Digital Twins Will Revolutionize Modern Logistics. Here’s How

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As of 2022, the global market for digital twins was valued at $11.12 billion — and experts estimate an impressive annual growth rate of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030.

Digital twins help connect the physical and virtual worlds, allowing workers to timely identify when things need fixing, work more efficiently, and create less waste. So, embracing the potential of digital twins is a crucial move as the logistics sector steps into the new Industry 5.0 era.

Lessons From a Six-Month Job Search

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Now that I’m free to share the news that I’ve landed at Kentik — a visionary company filled by an amazing group of folks who believe that the value of their team goes far beyond what they might offer to the business — I wanted to take a minute to reflect on my job search, comment on the state of the job market, and share some lessons I’ve picked up along the way.

Let me be clear — I’m under no illusion that the world has breathlessly awaited the thoughts of a middle-aged white dude and will now, graced with my heretofore-undiscovered wisdom, be a truly better place. People with far more knowledge, experience, and expertise have written and spoken on this topic, with data and examples that are far more eloquent and compelling than anything I could hope to share.

Data Ingestion for Batch/Near Real-Time Analytics

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In the midst of our ever-expanding digital landscape, data management undergoes a metamorphic role as the custodian of the digital realm, responsible for the ingestion, storage, and comprehension of the immense volumes of information generated daily. At a broad level, data management workflows encompass the following phases, which are integral to ensuring the reliability, completeness, accuracy, and legitimacy of the insights (data) derived for business decisions. 

  1. Data identification: Identifying the required data elements to achieve the defined objective.
  2. Data ingestion: Ingest the data elements into a temporary or permanent storage for analysis.
  3. Data cleaning and validation: Clean the data and validate the values for accuracy.
  4. Data transformation and exploration: Transform, explore, and analyze the data to arrive at the aggregates or infer insights.
  5. Visualization: Apply business intelligence over the explored data to arrive at insights that complement the defined objective.

Within these stages, Data Ingestion acts as the guardian of the data realm, ensuring accurate and efficient entry of the right data into the system. It involves collecting targeted data, simplifying structures if they are complex, adapting to changes in the data structure, and scaling out to accommodate the increasing data volume, making the data interpretable for subsequent phases. This article will specifically concentrate on large-scale Data Ingestion tailored for both batch and near real-time analytics requirements. 

How to Remove Parent Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Are you wondering how to remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress?

By default, WordPress adds the parent page’s slug as a prefix to child page URLs, and this is good for SEO. However, some people may not want the parent page slug in the URL.

In this article, we will show you how to remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress.

How to Remove Parent Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress

What Is a Parent Page Slug in WordPress?

Your WordPress website comes with two main content types called posts and pages.

Pages are hierarchical, which means they can have child pages. These child pages are dependent on their parent pages and typically cover subtopics related to the parent.

For example, you might have a ‘Products’ parent page with ‘Pricing’, ‘Support’, and ‘Features’ child pages.

By default, the URL of a child page in WordPress will have its parent page’s slug in the URL. Here’s an example:

Using URLs like this is the best way to organize content within a hierarchical page structure on your website. These URLs are considered best practice for WordPress SEO and will make sense to your users when they read them.

It’s usually not a good idea to remove the parent page slug. It can potentially break the URL, and some experts believe it is less SEO-friendly. Sometimes, it may even cause conflicts with the WordPress permalink structure.

In our experience, if you don’t want a parent page slug in your child page URL, then the best approach is to not create a child page at all. Instead, you can simply create a normal page and use a navigation menu to show that other pages belong under that page.

Adding Child Items to a Menu

However, we understand that some users may still want to use child pages and not include the parent page slug within the URL.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress.

Removing Parent Page Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Custom Permalinks plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to edit the child page that you want to change. Under the content area, you will see a ‘Custom Permalinks’ field where you can change the child page URL.

Change child page URL

The permalink field will show your page’s current default URL. You just need to click it and enter the custom URL you want to use for your child page.

In our example, the hollywood-boulevarde page is a child page oflocations, so the default permalink is locations/hollywood-boulevarde.

We deleted the locations parent slug from the URL, as you can see in the screenshot below.

Custom page URL

Don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ button to save your page and store your URL changes.

After saving your changes, the plugin will automatically redirect the old permalink to the new address. This means your visitors will not see a 404 error if they click a link or bookmark to the page’s old address.

When you view the child page, you will now notice that its URL does not contain the parent slug.

Our Best Guides on Pages and Child Pages

Now that you know how to customize a child page’s URL in WordPress, you may want to learn more about how to use pages and child pages in WordPress:

We hope this article helped you learn how to remove the parent page slug from a child page URL in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a custom page in WordPress or our expert picks for the best drag and drop page builder plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Remove Parent Slug From Child Page URL in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

An Introduction to WordPress User Permissions (And User Roles)

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WordPress user permissions.One of the great things about WordPress is that it lets you collaborate with other users on the back end of your site. You can assign different user roles based on tasks and responsibilities. However, if you’re new to the system, you might wonder what WordPress user permissions come with each role. In this post, we’ll start with a general discussion of WordPress user roles and deep dive into the WordPress user permissions associated with each of the six main roles.

How can I combine these classes


I have a web page that loads images with a modal, and at the same time is meant to inhibit image piracy by delivering a transparent overlay when a user attempts to make a screen copy of the image.
I have two php lines of image scripts which work OK independently, but when I attempt to combine them into one div, only script one will work. You can see that I've commented out the second image here (which delivers the transparent overlay) and the first image (which creates the modal) then works, and vice versa but I want to use them both at the same time. How can they be successfully combined?
It is unsuccessful if I do class="first second modal-target "

.modal-target {
    width: 390px;
    /* sets the width of the image */
    border-radius: 5px;
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: 0.3s;

.first {
    position: relative;

.second {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

<div class="first">
<!-- the following line delivers some images and their title to the web page -->
    <img class="modal-target" src="<?php echo $file_source; ?>" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; alt="<?php echo $title; ?>" width="400">
 <!-- the following line prevents a user from copying the image from the webpage -->
<img class="second" src='../images/Copyright.gif' alt='This image is copyright'>
<!-- there are further scripts including some php and javascript related to the modal but as the modal works OK I haven't included them here -->

Ultimate Guide to Managing WordPress Multi Sites

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If you are planning to run a WordPress multisite, there are several crucial steps you need to follow in order to set everything up correctly. It’s important to thoroughly follow these steps to ensure that your additional sites function properly. Let’s dive into the process of creating and managing a WordPress multisite network. Enabling the […]

Automating Data

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In today’s world, where information holds the highest precedence, it won’t be wrong to say, “Data is the new gold.” Every move we make now is a data point; running an errand to the supermarket where we earn points by scanning the app with our details filled out, making a reservation at a hotel, or signing up to watch a movie online, data today is digitized.

Importance of Digital Data

Until a decade ago, when paper records used to hold information, storing wasn’t the only problem; it needed to be organized for quick and easy access, but the major issue began when the number of records increased.