What is the difference between soft and hard bounce emails?

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A "soft bounce" and a "hard bounce" are terms used to describe the delivery status of an email message.

Soft bounce: A soft bounce occurs when an email message is temporarily undeliverable due to a temporary issue, such as a full inbox or a temporary network issue. The email server will attempt to deliver the message again at a later time.

Hard bounce: A hard bounce occurs when an email message is permanently undeliverable due to a permanent issue, such as a non-existent email address or a blocked domain. The email server will not attempt to deliver the message again.

It is important to monitor the bounce rate of your email campaigns and address any hard bounces, as sending emails to invalid addresses can harm your sender reputation and negatively impact the deliverability of future emails.

Utilize OpenAI API to Extract Information From PDF Files

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Why It's Hard to Extract Information From PDF Files?

PDF, or Portable Document Format, is a popular file format that is widely used for documents such as invoices, purchase orders, and other business documents. However, extracting information from PDFs can be a challenging task for developers.

One reason why it is difficult to extract information from PDFs is that the format is not structured. Unlike HTML, which has a specific format for tables and headers that developers can easily identify, PDFs do not have a consistent layout for information. This makes it harder for developers to know where to find the specific information they need.

5 Ways to Open CR3 Files on Photoshop

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You have CR3 file Images that you want to edit or open on photoshop, but you cannot open CR3 files on photoshop. Please do not get upset that you can’t open your CR3 files in photoshop because there is a solution for every problem. In this article, we have mentioned how to open CR3 files […]

How to Rescue Your Magento 2 Project

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My name is Opukhlyi Vladyslav, and I am Backend Tech Lead at Magecom. My article is based on a talk I gave at Magento Meetup #12, where I talked about the experience of detecting and fixing project issues in the Magecom team. 

Four years ago, I was working as a developer on one interesting project and later started leading it. There were extremely motivated teams both on our side and with the clients. 

The Importance of Delegation in Management Teams

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Delegating power is a crucial Aspect of managing teams effectively. It enables managers to assign tasks and responsibilities to team members, allowing them to focus on their areas of expertise while empowering them to take ownership of their work. This method can lead to increased productivity, improved morale, and more efficient use of resources. However, failing to delegate power can lead to micromanagement, burnout, and a lack of trust among team members. This is something I have experienced firsthand in my previous jobs, where managers were hesitant to delegate tasks and responsibilities, negatively impacting the overall management and performance of the team. 

Focus on Management Expertise

One of the primary benefits of delegating power is that managers focus on their areas of expertise. Managers can free up time and energy to focus on more important and pressing matters by assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members. This can lead to increased productivity, as managers can devote their full attention to the tasks that require their expertise.

Stay Logged in to WordPress

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I work from home so can afford to leave tabs open for each of my WordPress sites. That way I can jump on anytime and update or add new content very quickly. The problem I kept running into is that WordPress automatically logs out users after 48 hours. Which means I have to log back in every day even when it’s not necessary. So I needed a way to stay logged in to WordPress indefinitely. Fortunately WordPress is very flexible and easy to customize, and the login duration can be changed via several different methods.

Here are three easy ways to stay logged in to WordPress for a longer period of time.

Three ways to do it..

Check the box

The easiest way to increase the expiration date/time for logins, is to simply check the “Remember Me” checkbox when logging in to WordPress. That will increase the expiration to 14 days, or whenever the browser is closed. After that time, the session cookie expires and you’ll need to log in once again.

This is useful if 14 days is enough time for your workflow.

One downside is that it requires an extra click to check the box. Fine I guess if you’re logging in manually. But if you’re using a password manager or other auto-login app, the extra checkbox step requires action on your part, thus adding friction and slowing things down.

Another downside is that 14 days is not always enough. For my own workflow, I prefer to minimize as many needless steps as possible. So I prefer the next method of extending the login duration, using a slice of custom code..

Add custom code

For more flexibility and less friction, you can add the following code snippet to stay logged in to WordPress for however long is necessary, even indefinitely if it makes sense to do so. This is the preferred technique for my own websites.

Important: Be mindful of any other users who may be logging in on public machines. Only extend the login duration if you know 100% that it’s safe and secure.

Here is the magic code to stay logged in to the WordPress Admin Area. You can add this code via your theme functions file, or add via simple custom plugin. Here is a guide that explains how to do both.

function shapeSpace_stay_logged_in($expires) {
	return 172800; // default 48 hours
add_filter('auth_cookie_expiration', 'shapeSpace_stay_logged_in');

As written, this code hooks into auth_cookie_expiration and filters the expiration duration (in seconds). By default the duration is 48 hours. You can change that to anything that works best.

To stay logged in forever, change the interval to some very large number, like 3153600000 to stay logged in for 100 years ;) To help with converting time to seconds, you can use a free time conversion calculator.

Thanks to Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) for sharing this code at Stack Exchange.

Update! Thanks to Scott Fennell for pointing out that WordPress provides a set of time constants that we can use instead of typing out seconds like animals:


So we can do like 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS to specify a time interval of 3 hours.

Bonus: Check the “Remember” box by default

Bonus tip! To automatically check the “Remember Me” box on the WP Login Page, add the following code via theme functions or custom plugin.

function shapeSpace_custom_login_checkbox() {
		document.getElementById('rememberme').checked = true;
add_filter('login_footer', 'shapeSpace_custom_login_checkbox');

No changes need made, just add and done. One in place, the remember checkbox will be selected automatically by default.

Install a plugin

If you want to extend the login beyond 14 days, but don’t want to go the custom code route, installing a plugin is the way to go. Currently there seems to be only a couple of capable plugins in the WP Plugin Directory:

Let me know if I’ve missed anything! :)

Subscribers: Update Your Feed URLs

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To our feed subscribers. In case you haven’t heard. Feedburner is dead man walking. As a result, we changed our RSS and Atom feed URLs to host them directly at DigWP.com. So if you want to continue getting our awesome WP-related content delivered to your feed reader, take a moment to update your feed URLs. Our new (and permanent) feed URLs:

Visit the DigWP Archives for more feed options.

Direct link to article | View post at DigWP.com

Three SQL Keywords in QuestDB for Finding Missing Data

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Whether you are just starting to work with a specific data set or monitoring activities and reports based on existing data sets, one of the first things you need to consider is the quality of the data you’re dealing with. Continuity is one of the most critical factors in gauging the quality of time-series data. Time-series systems usually serve use cases where data needs to be consumed, processed, and acted upon with urgency.

Take the example of a public transport vehicle. For the safety of passengers and the timeliness of the service, vehicles need their various sensors — GPS, proximity sensors, pressure sensors, engine diagnostics sensors, and so on. Continuously using the data from these sensors helps the public transport service guarantee timeliness, safety, and reliability. However, a break in the data coming from these sensors would mean that there’s a problem.

3 Examples of Address Autofill Forms to Collect Shipping and Payment Addresses

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Businesses often use forms to collect information about their customers. The most important information is often the address. Companies that ship goods or brochures to users obviously need an accurate shipping address. There are many other businesses (like banks) that also require users to provide their addresses for regulatory purposes and other various reasons.

The Difficulty of Collecting Verified User Addresses

We’ve established that addresses are necessary and sometimes an essential part of a business model. Despite their importance, many businesses have difficulty collecting and verifying addresses.

Collecting a verified address can be difficult for multiple reasons. For example, there may be new addresses that aren’t yet added to geolocation databases. Also, there may be multiple streets or cities with the same.

Webmasters often use a custom field that matches the user’s input with verified addresses. This is one way to verify a user's address. The problem is that these input fields are not flexible. New addresses are sometimes not added to the database, so users can’t select them.

How to Create an Interactive Poll in WordPress (Step by Step)

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Do you want to create an online poll on your WordPress site?

Polls are an interactive way to engage your audience while getting useful information from them. You can get feedback from your users and find out what they like.

In this article, we will show you how to easily create and add a poll in your WordPress.

How to Create an interactive poll in WordPress

Which Tool to Choose for Adding a Poll in WordPress?

Adding interactive polls to your website is a great way to engage users, as it instantly grabs their attention. You can generate leads using polls and, at the same time, collect valuable feedback from your audience.

That said, there are plenty of plugins and online tools that allow you to embed polls on your WordPress site. Many of them require you to create an account, some store data on their own servers, and others have a terrible user experience.

If you are looking for a good user experience with full control of poll data, then you’ll need WPForms. It is the best WordPress form builder plugin and includes powerful surveys and polls addon.

With WPForms, you’ll be able to do the following:

  • Create polls in WordPress using a drag-and-drop form builder
  • Gather poll results on your own websites
  • Show votes count when user submit their vote
  • Display poll anywhere on your website
  • Show poll results anywhere on your website

With that, let’s look at how to easily create online polls in WordPress using WPForms.

Creating Online Polls in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

You will need the WPForms Pro plan because it includes the survey and polls addon. WPBeginner users get an additional discount by using the WPForms coupon code. There is also a WPForms Lite version you can try for free.

Upon activation, you need to visit the WPForms » Settings page to enter your license key. You can find this information in your WPForms account.

Entering the WPForms license key

Next, you need to visit WPForms » Addons page and scroll down to the Surveys and Polls addon.

Go ahead and click on the ‘Install’ addon button.

Install surveys and polls addon

Now you are ready to create an online poll.

You can start by going to WPForms » Add New page to create a new form. First, you need to provide a title for your poll form and then select the ‘Poll Form’ template.

Select the poll form template

This will launch the WPForms drag-and-drop form builder interface.

You will see a pre-made poll form template with example fields already added to the form.

Edit your poll form template

There are options to add new form fields from the left column. All you have to do is drag and drop the field you’d like to add to the form.

Besides that, you can just point and click to edit any field, rearrange them, or remove them.

For example, if you click the poll question in the template, then you will see more options in the menu on your left. Simply rearrange the order, and edit their titles, labels, and more.

Rearrange poll question order

Next, you need to click on the Settings button from the left menu and then go to the ‘Surveys and Polls’ tab. Here you can enable or disable the poll results option.

By default, the WPForms poll template will display poll results to users after they submit their votes. If you disable this option, then users will not see the poll results.

Enable survey and poll results option

On the other hand, you can show users a custom message or redirect them to another page or URL.

Simply go to the ‘Confirmation’ tab. Here, you can choose the Confirmation Type from the dropdown menu.

Go to confirmation settings

Once you have created the poll form, go ahead and click on the ‘Save’ button to store your form settings.

Adding The Poll to Your WordPress Website

WPForms makes it easy to add your online poll anywhere on your website, including posts, pages, custom post types, and sidebar widgets.

You can click the ‘Embed’ button in the form builder to add your poll form. Once you do that, a new popup window will open. You can select an existing page or create a new one to embed your form.

Embed a form in page

Let’s select the ‘Create New Page’ button for this tutorial.

In the next step, you’ll need to enter a name for your page. After that, you can click the ‘Let’s Go’ button.

Enter name for your new page

You should now see your poll form embedded in the WordPress content editor.

Another way of adding your form is by using the WPForms block. Simply click the ‘+’ button to add the WPForms and select your form from the dropdown menu.

Add a WPForms block in wordpress

Next, you’ll see a preview of your form.

You can save or publish your post/page and visit your website to see your poll in action.

View poll form preview

You can also add your poll to a sidebar or widget-ready area.

To do that, you need to go to the Appearance » Widgets page and add the WPForms widget block to a sidebar where you want to display the poll.

Add WPForms widget block

In the WPForms widget block, you need to select the poll form you created earlier.

Don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ button to store your widget settings. You can now visit your website to see your online poll displayed in a sidebar or another widget-ready area.

View poll form in sidebar

Viewing Live Poll Results

If you have enabled poll results, then your users will see the results after submitting their votes.

View your poll results

You can also view poll results at any time without submitting a vote.

Simply visit WPForms » All Forms page and click on the ‘Survey Results’ link below your poll form.

Click the survey results option

This will take you to the poll results page, where you will see poll responses in an interactive chart.

You can change the charge type and export the results in JPEG, PDF, and print formats.

See poll results in dashboard

Embed Poll Results Anywhere in WordPress

WPForms also allows you to easily embed your online poll results anywhere on your website. This is particularly useful if you have disabled poll results and want to share them later.

First, you will need to find out your poll form’s ID. You can do this by going to WPForms » All Forms page and looking for the shortcode next to your poll form.

View form shortcode

In the shortcode, you will find your poll’s ID number. For example, our test poll’s ID is 76, as shown in the screenshot above.

Next, you need to find out the field ID. This is the field in your form for which you want to show the results.

Simply edit your poll form and click on the poll field. You will find the field ID in the left column.

View the field ID

Now that you have both required IDs, you can go ahead and add the poll results shortcode like this:

Don’t forget to replace the form ID and field ID values with your own. You can use this shortcode in WordPress posts, pages, and text widgets.

Here’s a preview of what your poll results will look like:

Preview of form results

We hope this article helped you create an interactive poll in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to start a WordPress blog and the best email marketing services.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create an Interactive Poll in WordPress (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery

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Much of the existing hype in biotech has concentrated around the promise of revolutionising drug discovery. After all, the last decade was a so-called golden age in the field. From 2012 to 2021, compared to the prior decade, an increase of 73% new medicines were approved — 25% more than the one before that. These medicines include immunotherapies for cancer, gene therapies, and, of course, Covid vaccines. On the face of it, the pharmaceutical industry is doing well. 

But there are increasingly worrying trends. Drug discovery is becoming prohibitively expensive and risky. As of today, it costs between $1bn-$3bn on average and 12–18 years to bring a new drug to market. Meanwhile, the average price of a new medicine has skyrocketed from $2k in 2007 to $180k in 2021. 

The Top 3 Challenges Facing Engineering Leaders Today—And How to Overcome Them

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It's no secret that a tech startup is only as good as its engineering team. It's tempting to follow that statement by saying an engineering team is only as good as its talent. That's true, to some extent, but it takes expertise and leadership to get the most out of your talent—and, of course, to identify and recruit the right employees in the first place. To use the most obvious analogy, even an all-star soccer team is unlikely to win a championship without a savvy coach at the helm. Similarly, even the most stacked engineering team (pardon the pun) risks falling short without a smart and persistent leader.

As the engineering lead at a growing up startup, I've experienced success and navigated numerous challenges. While a leader's role is multifaceted, steering the ship through difficult times is one of the most critical Aspects. So let's take a look at the three biggest challenges I've encountered and how they can be overcome.