All in One SEO Pack Plugin Patches XSS Vulnerability

Wp Plugins

All in One SEO Pack patched an XSS vulnerability this week that was discovered by the security researchers at Wordfence on July 10. The popular plugin has more than 2 million active installs, according to

Wordfence researchers categorized it as “a medium severity security issue” that could result in “a complete site takeover and other severe consequences:”

This flaw allowed authenticated users with contributor level access or above the ability to inject malicious scripts that would be executed if a victim accessed the wp-admin panel’s ‘all posts’ page.

Version 3.6.2, released on July 15, 2020, includes the following update in the changelog: “Improved the output of SEO meta fields + added additional sanitization for security hardening.”

All in One SEO Pack users are strongly recommended to update to the latest version. At the time of publishing, just 12% of the plugin’s user base is running versions 3.6.x, which includes the three most recent versions. This leaves more than 1.7 million installations (88% of the plugin’s users) vulnerable.

Many users don’t log into their WordPress sites often enough to learn about security updates in a timely fashion. Plugin authors often don’t advertise the importance of the update on their websites or social media. This is the type of situation that WordPress 5.5 should help to mitigate, as it introduces admin controls in the dashboard that allow users to enable automatic updates for themes and plugins.

Should WordPress Themes Add a Top-Level Admin Menu Item?

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WordPress has almost always provided a top-level admin menu item for themes. It is clearly labeled “Appearance.” It is the single location that all WordPress users know to visit to modify any appearance-related things for their WordPress site. However, there is a movement within the Themes Team to allow themes to place an additional top-level menu link in the admin. The big question: should this idea move forward?

When the Themes Team (originally called the Theme Review Team) was formed, its members created a set of guidelines that would be shaped and reshaped over the years. They were a set of living guidelines that could always be changed with the times.

One of the oldest guidelines required that themes must place any custom admin pages under the Appearance menu item. It made sense. WordPress provided a standard location for any theme-related pages. The custom header and background features lived under Appearance. Widgets, also defined by the current theme, were housed as a sub-page. Eventually, WordPress’s custom nav menu system came along and was — you guessed it — situated under Appearance. The core developers even put the customizer link in the same place.

For over a decade, there was a well-defined standard. Sure, commercial themes outside of the official directory would sometimes break the mold. However, themes from the directory followed the pattern.

Now, the Themes Team is proposing that themes should be able to break from tradition.

The discussion arose after a question of whether themes should be able to add a custom panel to the block editor sidebar, which is not allowed.

“To keep the editor free from clutter, advertising and upsell, with the customizer being used less, and no dashboard widgets being allowed, can we give theme authors a better place to include their information, and limit upsell to that area?” wrote Carolina Nymark in last week’s team meeting notes.

The proposal seems to settle on the idea that themes will lose visibility as WordPress moves toward full-site editing and the customizer becomes less important. The customizer is not an ideal place for anything but theme options, but that notion seems to have been overlooked in the discussion. Nevertheless, the original guideline that disallowed themes from creating top-level menu items preceded the advent of the customizer by several years. Advertising, documentation, plugin recommendations, and similar pages were always allowed under the existing Appearance menu. The usefulness of the customizer was never a necessary part of that conversation.

Ultimately, the question should be about what is best for users. There is no data to support making the change or sticking with the status quo. However, we do have a standard that has existed for years.

The Proposed Guidelines

The proposal would create several new guidelines for theme authors to follow and reviewers to check, assuming the theme created a top-level admin menu item:

  • No admin menu priority may be used.
  • No UI or color changes are allowed for the menu item.
  • The title must be kept short and not include spam.
  • No more than three sub-pages.
  • Child themes are limited to one sub-page or can remove the parent’s pages and add its own.

Some of these make sense and follow along with existing guidelines, such as not spamming or changing the admin UI. However, others could be problematic.

If moving forward with the proposal, setting a menu item priority should be required rather than not allowed. If anything, it would make sense to require a specific priority to place the custom menu item immediately after the existing Appearance item. This would at least group them together by default. If changing the place where users are accustomed to seeing theme-related pages, it is probably best not to break too far from the standard location.

No more than three sub-pages? Surely there will be a theme with a top-level admin menu item that needs four sub-pages at some point. If giving theme authors the freedom to take up valuable real estate in the admin, a limit of three sub-pages seems like a rule to fix the mistake of allowing the top-level item in the first place. It is an arbitrary number at best. There would be no reason to cap it once making the guideline change. It also adds one more item that the team will need to police.

The limitation of sub-pages for child themes seems just as arbitrary. No such limitation exists when placing sub-pages under the standard Appearance screen.

The entire proposal is little more than extra work on a team that is already strained for resources.

Instead of the simple rule that has existed for years, the proposal adds a new rule with several sub-rules. If the team desires the extra work, I suppose this point doesn’t matter.

The Elephant in the Room

There is one Aspect of this discussion that everyone knows about but few are willing to broach. Underneath all the guidelines from the Themes Team and whether most theme authors support a particular decision is how this affects the financial bottom line. When we talk about visibility of a theme’s admin pages, we are primarily talking about providing another avenue for commercial upsells.

Some of this discussion on visibility is shrouded in concepts such as surfacing end-user documentation or adding a visible readme for the user’s benefit. These are legitimate concerns, especially when theme developers have watched tickets to address such downfalls seemingly dwindle into obscurity over the years. Whether a top-level admin menu item makes sense for exposing theme documentation might be worth discussing, but there is no world in which this would be the primary use case.

The topic of visibility rests on the idea of upselling the pro version of the theme, add-ons, or other services.

Far too many plugins already go overboard, creating a billboard of the WordPress admin. One of the things users could almost be assured of is that themes from the official directory were constrained enough that they were not the hot mess that plugins have become as of late. However, that could all change.

Do we really want an extra top-level admin menu item that will be, for all intents and purposes, to advertise?

Maybe it doesn’t matter in the end. Users are so accustomed to the clutter produced by the dozens of plugins on their sites. One more may not matter at this point.

Or, should we be having a different conversation altogether? If this ultimately boils down to advertising, are there ways we can open this up for theme authors while still creating a user experience that keeps the WordPress admin free of clutter?

4 Tips on Building an Effective Intranet Website Using WordPress

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Communication is the glue that keeps teams and organizations together. When communication is done correctly, team members can work seamlessly with each other, and the organization as a whole can grow exponentially. More and more businesses are now setting up their own intranet website to allow team members to share information and documents, communicate with […]

The post 4 Tips on Building an Effective Intranet Website Using WordPress appeared first on WPArena.

Your Guide to Blogger Outreach: How-To and What You Should Know

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You’ve followed all of the marketing guides, sales funnel tips, and carefully built your subscriber list, yet your online business seems to be plateauing. What gives? This problem is common for a lot of online business owners. You don’t really want to use typical social media influencers because it feels… overdone or fake. Instead, you’d […]

The post Your Guide to Blogger Outreach: How-To and What You Should Know appeared first on WPArena.

How to move tkinter window | override-redirect flag


I have already created functions to handle that. But it's shacking when i try to move( After add more widgets). Can somebody help me with that.

from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import time

class modtk(Tk):
    toptitlebar = None
    maincanvaswindow = None
    resizeon = False
    dragging = False

    def updatetopbut(self, event):

    def downdatetopbut(self, event):

    def modify(self, title="tk", icon=None, titlebg="#ffffff", titlefg="#000000", bg="#EBEBEB"): = title
        self.ico = icon
        self.ttbg = titlebg
        self.ttfg = titlefg
        self.bgbg = bg
        self.width = 150
        self.height = 200
        self.maximized = False = 0
        self.resizeside = None
        self.moveok = False
        self.minsizex = 0
        self.minsizey = 0
        self.resizeadjx = self.winfo_rootx()
        self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty()
        if not icon == None:
                icon =
                icon = icon.resize((30, 30))
                icon = ImageTk.PhotoImage(icon)
            except Exception as e:
                print(e, "File should be a .png file.")
                icon = None
        __class__.toptitlebar = Frame(self, height=34, bd=0, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="#000000",
        __class__.toptitlebar.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)

        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.SaveLastClickPos)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.Dragging)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.maximize)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<Enter>", self.updatetopbut)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<Leave>", self.downdatetopbut)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.releaseresize)

        self.titlelabel = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, bg=titlebg, fg=titlefg, bd=0, padx=0, pady=0)
        self.titlelabel.image = icon
        self.titlelabel.config(image=icon, compound=LEFT, text="   %s" % title), y=0)

        self.titlelabel.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.SaveLastClickPos)
        self.titlelabel.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.Dragging)
        self.titlelabel.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.maximize)
        self.closefunction = lambda event: self.destroy()

        self.closebutton = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, text="X",
                                 bg=titlebg, fg=titlebg,
                                 padx=14, pady=7)

        self.closebutton.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: self.closebutton.config(bg="#FF0000"))
        self.closebutton.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: self.closebutton.config(bg=titlebg))
        self.closebutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.closefunction)

        self.fullscreenbutton = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, text="[]",
                                      bg=titlebg, fg=titlebg,
                                      padx=14, pady=7)

        self.fullscreenbutton.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: self.fullscreenbutton.config(bg="#dddddd"))
        self.fullscreenbutton.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: self.fullscreenbutton.config(bg=titlebg))
        self.fullscreenbutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.maximize)

        self.minimizebutton = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, text="-",
                                    bg=titlebg, fg=titlebg,
                                    padx=14, pady=7)

        self.minimizebutton.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: self.minimizebutton.config(bg="#dddddd"))
        self.minimizebutton.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: self.minimizebutton.config(bg=titlebg))
        self.minimizebutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.minimize)
        self.bind("<Map>", self.frame_mapped)

        __class__.maincanvaswindow = Canvas(self, width=self.width, height=self.height, bg=bg, highlightthickness=1,

        self.bind("<Button-1>", self.startresize)
        self.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.resizewin)
        self.bind("<Motion>", self.isonresize)
        self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.releaseresize)

        self.lastClickX = 0
        self.lastClickY = 0 = 0
        self.maximized = False
`Inline Code Example Here`
    def modgeometry(self, w, h, x=None, y=None):
        w = int(w)
        h = int(h)
        self.width = w
        self.height = h
        if (__class__.maincanvaswindow.winfo_width() != w or __class__.maincanvaswindow.winfo_height() != h) and not __class__.resizeon and not __class__.dragging:
            __class__.maincanvaswindow.config(width=w, height=h)
        if not x == None or not y == None:
            x = int(x)
            y = int(y)
            self.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, (h + 33), x, y))
            self.geometry('%dx%d' % (w, (h + 33)))
`Inline Code Example Here`
    def SaveLastClickPos(self, event):
        if not self.maximized:
            if event.y > 5 and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
                self.lastClickX = event.x
                self.lastClickY = event.y
                self.moveok = True
                self.moveok = False
`Inline Code Example Here`
    def Dragging(self, event):
        if self.moveok:
            if not self.maximized:
                x = self.winfo_x() + (event.x - self.lastClickX)
                y = self.winfo_y() + (event.y - self.lastClickY)
                self.modgeometry(self.winfo_width(), (self.winfo_height() - 33), x, y)

    def frame_mapped(self, event=None):
        if == 5:
            # self.deiconify()
   = 0
   += 1

    def minimize(self, event=None):
        print("no") = 0

    def maximize(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            self.oldwidth = self.winfo_width()
            self.oldheight = self.winfo_height()
            self.oldx = self.winfo_x()
            self.oldy = self.winfo_y()
            self.maximized = True
            self.modgeometry(self.winfo_screenwidth(), (self.winfo_screenheight() - 33), 0, 0)
            self.maximized = False
            self.modgeometry(self.oldwidth, self.oldheight, self.oldx, self.oldy)

    def closefunc(self, func):
        self.closefunction = lambda event: func()
        self.closebutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.closefunction)

    def winfo_heightr(self):
        return (self.winfo_height() - 33)

    def startresize(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            #if event.widget == __class__.maincanvaswindow:
            if True:
                self.resizelastx = event.x
                self.resizelasty = event.y
                self.resizelastw = self.winfo_width()
                self.resizelasth = self.winfo_height() - 33
                self.resizeadjx = self.winfo_rootx()
                self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty()
                __class__.resizeon = True
                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y < (self.winfo_height() - 33 -5):
##                    self.resizeside = "left"
##                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y < (self.winfo_height() - 33 -5):
                    self.resizeside = "right"
                    nonety = False
                if event.y >(self.winfo_height() -33 - 5) and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
                    self.resizeside = "down"
                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > (self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
                    self.resizeside = "rightdown"
                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > (self.winfo_height() -33 - 5):
##                    self.resizeside = "leftdown"
##                    nonety = False
                if nonety:
                    self.resizeside = ""
##            elif event.widget == __class__.toptitlebar:
##                self.resizelastx = event.x
##                self.resizelasty = event.y
##                self.resizelastw = self.winfo_width()
##                self.resizelasth = self.winfo_height() - 33
##                self.resizeadjx = self.winfo_rootx()
##                self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty()
##                print("titlebar")
##                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "left"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.y < 5 and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
##                    self.resizeside = "up"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y < 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "leftup"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "right"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y < 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "rightup"
##                    nonety = False
##                if nonety:
##                    self.resizeside = ""
##            else:
##                self.resizeside = ""

    def isonresize(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            #if event.widget == __class__.maincanvaswindow:
            if True:
                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_we")
##                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5):
                    nonety = False
                if event.y >(self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > (self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > (self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
##                    self.config(cursor="size_ne_sw")
##                    nonety = False
                if nonety:
##            elif event.widget == __class__.toptitlebar:
##                print("titlebar")
##                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_we")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.y < 5 and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
##                    self.config(cursor="size_ns")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y < 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_nw_se")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_we")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y < 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_ne_sw")
##                    nonety = False
##                if nonety:
##                    self.config(cursor="")
##            else:
##                self.config(cursor="")

    def resizewin(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            if self.resizeside == "right":
                neww = self.width + (event.x - self.resizelastx)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                self.resizelastx = neww
                self.modgeometry(neww, self.resizelasth)
            if self.resizeside == "rightdown":
                neww = self.width + (event.x - self.resizelastx)
                newh = self.height + (event.y - self.resizelasty)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelastx = neww
                self.resizelasty = newh
                self.modgeometry(neww, newh)
            if self.resizeside == "down":
                newh = self.height + (event.y - self.resizelasty)
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelasty = newh
                self.modgeometry(self.resizelastw, newh)
            if self.resizeside == "rightup":
                neww = self.width + (event.x - self.resizelastx)
                newh = self.resizelasth + (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelastx = neww
                newy = self.resizeadjy - (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                newx = self.resizeadjx
                self.modgeometry(neww, newh, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "up":
                newh = self.resizelasth + (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                newy = self.resizeadjy - (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                newx = self.resizeadjx
                self.modgeometry(self.resizelastw, newh, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "leftup":
                neww = self.resizelastw + (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newh = self.resizelasth + (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                newy = self.resizeadjy - (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                newx = self.resizeadjx - (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                self.modgeometry(neww, newh, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "left":
                neww = self.resizelastw + (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newx = self.resizeadjx - (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                    newx = self.resizeadjx
                newy = self.resizeadjy
                self.modgeometry(neww, self.resizelasth, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "leftdown":
                neww = self.resizelastw + (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newh = self.height + (event.y - self.resizelasty)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelasty = newh
                newx = self.resizeadjx - (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newy = self.resizeadjy
                self.modgeometry(neww, self.resizelasth, newx, newy)

    def releaseresize(self, event=None):
        if __class__.resizeon:
            __class__.resizeon = False
            self.width = self.winfo_width()
            self.height = self.winfo_heightr()
            __class__.maincanvaswindow.config(width=self.winfo_width(), height=self.winfo_heightr())
        if __class__.dragging:
            __class__.dragging = False

    def modminsize(self, event=None, w=None, h=None):
        if w != None:
            self.minsizex = w
        if h != None:
            self.minsizey = h

    def updatewin(self):

    def wmroot(self):
        return __class__.maincanvaswindow

    def retwm(self):
        return self

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = modtk()
    root.modify(title="Modified window", titlebg="#000427", titlefg="#ffffff")
    root.modgeometry(600, 400)
    root.modminsize(600, 400)

    label01 = Label(root.wmroot(), text="This works")

    def closewin():


    windowExit = False

    while not windowExit: // 2), y=(root.winfo_heightr() // 2))




Uploading Avatars and Screenshots is better, too.

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With all this recent work we did upgrading our Asset Hosting feature, there were some side-benefits around the app as well.

For example, as a PRO member, you can upload replacement screenshots for your Pens if you wish to. The uploader for those is the much nicer Filestack uploader now. Here’s how that works:

Similarly, avatar uploading users the new upload experience. So you can upload whatever ol’ image you have around (to your profile settings), even if it’s gigantic or the wrong size, and you’ll have the opportunity to crop it as you upload it:

We’ll take care of making sure it’s sized properly and being served as snappily as we can!

We even use this stuff internally. For example, when we build the email we send out each week for the CodePen Challenges, we have this slick little uploader to use for ourselves, making our own workflows just all that much smoother.

The post Uploading Avatars and Screenshots is better, too. appeared first on CodePen Blog.

How to Easily Hide Widget Title in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Do you want to hide the title of a WordPress widget in your sidebar or footer?

WordPress widgets make it easy to drag and drop dynamic content into your theme to create unique layouts. However if you need to hide the widget title, then it typically requires coding knowledge of CSS and HTML.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily hide the widget title in WordPress (without any code).

Hiding widget title in WordPress

Why Hide Widget Title in WordPress?

WordPress displays a default title for widgets, and it also allows you to rename them if you want. Most top WordPress themes will then display this title in the sidebar on your site.

Widgets titles displayed in sidebar

However, sometimes you may not want to display the widget title in the WordPress blog sidebar. By default, there is no built-in option to simply switch off widget titles.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily hide the widget title in the WordPress sidebar.

Hiding Widget Title in WordPress

First, you want to install and activate the Widget Options plugin. For more details, please see our complete guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, head over to Appearance » Widgets area in your WordPress admin area. Next, drag and drop a widget to your sidebar or any other widget-ready area on your site.

Drag and drop widget into sidebar

In this example, we’re going to remove the widget title ‘Search The Site’ from our search box in the sidebar.

Sidebar widget view

Simply click the arrow to open the widget and view the options to hide the title.

Hide widget title settings

Make sure you click on the ‘gear’ icon, and then check the box next to ‘Check to hide widget title’ and click the ‘Save’ button.

Now, when you view your site, the WordPress search box will appear without the widget title.

Widget title hidden on site

You can use this plugin to hide any widget title. The plugin also comes with multiple settings to hide or display titles based on page or post types and even screen sizes.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily hide widget titles in WordPress. You may also want to check out our list of the most useful WordPress widgets for your site, and our comparison of the best drag and drop WordPress page builder plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Hide Widget Title in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.