Error with Day Function


Hi all.

I have this code and it is correct.

Dim logDayName As String = WeekdayName(Weekday(LogDateTextBox.Text))
Dim logMonthName As String = MonthName(Month(LogDateTextBox.Text))

The following code is an error on the Day function.

 Dim logMonthDay As Integer = Day(LogDateTextBox.Text)

Please offer assistance. Thank you, Shane.

How to Add a Search Form in a WordPress Post With a Shortcode

Featured Imgs 13

Do you want to add a search form to a WordPress post?

Adding a search form to your post or page content is a good way to encourage your visitors to find more content and stay on your website longer.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add a search form in your posts and pages using a WordPress search shortcode.

How to Add Search Form in Your Post with a WordPress Search Shortcode

Why Add a Search Form to Your Posts and Pages?

If a visitor has enjoyed reading a post on your WordPress blog, then they will likely want to read more. Offering a search form in the post will help them find more of your content that they are interested in.

When you make it easy for users to spend more time on your website, you can increase your pageviews and reduce your bounce rate.

Your visitors are also more likely to join your email list, leave a comment, make a purchase, and follow you on social media.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add the standard WordPress search form to your posts. If you want to add a custom search form, then see our step by step guide on how to create a custom WordPress search form.

We’ll show you two methods to add a search form to your posts, and the first is the simplest. Use the links below to jump to the method you’d like to use.

Method 1: Adding a Search Form with a Plugin

The easiest way to add a search form to your posts is by using the SearchWP plugin. It’s the best search plugin for WordPress used by over 30,000 sites.

Setting Up SearchWP

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » SearchWP page and then click on the ‘License’ menu option.

Enter SearchWP license key

You then need to enter your license key in the License box. You can find this information in your account on the SearchWP website. After that, you should click the Activate button.

Next, you need to click on the Engines menu option. This brings you to a screen where you can choose your search engine settings.

SearchWP engines settings

Here you need to create a site-wide search engine. You can adjust your search engine settings by clicking on the Posts, Pages and Media drop downs.

The Attribute Relevance sliders in each section adjust how the search engines value and rank content. For example, if you want to value the post title higher than the content, then you can adjust the sliders accordingly.

Adjust SearchWP slider settings

After you’ve finished adjusting the settings, make sure to click the ‘Save Engines’ button to save the default search engine.

Adding a Search Form to a Post

Now you need to download the SearchWP shortcodes extension to easily add your new custom post search form to WordPress.

You’ll need to visit the SearchWP Shortcodes Extension website and then click the ‘Download available with active license’ button.

Download SearchWP Shortcodes extension

After that, you need to install and activate the extension the same way you installed the plugin above. Now you can add a search form in your posts.

Simply edit the post and place your cursor where you want to add the search form. After that, click the plus ‘Add Block’ icon to bring up the blocks menu.

Insert a Custom HTML Block

Next, type ‘html’ into the search box. Then, select the ‘Custom HTML’ block.

Once you’ve added the new block, you can add the following shortcodes and HTML to your page. If you need more help, then see our guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

<div class="search-results-wrapper">
<div class="no-search-results-found">
 No results found, please search again.
<div class="search-results-pagination">
 [searchwp_search_results_pagination direction="prev" link_text="Previous"]
 [searchwp_search_results_pagination direction="next" link_text="Next"]

This code will add a search form to the post, create a section to display the search results, show a no results message if necessary, and add pagination if the results go into multiple pages.

Make sure you click Publish or Update to save your post and make it live.

Click Publish or Update to Save Your Post

To see the search form in action, simply view the post on your WordPress website. This is how it looks on our demo site running the Twenty Twenty-One theme.

SearchWP Form Preview

For more tips on customizing your search, see our guide on how to improve WordPress search with SearchWP.

Method 2: Adding a Search Form Using Code

You can also add a search form to your WordPress posts by use of a code snippet. This method is not recommended for beginners, so if you’re not familiar with code, then you should use Method 1 instead.

In this method you will have to edit your theme’s functions.php file.

If you have not edited the functions.php file before, then take a look at our beginner’s guide on pasting snippets from the web into WordPress.

All you have to do is open your theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin and paste the following code:

add_shortcode('wpbsearch', 'get_search_form');

Here is how it looks on our demo website when using the WordPress Theme Editor to add the snippet to the Twenty Twenty-One theme’s functions.php file.

Editing functions.php in the Theme Editor

After that, you simply add the shortcode [wpbsearch] to the post or page where you would like the search form to appear.

Search Form Shortcode

This will display the default search form. To see the search form, simply view the post on your WordPress website.

Search Form Preview

If you would like to display a custom search form, then you should use this code instead.

function wpbsearchform( $form ) {
    $form = '<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="' . home_url( '/' ) . '" >
    <div><label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">' . __('Search for:') . '</label>
    <input type="text" value="' . get_search_query() . '" name="s" id="s" />
    <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="'. esc_attr__('Search') .'" />
    return $form;
add_shortcode('wpbsearch', 'wpbsearchform');

Feel free to modify the code to customize the search form as you would like.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to add a search for in your post with a WordPress search shortcode.

You may also want to learn how to create a free business email address, or check out our list of reasons why you should use WordPress for your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add a Search Form in a WordPress Post With a Shortcode first appeared on WPBeginner.

How Do Post Formats Fit Into a Block Theme World?

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Over the weekend, Nick Bohle asked Ellen Bauer of Elma Studio how post formats fit into the block-theming world. The question was a proposal for her a WordPress theme and FSE chat she held yesterday via Twitter Spaces. I could not attend and see if Bauer touched on the subject, but the question is something I have given a lot of thought to not that long ago.

Over the summer, I tweeted out a screenshot of an experiment around post formats. A part of me was trying to figure out if we could revive a dying feature, one I continue to use today.

Archive page in WordPress showing aside posts, each with a different-colored background.
Aside post format archive.

I have been using post formats since before they were a thing. “Asides” were one of the precursors to the feature landing in WordPress. I wrote my first on my personal blog back in 2006. I had borrowed some code that WordPress cofounder Matt Mullenweg had posted two years earlier. It was a concept he had borrowed from others.

For me, it was a way to give a unique layout to quick posts and links without all the beefiness of a long-form article.

In 2011, WordPress 3.1 launched with a new taxonomy. Users could choose between nine different formats for their posts, assuming their theme supported one or more of them. The goal was to allow theme authors to design custom layouts around each one.

For much of the community, it felt like WordPress was chasing Tumblr’s post content feature. The allure quickly wore off after it seemed to have hit a standstill beyond its initial release. Besides a few fixes and trivial enhancements under the hood, post formats never amounted to much.

They have remained a niche feature over the years. A few theme authors still add in support. Some of us old-school bloggers who have been using them in some form or fashion are still hanging on. But, post formats have been dead for a long time.

Therefore, I decided to try to make them work for block themes.

One of the most frustrating things I encountered with post formats in this block-based theme project was how powerless I felt over making them work “the old way.” The dynamic nature of classic theming meant that I could switch post content templates out on pages that listed multiple posts. Query Loop and its inner Post Template block do not allow me to show a different template for a quote or gallery-formatted post, for example.

This was frustrating because that part of the design process was out of my hands. If I wanted to do something as simple as show an entirely different design for an aside post within a mix of normal posts, I could not do so as the theme designer, at least not without doing some hacky workarounds.

My “light bulb” moment was when I realized that it was OK to not have that control. I needed to get outside of the mindset that the design was mine and mine alone. That is viewing creation through a classic theming lens. My approach was wrong. Instead, I had to start thinking about how to hand over these design tools to the user.

The question became: Can I create something that utilizes that original post format concept while giving users the freedom to do what they want?

Then, it dawned on me. The following is the response I tweeted to Jeff Chandler, who had asked if I thought post formats would work as patterns:

I think of blocks themselves as an evolution of post formats. Video, audio, embeds (basically cool links), quotes, etc. Most of the elements are already there. Patterns just give users an easy way to insert various designs, which could build off those blocks.

Maybe post formats as they currently exist are dead. However, the idea of designing a layout around specific types of posts is very much alive.

If users want to embed a single video into a post, it is just a matter of copying and pasting a link. To share a quote they found from their favorite author, they merely need to drop it into a Quote block. Other than chat posts (let’s just gloss over those entirely), the concept of post formats has simply been replaced with blocks.

However, theme authors still have a role to play. If all the elements for post formats have been essentially replaced by blocks themselves, that means designers can have a field day building patterns around them.

The WordPress patterns explorer with the Post Formats category open.  On the right, it shows three aside designs and one quote design.
Patterns built for post formats.

That led me to build off my original idea for asides, my favorite post format. Instead of offering a single design, I built three different patterns for users to choose from. End-users could mix and match how they appeared on the front end.

I also built a custom taxonomy-post_format-aside.html template to showcase them on their archive page. It merely displayed the published date and the post content, which the user controls.

I went back to the drawing board and built a quote pattern that I liked. Again, it would be up to the user whether they wanted that particular design. They could always go in a different direction.

A quote block within the WordPress editor.  It is wrapped in a Group block with a light blue background.
Quote block pattern and custom style.

In some ways, post formats were always limiting. The feature was never fleshed out, and there were only nine allowed formats. At the end of the day, each was merely a term within a taxonomy. There were never any rules about how it all was supposed to work. Maybe that is not such a bad thing. Now, posts can be anything users want them to be.

I tried to do codes to get e^x by using maclaurin series but it gives 0 .


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()

float i, x;
double fact=0, sum=0;

printf("Enter value of x as the power of e: ");
scanf("%f", &x);

printf("Enter n as the number of terms:  ");

for (i = 0; i < 99999; i++)

    sum = 1 + x;
    fact = fact * i;
    sum = sum + pow(x, i)/(fact);   
if (sum == sum)

printf("The value of e^%f is %lf",x,sum);

return 0;

How to Disable New User Notifications in WordPress (Easy Way)

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Do you want to stop receiving new user email notifications in WordPress?

If you have enabled user registration on your site, then WordPress sends a notification email to the admin email address every time a new user registers. As your site grows, you will get many new users joining every day, which can make these emails annoying to deal with.

In this article, we will show you how to disable new user notifications in WordPress.

Disable new user notification in WordPress

Why Disable User Notification Emails in WordPress?

Allowing user registration in WordPress has a lot of benefits. If you have a multi-author blog, online store, or membership website, then user registrations are necessary.

However, there is also a downside. WordPress will send an email by default to the admin email address, notifying you whenever a new user registers.

While these emails are good for keeping an eye on who is registering on your website and keeping out spam registrations, they can be annoying to deal with if you have several people joining each day.

Having a lot of new user notifications can clutter your email inbox, making it difficult to spot important emails from your clients and customers.

This is where disabling emails about new users can come in handy. We will look at two beginner-friendly ways to help you turn off email notifications. The best part is that you won’t have to know how to write code.

Let’s look at how to disable new user notifications in WordPress using WP Mail SMTP and WPCode:

Method 1: Disable New User Notifications Using WP Mail SMTP

If you are take better control of your WordPress emails, including new user notifications, then this method is for you.

WP Mail SMTP is the best WordPress SMTP plugin on the market that can dramatically improve your email deliverability.

The plugin fixes the problem of emails not being delivered to your customers. That means that all your emails will reach your users instead of ending up in their spam folders or being blocked completely.

WP Mail SMTP website

WP Mail SMTP also offers different settings to take control of your WordPress emails, such as disabling automatic update notifications. Among these settings is the option to disable new user notification emails sent to the admin’s email.

Note: For this tutorial, we will be using the WP Mail SMTP Pro version since it includes the Email Control options. There is also a free version of WP Mail SMTP that you can use to fix email deliverability issues on your site.

First, you will need to install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin on your WordPress site. If you need help, then follow our step-by-step guide on how to install a plugin.

Upon activation, go to WP Mail SMTP » Settings from your WordPress admin panel and then enter your license key. You can find the license key in your WP Mail SMTP account area.

WP Mail SMTP verify key

After entering the key, go ahead and click the ‘Verify Key’ button.

You will now see a popup showing that you have successfully verified the key, and your WordPress website will receive automatic updates.

verification key confirmed

Next, you can head over to the ‘Email Controls’ tab from the menu on the top in WP Mail SMTP.

This is where you can customize your new user registration email notifications.

Email controls

After that, simply scroll down to the New User section.

Then, you need to click on the toggle to disable the ‘Create (Admin)’ option. And don’t forget to hit ‘Save Settings’ when you are done.

New user

Once this setting is toggled off, the admin won’t receive the default WordPress email from new users. However, the new user who registered will still get an email confirmation.

That’s it! You’ve successfully disabled new user notification emails for admins using the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

Method 2: Disable New User Emails in WordPress Using WPCode

If you don’t want to use an SMTP plugin, then you can add a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or use a code snippet plugin to disable email notifications:

function wpcode_send_new_user_notifications( $user_id, $notify = 'user' ) {
	if ( empty( $notify ) || 'admin' === $notify ) {
	} elseif ( 'both' === $notify ) {
		// Send new users the email but not the admin.
		$notify = 'user';
	wp_send_new_user_notifications( $user_id, $notify );

	function () {
		// Disable default email notifications.
		remove_action( 'register_new_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' );
		remove_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' );

		// Replace with custom function that only sends to user.
		add_action( 'register_new_user', 'wpcode_send_new_user_notifications' );
		add_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'wpcode_send_new_user_notifications', 10, 2 );

We don’t recommend editing your functions.php file directly. That’s because even the tiniest of mistakes in the code snippet can make your site inaccessible.

The easiest way to add custom code in WordPress without breaking your site is with the free WPCode plugin. It is the most popular code snippets plugin, used by 2 million+ WordPress websites.

The first thing you will need to do is install and activate the WPCode plugin in WordPress. For more detailed instructions, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Head over to Code Snippets » + Add Snippet in the WordPress site admin area. There, you will see a library of code snippets to choose from.

The good news is that WPCode has a pre-made template for disabling new user notification emails. Just type in ‘user’ in the search bar and click ‘Use snippet’ under the ‘Disable New User Notifications’ snippet.

Add disable new user notification snippet

Since the template already has the code inside, you don’t have to write your own.

You will see the code already in place with the ‘Code Type’ set as a PHP snippet.

Disable new user notifications code snippet

If you want to adjust where this code runs, you can scroll down. The Insertion method should be set to ‘Auto Insert’.

You can open the dropdown menu to decide where you want the code to be executed or even set a schedule for when you want the code to be active.

Insertion method in WPCode

For example, you can set the code snippet to disable user registrations from certain pages. This could be handy if you have custom user registration pages for different membership programs.

You can even choose to have the code only disable user registrations from WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or MemberPress.

Woocommerce auto insert

But for most website owners, leaving the default setting to ‘Run Everywhere’ is the way to go.

Once you are done configuring where to execute the code snippet, you can scroll to the top right corner and toggle the ‘Inactive’ button to ‘Active’ to activate the code.

Inactive button in WPCode

You have now successfully disabled the new user notification emails.

Don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

Update button in WPCode

Bonus: Turn Off Comments Notifications in WordPress

WordPress notifications can be super annoying. If your website receives a high volume of traffic, particularly on older posts, then you may also be flooded by comment notification emails.

The good news is that there’s a quick fix for this.

All you have to do is go to Settings » Discussion. The comment notification emails are automatically enabled by default in WordPress.

Turn off comments notifications in WordPress

You can disable comment notifications by unchecking the boxes next to ‘Anyone posts a comment’ and ‘A comment is held for moderation’. That way, you won’t receive emails when someone posts a comment or when a comment is held for moderation.

For more details, check out our post on how to turn off comments notifications in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you disable new user notification emails in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to disable WordPress admin email verification notices or our expert comparison of the best email marketing services to grow your audience.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Disable New User Notifications in WordPress (Easy Way) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Can you please tell me what these lines of code do?


Can you please tell me what these lines of code do?

$sub_category = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['sub_category_id'])) {
                $is_found = $db->where('type',PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']))->where('lang_key',PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']))->getValue(T_LANGS,'COUNT(*)');
                if ($is_found > 0) {
                    $sub_category = PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']);

I look forward to any assistance

*My pygame window is black until i close it at the end


so i already posted three months ago and only reviwed my coded recently , still dotn know what is wrong . the code is quite simple however something keeps going wrong.

a possible flaw is the FPS clock which would expain why its black screen but the visible when i close t/he window.

if anyone knows what may be the problem please reply and ill send the code if neccesary , thnaks

Add data to table –


I'm trying to modify a web script.
Currently, upon uploading a video, in the upload Form, among other things, the uploader chooses a sub-category and enters tags
and then submits/uploads. I'd like the sub-category that is selected, to also be searchable as a keyword.

Presently, the 'videos' table has a 'sub-category' column, but only the 'sub_category' ID is stored there (upon a video being uploaded), not the actual searchable name of the 'sub_category'. (All of the sub-category names and related sub_category ID's are stored in another table).

I'd like to modify the script code so that when the sub_category ID gets stored in the VIDEOS table, the corresponding sub_category name also populates in that table, upon a video being uploaded (so that I can add the 'sub_category' name as a searchable keyword).

I believe this code from the script's submit.php file is where the VIDEOS table gets populated (in the data_insert = array):

if (!empty($_POST['category_id'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['category_id'], array_keys(get_object_vars($pt->categories)))) {
                    $category_id = PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']);
            $video_privacy = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['privacy'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['privacy'], array(0, 1, 2))) {
                    $video_privacy = PT_Secure($_POST['privacy']);
            $age_restriction = 1;
            if (!empty($_POST['age_restriction'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['age_restriction'], array(1, 2))) {
                    $age_restriction = PT_Secure($_POST['age_restriction']);
            $sub_category = 0;

            if (!empty($_POST['sub_category_id'])) {
                $is_found = $db->where('type',PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']))->where('lang_key',PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']))->getValue(T_LANGS,'COUNT(*)');
                if ($is_found > 0) {
                    $sub_category = PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']);

            $publication_date = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['date']) && !empty($_POST['hour'])) {
                $publication_date = strtotime($_POST['date']." ".$pt->config->hours[$_POST['hour']]);
                $video_privacy = 1;
            $data_insert = array(
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
                'title' => PT_Secure($_POST['title']),
                'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['description']),
                'tags' => PT_Secure($_POST['tags']),
                'video_location' => '',
                'category_id' => $category_id,
                'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                'time' => time(),
                'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m')),
                'converted' => '2',
                'size' => $filesize,
                'privacy' => $video_privacy,
                'age_restriction' => $age_restriction,
                'sub_category' => $sub_category,
                'embedding' => $embedding,
                'publication_date' => $publication_date

Can you provide some insight/guidance as to when the video title, description, tags and sub_category ID, etc. gets added to VIDEOS table
how I can also add sub_cat name that corresponds with the populated sub_category ID?

As stated above, all of the sub-category ID's and related sub_category names are stored in another table.

I look forward to any assistance.

Seed Fundraising Strategy for Startups

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Seed Fundraising Strategy for Startups

Startups need outside capital to grow. However, the process of raising that money is often long, complex, and ego deflating. It is a path all founders must take to succeed in business, but when is the right time to raise? And is it the right way to do it?

Let’s discuss all possible questions about seed fundraising for startups that every business owner should keep in mind.

What is the purpose of seed-stage funding?

Seed funding is the initial form of capital a startup will raise. In our post How to Build Fundraising Strategy for Early-Stage Startups? we defined every fundraising stage including seed one. Seed-round aims to collect capital to pursue a certain goal to prove if the hypothesis. Thus, seed funding helps to define further research, product development and testing product-market fit — meaning being in a right market to satisfy customers’ demand.

According to Crunchbase research, seed-round funding has massively grown in the past 10 years. In fact, three of Silicon Valley’s largest and best-known venture firms — Andreessen Horowitz, Greylock and Khosla Ventures — announced large new dedicated seed funds. Crunchbase data underscores an impressive rise in funding to the smallest startups: Fewer than 3,200 companies received seed funding in the period between 2006 and 2010. A decade later, that had ballooned to more than 23,000 startups.

Seed Fundraising Strategy for Startups

When is it the right time to raise seed funding?

For some founders it is enough to have a story and a reputation. However, for most it will require an idea, a product, and some amount of customer adoption, a.k.a. traction. Luckily, the software development ecosystem today is such that a sophisticated web or mobile product can be built and delivered in a remarkably short period of time. Even hardware can be rapidly prototyped and tested.

The best timing to raise seed capital for startup is when you are sure about your product, market and team. The combination of those components will build a strong company that will deserve to have a venture interest.

As the team at Y Combinator stated:

“Founders should raise money when they have figured out what the market opportunity is and who the customer is, and when they have delivered a product that matches their needs and is being adopted at an interestingly rapid rate. How rapid is interesting? This depends, but a rate of 10% per week for several weeks is impressive. And to raise money founders need to impress. For founders who can convince investors without these things, congratulations. For everyone else, work on your product and talk to your users.”

So, if you feel that your business has what it takes to generate massive returns for an investor, it is likely time to start your fundraising process.

How to raise seed funding?

To successfully raise seed capital, you need to develop a system and build a process. You can think of fundraising as a traditional sales or marketing process for B2B. In this case, a sales or marketing funnel contains the following steps:

  • Searching and attracting qualified leads on a regular basis.

  • Nurturing and moving the leads through the funnel with the goal of converting them into a customer.

  • Serving customers and creating a great experience until they become loyal and long-term partners.

In fact, the same steps can be applied for fundrising and will look something like this:

Seed Fundraising Strategy for Startups

  1. Make a list of potential investors at a top of the funnel. These investors generally come from cold outreach, warm introductions, or inbound interest.

  2. Nurturing relations with investors and moving them through your funnel.

  3. Communicating and building relationships with your current investors. As a founder, one of the first places to look for capital is current investors. One of the first places a new investor will look to for guidance will also be your current investors. At the end of the day your current investors should be the ultimate evangelist for your business.

  4. After a while, you will gain a successful partnership and be able to develop your startup.

To get started, you need to understand who the right investor is for your business and how you fit into their vision and can be of benefit to them.

How much seed capital to raise?

Ideally, you should raise as much money as you need to reach profitability, so that you’ll never have to raise money again. If you succeed in this, not only will you find it easier to raise money in the future, you’ll be able to survive without new funding if the funding environment gets tight. In general, you need to raise enough money to get to your next “funding milestone” which is usually within 12 to 18 months.

In choosing how much to raise you are trading off several variables, including how much progress that amount of money will purchase, credibility with investors, and dilution. If you can manage to give up as little as 10% of your company in your seed round, that is wonderful, but most rounds will require up to 20% dilution and you should try to avoid more than 25%.

In any event, the amount you are asking for must be tied to a believable plan. That plan will buy you the credibility necessary to persuade investors that their money will have a chance to grow. It is usually a good idea to create multiple plans assuming different amounts raised and to carefully articulate your belief that the company will be successful whether you raise the full or some lesser amount. The difference will be how fast you can grow.

Types of Seed Funding

Let's conicder different types of seed funding for stratup developemnt.

Crowd Funding

There are a growing number of new vehicles to raise money, such as AngelList, Kickstarter, and Wefunder. These crowdfunding sites can be used to launch a product, run a pre-sales campaign, or find venture funding. In exceptional cases, founders have used these sites as their dominant fundraising source, or as clear evidence of demand. They usually are used to fill in rounds that are largely complete or, at times, to reanimate a round that is having difficulty getting off the ground. The ecosystem around investing is changing rapidly, but when and how to use these new sources of funds will usually be determined by your success raising through more traditional means.

Corporate Seed Funding

This is a very good source of seed funding as start-ups gain more visibility because of the big corporate investors. Large companies like Google, Intel, and Apple support start-ups regularly with seed funding. Such investments can prove to be very useful for new firms to build their brand.


These investors, along with providing small seed funds, focus on helping the new ventures through training and often also provide office space. Many leading educational institutes, like IITs and IIMs, also provide such services. Generally, Incubators do not ask for equity holdings from start-ups.


These investors mainly focus on helping the new firms in scaling-up rather than supporting them in early-stage innovation. They also provide help through various training, mentoring, and giving networking opportunities. Unlike most incubators, accelerators usually take equity.

Angels & Venture Capitalists

The difference between an angel and a VC is that angels are amateurs and VCs are pros. VCs invest other people’s money and angels invest their own on their own terms. Although some angels are quite rigorous and act very much like the pros, for the most part they are much more like hobbyists. Their decision making process is usually much faster--they can make the call all on their own--and there is almost always a much larger component of emotion that goes into that decision.

VCs will usually require more time, more meetings, and will have multiple partners involved in the final decision. And remember, VCs see LOTS of deals and invest in very few, so you will have to stand out from a crowd.

There are many new VC firms, sometimes called “super-angels,” or “micro-VC’s”, which explicitly target brand new, very early stage companies. There are also several traditional VCs that will invest in seed rounds. And there are a large number of independent angels who will invest anywhere from $25k to $100k or more in individual companies.

Seed Fundraising Strategy for Startups

Choosing investors for seed funding

Who you are and how well you tell your story are most important when trying to convince investors to invest in you. Investors are looking for compelling founders who have a believable dream and as much evidence as possible documenting the reality of that dream. Find a style that works for you, and then work as hard as necessary to get the perfect pitch deck. Pitching is difficult and often unnatural for founders, especially technical founders who are more comfortable in front of a screen than a crowd. But anyone will improve with practice, and there is no substitute for an extraordinary amount of practice. Incidentally, this is true whether you are preparing for a demo day or an investor meeting.

A seed investment can usually be closed rapidly. It is an advantage to use standard documents with consistent terms. Deals have momentum and there is no recipe towards building momentum behind your deal other than by telling a great story, persistence, and legwork. You may have to meet with dozens of investors before you get that close. But to get started you just need to convince one of them. Once the first money is in, each subsequent close will get faster and easier.

Documents to keep in mind

You will probably want an executive summary and a slide deck you can walk investors through and, potentially, leave behind so VCs can show to other partners.

You will probably want an executive summary and a slide deck you can walk investors through and, potentially, leave behind so VCs can show to other partners.

The executive summary should be one or two pages (one is better) and should include vision, product, team (location, contact info), traction, market size, and minimum financials (revenue, if any, and fundraising prior and current).

Generally, make sure the slide deck is a coherent leave-behind. Graphics, charts, screenshots are more powerful than lots of words. Consider it a framework around which you will hang a more detailed version of your story. There is no fixed format or order, but the following parts are usually present. Create the pitch that matches you, how you present, and how you want to represent your company. Also note that like the executive summary, there are lots of similar templates online if you don’t like this one.

Final Thoughts

For an early-stage startup, the prospect of securing financing through seed investment for up-front capital expenses can be daunting. We hope that this post will answer the relevant questions about seed fundraising and prepare every business owner for a new fundraising round and further business development.

If you still have some questions regarding startup seed fundraising, drop us a line in the contact us section below and we gladly help you!

What do you get for using a search input type?

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Like this: <input type="search">

  1. You get an extra-round-y appearance in Safari, which at one time matched the macOS look for search inputs, but not really anymore. I don’t hate the look, except…
  2. Safari totally ignores the font-size you set on it, so careful about that. Unless you smash off the round-y look with -webkit-appearance: none—then you can, so probably 92% of all websites do this.
  3. You get a little × icon inside the input (when it has a value) that clears it out. This is probably the best reason to use it, and mercifiully you get to keep it even after resetting the appearance.
  4. You get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re using the semantically correct input type for the job, assuming you are building a thing that actually searches something.
  5. You get past search terms with autocomplete. Browsers store those past search terms and offer a menu for autocompleting them. I’m trying to make this a list of things that are unique to search inputs, and I can prove this happens on non-search inputs. But hey, it does make the most sense on search inputs.
  6. You get the pleasure of adding a role to the parent form (i.e. <form role="search">) because that helps assistive technology announce it as a search form.
  7. You get to remember to add a proper <label> to the input. Just using a magnifying glass icon or just a placeholder alone won’t cut it, even though that’s what a lot of designs call for visually.
  8. You get a super weird incremental attribute that sends a debounced search event to the DOM element itself. I guess that is useful for live search UX. But it’s non-standard and not in Firefox so probably don’t count on it (via Christian Shaefer).
  9. You get to live another day as a front-end developer.

The post What do you get for using a search input type? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

120+ Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2021 WordPress Deals – Big Savings

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Looking for the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on your favorite WordPress products?

The next few days are the perfect time to buy premium WordPress plugins, themes, web hosting, and tools to grow your business. As always, to help you find the best deals, we have created the ultimate listed of best WordPress Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for 2021. Some of these are exclusive just for WPBeginner readers.

View our Complete Black Friday and Cyber Monday List for 2021

We will be updating this page on a daily basis to add more deals.

View our Complete Black Friday and Cyber Monday List for 2021

The post 120+ Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2021 WordPress Deals – Big Savings first appeared on WPBeginner.