Performance Reviews Are A Waste of Time

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At least weekly, I am asked for feedback or thoughts on a recent commercial interaction, most obviously for one-time transactions with a company rendering services; e.g., lawn service, gutter cleaning, teeth cleaning, financial, etc. Year over year, these requests increase (prefaced with, "And anything other than 5's is considered a failure...") and you start questioning the value-add. Tipping is a form of review. Returning or repeating customers are definitely a review of the services provided. Is there any actual value?  But I digress. . .

Image Source: "White Collar, c. 1940 - Linocuts by Giacomo G. Patri" by Thomas Shahan 3 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Comparing Free vs. Self-Hosted

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Choosing between a free WordPress blog and a self-hosted WordPress blog ultimately depends on your goals and needs as an Internet marketer. While the free version may be easier to set up and manage, it lacks the flexibility and control that a self-hosted blog offers. Comparison: Free Vs. Self-Hosting WordPress Blog When it comes to […]

How To Test Your WordPress Site For Errors

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Validating a website is an essential step to ensure that its pages adhere to the standards defined by various organizations. By validating a website, you can ensure consistent interpretation of your web pages by search engines, users, and visitors. In this article, we will discuss the importance of website validation and provide you with an […]

WordPress SEO Tutorial: SEO Process for WordPress

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After publishing the article on “+200 Google ranking factors,” I understand that it is essential to clearly understand the SEO process before starting an SEO campaign. Without this understanding, creating specific plans for the campaign will be impossible, and you may take meaningless steps. Therefore, in today’s article, I will discuss the topic of “SEO […]

How do I use RGBA in pygame.draw


I am trying to make a drawing board in pygame but I want to be able to change the opacity using RGBA but it doesn't seem to be working, my code below:

import pygame as pg
import sys, os
from pygame.locals import *
draw = 0
color = 0
thick = 30
sav = 0
c = 0
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
a = 255
l = 0
n = 0
z = 0
i9 = 1
circle = []
long = 0
drawing_name = ''
load_name = ''
th = False
fill = r,g,b,a
WHITE = 255,255,255
file = 0
surf = pg.image.load('dot.png') 
color_ = pg.cursors.Cursor((20,20), surf)
screen = pg.display.set_mode((1440,900),pg.FULLSCREEN)
pg.display.set_caption('Drawing board')
font1 = pg.font.SysFont('Chalkduster', 50)
font2 = pg.font.SysFont('Chalkduster', 25)
text1 = font1.render('What do you want to name your artwork:', True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect1 = text1.get_rect() = (700, 500)
text2 = font1.render(drawing_name, True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect2 = text2.get_rect() = (700, 500)
text3 = font1.render('Too Long!', True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect3 = text3.get_rect() = (700, 700)
text4 = font1.render('What do artwork do you want to load:', True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect4 = text4.get_rect() = (700, 500)
text5 = font1.render(load_name, True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect5 = text5.get_rect() = (700, 600)
text6 = font2.render('Not a drawing!', True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect6 = text6.get_rect() = (700, 700)
line_pos_lst = []
def save():
    global sav
    sav += 1
    screen.blit(text1, textRect1)
while True:
    fill = r,g,b,[a]
    surf = pg.Surface((thick+20, thick+20))
    color_ = pg.cursors.Cursor((20,20), surf)
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:
            running = False
        if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
            if event.key == pg.K_TAB:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    draw += 1
            if event.key == pg.K_p:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    r = 255
                    g = 255
                    b = 255
                    a = 255
                    color += 1
            if event.key == pg.K_0:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    thick = 5
            if event.key == pg.K_1:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    thick = 10
            if event.key == pg.K_2:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    thick = 20
            if event.key == pg.K_3:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    thick = 30
            if event.key == pg.K_4:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    thick = 40
            if event.key == pg.K_5:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    thick = 50
            if event.key == pg.K_q:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    color1 = [r,g,b,a]
            if event.key == pg.K_w:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    color2 = [r,g,b,a]
            if event.key == pg.K_e:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    color3 = [r,g,b,a]
            if event.key == pg.K_a:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    r = color1[0]
                    g = color1[1]
                    b = color1[2]
                    a = color1[3]
            if event.key == pg.K_s:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    r = color2[0]
                    g = color2[1]
                    b = color2[2]
                    a = color2[3]
            if event.key == pg.K_d:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    r = color3[0]
                    g = color3[1]
                    b = color3[2]
                    a = color3[3]
            if event.key == pg.K_m:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
            if event.key == pg.K_c:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    r = 0
                    g = 0
                    b = 0
                    a = 255
            if event.key == pg.K_r:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    r += 10
            if event.key == pg.K_g:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    g += 10
            if event.key == pg.K_b:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    b += 10
            if event.key == pg.K_PLUS:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    a += 10
            if event.key == pg.K_MINUS:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    a -= 10
            if event.key == pg.K_F4:
      , 'temp' + str(i9) + '.png')
                a += 1
                std = True
                while std:
                    pg.draw.rect(screen, (255,255,255), Rect(100, 400, 1240, 400))
                    text2 = font1.render(drawing_name, True, (0, 0, 0))
                    textRect2 = text2.get_rect()
                    textRect2.topleft = (300,600)
                    screen.blit(text2, textRect2)
                    if len(drawing_name) == 30:
                        screen.blit(text3, textRect3)
                        long = 1
                        long = 0
                    for event in pg.event.get():
                        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                            if event.key == pg.K_BACKSPACE:
                                drawing_name = drawing_name[:-1]
                            elif event.key == pg.K_RETURN:
                                a9 = pg.image.load('temp' + str(i9) + '.png')
                      , 'drawing_' + drawing_name + ".png")
                                drawing_name = ''
                                std = False
                                if long == 0:
                                    if event.unicode == ' ':
                                        drawing_name += '_'
                                        drawing_name += event.unicode
                sav += 1
            if event.key == pg.K_F6:
                screen.blit(text4, textRect4)
                sav += 1
                th = True
                while th:
                    pg.draw.rect(screen, (255,255,255), Rect(100, 400, 1240, 400))
                    screen.blit(text4, textRect4)
                    screen.blit(text5, textRect5)
                    text5 = font1.render(load_name, True, (0, 0, 0))
                    textRect5 = text5.get_rect()
           = (700, 600)
                    if len(load_name) == 30:
                        screen.blit(text3, textRect3)
                        long = 1
                        long = 0
                    if file == 1:
                        screen.blit(text6, textRect6)
                    if os.path.isfile('drawing_' + load_name + '.png') == True:
                        file = 0
                    for event in pg.event.get():
                        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                            if event.key == pg.K_BACKSPACE:
                                load_name = load_name[:-1]
                            elif event.key == pg.K_RETURN:
                                if os.path.isfile('drawing_' + load_name + '.png') == True:
                                    z0 = pg.image.load('drawing_' + load_name + '.png')
                                    load_name = ''
                                    th = False
                                    file = 1 
                                if long == 0:
                                    if event.unicode == ' ':
                                        load_name += '_'
                                        load_name += event.unicode
            if event.key == pg.K_F9:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    c += 1
                    if len(circle) == 2:
                        x1,y1 = circle[0]
                        x2,y2 = circle[1]
                        radius = ((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)**0.5
              , (r,g,b,a),[x1, y1], radius, thick+20)
            if event.key == pg.K_l:
                if sav % 2 == 0:
                    c += 1
                    l += 1
            if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
        if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if sav % 2 == 0:
                n += 1
                l += 1
                if len(line_pos_lst) == 2:
                    pg.draw.line(screen, (r,g,b,a), line_pos_lst[0], line_pos_lst[1], width=thick+20 )
                    n += 1
    if draw % 2 == 0:
        if c % 2 == 0:
            if color % 2 != 1:
                r %= 255
                g %= 255
                b %= 255
                a %= 255
            x,y = pg.mouse.get_pos()
  , (r,g,b,a),[x, y], thick, 0)

Can you help me?

Visualizing a Career Path

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If you work for a larger organization, the chances are that you may sooner or later find yourself reporting to someone with a very different background and, as a result, perspective on an organization, roles, etc.; for example, someone with a developer background reports to a marketer. Trying to explain a career and how it has led you to a place and how you might wish it to progress is difficult if the person you’re talking with has little exposure or understanding. Or, it could be simply that the person you’re talking to is a visual thinker. 

This is where I found myself recently. So, to facilitate a conversation, I thought I'd try to describe my career and desired direction more visually. After all, CV-style bio/representations are rather abstract, focus on a timeline, and need a domain understanding to appreciate the value.

The Intersection of CDP and AI: How Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Customer Data Platforms

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In today's data-driven world, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) play a pivotal role in helping businesses harness and utilize customer data effectively.  

These platforms consolidate data from various sources, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. They enable businesses to comprehensively understand their customers, facilitating targeted marketing campaigns, personalized experiences, and informed decision-making. 

Chris’ Corner: Clever CSS Ideas & Explanations

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If you think frosted glass effect in CSS, you probably think of the backdrop-filter property. Just backdrop-filter: blur(10px); will do the trick. I still think the look is kind of cool and fresh, but I should check myself a little here as the effect was popularized in the iOS 7 release which was 10 years ago 🫠.

Here is a fresh take though: Frosted Glass: Depth-based blur in CSS (make sure to mouse around to see the dynamic effect, and scroll down to see the effect on different backgrounds).

The how-to is that layered blurs are masked and the mask moves with the mouse. I love clever stuff like that, which ends up fairly simple.

The above demo is a nice demonstration of masking, actually, because it’s doing something that is uniquely mask-y: using a gradient. The other concept that can cut out parts of something is a clip-path, but with a clipping path, any given part of an element is either clipped or not, whereas with a mask, an area can become partially transparent.

Ahmad Shadeed has a recent article on CSS Masking that does a good job of explaining how it all works and what you can do with it.

There is this little design concept that if you have nested elements that both have border-radius, they can’t have the same border-radius otherwise they tend to have a weird little hump in the middle and essentially just look off and not particulary professional. I wrote about this in 2011 and have had many people thank me over the years! (not that I’m the first.)

The general thinking is that you subtract one from the other, and it comes up from time to time. Adam Argyle recently noted that there is a way to solve this with no math at all, but it’s Chrome-only at this time.

This uses overflow: clip; and overflow-clip-margin: content-box; which this is the first I’m hearing of the latter! I like it!

I feel like we’re doing a good job of talking about paths this week so lemme slip another one in here: Jhey’s Circular Text with CSS?. To be clear: there isn’t a normal first-class CSS citizen kinda way to say “set this text on this path”. Unless that path is a straight line, I suppose. SVG has the <textPath> element and that’s really what you want here if you’re going to this even semi-seriously. But there is some trickery to be had here!

This makes me feel like Captain Old again saying I wrote about this in 2012, but here we are. The trick then was to break the text into individual character <span>s and then transform them all around a shared origin:

Jhey’s idea still uses a monospace font and breaking the characters up into spans, but there is more clever math involved. He’s got it set up so however many characters you use, the complete one full circle no matter what. The secret is trigonometric functions, which are only freshly available in CSS. Plus he took the time to make sure there is screen-reader-friendly text in there too, as text-as-spans is a nightmare that way.

If you read all the stuff above and felt some version of ughkg CSS is so hard, maybe you’ll find some solace in Mike Aparico’s Why we’re bad at CSS. Part of Mike’s point is that CSS gets harder the more you try to avoid it, or apply abstractions that are too heavy-handed.

We want our styles to be generic enough to reuse in different contexts but not so generic that we have to constantly repeat ourselves in those contexts.

I feel like there is a tendency for people who feel like they have a handle on CSS to have essentially invented their own methodology (whether they choose to share it or not). That might seem like a failing of CSS or something that you need to invent your own system to be effective with it, but ultimately I think that’s true of any language. You build up your own ways of doing things that works for you and run with it.

How to Create Good Services Page Design in WordPress

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services page design in WordPressStellar Services page design in WordPress uses the same fundamentals and tactics as almost any other website. The idea is to capture a visitor’s attention and give them reason to become a customer. In this respect, the design of your page will follow conventional design practices. However, there are a few specifics that relate to your own page and WordPress that warrant mentioning – especially the plugins you’ll turn to.

Email Subject Lines: Ultimate Guide of Examples and Ideas

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This post is originally published on Designmodo: Email Subject Lines: Ultimate Guide of Examples and Ideas

Email Subject Lines: The Ultimate Guide with Examples and Ideas

Do you know that a whopping number of emails sent daily go unopened and unnoticed? There are potentially millions of digital newsletters left unseen. While open rates are increasingly low, the spam rates are dangerously high. Almost 70% of recipients …

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