How to Secure Webhook Endpoints With HMAC

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Webhooks are ubiquitous in SaaS integrations, and there’s a good reason for that. They are a simple and speedy way to transfer data via HTTP callbacks between systems based on changes to data in those systems. 

In this post, we’ll describe the recommended approach. But first, let’s lay some groundwork.

User Premissions


I create project based on c# , and i make roles like admin and users , so that i want to give special premission to users to perfom tasks .

if anyone know how i can make or write this code , please help me .

and in advance THANKYOU.

Websites Tags appearing in search result – Good or Bad?

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Hi, I came across a situation with one of my website that is built with wordpress. I recently checked that many tags in the website are in ranking. Many tags have been ranked more and high than then posts and pages. While it is a good thing but I was told by some fellow seo professional that having more tags and not the posts in ranking, is not ideal for a website.

Do you also believe so? If yes then why? Please share your insights on this.

Gutenberg 13.3 Introduces Experimental Table of Contents Block

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Gutenberg 13.3 was released this week with support for an experimental new Table of Contents block. It is perfect for longform content that is organized by multiple headings within the document. The block automatically detects Heading blocks within the content and will display them with anchor links that jump to each section.

Table of Contents block – video credit: Gutenberg 13.3 release post

Users may select the block without knowing how it works with headings. If the post or page doesn’t contain any headings, the block inserts a message prompting users to start adding Heading blocks in order to display a Table of Contents.

For sites that have registered custom taxonomies, Gutenberg’s Post Terms Block now automatically generates a block variation for each term. That means users can select a block to display all the terms associated with that custom taxonomy.

Other notable additions in 13.3 include the following:

  • Query block now supports a “parent” filter that will display content of children from the defined parent
  • Heading block now supports Font Family controls
  • Save Block List default view preference – allowes users to set a preference for having the Blost Lick view open or closed by default
  • New transforms between the Cover and Media & Text blocks

The latest release also brings dozens of enhancements and bug fixes to preferences, border controls, error messages, tooling, accessiblity, and performance. Check out the release post for the full list of changes.

Oculus Highlights Improvements to Its Hand Tracking API

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Oculus has announced what the company is describing as “major improvements” to the Hand Tracking API and is encouraging developers to take the enhanced implementation for a spin. Hand tracking in virtual reality has been a priority for Oculus since the introduction of this API in 2019. 

How to Add a Blank Directory to Your Git Repository

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Sometimes in Git, we want to preserve a directory for use within a repository, but keep it empty of files. There are many reasons why you'd want to do this, but perhaps either the folder is used to store files the person cloning the repository needs to create, or a script creates custom files to put into that folder.

If we want to create a blank directory, we can do that easily, but it won't be pushed when we use git push to push it to our remote. As such we need to do something slightly different.

Core Web Vitals only shows a sampling of URLs?

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The Coverage section of Google Search Console shows 206K valid URLs, of which 174K are submitted and indexed, nearly all of which are Q&A pages. The remaining 32K are indexed, but not submitted in sitemap.

However, the Core Web Vitals section only shows data on 28K URLs. In the Enhancements section, it says there are only 27K valid Q&A items.

What happened to the other 150K URLs?

Need help counting occurences of a letter from a file


Need help, been stuck on this the past couple days i dont really understand how to get my code to read from my file and count each occurence of a letter wheter they are uppr or lower case and output them to a file, just need help with the counting part, have to do it all through a function.

Here is my source code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void getData(ifstream& inPara, ofstream& outChara, char texT[], int numLet[]);

int main()
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    char ch[26] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'};
    int numofCharacters[26] = {0};
    char target;"Lab7.txt");//opens input file

    if (!inFile)//runs error if inFile could not be opened
        cout << "Error unable to open Input File" << endl;
        cout << "Program Terminated!" << endl;
        return 1;
    }"Output.txt");//opens Output File

    if (!outFile)//runs error if Output File could not be opened
        cout << "Error unable to open Output File" << endl;
        cout << "Program Terminated!" << endl;
        return 1;
    while (!inFile.eof())//runs program untile end of file
        inFile >> target


    return 0;

void getData(ifstream& inPara, ofstream& outChara, char texT[], int numLet[])

    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
    if (texT[i]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
        cout << numLet[i] << " " << endl;

Customizing Color Fonts on the Web

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Myles C. Maxfield on the WebKit Blog published a nifty how-to for color fonts. It comes on the heels of what Ollie wrote up here on CSS-Tricks the other day, and while they cover a lot of common ground, there’s some nice nuggets in the WebKit post that make them both worth reading.

Case in point: there’s a little progressive enhancement in there using @supports for older browsers lacking support the font-palette property. Then the post gets into a strategy that shows the property’s light and dark values at play to make the font more legible in certain contexts. There’s also a clever idea about how creating multiple @font-palette-values blocks with the same name can be used for fallbacks.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

Customizing Color Fonts on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Googlebot uses cookies

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Google has always said that all of their bots do not use cookies.

I caught a screenshot on Google PageSpeed Insights that displayed a modal that I only have implemented for users with a specific cookie already set.

So there you have it, Googlebot uses cookies.

Implementing Promotion Bias Checks in Engineering

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Perhaps the easiest way to reduce bias in promotions is to use a promotion bias spreadsheet

You can use this spreadsheet in promotion decision meetings to show, in real-time, who is getting promoted. This can help highlight bias, and result in better decision-making.

Is Your Email Security Built to Withstand Determined Intruders?

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We take great care to safeguard our homes and valuable assets with numerous methods of defense. We employ layers of protection, with double locks on external doors, alarm sensors on windows, and strategically placed motion-activated cameras and signs in the yard to deter intruders.

Many of us place valuables in secure home safes, discreetly camouflaged from the casual observer and determined burglar. It’s just a common-sense inclination to protect our property and treasured possessions.

MSSP’s Mitigation Responsibilities Against Ransomware

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The threat of ransomware is real and growing. To protect your organization, it’s essential to partner with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) that can help you mitigate the risk. Because there are new ransomware variants and attacks every day, your MSSP must have a robust security program to protect you.

But have you ever thought about what MSSP means precisely? What are their responsibilities in regards to ransomware?

How to Use CSS Media Queries: A Complete Guide for Beginners

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how to use CSS media queriesIt’s been more than a decade since responsive web design became a household term, and it’s critical that all front-end developers know how to use CSS media queries in 2022. The basic syntax for a CSS media query isn’t difficult to remember, but it’s not as easy to recall all the different media features you have access to when building responsive websites.