How to show 2nd drop-down field after first drop-down selection is chosen?


Im trying to modify a web script where a drop-down works successfully. How can another drop-down field appear only after a selection has been made from the first drop-down list? Heres the current code:

<?php if ($pt->page == 'category' && $pt->show_sub == true) { ?>
<div class="pull-right col-md-3 no-padding-left">
<select name="type" class="form-control form-group" id="sub_categories_">
<?php echo $pt->sub_categories_array["'".$_GET['id']."'"]; ?>
<div class="pull-right col-md-2 col-sm-2 text-right"><h5>{{LANG sub_category}}</h5></div>

and this:

$(document).on('change', '#category_id', function(event) {   
id = $(this).val();   
$(document).on('change','#sub_categories_', function(event) {   
window.location.href = site_url+'/videos/category/<?php echo($_GET['id']) ?>/'+$('#sub_categories_').val();

any guidance is appreciated

CSS Grid Can Do Auto Height Transitions

Category Image 091

Bonafide CSS trick alert! Nelson Menezes figured out a new way (that only works in Firefox for now) that is awfully clever.

Perhaps you know that CSS cannot animate to auto dimensions, which is super unfortunate. Animating from zero to “whatever is necessary” would be very helpful very often. We’ve documented the available techniques. They boil down to:

  • Animate the max-height to some more than you need value, which makes timing easing imprecise and janky.
  • Use JavaScript to measure the final size and animate to that, which means… using JavaScript.

Nelson’s technique is neither of those, nor some transform-based way with visual awkwardness. This technique uses CSS Grid at its core…

.expander {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: 0fr;
  transition: grid-template-rows 1s;

.expander.expanded {
  grid-template-rows: 1fr;

Unbelievably, in Firefox, that transitions content inside that area between 0 and the natural height of the content. There is only a little more to it, like hiding overflow and visibility to make it look right while maintaining accessibility:

That’s wonderful. Let’s get some stars on this issue and maybe Chrome will pick it up. But of course, even better would be if auto height transitions just started working. I can’t imagine that’s totally outside the realm of possibility.

The post CSS Grid Can Do Auto Height Transitions appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

How do I know if PPC is right for me?

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With the proliferation of internet-enabled devices, there are more ways than ever before to advertise your business. One powerful option for any small business is Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC). This type of digital marketing requires a budget to be effective, but it can be an excellent way for small businesses to get their products in front of potential customers. PPC campaigns have five main advantages: they’re less expensive than ads on TV or radio; they target the right people; results happen faster; people spend more time looking at their screens; and you can use them in conjunction with other types of marketing like print media, SEO or social media.  Let’s look a little closer at these benefits.

5 Advantages for using Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC):


1) It’s less expensive than other forms of advertising.

PPC is cheaper than buying ad space on TV, radio, or newspaper ads because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Television and radio ads have set prices, which can end up costing thousands of dollars for one commercial slot. Ad space in newspapers and magazines also has to be purchased as part of a contract that may take months or years to complete; this leaves no room for fluctuation during slow business periods. PPC, by contrast, allows you to adjust the budget as needed based on traffic levels: reduce your budget during slower times and increase it back up when demand picks up again. Not only is this more convenient, but it’s also more cost-effective.


2) It targets the right people.

PPC is an excellent way to target potential customers because you can choose keywords that relate directly to your business. This means that when someone searches for a term related to your industry, they see your ad. For example, if you own a bakery and wanted to target people who live nearby looking for a place where they could pick up something sweet, you would input “bakery near me” as one of the search terms for your campaign. A PPC ad allows you to hone in specifically on those who will be most interested in what you have to offer.


3) Results happen faster.

Another benefit of PPC advertising is that results happen fast. You get to see how many clicks you’re getting in real-time, so you can make adjustments on the fly if needed. If you want to increase your budget because of positive feedback from customers, there is no contract or approval process involved like with traditional print media advertising. Additionally, organic search results don’t work in real-time; when someone searches for a term you have listed in Google Ads, they may not click on your ad right away. This means that it could take weeks or months before you see any significant traffic. This is a great alternative in the meantime.


4) People spend more time looking at their screens.

PPC ads are displayed when people are actively searching for something online, so they are more likely to notice your ad than they would be with other forms of advertising. 67% of internet users are more likely to buy something after they have researched it online, so you are reaching people at the exact moment that they are most interested in your product.


5) It can be used in conjunction with other advertising methods.

Like any marketing campaign, PPC is most effective when used along with other types of ads. You may want to start by using only ads on Google or Bing, for example, while testing different keywords and ad copy to see what works best for your business. Once you know what kinds of campaigns get the most clicks and conversions, you can choose whether or not you want to try additional digital marketing tools like social media or email marketing.



PPC is a great way to reach customers in a cost-effective and targeted manner. The five main advantages of PPC are that it’s less expensive than other forms of advertising, targets the right people, results happen faster, people spend more time looking at their screens and you can use them in conjunction with other types of marketing like print media or SEO. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not this form of digital advertising is for you, feel free to reach out to us!


How to Create Additional Image Sizes in WordPress

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Do you want to create additional image sizes in WordPress?

By default, WordPress automatically creates several copies of image uploads in different sizes. Additionally, WordPress themes and plugins can also create their own image sizes.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create additional image sizes in WordPress and use them on your website.

Creating additional image sizes in WordPress

Why Create Additional Image Sizes in WordPress?

Normally, all popular WordPress themes and plugins handle image sizes very well. For instance, your WordPress theme may create additional sizes to use as thumbnails on archive pages.

However, sometimes these image sizes may not fit your own requirements. You may want to use a different image size in a child theme or a post grid layout.

You can do this by creating additional image sizes in WordPress and then calling these sizes whenever you need them.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to create additional image sizes in WordPress.

Registering Additional Image Sizes for your Theme

Most WordPress themes including all the top WordPress themes support post thumbnails (featured image) feature by default.

However, if you are creating a custom WordPress theme then you will need to add support for post thumbnails by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file.

add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

Once you enable the support for post thumbnails, you can now use the functionality of registering additional image sizes by using the function add_image_size().

The add_image_size function is used in the following format:

add_image_size( 'name-of-size', width, height, crop mode );

Example code can look like the following:

add_image_size( 'sidebar-thumb', 120, 120, true ); // Hard Crop Mode
add_image_size( 'homepage-thumb', 220, 180 ); // Soft Crop Mode
add_image_size( 'singlepost-thumb', 590, 9999 ); // Unlimited Height Mode

Now if you notice, we have specified three different sorts of image sizes. Each has different modes such as hard crop, soft crop, and unlimited height.

Let’s cover each example and how you can use them in your own projects.

1. Hard Crop Mode

As you may notice, there is a “true” value added after the height. This tells WordPress to crop the image exactly to the size that we have defined (in this case 120 x 120px).

This method is used to ensure that everything is exactly proportionate. This function will automatically crop the image either from the sides or from the top and bottom depending on the size.

Hard crop images example

2. Soft Crop Mode

By default, soft cropping mode is turned on this is why you do not see any additional value added after the height. This method resizes the image proportionally without distorting it. So you might not get the dimensions that you wanted. Usually, it matches the width dimension and the heights are different based on each image’s proportion. An example display would look like this:

Soft crop example

Unlimited Height Mode

There are times when you have super long images that you want to use in your design, but you want to make sure that the width is limited. For instance, infographic images tend to be very long and usually wider than the content width.

This mode allows you to specify a width that will not break your design while leaving the height to be unlimited.

Unlimited height mode

Displaying additional image sizes in your WordPress theme

Now that you have added the functionality for the desired image sizes lets take a look at displaying them in your WordPress theme. Open the theme file where you want to display the image and paste the following code:

<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'your-specified-image-size' ); ?>

Note: This bit of code must be pasted inside the post loop.

That’s all you really have to do to display the additional image sizes in your WordPress theme. You probably should wrap it around with the styling that fits your need.

Regenerating Additional Image Sizes

If you are not doing this on a brand new site, then you probably will have to regenerate thumbnails.

The add_image_size() function only generates the sizes from the point it was added into the theme. This means any post images that were added prior to the inclusion of this function will not have new sizes.

To fix this, you need to regenerate the new image size for older images. This is made easy by the plugin called Regenerate Thumbnails. Once you install and activate the plugin, a new option is added under the menu: Tools » Regenerate Thumbnails

Regenerate thumbnails

You’ll see the option to regenerate thumbnail for all images or just the featured images. We recommend regenerating all images to avoid any unexpected behavior or broken images.

For more details, see our article on how to easily regenerate new image sizes in WordPress.

Enabling Additional Image Sizes for your Post Content

Even though you have enabled image sizes in your theme, the usage is limited only to your theme which does not make any sense.

All image sizes are being generated regardless, so why not make it available for the post author to use within the post content.

You can do this by adding the following code to your theme’s functions file.

function wpb_custom_image_sizes( $size_names ) {
    $new_sizes = array(
        'homepage-thumb' => 'Homepage Thumbmail', 
        'singlepost-thumb' => 'Infographic Single Post'
    return array_merge( $size_names, $new_sizes );
add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'wpb_custom_image_sizes' );

Don’t forget to save your changes after adding the code.

You can now go and upload an image to a WordPress post or page. In the image block settings you’ll see your custom image sizes under the ‘Image size’ option.

Choose your custom image size inside post editor

You and other authors working on your website can now select these size options when adding images to posts and pages.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create additional image sizes in WordPress. You may also want to see our article on the best image compression plugins for WordPress and our WordPress performance guide to improve your website speed.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create Additional Image Sizes in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

What’s the Difference Between Landing page vs Website?

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Do you want to learn the difference between landing page vs website?

Many small businesses wonder whether they should make a landing page or a full-fledged website to showcase their online presence.

In this article, we’ll show you the difference between landing page vs website and which one you should make for your business.

Landing page vs website - what is the difference

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a stand-alone web page designed for a specific purpose and goal. It is a highly versatile tool that can be used in marketing, advertising, and lead generation campaigns.

It can also be used as a coming soon website for a business, a single-page website on its own, a product sales page, and more.

Landing page example

Landing pages are specifically designed for higher conversions. They have unique design characteristics that make it easier for users to perform the desired action.

This action could be signing up for an email list, purchasing a product, filling out a form, and more. These actions are referred to as ‘Call to action’.

Overall, the goal of landing pages is to minimize distractions that could take users away, and provide them with all the information they need to take action.

A landing page could also be a stand-alone website on its own with different sections all leading to one clear call to action.

A landing page website

What is a Website?

A website is a collection of different landing pages and sections to help your users find what they’re looking for.

For instance, a typical business website can have an about section, a separate blog page, a contact us page, products and services pages, and more.

There are many different types of websites and they can all have different pages for different features.

How a Website Differs from a Landing Page?

Unlike a landing page, a website can have multiple pages of information with different goals and purposes.

Not each page on a website is as highly focused on conversions as a landing page.

For instance, a business website may want users to get information about all the products and services they are offering. It may also give users multiple calls to action to choose from (e.g. make a purchase, ask for quote, join email list, follow on social media, and more).

Different types of websites would have different goals and a website gives them more ways to engage the audience.

A website could also be supported by multiple landing pages for their marketing campaigns.

For instance, a membership website may utilize a landing page for a subscription plan or an eCommerce store may want to create a pre-launch landing page for an upcoming product.

Landing page vs Website – Which One to Choose?

Many beginners struggle to decide between landing page vs website and which one to choose?

The answer lies in your own requirements and what you want to achieve for your business.

If you want to quickly launch a product, create an online presence for your business, capture potential leads and customers, then a landing page would be an easy way to go.

Example of a quick landing page

On the other hand, if you want to create a multi-page online presence for your business, use an eCommerce cart, sell online courses, start a blog, and more, then you will be better off with a website.

WPForms Website example

Remember you can always choose to create a landing page as a single-page website. You can also convert your landing page to a full-fledged website as your business grows.

Similarly, you can also create a complete website with multiple pages and still add landing pages for specific campaigns.

What Do I Need to Make a Landing Page vs Website?

You’ll need a domain and a web hosting account to create a landing page or a website.

A domain name is the location of your website or landing page (e.g. This is what your users will type in their browsers to view your landing page or website.

The web hosting account is where your landing page or website files will be stored.

Normally, a domain costs around $16 per year, and hosting plans start at $7.88 per month (usually paid annually). Now this is a significant amount if you are just starting out.

Luckily, our friends at Bluehost has agreed to offer a free domain name and a generous discount on hosting for WPBeginner users.

Basically, you can get started for just $2.75 per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←

Bluehost is one of the biggest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Once you have signed up for a hosting account, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you.

WordPres is the world’s best website builder and makes it super easy to create a website or make landing pages. Simply log in to your hosting account and then login to your WordPress account dashboard.

Log in to WordPress

How to Make a Landing Page for My Business

The easiest way to make a landing page is by using SeedProd. It is the best landing page builder on the market and allows you to easily create landing pages using a drag and drop interface and without writing any code.

First, you need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is also a free version of SeedProd available that you can use to give it a try. However, you’ll need to upgrade to unlock all features and templates available in the premium version.

Upon activation, you need to enter your SeedProd license key. You can find this information under your account on the SeedProd website.

SeedProd license key

You can now start building your first landing page.

Simply head over to SeedProd » Pages page and click on the ‘Create new landing page’ button.

Creating a new landing page

Next, you will be asked to choose a template page as a starting point for your landing page. SeedProd comes with dozens of beautiful templates that you can completely modify or you can even start with a blank template.

Choose a landing page template

This will bring up a popup asking you to provide a name for your landing page. Enter a name for your page and then click on the ‘Save and Start Editing the Page’ button.

Name your landing page

SeedProd will now load the page builder interface with a live preview of your chosen template.

SeedProd page builder interface

You can simply point and click on any item in the live preview to edit it. You can also add new blocks from the left column to your page.

SeedProd comes with all commonly used elements as blocks. Each block has its own settings that you can adjust using a simple user interface.

It also includes blocks for WooCommerce and integrations for all popular email marketing services under the ‘Connect’ tab.


Once you are satisfied with your landing page, you can click to save or publish your page to make it live.

Publish landing page

Publishing Landing Page as Homepage for Your Domain

Now if you want to only display your landing page when someone enters your domain name, then you’ll need to set it up as your homepage in WordPress.

Simply go to Settings » Reading page. From here you need to select ‘A static page’ under ‘Your homepage displays’ option.

Set homepage

After that, go ahead and select the landing page you created earlier as your ‘Homepage’. Don’t forget to click on the Save changes button to update your settings.

Creating Landing Pages for Other Domain Names?

What if you wanted to create landing pages for other domain names? This comes in handy if you have multiple domains to cover different markets and regions.

SeedProd comes with built-in domain mapping support. This allows you to easily create a landing page in SeedProd and map it to any other domain name.

Set custom domain name

For more details, see our tutorial on how to easily add a custom domain for your landing page in WordPress.

How to Make a Complete Website for My Business

WordPress is the most powerful website builder used by millions of business websites, eCommerce stores, blogs, news and media sites.

Since you have already installed WordPress on your Bluehost account, you can simply login to your account dashboard and start working on your website.

First, you want to add new pages by visiting Pages » All Pages page and clicking on the Add New button.

Adding new pages in WordPress

WordPress comes with a powerful editor that allows you to easily add design and content elements to your pages as blocks. To learn more, see our tutorial on how to use WordPress editor.

Tip: Need ideas for pages? See our list of the most important pages to create for a new WordPress website for some excellent ideas.

Next, you would want to choose a design for your website. WordPress comes with thousands of free and paid themes for all sorts of websites.

Bonus Tip: Need help choosing a theme, see our expert pick of the most popular WordPress themes or take a look at these great themes for business websites.

Once you have found a theme you want to use, you can go to Appearance » Themes page and click on the Add New button to install it.

Install WordPress theme

See our tutorial on how to install a WordPress theme for detailed instructions.

The real power of WordPress comes from its plugins. These are like apps for your WordPress websites that you can install to extend its features. Start by checking out our pick of the essential WordPress plugins.

Need more help with your new website? See our detailed tutorial on how to make a website with step by step instructions.

We hope this article helped you learn the difference between landing page vs website. You may also want to see our guide on how to promote your business on a budget and our tips on quickly getting more traffic to your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What’s the Difference Between Landing page vs Website? appeared first on WPBeginner.



Direction: create a program to computer for the final grade using scanner and JOptionpane.

Quiz- 20%

Enter guiz grade:
Enter activity grade:
Enter exam grade:
The final grade of: (Student name) si: (total of quiz, activity,and exam grade

Auto_Explain: How to Log Slow Postgres Query Plans Automatically

Category Image 101

Do you want to know why a PostgreSQL query is slow? Then EXPLAIN ANALYZE is a great starting point. But query plans can depend on other server activity, can take a while to run, and can change over time, so if you want to see the actual execution plans of your slowest queries, auto_explain is the tool you need. In this post, we’ll look into what it does, how to configure it, and how to use those logs to speed up your queries.

What Is Auto_Explain?

Auto_explain is a PostgreSQL extension that allows you to log the query plans for queries slower than a (configurable) threshold. This is incredibly useful for debugging slow queries, especially those that are only sometimes problematic. It is one of the contribution modules, so it can be installed and configured easily on regular PostgreSQL.

Cool Designer Coffee Mugs

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There is no form of drinkware quite like the coffee mug. Anybody who knows what a good cup of coffee is supposed to taste like also knows that the right coffee mug will make any kind of coffee taste that much better. Although coffee mugs seem like they are simple enough in their design and...

The post Cool Designer Coffee Mugs appeared first on .

50 Easy Drawing Ideas

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Have you ever found yourself searching for what shall I draw?  If you have been doing line work, realistic portrait sketches, or urban sketching and would like to try something different, you are at the right place. Get your creative juices flowing with this list of easy drawing ideas for beginners and experts alike, regardless...

The post 50 Easy Drawing Ideas appeared first on .

Quality backlinks

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I want to get some idea and strategy on how to get more quality backlink to improve my site. If you have some idea or an seo expert feel free to leave a comment, some suggestion will be appreciated.

Help with referencing url in code


I am trying to display something on web pages that show this in the url: "sub" for example: It was suggested I try this code:

$page = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); 
if ($page=="....") {
echo Hello World; 
} elseif ($page=="....php") {
Some Other code... 

but I don't know where to place the url in that code to make it purposeful.
Also, I'm not sure that I need if/else, just would like if: /videos/category/1/sub__ then show echo

Well, when I put that code on the page, as-is, I see "page isn't working.

Any guidance/suggestion is appreciated