Efficient Task Management: Building a Java-Based Task Executor Service for Your Admin Panel

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In today's data-driven world, effectively managing and processing large volumes of data is crucial for organizations to maintain a competitive edge. As systems become more complex and interconnected, developers must grapple with an array of challenges, such as data migrations, data backfilling, generating analytical reports, etc. 

In this article, we will explore a simple yet effective Java-based implementation of a task executor service. We will discuss the key components of the service, examine some advantages of this approach, and provide insights to help developers make informed decisions when implementing a task executor service for their own projects.

Have ChatGPT Scrape Your Website

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AINRO.IO's ChatGPT website chatbot, AI Expert System, and AI Website Search are based on scraping your website. The technique is actually quite simple. However, how can we end up having so much higher quality than most others?

What we do is really simple. We scrape your website, and then we store your website's text as context snippets in a database. When users ask a question to our ChatGPT website chatbot, we use OpenAI's embedding API to look for the most relevant context snippets and attach this as a "context" to the question before we send the question to ChatGPT. This allows OpenAI to return an answer to your question using the supplied context as the foundation for the answer. Fundamentally you could argue the following.

What Is mTLS? How To Implement It With Istio

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This is a detailed guide on mTLS and how to implement it with Istio service mesh. We will be covering the following topics here:

  • Understanding mTLS protocol wrt TCP/IP suite
  • SSL vs TLS vs mTLS
  • Why is mTLS important?
  • Use-cases of mTLS
  • Certificate Authority, Publick keys, X.509 certificate: Must-know mTLS concepts
  • How does mTLS work?
  • How to enable mTLS with Istio service mesh
  • Certificate management for mTLS in Istio

What Is mTLS?

Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to authenticate two parties and secure their communication in the network. mTLS protocol is an extension of TLS protocol where both the parties- web client and web server- are authenticated. The primary aim of mTLS is to achieve the following:

The Pentagonal Transformation Forces Driving the Next-Gen Enterprise: A Consultant’s View

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The world is in flux. The pandemic has waned, but the definitive trails it left behind still shape the contours of our day-to-day life. The war in Europe promises to prolong. The heat wave is beginning to show its ugly fangs in Europe while California and Alabama in the USA brace for more climatic impacts. Amongst all this, the banking sector in the USA, under the weight of the rising interest rates and poor commercial real estate market (an offshoot of the pandemic), has shown its brittle side. Understandably, in a world as chaotic as this, the CIOs and CTOs of modern-day enterprises want to operate as thriftily as possible, balancing the see-saw between digital transformation and cost savings judiciously. 

Many transformation programs are either delayed or stayed in favor of more pressing, low-hanging initiatives that can help save some urgent mullah for the enterprises. Many enterprises are also brainstorming what should be their approach toward digital transformation going forward. It is in this context that the five transformation forces detailed out below could serve as a guiding light for enterprises to cherry-pick their digital transformation initiatives, thus, not only helping them invest prudently but also enabling and positioning them well to emerge successfully as an Enterprise of the Future.

Brilliant Home Technology

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What were once pipe dreams of The Jetsons’ smart home quickly found in nearly all modern triplex. The technology allows for many automated functions, such as setting up the house alarm, turning over the lights, and playing your preferred music at the motivate of a button. Not only is it a cool feature that can …

Brilliant Home Technology Read More »

FileNet Integration Process

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FileNet is an enterprise content management (ECM) platform developed by IBM. It provides various tools and services for managing content, processes, and workflows within an organization.

Documentum product is an enterprise content management (ECM) platform. It provides a wide range of tools and services for managing content and information in organizations. Documentum was originally developed by Documentum, Inc. and was later acquired by EMC Corporation, which was, in turn, acquired by Dell Technologies. Below are some of the benefits of migrating FileNet into Documentum.

Chris’ Corner: Dithering

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Dithering is a vibe:

Dither is an intentionally applied form of noise used to randomize quantization error, preventing large-scale patterns such as color banding in images. 


For an academic PDF, this is pretty approachable.

In the web world, I typically think of it as associated with “indexed colors” images like PNG and GIF can do. For example, if you Save for Web from Adobe Photoshop as a PNG or GIF, you can whack down the colors super low and see some cool dithering.

Here are the three dithering choices my copy of Photoshop has:

“Noise” — 11.1K
“Pattern” — 6.8K
“Dithering” — 7.7K

They are all kinda cool looking if you ask me. More relevant, they made the image smaller in size and require less colors to display. Meaning their aesthetic is like “old-school computing” or “retro video games”.

Acorn, a much more economically friendly image editor, can also dither:

Can you do it right on the web, though? Darn tooting. Well, you can replicate the aesthetic anyway, since you can read images, and we’ve always got tools like <canvas> to play with.

Andrew Stephens made a Web Component that does exactly that. You pass it an image, it reads it and does cool dithering magic, and outputs it onto a canvas for you. He wrote it up in a quick blog post Improved Web Component for Pixel-Accurate Atkinson Dithered Images where he outlines some improvements to this latest version of the component.

I snagged the code and chucked a copy of the web component JavaScript onto our Asset Hosting so I could make a Pen with it. I did have to make a few changes. I had to make the Web Worker inline instead of referencing another file. Then I had to make sure to set img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; so I could reference an assets-hosted image as well. You don’t have to do those things if you’re working with all relative paths locally.

This is the original image:

And here’s a Pen where I dither it on-the-fly:


This whole vibe matches with another thing I saw recently:


Refresh the page for a randomly generated busted-up old castle thing. With the random flags and glyphs and icons and stuff I feel like it’s for something specific, but damned if I know what it is.

Speaking of very specific nerdy pursuits, I enjoyed reading Philip Walton’s very custom pursuit of improving LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) in unknown situations. The blog post is Dynamic LCP Priority: Learning from Past Visits.

The overall concept is fairly simple.

  1. One element on the page is responsible. That’s the LCP.
  2. You have no idea what element that is on a dynamic site.
  3. If you did know what it was, you could improve your LCP score by using the fetchpriority attribute on that element (if it’s, say, an image). This can be used to make the browser prioritize loading and rendering that element, improving LCP.
  4. You can’t just use fetchpriority willy nilly, because if you’re wrong, you could actually harm LCP.
  5. You can actually figure out what the LCP element is… after the page has loaded.
  6. That’s too late to be useful, but if you save that information, you could pluck it out of storage and use it to put that fetchpriority on the right element for every different page of your site.

Phew. That’s friggin complicated. Not exactly the lowest-hanging web performance fruit. But it’s cool and nerdy and if you’re chasing the best possible numbers, it can go in the toolbox.

40+ Video Marketing Statistics That Will Show You the Way in 2023

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Video Marketing StatisticsVideo continues to dominate the digital landscape, and it's been like that for a couple of years now. From social media to blog and email campaigns, video is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and driving conversions. In this post, we'll explore a multitude of video marketing statistics that highlight its potential and offer insights into how you can make the most of this dynamic medium.

Building a Data Warehouse for Traditional Industry

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This is a part of the digital transformation of a real estate giant. For the sake of confidentiality, I'm not going to reveal any business data, but you'll get a detailed view of our data warehouse and our optimization strategies.

Now let's get started.

Surviving SVB’s Collapse and Outsmarting Uber with Kyte’s Head of Product and Engineering, Nick Cobb

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It hasn't been smooth sailing for startups this year. As this week's guest Nick Cobb puts it, "You can add bank runs to the list of things founders have to deal with." Of course, it hasn't been easy going for engineering leaders either.

That's why Nick, the VP of Engineering and Head of Product at Kyte, sat down with us to discuss how to build an engineering culture with a bias toward action, why he deleted his team's staging environment, and what it takes to outmaneuver his former employer, Uber.

Three Tips for Success as Product and Engineering Grow

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Building a new version of your product is an exciting endeavor, but it can also be an overwhelming one. In the earliest days of a startup, there tends to be little formal structure in place, which is usually for the best! Everyone’s wearing numerous hats and just trying to get the product and company off the ground. It’s a time of innovation and creativity. When we built the first version of our product, we didn’t have a dedicated product team. That changed with version two, bringing new opportunities and challenges along with it. 

Through trial and error, we moved through several iterations of workflow, communication, and reporting. The key was balancing input from both the engineering and product teams while also balancing planning and innovation. We learned a lot from this endeavor and, in addition to successfully updating our core offering, gained some important insights about how to set yourself up for success even (and especially) as your company grows. 

Are Recommender Systems Fair? A Critical Look at the Challenges and Solutions

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Recommender systems have become an integral part of our daily lives, powering the personalized recommendations that we receive on social media, e-commerce platforms, and streaming services. These systems are designed to make our lives easier by suggesting products, services, and content that are relevant to our interests and preferences. However, as powerful as these systems are, they are not perfect, and there are concerns about their fairness, especially in terms of how they impact marginalized groups. 

In this article, we will explore the concept of fairness in recommender systems, the challenges involved in achieving fairness, and the approaches that have been proposed to address these challenges.