need to iron a few things out using ::after. Specifically, when the radio button is checked, we want to change the color of the circular ring to white because, in its current state, the rings are blue.

.form-input::after {
  /* Renders the styles */
  content: '';
  /* Shows that it's interactive */
  cursor: pointer;
  /* A little border styling */
  border-radius: 50px;
  border: 4px solid #21209c;
  /* Positions the ring */
  position: absolute;
  left: 10%;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(0, -50%);
  /* Sets the dimensions */
  height: 15px;
  width: 15px;

/* When the input is in a checked state... */
.form-input:checked::after {
  /* Change ::after's border to white */
  border: 4px solid #ffffff;

The form label is still unusable here. We need to target the form label directly to add color, and when the form input is checked, we change that color to something that’s visible.

.form-label {
  color: #21209c;
  font-size: 1.1rem;
  margin-left: 10px;

Click the buttons, and still nothing happens. Here what’s going on. The position: absolute on ::before and ::after is covering things up when the radio buttons are checked, as anything that occurs in the HTML document hierarchy is covered up unless they are moved to a new location in the HTML document, or their position is altered with CSS. So, every time the radio button is checked, its label gets covered.

You probably already know how to fix this since we solved the same sort of thing earlier in another example? We apply z-index: 1 (or position: absolute) to the form label.

.form-label {
  color: #21209c;
  font-size: 1.1rem;
  margin-left: 10px;
  z-index: 1; /* Makes sure the label is stacked on top */
  /* position: absolute; This is an alternative option */

Wrapping up

We covered seven different ways we can use the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to create interesting effects, customize default styles, make useful placeholders, and add borders to images.

By no means did we cover all of the possibilities that we can unlock when we take advantage of these additional elements that can be selected with CSS. Lynn Fisher, however, has made a hobby out of it, making amazing designs with a single element. And let’s not forget Diana Smith’s CSS art that uses pseudo-elements in several places to get realistic, painting-like effects.

The post 7 Practical Uses for the ::before and ::after Pseudo-Elements in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

How to Easily Optimize WordPress CSS Delivery (2 Methods)

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Would you like to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery?

CSS files control the visual formatting and style of your WordPress website. But if your CSS code isn’t delivered in an optimal way, then it could be slowing down your website.

In this article, we’ll show you two easy methods to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery.

How to Easily Optimize CSS Delivery in WordPress

How WordPress CSS Delivery Affects WordPress Performance

CSS files are used to define the visual appearance of your WordPress site. Your WordPress theme contains a CSS stylesheet file, and some of your plugins may also use CSS stylesheets.

CSS is necessary for modern websites, but it’s possible for CSS files to slow down your site’s speed and performance depending on how they’re set up.

Even a small delay in site speed creates a bad user experience and may affect your search rankings and conversions, resulting in less traffic and sales.

StrangeLoop study

One way that CSS files can slow your website is if they need to be loaded before the page can be displayed. That means your visitors will see a blank page until the CSS file has loaded. This is known as render-blocking CSS.

Another common reason CSS files can slow your website is when they contain more code than is needed to display the visible part of the current page. That extra code means that they will take longer to load.

The good news is, you can improve your WordPress site’s performance by optimizing the way the CSS code is delivered.

That’s done by identifying the minimum CSS code needed to display the first part of the current web page. This is known as critical CSS.

This critical code is then added inline to the page’s HTML, instead of in separate stylesheets, so that the code can be rendered without needing to load the CSS file first.

The rest of the CSS can then be loaded after your visitors can see the contents of the page. This is known as ‘deferred loading’.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you two methods to optimize WordPress CSS delivery, and you can choose the one that works best for you.

Method 1: Optimizing WordPress CSS Delivery with WP Rocket

WP Rocket is the best WordPress caching plugin in the market. It offers the simplest way to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery. In fact, it’s as easy as checking a box.

WP Rocket is a premium plugin, but the best part is that all features are included in their lowest plan.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Rocket plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once activated, you need to navigate to the Settings » WP Rocket page and switch to the ‘File Optimization’ tab.

Switch to the File Optimization Tab

Next, you need to scroll down to the CSS files section. Once there, you need to check the box next to the ‘Optimize CSS delivery’ option.

Check Optimize CSS Delivery

This feature will intelligently identify the critical CSS needed to format the part of the web page your visitors see first. Your pages will load more quickly, and the rest of the CSS will be loaded after your visitors can see its contents.

All you need to do now is click the Save Changes button and wait for WP Rocket to generate the necessary CSS file for all your posts and pages.

It will also automatically clear the cache for your website, so that your visitors will see the new optimized version of your site instead of the any unoptimized versions stored in cache.

There are plenty of other ways that WP Rocket can help you improve your website’s performance. To learn more, see our guide on how to properly install and setup WP Rocket in WordPress.

Method 2: Optimizing WordPress CSS Delivery with Autoptimize

Autoptimize is a free plugin designed to improve the delivery of your website’s CSS and JS files.

While Autoptimize is a free plugin, it doesn’t have as many features as WP Rocket and takes more time to set up.

For example, it’s not able to automatically identify critical CSS like WP Rocket can. Instead, Autoptimize requires the help of a premium third-party service which is an additional cost and requires extra time to configure.

However, it could be a good option if you’re on a tight budget and don’t need all the other features of WP Rocket to speed up your site.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Autoptimize plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Autoptimize page to configure the plugin settings. Once there, you need to scroll down to the CSS Options section and check the Optimize CSS Code box at the top.

Scroll Down to CSS Options

Once you do that you need to make sure that ‘Aggregate CSS-files’ option is unchecked and then check ‘Eliminate render-blocking CSS’.

You can now click on the ‘Save Changes and Empty Cache’ button to store your settings.

But the plugin will not work properly until you sign up for a Critical CSS account. This is a premium subscription service that will provide Autoptimize the critical CSS code it needs to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery.

To do that, navigate to the Critical CSS tab in Autoptimize’s settings. Here you’ll find the information you need to sign up with Critical CSS. You can get started by clicking the sign up link in the third paragraph.

Sign Up for a Critical CSS Account

Once you’ve received your Critical CSS API key, scroll down to the API Key section so you can paste it into the ‘Your API key’ text box. After that, make sure you click the Save Changes button.

Paste Your Critical CSS API Key

Autoptimize now has all of the information it needs to add the critical CSS inline and defer loading the stylesheets until after the page has been rendered. As a result, your website will load more quickly.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to optimize WordPress CSS delivery.

You may also want to see our ultimate guide on how much it really costs to build a WordPress website, and our comparison of the best managed WordPress hosting companies.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Optimize WordPress CSS Delivery (2 Methods) appeared first on WPBeginner.

“We had 90% unused CSS because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff”

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Over at the JS Party podcast:

[Kend C. Dodds]: […] ask anybody who’s done regular, old CSS and they’ll tell you that “I don’t know if it’s okay for me to change this, so I’m gonna duplicate it.” And now we’ve got – at PayPal (this is not made up) we had 90% unused CSS on the project I was using, because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff. So we just duplicated something new and called it something else. And you might just say that we’re bad at CSS, but maybe CSS was bad at us, I don’t know… [laughter]

[Emma Bostain]: Well, that’s why styled-components and CSS-in-JS was so pivotal; it was like “Oh, hey, we can actually encapsulate all of this logic inside the component that it’s touching and don’t have to worry about bleeding code anymore.” It’s so much easier to delete things, and add things, and all of those things.

[Kend C. Dodds]: Yeah, you’re precisely right. That was the problem that those things were made to solve.

Audio clip:

I’ve heard this exact story before several times, usually from large companies. Lots of developers, typical developer turnover… nobody knows what CSS is actually used and what isn’t because that is a very hard problem.

That’s one of the reasons I sometimes like component-based-styling solutions (CSS-in-JS, if you’re nasty). Not because I love complex tooling. Not because I like JavaScript syntax better than CSS. Because of the co-location of styles and componentry. Because nobody is afraid of the styles anymore — they are tightly coupled to what they are styling. It’s not needed on every project, but if you’re building with components anyway (an awfully nice way to architect front-ends that doesn’t require JavaScript), you might as well style this way.

For this reason, I’m excited that “scoped styles” are making a bit of a comeback in standards discussions.

I remember an ancient idea (that maybe even shipped in browsers for a minute?) where you’d just chuck a <style scoped> block right in the HTML and whatever the parent was, the styles were scoped to that parent. That was so cool, I wish we could have that again.

But it seems like the newer stuff (here’s Miriam’s original proposal) has some more clever stuff that that basic concept doesn’t cover — like being able to set a lower-boundary in addition to an upper-boundary, making it possible to scope “donut-shaped” styles in the DOM (a Nicole Sullivan term). Whatever happens, shadow DOM-free scoped styles with zero tooling is huge.

The post “We had 90% unused CSS because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff” appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

How do you make a layout with pictures down one side of a page matched up with paragraphs on the other side?

Category Image 091

I got this exact question in an email the other day, and I thought it would make a nice blog post because of how wonderfully satisfying this is to do in CSS these days. Plus we can sprinkle in polish to it as we go.

HTML-wise, I’m thinking image, text, image, text, etc.

<img src="..." alt="..." height="" width="" />
<p>Text text text...</p>

<img src="..." alt="..." height="" width="" />
<p>Text text text...</p>

<img src="..." alt="..." height="" width="" />
<p>Text text text...</p>

If that was our entire body in an HTML document, the answer to the question in the blog post title is literally two lines of CSS:

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr;

It’s going to look something like this…

Not pretty but we got the job done very quickly.

So cool. Thanks CSS. But let’s clean it up. Let’s make sure there is a gap, set the default type, and reign in the layout.

body {
  display: grid;
  padding: 2rem;
  grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
  gap: 1rem;
  align-items: center;
  max-width: 800px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  font: 500 100%/1.5 system-ui;
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

I mean… ship it, right? Close, but maybe we can just add a quick mobile style.

@media (max-width: 650px) {
  body {
    display: block;
    font-size: 80%;
  p {
    position: relative;
    margin: -3rem 0 2rem 1rem;
    padding: 1rem;
    background: rgba(white, 0.8);

OK, NOW ship it!

The post How do you make a layout with pictures down one side of a page matched up with paragraphs on the other side? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Using Performant Next-Gen Images in CSS with image-set

Category Image 091

The CSS image-set() function has been supported in Chromium-based browsers since 2012 and in Safari since version 6. Support recently landed in Firefox 88. Let’s dive in and see what we can and can’t do today with image-set().

Multiple resolutions of the same image

Here’s what the CSS spec has to say about image-set():

Delivering the most appropriate image resolution for a user’s device can be a difficult task. Ideally, images should be in the same resolution as the device they’re being viewed in, which can vary between users. However, other factors can factor into the decision of which image to send; for example, if the user is on a slow mobile connection, they may prefer to receive lower-res images rather than waiting for a large proper-res image to load.

It’s basically a CSS background equivalent to the HTML srcset attribute for img tags. By using image-set we can provide multiple resolutions of an image and trust the browser to make the best decision about which one to use. This can be used to specify a value for three different CSS properties: content, cursor, and most useful of all, background-image.

.hero {
  background-image: image-set("platypus.png" 1x, "platypus-2x.png" 2x);

1x is used to identify the low-res image, while 2x is used to define the high-res image. x is an alias of dppx, which stands for dots per pixel unit.

Chrome/Edge/Opera/Samsung Internet currently require a -webkit- prefix. If you’re using Autoprefixer, this will be handled automatically. Safari no longer requires the prefix but uses an older syntax that requires a url() function to specify the image path. We could also include a regular old background-image: url() to support any browsers that don’t support image-set.

.hero {
  /* Fallback */
  background-image: url("platypus.png");

  /* Chrome/Edge/Opera/Samsung, Safari will fallback to this as well */
  background-image: -webkit-image-set(url("platypus.png") 1x, url("platypus-2x.png") 2x);

  /* Standard use */
  background-image: image-set("platypus.png" 1x, "platypus-2x.png" 2x);

Now users on expensive fancy devices will see a super sharp image. Performance will be improved for users on slow connections or with cheaper screens as their browser will automatically request the lower-res image. If you wanted to be sure that the high-res image was used on high-res devices, even on slow connections, you could make use of the min-resolution media query instead of image-set. For more on serving sharp images to high density screens, check out Jake Archibald’s recent post over on his blog.

That’s pretty cool, but what I really want is to be able to adopt the latest image formats in CSS while still catering for older browsers…

New image formats

Safari 14 shipped support for WebP. It was the final modern browser to do so which means the image format is now supported everywhere (except Internet Explorer). WebP is useful in that it can make images that are often smaller than (but of the same quality as) JPG, PNG, or GIF.

There’s also a whole bunch of even newer image formats cropping up. AVIF images are shockingly tiny. Chrome, Opera and Samsung Internet have already shipped support for AVIF. It’s already in Firefox behind a flag. This image format isn’t supported by many design tools yet but you can convert images to AVIF using the Squoosh app built by the Chrome team at Google. WebP 2, HEIF and JPEG XL might also make it into browsers eventually. This is all rather exciting, but we want browsers that don’t support these newer formats to get some images. Fortunately image-set() has a syntax for that.

Using new image formats by specifying a type

Browser support note: The feature of image-set that I’m about to talk about currently has pretty terrible browser support. Currently it’s only supported in Firefox 89.

HTML has supported the <picture> element for years now.

  <source srcset="./kitten.avif" type="image/avif">
  <img src="./kitten.jpg" alt="a small kitten"> 

image-set provides the CSS equivalent, allowing for the use of next-gen image formats by specifying the image’s MIME type:

.div1 {
  background-image: image-set(
    "kitten.avif" type("image/avif"),
    "kitten.jpg" type("image/jpeg")

The next-gen image goes first while the fallback image for older browsers goes second. Only one image will be downloaded. If the browser doesn’t support AVIF it will ignore it and only download the second image you specify. If AVIF is supported, the fallback image is ignored.

In the above example we used an AVIF image and provided a JPEG as a fallback, but the fallback could be any widely supported image format. Here’s an example using a PNG.

.div2 {
  background-image: image-set(
    "puppy.webp" type("image/webp"),
    "puppy.png" type("image/png")

In Chromium and Safari, specifying the type is not supported yet. That means you can use image-set today only to specify different resolutions of widely-supported image formats but not to add backwards-compatibility when using WebP or AVIF in those browsers. It should be possible to provide both multiple resolutions and multiple image formats, if you are so inclined:

.div2 {
  background-image: image-set( 
    "puppy.webp" type("image/webp") 1x,
    "puppy2x.webp" type("image/webp") 2x,
    "puppy.png" type("image/png") 1x,
    "puppy2x.png" type("image/png") 2x

Hopefully browser support will improve soon.

Using <picture> for backgrounds instead

Maybe you don’t need background-image at all. If you want to use modern image formats, you might be able to use the <picture> element, which has better browser support. If you set the image to position: absolute it’s easy to display other elements on top of it.

As an alternative approach to using position: absolute, CSS grid is another easy way to overlap HTML elements.

The post Using Performant Next-Gen Images in CSS with image-set appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

CSS Clogging

Category Image 052

I recently visited a blog called "Does CSS loading cause blockage?" I opened it with a learning attitude, but it seemed that what was said was not completely correct, so I searched all kinds of information everywhere, and then I summarized it myself, 

Will CSS Loading Cause Blockage?

First of all, the answer is definitely yes. The loading of css will not only block the parsing of HTML, but also block the execution of JS.

Exploring the Complexities of Width and Height in CSS

Category Image 052

The following article is co-authored by Uri Shaked and Michal Porag.

Let’s explore the complexities of how CSS computes the width and height dimensions of elements. This is based on countless late-night hours debugging and fiddling with lots of combinations of CSS properties, reading though the specs, and trying to figure out why some things seem to behave one way or another.

But before jumping in, let’s cover some basics so we’re all on the same page.

The basics

You have an element, and you want it to be 640px wide and 360px tall. These are just arbitrary numbers that conform to 16:9 pixel ratio. You can set them explicitly like this:

.element {
  width: 640px;
  height: 360px;

Now, the design calls for some padding inside that element. So you modify the CSS:

.element {
  width: 640px;
  height: 360px;
  padding: 10px;

What is the rendered width and height of the element now? I bet you can guess… it’s not 640×360px anymore! It’s actually 660×380px, because the padding adds 10px to each side (i.e. top, right, bottom and left), for an additional 20px on both the height and width.

This has to do with the box-sizing property: if it’s set to content-box (the default value), the rendered size of the element is the width and height plus the padding and border. That might mean that the rendered size is bigger than we intend which is funny because it might wind up that an element’s declared width and height values are completely different than what’s rendered.

That’s the power of The CSS Box Model. It calculates width and height like so:

/* Width */
width + padding-left + padding-right + border-left + border-right

/* Height */
height + padding-top + padding-bottom + border-top + border-bottom

What we just saw is how the dimensions for a block element are computed. Block elements include any element that naturally takes up the full width that’s available. So, by nature, it doesn’t matter how much content the element contains because its width is always 100%, that is, until we alter it. Think of elements like <p>, <article>, <main>, <div>, and so many more.

But now we ought to look at inline elements because they behave differently when it comes to The Box Model and how their dimensions are computed. After that, we’ll look at the relationship between parent and child elements, and how they affect the width and height computations of each other.

The curious case of inline elements

As we just saw, the padding and border of any element are both included in the element’s computed width and height dimensions. Funny enough, there are cases where the width and height properties have no effect whatsoever. Such is the case when working with inline elements.

An inline element is an element that’s width and height are determined by the content it contains. Inline elements, such as a <span>, will completely ignore the width and height as well the the left and right margin properties because, well, the content is what determines the dimensions. Here, sometimes a visual can help.

Just look at how nesting a block element inside of an inline element breaks the inline element’s shape simply because the block element is not defined by the amount of content it contains, but rather the amount of available space. You can really see that in action when we add a border to the inline element. Look how the inline element abruptly stops where the paragraph comes in, then continues after the paragraph.

The span sees the paragraph, which interrupts the inline flow of the span and essentially breaks out of it. Fascinating stuff!

But there’s more! Look how the inline element completely overlooks width and margin, even when those are declared right on it.


Parent and child elements

The parent-child relationship is a common pattern. A parent element is one that contains other elements nested inside it. And those nested elements are the parent element’s children.

<!-- The parent element -->
<div class="parent">
  <!-- The children -->
  <div class="child"></div>
  <div class="another-child"></div>
  <div class="twins">Whoa!</div>

The width and height of an element gets super interesting with parent and child elements. Let’s look at all the interesting quirks we get with this.

Relative units

Let’s start with relative units. A relative unit is computed by its context, or relation to other elements. Yeah, that’s sort of a convoluted definition. There are several different types of relative units, but let’s take percentages as an example. We can say that an element is 100% wide.

<div class="child">
  <!-- nothing yet -->
.parent {
  width: 100%;

Cool. If we plop that element onto an empty page, it will take up 100% of the available horizontal space. And what that 100% computes to depends on the width of the browser, right? 100% of a browser that’s 1,500 pixels is 1,500 pixels wide. 100% of a browser that’s 500 pixels is 500 pixels wide. That’s what we mean by a relative unit. The actual computed value is determined by the context in which it’s used.

So, the astute reader may already be thinking: Hey, so that’s sort of like a child element that’s set to a parent element’s width. And that would be correct. The width of the child at 100% will compute based on the actual width of the parent element that contains it.

Height works much the same way: it’s relative to the parent’s height. For example, two parent elements with different height dimensions but identical children result in children with different heights.

Padding and margin

The width and height of parent-child combinations get even more interesting when we look at other properties, such as padding and margin. Apparently, when we specify a percentage value for padding or margin, it is always relative to the width of the parent, even when dealing with vertical edges.

Some clever designers have taken advantage of it to create boxes of equal width and height, or boxes that keep a certain Aspect ratio when the page resizes. This is particularly useful for video or image content, but can also be (ab)used in creative ways. Go ahead, type whatever you want into the editable element in this demo. The box maintains a proportional height and width, no matter how much (or little) content is added.

This technique for creating Aspect ratio boxes is lovingly referred to as the “padding hack.” Chris has covered it extensively. But now that we have the aspect-ratio property gaining wide browser support, there’s less reason to reach for it.

display: inline and inline-block

Now that we’ve taken looks at how parent and child element dimensions are computed, we should check out two other interesting property values that affect an element’s width: min-content and max-content.

These properties tell the browser to look at the content of the element in order to determine its width. For instance, if we have the text: “hello CSS encyclopedia, nice to meet you!”, the browser would calculate the space that text would take up on the screen, and use it as the width.

The difference between min-content and max-content lies in how the browser does this calculation. For max-content, the browser pretends it has infinite space, and lays all the text in a single line while measuring its width.

For min-content, the browser pretends it has zero space, so it puts every word / child inline element in a different line. Let’s see this in action:

We actually saw max-content in action when we looked at the difference between block and inline elements. Inline elements, remember, are only as wide and tall as the content they contain. We can make most elements inline elements just by declaring display: inline; on it.

Cool. Another weapon we have is display: inline-block;. That creates an inline element, but enhanced with block-level computations in The Box Model. In other words, it’s an inline element that respects margin, width and height. The best of both worlds!

Cyclic percentage size

Did that last point make sense? Well, hopefully I won’t confuse you with this:

The child element in this example has a relative width of 33%. The parent element does not have a width declared on it. How the heck is the child’s computed width get calculated when there’s nothing relative to it?

To answer that, we have to look at how the browser calculates the size of the elements in this example. We haven’t defined a specific width for the parent element, so the browser uses the initial value for width , which is auto. And since the parent element’s display is set to inline-block, auto behaves like max-content. And max-content, as we saw, should mean the parent element is as wide as the content in it, which is everything inside the child element.

So, the browser looks at the element’s content (children) to determine its width. However, the width of the child also depends on the parent’s width! Gah, this is weird!

The CSS Box Sizing Module specification calls this cyclic percentage sizing. I’m not sure why it’s called that exactly, but it details the complex math the browser has to do to (1) determine the parent element’s width, and (2) reconcile that width to the relative width of the child.

The process is actually pretty cool once you get over the math stuff. The browser starts by calculating a temporary width for the child before its declared value is applied. The temporary width the browser uses for the child is auto which we saw behaves like max-content which, in turn, tells the browser that the child needs to be as wide as the content it contains. And right now, that’s not the declared 33% value.

That max-content value is what the browser uses to calculate the parent’s width. The parent, you see, needs to be at least as wide as the content that it contains, which is everything in the child at max-content. Once that resolves, the browser goes back to the child element and applies the 33% value that’s declared in the CSS.

This is how it looks:

There! Now we know how a child element can contribute to the computed value of its parent.

M&Ms: the min- and max- properties

Hey, so you’re probably aware that the following properties exist:

  • min-width
  • min-height
  • max-width
  • max-height

Well, those have a lot to do with an element’s width and height as well. They specify the limits an element’s size. It’s like saying, Hey, browser, make sure this element is never under this width/height or above this width/height.

So, even if we have declared an explicit width on an element, say 100%, we can still cap that value by giving it a max-width:

element {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 800px;

This allows the browser to let the element take up as much space as it wants, up to 800 pixels. Let’s look what happens if we flip those values around and set the max-width to 100% and width to 800px:

element {
  width: 800px;
  max-width: 100%;

Hey look, it seems to result in the exact same behavior! The element takes up all the space it needs until it gets to 800 pixels.

Apparently, things start to get more complex as soon as we add a parent element into the mix. This is the same example as above, with one notable change: now each element is a child of an inline-block element. Suddenly, we see a striking difference between the two examples:

Why the difference? To understand, let’s consider how the browser calculates the width of the elements in this example.

We start with the parent element (.parent). It has a display property set to inline-block, and we didn’t specify a width value for it. Just like before, the browser looks at the size of its children to determine its width. Each box in this example is wrapped in the .parent element.

The first box (#container1) has a percentage width value of 100%. The width of the parent resolves to the width of the text within (the child’s max-content), limited by the value we specified by max-width, and that is used to calculate the width of the child as well.

The second box (#container2) has a set width of 800px, so its parent width is also 800px — just wide enough to fit its child. Then, the child’s max-width is resolved relative to the parent’s final width, that is 800px. So both the parent and the child are 800px wide in this case.

So, even though we initially saw the two boxes behave the same when we swapped width and max-width values, we now know that isn’t always true. In this case, introducing a parent element set to display: inline-block; threw it all off!

Adding min(), max() and clamp() into the mix

The min(), max() and clamp() are three useful CSS functions that let us define the size of elements responsively… without media queries!

  • min(): Returns the minimum value of its arguments. The arguments can be given in different units, and we can even mix and match absolute and relative units, like min(800px, 100%).
  • max(): Returns the maximum value of its arguments. Just like min(), you can mix and match different units.
  • clamp(): A shorthand function for doing min and max at once: clamp(MIN, VAL, MAX) is resolved as max(MIN, min(VAL, MAX)). In other words, it will return VAL, unless it exceeds the boundaries defined by MIN and MAX, in which case it’ll return the corresponding boundary value.

Like this. Check out how we can effectively “re-write” the max-width example from above using a single CSS property:

.element {
  width: min(800px, 100%);

/* equivalent to: */
.element {
  width: 800px;
  max-width: 100%;

That would set the width of the element to 800px, but make sure we don’t exceed the width of the parent (100%). Just like before, if we wrap the element with an inline-block parent, we can observe it behaving differently than the max-width variation:

The width of the children (800px) is the same. However, if you enlarge the screen (or use CodePen’s 0.5x button to zoom out), you will notice that the second parent is actually larger.

It boils down to how the browser calculates the parent’s width: we didn’t specify a width for the parent, and as child’s width value is using relative units, the browser ignores it while calculating the parent’s width and uses the max-content child of the child, dictated by the “very long … long” text.

Wrapping up

Phew! It’s crazy that something as seemingly simple as width and height actually have a lot going on. Sure, we can set explicit width and height values on an element, but the actual values that render often end up being something completely different.

That’s the beauty (and, frankly, the frustration) with CSS. It’s so carefully considered and accounts for so many edge cases. I mean, the concept of The Box Model itself is wonderfully complex and elegant at the same time. Where else can we explicitly declare something in code and have it interpreted in different ways? The width isn’t always the width.

And we haven’t even touched on some other contributing factors to an element’s dimensions. Modern layout techniques, like CSS Flexbox and Grid introduce axes and track lines that also determine the rendered size of an element.

Authors: Uri Shaked and Michal Porag

The post Exploring the Complexities of Width and Height in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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