Privacy-Preserving AI: What It Is and Why It Matters?

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Let's start with an example; suppose your employer uses an AI system to analyze employee data and make decisions about hiring and promotion. In that case, there's a chance it could use your race or gender as one of its criteria features for making those decisions. If this happens without your knowledge or consent, especially if you don't agree with how they're being used, then there could be legal implications for both the company and the employees. This problem has been at least partially addressed by restricting access to certain types of sensitive information like faces and gender while still allowing access through other channels such as text search terms or GPS coordinates. However, these solutions still don't fully solve all privacy concerns since there will always be ways around them.

This problem has been at least partially addressed by restricting access to certain types of sensitive information like faces and gender while still allowing access through other channels such as text search terms or GPS coordinates, but these solutions still don't fully solve all privacy concerns since there will always be ways around them; someone could not take pictures without including any faces at all.

Common approaches to Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing is a broad field that encompasses various approaches and strategies. Here are some of the most common approaches to digital marketing:

(1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing a website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages for relevant keywords. This can be achieved through various techniques, including keyword research, on-page optimization, backlink building, and content creation.
(2) Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: PPC involves running ads on search engines or social media platforms and paying for each click. This can be an effective way to drive traffic and conversions, especially for businesses in competitive niches.
(3) Social media marketing: Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to engage with your audience and build your brand. This can include organic content, paid advertising, and influencer marketing.
(4) Content marketing: Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, whitepapers, and more.
Email marketing: Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to your audience to promote your products or services, build relationships, and nurture leads.
(5) Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing involves partnering with other businesses or individuals to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission. This can be a cost-effective way to drive sales and increase brand awareness.
(6) Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing involves partnering with social media influencers to promote your products or services to their followers. This can be an effective way to reach a targeted audience and build trust with potential customers.
By combining these approaches and tailoring them to your specific business and audience, you can create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that drives results.

Mind the Gap

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Recently, I posted a tutorial on how I monitored my Raspberry-pi based "pihole" server using New Relic and Flex.

Like many tutorials, what you read there is the end result, a narrative of the perfect execution of a well-conceived idea where all steps and variables are foreseen beforehand.

Everything You Must Know About ChatGPT

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ChatGPT has become a global phenomenon and has brought in an era with AI-driven AI assistants.

All over the world, people use ChatGPT in exciting ways to earn money, create courses, write film scripts and improve their productivity, increase their creativity, etc.

The Impact of AI on Telecoms Fraud Protection Strategies

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Telecoms fraud is a prevalent and ever-evolving issue that affects both business and individual customers in the telecommunications industry. It encompasses a range of fraudulent and abusive activities that can cause significant financial damage to companies and individuals alike. Ranging from well-established methods, including PBX hacking and SIMBox bypass, to newly evolving threats, such as flash calls and mobile money fraud, the tactics used by cybercriminals and fraudsters are constantly changing.

Telecoms fraud is booming and costs the world $32.7 billion each year, per a joint report issued by Europol and Trend Micro. The consequences of telecoms fraud can be severe, resulting in not only financial damage but also damage to the brand reputation of telecoms companies. With the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in fraud protection strategies, we set out to explore the impact of this technology on the fight against telecoms fraud.

10 Real-Life Weebly Website Examples to Inspire Your Next Site

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Weebly Website ExamplesIn today’s modern world, websites are a must-have for brands, service practitioners, and content creators. So, how can web design newbies build beautiful, navigable, and user-friendly sites? One of the most cost-effective techniques is to use free website builders like Weebly. In this post, we’ve listed some interesting Weebly website examples to help you decide if this service is ideal for you.

How to Add Product Questions And Answers in WooCommerce

Set Up Woocommerce

Are you looking to add a product question and answer section in WooCommerce?

Adding a Q&A section enables customers to ask questions about the product before buying it, and see the questions and answers of other customers. This helps recover abandoned cart sales and improve customer engagement in your store, and reduce support requests.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add product questions and answers in WooCommerce.

How to add product questions and answers in WooCommerce

Why Should You Add Product Q&A in WooCommerce

You may have noticed the product question-and-answer section on popular eCommerce websites like Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and more.

Target Q&A example

Adding a product questions and answers section allows customers to ask questions about a product right there on the product page.

You or your customers can then answer that question and it becomes visible to all other new customers who may have the same question in mind.

Over a period of time, your product page will have its own frequently asked questions section, which will help increase sales and reduce abandoned cart rates.

Adding a question and answers section to your online store also allows you to curate user-generated content which improves your WooCommerce product search rankings.

That being said, let’s see how you can easily add product questions and answers to WooCommerce.

1. Adding a Product Q&A Section Using a Premium Plugin

For this method, we will be using the YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers plugin.

It is a premium plugin and comes with more features to easily add an engaging Q&A section with a better user experience.

First, you need to install and activate the YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers plugin. For more instructions, please see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to the YITH » License Activation page and enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the plugin website.

Activate your YITH plugin with the license key

Don’t forget to click on the Activate button after entering your license key.

Next, you need to go to the YITH » Questions and Answers page to configure plugin settings.

YITH Quiestions and Answers settings

From here you need to scroll down to the ‘Question Approval’ option and simply toggle the switch to ‘Yes’.

Once you do that, the questions on the product pages will have to be approved by an administrator before they are displayed on your WooCommerce store.

Toggle the switch next to the Question Approval field

Next, you need to scroll to the ‘Show on Product Tabs’ option.

Here, you need to toggle the switch to ‘Yes’ so that the plugin will automatically add a ‘Questions and Answers’ section to product pages.

Toggle the switch next to the Product on tab field

After that, don’t forget to click the ‘Save Options’ button to store your changes.

Now, you need to switch to the ‘Advanced Settings’ tab.

From here, simply toggle the ‘Vote Question’ switch to ‘Yes’ if you want to allow users to vote on product questions.

Go to the advanced settings tab

Next, you can choose if you want to get an email notification once a question is submitted on your website.

Simply select the ‘Notification in HTML Email’ option from the dropdown menu next to the ‘New question notification’ field.

Tip: To ensure email deliverability you need to use an SMTP server. See our guide on how to fix WooCommerce not sending emails issue.

Similarly, you can also choose the ‘Notification in HTML Email’ option in the ‘New answer notification’ field if you want to receive an email once a question is answered on your site.

Configure the New question notification field settings

Your user can also receive a notification once the question submitted by them is answered.

To enable this, you need to toggle the switch next to the ‘User Notification’ option to ‘Yes’.

Toggle the user notification

After that, you can review other settings. The default options would work for most websites but you can change them if needed.

Finally, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Options’ button to save your changes.

You can now visit your website to see the Questions & Answers section appear on your product pages.

Questions form below product pages

From here, your customers can submit their questions.

Moderating Questions and Adding Answers

You will receive an email notification for new questions submitted by the users. You can also view them by visiting the Questions & Answers » All discussion page.

Moderate question and answers

You can sort entries here by ‘Content not approved’ or ‘Unanswered Questions’.

You can also take your mouse over a question and click ‘Approve’ to make it live.

To add an answer to a question, you can simply click on the ‘Edit’ link below that question. On the edit screen, scroll down to the ‘Your Answer’ section to answer the question.

Add your answer

Repeat the process if you have more unanswered questions.

This is how the product questions and answers section looked on our demo store.

Question and answers preview

2. Adding a Product Q&A Section Using a Free Plugin

If you want to use a free plugin to add a product Q&A section to your WooCommerce store, then this method is for you.

First, you need to do is install and activate the Product Questions & Answers for WooCommerce plugin. For more instructions, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, click the Product Q&A menu from the WordPress admin sidebar which will direct you to the ‘Product Q&A Settings’ page.

From here, simply check the ‘Load More’ option if you want to add a ‘load More’ button to your product Q&A section.

Adding this button will allow customers to load older questions and reduces the page load time if a product gets a ton of questions.

Simply check the Load more box

Next, you need to choose a page size.

This means that you need to select a default number of questions that are shown in your Q&A section.

All the other questions will be hidden from view. Users will be able to access those questions after clicking the ‘Load More’ button.

You can also change the text used for the ‘Load More’ button to anything you like. For instance, you can call it ‘Load more questions’.

Choose a paging button name

Next, you need to choose a layout for your product Q&A section from the dropdown menu next to the ‘Layout’ option.

You can choose the ‘Normal’ option if you want to display the Q&A section in paragraphs.

Select layout and save your changes

On the other hand, you can also display your questions as an Accordion menu. This means users will need to click on a question to view the answer.

Once finished, don’t forget to click the Submit button at the bottom to save your settings.

Managing Product Question and Answers

After plugin configuration, simply visit any product page on your store. You’ll notice a new Q&A tab added there.

Click Q and A tab on the product page

Clicking on it will display the ‘Q&A’ section where customers can submit their questions.

You will receive an email notification when a user submits a question.

Type a Q&A question and submit it

Now, to answer customer questions, you need to go to the Products » All Products page from the WordPress admin dashboard.

From here, simply click the ‘Edit’ button under a product to open up its’ ‘Edit Product’ page.

Click the Edit button

Next, you need to scroll down to the ‘Product Data’ section and click the ‘Q&A’ tab from the left column.

Here, all the questions submitted on that specific product’s page will be displayed.

Click the Q&A tab

Now, you need to simply type the answer to a customer query in the ‘Answer’ field.

If you want to delete a question because it’s inappropriate or irrelevant to your product, then you can also do that by clicking the Delete icon on the right corner of each question.

You can also uncheck the ‘Approve’ option if you don’t want to display the question on the product page.

Answer or delete the question

After you have answered the product questions, go to the top of the page and click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

Now, you can visit the product page to see the Questions and Answer section in action.

Visit site

We hope this article helped you learn how to add product questions and answers in WooCommerce. You can also check out our top picks for the best WooCommerce plugins to grow your store, and our beginner’s guide on how to add web push notification to boost sales.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Product Questions And Answers in WooCommerce first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Prioritize Integrations for Your B2B SaaS Product

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One of the most frequent integration questions we hear from SaaS teams is, "Which integrations should we build first?"

This question often arises as they start with our embedded integration platform (since it substantially increases how quickly they can launch new integrations). Still, it's relevant no matter how you build integrations to the other products your customers use.

Chris’ Corner: Gradients, Generators, and Glows

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Radial gradients do represent a bit of a leap up in complexity compared to linear gradients in CSS. With linear gradients, you sorta pick a direction and plop some stops on there. The default direction, to bottom, you don’t even have to include if that’s the direction you want, and two color stops with no additional values just mean “all the way at the top to all the way at the bottom”. Something like this linear-gradient(darkblue, blue).

Good news: radial gradients do maintain making most parameters optional, so radial-gradient(darkblue, blue) is still functional and half-decently-useful. But the complexity goes up from there.

  • Radial gradients need to be told to behave like a circle if that’s the shape you want, not the default ellipse.
  • You can tell a radial gradient where to stop, before you even get to the color stops.
  • You can choose a starting position for the radial gradient, it doesn’t have to be dead center.
  • There are keywords that tell radial gradients to extend to certain relevant points of the container, like closest-side and furthest-corner and such.

It was enough for Patrick Brosset to ask Do you really understand CSS radial-gradients?, which, ya know, fair.

human eyes drawn with css radial gradients.

There is no built-in way to generate a random number in CSS. Maybe there should be, as there are countless demos that use some other technology to feed random numbers into CSS. The use case is often generative art or decorative effects, but there is so much of that and the results can be so cool, it’s almost shame we don’t have it. So what do we do to get random numbers in CSS?

  • We use the random function in a CSS processor (e.g. random() works in Sass) — but then it’s only random at build time.
  • We use a random number created in JavaScript, then set a --custom-property with it. Maybe even Houdini.
  • We use user input somehow to make a value feel random.

Kacper Kula’s Randomness in CSS kinda gets into all three of those. He uses a hand-built random number generator in Sass based on prime numbers. The @property syntax is used to ensure a custom property is an integer and is sometimes used as a seed that comes in via JavaScript.

Demo Pen

Let me leave you this week with just a tiny classy snippet of CSS from CodyHouse:

.component {
  /* inner glow 👇 */
    inset 0 0 0.5px 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.075),

  /* shadow ring 👇 */
    0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.05),

  /* multiple soft shadows 👇 */
    0 0.3px 0.4px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.02),
    0 0.9px 1.5px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.045),
    0 3.5px 6px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.09);
Demo Pen

That’s just a nice look right there.

10 Tips To Optimize PostgreSQL Queries in Your Django Project

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This article showcases optimization techniques that had great results at GitGuardian. You’ll find basic and advanced optimization techniques using Django and PostgreSQL, yet most of the principles we discuss are general enough to be applied to other frameworks or relational databases. However, a basic understanding of database transactions and how ORMs work is necessary to get the most out of it.

But don’t believe me, test them yourself! We provide a fully functional Django Playground where you can run all the queries shown in this article. Here it is.

Shopify vs Shopify Plus: Which Is Better for an Ecommerce Store?

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Shopify vs Shopify PlusThe basic Shopify service is an all-inclusive selling platform from which you can promote, sell, and ship products. Still, the company also offers an enterprise version, Shopify Plus, which is better suited for larger companies. In this article, we will compare these two platforms in terms of their pricing, features, integrations, and support and show you the key differences between them. So, let's get started!