8+ Pre-Launch Checks for New WooCommerce Stores

Set Up Woocommerce

Pre-Launch Checks for New WooCommerce StoresLaunching an eCommerce store is a tedious task. There are so many things that need your attention, and there is very little that guarantees any success. From product imagery and website copy to store navigation and security certification — building an eCommerce store requires an eye-to-detail, and not to forget, immense effort and patience. Even […]

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Splitting string into individual variables


Hi Group,

I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable.

As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 word splits.

Dim Search1, Search2, Search3 ...... Search7

Ultimately I want to output the split into

Search1 = "Dickerson"
Search2 = "Tile"
Search3 = "Company"

My code is currently

Dim s As String = tbxCustomerName.Text
Dim words As String() = s.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 'words are delimited with a space " "

This is where I'm struggling: How do I get my output into the individual buckets? My assumption is I would use an array or For statement. However I can't seem to find the correct syntax to create the name of the variable (Search1, Search2, etc.) and then to get the individual word into each variable. Can you help?

Thanks for your assistance.

Papa Don

Split a string into individual words


Hi Group,

I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable.

As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 word splits.

Dim Search1, Search2, Search3 ...... Search7

Ultimately I want to output the split into

Search1 = "Dickerson"
Search2 = "Tile"
Search3 = "Company"

My code is currently

Dim s As String = tbxCustomerName.Text
Dim words As String() = s.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 'words are delimited with a space " "

This is where I'm struggling: How do I get my output into the individual buckets? My assumption is I would use an array or For statement. However I can't seem to find the correct syntax to create the name of the variable (Search1, Search2, etc.) and then to get the individual word into each variable. Can you help?

Thanks for your assistance.

Papa Don

How to Fix the Deceptive Site Ahead Google Warning

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Fixing the Deceptive Site Ahead Google Warning MessageWhile surfing the web, you might have observed a google warning message as “Deceptive site ahead”. Whenever google recognizes a website for exposing personal user information it flags that website as “Deceptive”. Deceptive site warning creates a lot of negative impact on the website. It may even lead to a sudden loss of user traffic, […]

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Email Marketing Roadmap for WordPress Site Owners

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Email Marketing Roadmap for WordPress Site OwnersEmail marketing is critical to the success of your business. It allows you to develop a relationship with your audience. The better the relationship with your subscribers, the more likely they are to turn into paying customers. You can also turn one-time customers into loyal customers and then brand advocates. Email marketing is not as […]

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Overlay Fact Sheet

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I would hope all our web designer/developer spidey senses trigger when the solution to an accessibility problem isn’t “fix the issue” but rather “add extra stuff to the page.” This Overlay Fact Sheet website explains that. An “Overlay” is one of those “add extra stuff to the page” things, ostensibly for improving accessibility. Except, even though marketing may suggest they are a silver bullet to accessibility, they are… not.

The site does a much better job laying that out than I can, so go check it out. As I write, it’s signed by 352 people, mostly people who are accessibility professionals.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

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How to Create a Private Store in WooCommerce

Set Up Woocommerce

How to Create a Private Store in WooCommerceRecognized as the leading eCommerce platform, WooCommerce is empowering 28.19% of all online stores worldwide. It allows users to easily turn your WordPress site into a fully-functional eCommerce shop without touching a bit of code. You’re able to add products, control customer data, manage the checkout process, and more. As a matter of fact, the […]

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How do you pronounce certain networking terminology

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Do you guys have any examples of networking terminology that some people pronounce in different ways that completely throw you off?

Similar to GIF vs JIF but networking related.

For example, there are different ways people choose to pronounce GUI, OSI, and CCIX. Any other curious examples?

Google Analytics 4: 7 Biggest Pitfalls of the Revamped GA

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With the launch of Google Analytics 4, Google has delivered its biggest alteration to analytics in the company’s long and successful history. But with the removal of core features and a complex new interface, is GA4 really ready to start driving the growth of businesses?

The new system has been developed to unify the measurement of apps and websites and is intended to offer marketers a much deeper level of understanding regarding their campaign performance.

HTTP Protocol: Obviously Unobvious

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Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

HTTP protocol nowadays is still one of the most popular protocols used over the internet. But many developers still can't explain clearly what is it. In this article, you will find out what HTTP is practically is. 

Protocol Meaning

But stepping back a little let's remind what is the meaning of Protocol. A protocol can be understood as a contract or agreement between sender and receiver. The HTTP protocol is described in RFC 2616. The main purpose of the HTTP protocol is to send web data to browsers to render it. 

How to Perform Object Level Recovery in SQL Server

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When a SQL Server database turns corrupt and cannot be repaired, you can restore it from a recent backup to recover objects and data. However, the problem arises when you need to perform object level recovery instead of performing a full database backup.

In other words, there may arise a need to restore a specific table or any other object from the database backup, rather than the complete database. But, there is no direct method to perform object level recovery.

Which Configuration Changes in SQL Server Require a Restart?

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SQL Server is a complex beast, with many configuration options that can range from recommended to completely avoided.

Since the release of SQL Server 2016, several options that were recommended post-install have been rolled into the default installation options and no longer need to be done, and similar changes were made with SQL Server 2017. Even so, there are configuration changes we data professionals need to make after installation, during maintenance windows, and sometimes even during operating hours, so here’s a handy list of changes that do and don’t require a restart of your operating system or SQL Server instance.

Comparing The Top WordPress SEO Plugins

Wp Plugins
WordPress SEO Plugins

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that efficiently controls the contents without any technical background. However, this is a multi-functioned key to open all the doors for you. If you want that people find your content easily, deep research and knowledge about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is necessary. Self-hosted WordPress blogs are probably […]

The post Comparing The Top WordPress SEO Plugins appeared first on WPArena.

How to describe element’s natural sizing behavior

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When introducing width and height I explain that by default width takes as much horizontal space as it can, while height takes as little vertical space as possible. This leads to a discussion of these two opposed models that I excerpt below.

My question is: which names do I give to these models?

The three options:

  • inside-out and outside-in
  • context-based and content-based
  • extrinsic and intrinsic size

There is more context in the post.

I definitely don’t like inside-out and outside-in — they make my head spin. I think I’m gonna vote for extrinsic and intrinsic size. I hear those terms thrown around a lot more lately and the fact that they match the specs is something I like. At the same time, I do feel like context-based and content-based are maybe a smidge more clear, but since they are already abstracted and made up, might as well go with the abstracted and made up term that already has legs.

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