How to Develop a Portrait Retouching Function

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Portrait Retouching Importance

Mobile phone camera technology is evolving—wide-angle lens and optical image stabilization to name but a few. Thanks to this, video recording and mobile image editing apps are emerging one after another, utilizing technology to foster greater creativity.

Among these apps, live-streaming apps are growing with great momentum, thanks to an explosive number of streamers and viewers.

Chris’ Corner: Relatively Recent Great CSS Writing

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Chen Hui Jing, So your designer wants stuff to overlap

Love that title. Elements in HTML don’t just overlap each other by default. In fact, they intentionally push other elements around so that they don’t. You’ll need CSS to force elements to overlap if you need them to. The traditional ways:

  • negative margins
  • transform translate
  • absolute positioning

But Chen Hui Jing makes sure we don’t forget about grid! It might not come to mind immediately as we mostly think about making a grid and placing individual elements in individual grid cells. But grid cells don’t care! You can put as many elements as you want in a grid cell (or multiple grid cells). They are really just placement coordinates, not slots that only take one element.

Michelle Barker, Quick Tip: Negative Animation Delay

This is one of my favorite classic CSS tricks because it’s so obvious… but only after you’ve learned it. The point is mainly staggered animations. If you want animations to all be at different points along the same animation when they start animating, you can use animation-delay. But if you use a positive time value, the animation won’t start for the first time until that delay (duh). So instead, you use a negative value. The animation starts immediately, but backed up to where it needs to be to have the beginning of the animation hit once the negative delay elapses.

Charlotte Dann, Fancy Frames with CSS

Awesome research from Charlotte, covering lots of ways to make interesting “framed” shapes like these:

So is there one obvious clear best path forward to do this in CSS (and friends)? No — haha. Charlotte explores using 1️⃣ multiple gradient backgrounds (very complicated to construct, limitations with transparency), 2️⃣ border-image (one of the weirder CSS properties, but does help with placing gradients, or SVGs), 3️⃣ mask-border which I’m not sure I’ve ever even looked at in my life (no Firefox support), and finally, 4️⃣ Houdini which has no Firefox or Safari support, but does bring interesting JavaScript-powered opportunities into the mix.

Just to throw another one in the mix here… I happened to be playing with Open Props the other day and it has a “Mask Corner Cuts” section. It just uses mask (or -webkit-mask, as apparently the vendor-prefixed version alone gets the best support).

Scott Vandehey, The Power of CSS Blend Modes

Scott is inspired by other-Scott’s Pen (which happens to be #91 on the Top Pens of 2022 list) and breaks down exactly how it works. It’s a combination of filtering and blending layers. that’s just cool as heck.

You gotta go check out the article to see how Scott was able to stretch the idea to other effects, like a halftone filter.

Kate Rose Morley, Tree views in CSS

This is entirely doable in just semantic HTML and CSS alone:

The trick is putting all the list items that have a sub-list with a <details> element. The text of that <li> becomes whatever the <summary> is. Then you can style the ::marker of the details elements to have the plus-and-minus look rather than the default triangle. I appreciated Kate’s usage of :focus-visible too which keeps the focus styles away from mouse clicks.

397: User-Generated Content Saftey

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I was asked about the paradoxical nature of CodePen itself recently. CodePen needs to be safe and secure, yet we accept and gleefully execute user-authored code, which is like don’t-do-that 101 in web security. Marie and I hop on the show to talk this through as an update from quite a long time ago. It’s wonderfully-terribly complicated. Part of what complicates it is that there are many different kinds of worrisome code, from malicious, to distasteful, to spam, and they all need different treatment. This is a daily and never-ending war.

Time Jumps

  • 00:27 Listener question
  • 04:09 Browsers have gotten safer
  • 06:18 Sandboxing
  • 09:31 Sound in the browser
  • 11:19 Sponsor: Notion
  • 12:21 It’s not always bad actors, but sometimes it is
  • 15:35 SEO spam
  • 19:27 The threat of Google blocking
  • 20:31 Tooling to stop bad behaviour

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

The post 397: User-Generated Content Saftey appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Efficiently Computing Permissions at Scale: Our Engineering Approach

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A few weeks ago, we introduced a new Role-based Access Management (RBAC) feature in the GitGuardian Internal Monitoring platform. This release resulted from several months of hard work where we had to thoroughly review our data model and implement a very resource-efficient permissions calculation mechanism. Therefore, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to offer a deep dive into the research, problems, and dead-end roads we encountered on this journey.

Disclaimer: I’ll be using Django in my code examples, but the ideas can be generalized; however, a relational database is a stronger requirement.

Pros and Cons of WordPress: What Are the Main Ones in 2023?

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pros and cons of WordPressWordPress is one of the most popular website building tools on the web, but how good is it? What can it do for your business? Are there times when you should use a different tool to create your website? This guide to the pros and cons of WordPress will answer all of these questions and more.

Different Ways to Search Database Objects

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This article explains different methods to find the database objects in a SQL Database. We can use any of the following methods to search a database object.

  • Find database objects using system catalog views.
  • Find the database object using the filter option of SQL Server management studio.
  • Find database objects using dbForge SQL Search.

Search Database Objects Using System Catalog Views

You can view the list of the database objects from the SQL Server system catalog views. The system catalog views are used to show the information of the database engine. The catalog views can be used to display the meta-data of the SQL Server database. The catalog views inherit the information from the SQL Server metadata tables. For example, sys.tables view inherits the data from sys.objects catalog view.

2022 in Retrospective

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2022 is over, and not a moment too soon. I'll never forget it: some of my friends had to flee their own country; others are fighting for their freedom as I write this post. I hope they will be safe and that their wishes will come true in 2023.

On the personal and technical side, here's a summary of the past year from my perspective.

Better Performance and Security by Monitoring Logs, Metrics, and More

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In the previous article in this series—The Everything Guide to Data Collection in DevSecOps—we discussed the importance of data collection. In this article, we'll explore the role of monitoring in observability, especially as it relates to security, performance, and reliability. Monitoring is essential for detecting issues and outliers as they happen in production and allows DevSecOps teams to identify and address issues before they cause serious damage. Monitoring performance degradations or suspicious activity can result in alerts and automatic responses to isolate potential problems or attacks.

In this article, we’ll look at monitoring in detail, provide several use cases and best practices, and discuss how monitoring can specifically improve security, performance, and reliability through observability.

How Spark Writer Can Help Improve Your Web Design Business

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If you are running a web design business, your portfolio website is one of your most important tools to attract new clients. In order to actually generate leads through your website, you have to get people there, and that means you need to continually generate new content along with having it optimized for search engines. If you’re a freelancer or small business, that means you are not only a web designer or developer, but you also have to wear the hat of the content creator. How are you supposed to find enough hours in the day?

This is where Spark Writer comes in. Spark Writer is a GPT-3 writing tool that allows you to create texts such as articles, blogs, ads, and even SEO meta descriptions in an instant. In this post we are going to take a look at how Spark Writer can make your life easier and help you grow your web design business.

Spark Writer for your web design business

What Is Spark Writer?

Spark Writer is a creative tool that helps you write better, faster and more easily. It provides you with a range of templates, tips and resources that makes writing easier and more fun.

The previous paragraph was actually written by Spark Writer in a matter of seconds using the paragraph tool. That summarizes it pretty succinctly, but there is much more to this AI writing tool. There are a variety of ways to use it for your web design business blog, including generating titles and ideas, introductions, outlines, conclusions, listicles, and more – all the way to even a full article generator.

So you can see how this tool could save you a significant amount of time when creating content. Let’s take a look at several ways in more detail.

Create Catchy Titles

With the Article Title / Idea Tool, you can take your blog topic idea and generate several catchy titles easily. For example, we put the title of this post in and Spark Writer popped out the following:

  1. How to take your web design business to the next level with Spark Writer
  2. How Spark Writer can help you stand out from the competition
  3. Create better content and improve your web design business with Spark Writer
  4. The secret to success: How Spark Writer can help improve your web design business
  5. How to improve your web design business with Spark Writer

In literally seconds we have five alternate titles we could use instead of what we started with! Coming up with ideas or refined, catchy titles no longer has to consume your time when writing new content for your blog.

Write Article Outlines

Many blog posts and articles start with an outline in order to better organize your thoughts and map out the sections and main points. With the Article Outline Tool you can type in what your article is about and in seconds have an outline of it right in front of you. If you prefer to do the actual writing of the article yourself, this would be a great way to get started and save you tons of time along the way.

Generate Listicles

One of the most popular types of blog posts is listicles, offering, for instance, “10 top web design tools of the year” or any other idea you can come up with. Spark Writer’s Listicle Tool can generate these for you in seconds.

Take a look at what we got when we typed in “Top Web Design Tools of 2022”:

  1. Adobe XD
  2. Figma
  3. Sketch
  4. Invision Studio
  5. Protopie
  6. Adobe Photoshop
  7. Adobe Illustrator
  8. Adobe After Effects
  9. Cinema 4D
  10. Blender

Just like that, the research has been done for us instantly. Then we could take this list, fill it in with descriptions of each tool, add an introduction and conclusion, and presto! Another way to come up with a quick blog post for your web design business!

Write Full Articles

If you’re really in a hurry, you can elect to use the Full Article Generator from Spark Writer to generate a complete, unique, and SEO friendly article in 30 seconds or less. While this may not be the best way to make sure your blog has your own unique “voice” in its writing, it can definitely save you hours per post. You could also take what the tool produces and edit it to your liking to make it more your own, which would still be a great way to reduce the amount of time you spend creating blog content.

Spark Writer options that will help your web design business

How Will You Use Spark Writer To Grow Your Web Design Business?

Although we’ve touched on just a few ways this new tool can be used to greatly increase your efficiency as a content creator, there are many more options to look into beyond what we’ve described here. Best of all, Spark Writer is 100% free to use, so you can take it for a spin right away!

It’s a brave new AI-generated content world we’re stepping into. We recommend you give Spark Writer a try and see how it can be used to help you save time, inspire creativity, and grow your business.

Don’t Miss Editor Settings!

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Louis Lazaris has made a ton of Pens, often in support of one of his newsletters Web Tools Weekly. And yet, like a lot of folks, has never really dug into the Editor Settings of CodePen. Here’s a recent newsletter where he finds those settings and digs into them.

I haven’t really messed around too much with CodePen’s settings other than laying out the editor to display the code panels on the left.

Maybe you also use CodePen a lot. If you do, it’s good to know there’s a specific page where you can modify editor-specific settings to suit your own needs and maybe be more in line with what’s in your primary IDE.

Check out the page for yourself and toggle the “Sticky Preview” to “On” to view any changes in real-time.

For now, this Editor Settings area is the one place you can change your editor font and syntax highlighting theme (we have lots of both of them), and do things like set up your preferred defaults.

You know what I think the most important one is?

Format on Save

Having Prettier format your code on each save is a very satisfying experience and I have a hard time coding without it now.

The post Don’t Miss Editor Settings! appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Classifying Severity Levels for Your Organization

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Incident severity levels and priority are invaluable to solving infrastructural problems faster. This blog helps you understand levels of severity and how they can enhance your incident response process.

Major outages are bound to occur in even the most well-maintained infrastructure and systems. Being able to quickly classify the severity level also allows your on-call team to respond more effectively. 

Pros and Cons of Using Styled Components in React

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“Idea is great, but the app is very poor. UI is not at all user-friendly. I am deleting it right away.”

How disheartening it would be to see such a review on your app, which you made with blood and sweat. It is not a new discovery that a classy and user-friendly UI is necessary to complete your great idea into a successful app. Every developer knew this struggle until 2011, when Facebook first used React for its newsfeed. Or is there something else?

How to Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking in WordPress

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Do you want to know how much revenue you’re generating from Google Ads on your website?

Setting up Google Ads conversion tracking will help you uncover insights about your ad campaign’s performance. You can find out which campaign is performing the best, how users interact with your ads, and how you can improve conversions.

In this article, we’ll show you how to properly set up eCommerce Google Ads conversion tracking in WordPress. This is the exact same method that we use on our own websites.

How to setup Google Ads conversion tracking

Why Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking in WordPress?

If you’re running Google Ads for your WordPress blog, eCommerce store, or membership site, then it is important to know how they’re performing. You can’t improve, what you can’t measure.

Tracking Google Ads conversions helps you see how much revenue you earned from users who clicked on your ad campaigns. It also helps you see which paid keywords and ad groups drive the most conversions. This way, you can optimize your campaigns and budget for more profitable search terms.

Besides that, Google Ads conversion tracking also uncovers how users behave on your WordPress site after clicking an ad. For instance, you might see a lot of users arrive on a landing page, but abandon it after adding products to the cart.

You can use this information to improve the checkout process, offer discounts and incentives as users are about to leave your site, and provide a better user experience.

That said, let’s see how you can add Google Ads conversion tracking in WordPress.

Adding Google Ads to WordPress Website

The easiest way of connecting Google Ads with WordPress is by using MonsterInsights. It is the best Analytics plugin for WordPress that helps set up Google Analytics without editing.

MonsterInsights offers an Ads addon that lets you setup comprehensive conversion tracking without touching a single line of code or hiring a developer.

We will use the MonsterInsights Pro license for this tutorial because it includes the Ads addon. There is also a MonsterInsights Lite version you can use for free.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will be redirected to the welcome screen in your WordPress dashboard. Go ahead and click the ‘Launch the Wizard’ button.

Launch setup wizard

Next, you can follow the onscreen instructions to connect Google Analytics to your site. For more details, you can see our guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

With MonsterInsights, you can also use dual tracking to set up a Google Analytics 4 property. It is the latest analytics version and will soon replace Universal Analytics. You can learn more by following our guide on how to switch to Google Analytics 4 in WordPress.

Once you’ve connected Google Analytics with WordPress, the next step is to install the Ads addon. Simply go to Insights » Addons from your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the ‘Ads’ addon.

Install the ads addon

Go ahead and click the ‘Install’ button. The addon will now automatically install and activate on your site.

Creating a Conversion Action in Google Ads

Next, you’ll need to create a conversion action in Google Ads.

First, you can visit the Google Ads website and log in to your account.

After that, go ahead and click the ‘Tools and settings’ option at the top. Under the ‘Measurement’ column, simply select the Conversions option.

Click the tools and settings option

On the next screen, you’ll need to create a conversion action.

You can click the ‘New conversion action’ button to get started.

Create new conversion action

Next, Google Ads will ask you to select the type of conversions you want to track. It will show you 4 options, including a website, app, phone call, or import.

For this tutorial, we’ll choose the ‘Website’ option for tracking ad conversions.

Select the kind of conversion to track

After that, you’ll need to enter the website URL where you’d like to measure conversions.

Once that’s done, simply click the ‘Scan’ button.

Enter your domain to scan

Google Ads will now show 2 options to create conversion actions, including an automatic and manual method. In the automatic method, you’ll need to select the conversion goal, choose a match type, and enter the URL. This way is suitable if you know which events to count as conversions.

However, we recommend selecting the manual method. Simply scroll down and click the ‘+ Add a conversion action manually’ option.

Add conversion action manually

Next, you’ll need to enter the Conversion action details.

First, you can select the ‘Goal and action optimization’ for your conversion. This is the action you’d like to track. For example, when a user subscribes to your newsletter, makes a purchase, adds a product to a cart, submits a contact form, and more.

For the sake of this tutorial, we will select ‘Subscribe’ as the goal. After that, you can enter the Conversion name.

Enter conversion action details

You can now scroll down and select a Value for your conversion. Google Ads lets you choose the same value for each conversion, assign different values for conversions, or don’t use a value for conversion action.

We will select the ‘Use the same for each conversion’ option, select the currency, and enter a value for this tutorial.

Enter value for conversion action

Besides that, you can also choose how many conversions to count per click.

If you’re tracking email newsletter signups, then we recommend selecting the ‘One’ option. This way, each subscriber is counted once. However, you can use the ‘Every’ option in an eCommerce store and count each purchase as a conversion.

After selecting these options, simply click the ‘Done’ button at the bottom.

Enter value and count

You can now see your conversion action under the ‘Create conversion actions manually using code’ section.

Go ahead and click the ‘Save and continue’ button to get instructions for adding the tracking tags for conversion action to your site.

Click the save and continue button

On the next screen, you’ll see 3 options to add the conversion action to your site.

Simply select the ‘Use Google Tag Manager’ option. You should see the Conversion ID and Conversion Label. Copy these to a notepad file or keep the browser window/tab open.

Select the use tag manager option

To finish the setup process, you’ll need to head to your WordPress website dashboard and view the MonsterInsights settings.

From here, go to Insights » Settings and click on the ‘Publisher’ tab.

Publisher settings in MonsterInsights

After that, you can scroll down to the ‘Ads Tracking’ section.

Go ahead and enter the Conversion ID. Make sure you follow the format, which will look like this: AW-123456789.

If you are tracking Google Ads on Easy Digital Downloads, WooCommerce, and MemberPress, then enter the Conversion Label in the respective field.

Enter conversion ID and label

That’s it. You’ve successfully set up Google Ads conversion tracking on your WordPress website.

View Google Ads Conversion Tracking Data in Google Analytics

You can take it a step further and connect Google Ads with Google Analytics to get more insights about how people use your website after clicking on an ad.

For instance, you can see the number of visitors from paid search and find out which pages they view after landing on your site. You can also use different filters and create custom reports in Google Analytics.

Let’s see how you can link your Google Ads account with Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics.

Connect Google Ads with Google Analytics 4

First, you’ll need to log in to your GA4 account and then go to the ‘Admin’ settings.

Go to admin settings

After that, you can click the ‘Google Ads Links’ option.

It is located under the Property column.

Go to ads links

A new window will now slide in from the right.

Go ahead and click the ‘Link’ button in the top right corner.

Click the link button

Next, you will see different options for Link setup.

First, you can click the ‘Choose Google Ads accounts’ option.

Choose Google ads account to link

On the next screen, you’ll need to select the Google Ads account you wish to connect.

Once that’s done, simply click the ‘Confirm’ button at the top.

Select your google ads account

You will now see the Google Ads account that you want to link.

Go ahead and click the ‘Next’ button.

See selected google ads account

In the next step, Google Analytics will give you options to enable personalized advertising and enable auto-tagging.

You can use the default settings and click the ‘Next’ button.

Change configure settings

After that, you’ll see a summary of your Link setup settings.

If everything checks out, then go ahead and click the ‘Submit’ button.

Review and submit link setup

You should now see a ‘Link Created’ notification in front of your Google Ads account. This means that you’ve successfully connected Google Ads with Google Analytics.

Do note that it can take up to 24 hours for your Google Ads data to appear in Analytics reports.

See link created notification

Next, you can view the Google Ads conversion tracking report in Google Analytics 4.

First, you can head to Acquisition » Traffic acquisition from the menu on your left and scroll down to see how many visitors came from the Paid Search channel.

View paid search traffic

After that, you can go to Acquisition » Acquisition overview and view the Session Google Ads campaign report. This will show which campaign got the most traffic.

You can also click the ‘View Google Ads campaigns’ option at the bottom to view more details.

View session google ads campaign report

For each campaign, you can see the total number of users, sessions, number of Google Ads clicks, cost per click (CPC), conversions, and more.

Using the information from this report, you can see which campaigns perform the best.

View detailed stats for each campaign

Connect Google Ads with Universal Analytics

If you’re using Universal Analytics, then you can first log in to your account.

After that, head to the ‘Admin’ settings.

Click admin settings

Next, you’ll need to go to the Google Ads Links option.

You can find the option under the Property column.

Go to Google Ads links

On the next screen, you’ll need to select the Google Ads account you want to connect.

After selecting your account, simply click the ‘Continue’ button.

Select Google ads account

Next, you will need to enter a Link group title.

You can then select the Views to link with your Google Ads account. Simply click the toggle to ON for the correct Views.

Enter link group title

Once that’s done, simply click the ‘Link accounts’ button.

Google Analytics will now show a summary of your settings. Simply scroll down and click the ‘Done’ button.

Click the done button

That’s it. Your Google Ads account will now be linked to the Universal Analytics property.

To view data from your ad campaigns, head to Acquisition » Google Ads » Campaigns from the menu on your left. You can see the number of clicks, cost, CPC, and more for each campaign.

View Google ads report in UA

Final Thoughts on Google Ads Conversion Tracking in WordPress

When it comes to setting up any conversion tracking, the most important thing you want to make sure is that the setup is done properly. This is why we use and recommend MonsterInsights because it just does everything for you behind the scenes without touching any code.

However if you prefer to add code directly on your WordPress site, then you can do that as well by using a plugin like WPCode. This will help future-proof your customizations. There’s a free version of WPCode that you can use by following our tutorial on adding custom code in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to set up Google Ads conversion tracking in WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide and the best WooCommerce plugins to grow your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.