Problem with submitting new topics

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When I create a new topic and enter the mandatory tags, the tag dialog box sometimes overlays the "Continue to the Last Step" button leaving only the merest sliver of a button to click. Could the tag dialog be aligned left to avoid this?

Need help with tKinter Scrollbar, doesnt attach to listbox


from tkinter import *

app = Tk()

label1_text = StringVar()
part_label = Label(app, bg='#dfe3ee', text='Check1', font=('bold',12), pady=10, padx=20)
part_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
label1_entry = Entry(app, textvariable=label1_text)
label1_entry.grid(row=0, column=1)

label2_text = StringVar()
part_label = Label(app, bg='#dfe3ee', text='Check1', font=('bold', 12), pady=7, padx=20)
part_label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
label2_entry = Entry(app, textvariable=label2_text)
label2_entry.grid(row=1, column=1)

label3_text = StringVar()
part_label = Label(app, bg='#dfe3ee', text='Check3', font=('bold', 12), pady=20)
part_label.grid(row=0, column=2)
label3_entry = Entry(app, textvariable=label3_text)
label3_entry.grid(row=0, column=3)

label4 = StringVar()
part_label = Label(app, bg='#dfe3ee', text='check4', font=('bold', 12), pady=7)
part_label.grid(row=1, column=2)
label4_entry = Entry(app, textvariable=label4)
label4_entry.grid(row=1, column=3)

B1_btn = Button(app, bg='#cd8de5', text='Button1',font=('bold', 11), width=12)
B1_btn.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=0, pady=5)

B2_btn = Button(app, bg='#cd8de5', text='Button2',font=('bold', 11), width=12 )
B2_btn.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=0, pady=5)

B3_btn = Button(app, bg='#d5a6e6', text='close',font=('bold', 11), width=12)
B3_btn.grid(row=50, column=2, sticky='E')

output_list = Listbox(app, height=20, width=100, border=5)
output_list.grid(row=20, column=0, columnspan=3, rowspan=6, pady=20, padx=20)

scrollbar = Scrollbar(app)
scrollbar.grid(row=20, column =3, rowspan=5, sticky=(N+S))


app.title('Test Tool')


to calculate final score


i already done the scores for each round, i dont know how to calculate the scores for all round, can u help me to solve this?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

//Global variable
const string cardfile=("cards.txt");

//Function Prototypes
void readCards();
int RandomCardP1 (int);
int RandomCardP2 (int);
int CheckType (int [], int ,int);
int CheckSystem (int [], int ,int );
void ShowCardP1(int , string [], string [], string [], string[] , string []);
void ShowCardP2(int, string [], string [], string [], string [], string []);
int Score(int ,int ,int [],int []);
int FinalScore (int,int);

int main(){

    int sctype[SIZE]={ 3,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,2,2 };
    int scsystem[SIZE]={ 6,4,2,1,5,7,1,2,3,5 };

    //loop for game
    int scP1=0,scP2=0; 

    for (int round=1;round<6;round++)
    {//loop for 5 round

        cout <<"\t***********";
        cout<<endl<<"\t  ROUND "<<round<<"\n";
        cout <<"\t***********";

    //announce winner and score for each round


    }//end loop for round

    //score total round

   } while(respond=='Y'||respond=='y');//end loop for game

}//end main

//scores for each round
int Score(int IDcardP1,int IDcardP2,int sctype[],int scsystem[]){

    int scP1=0, scP2=0;
    cout << "The winner for this round is " <<endl<<endl;
    if (sctype[IDcardP1]>sctype[IDcardP2])
        cout << "  PLAYER 1  " <<endl;
        if (scsystem[IDcardP1]>scsystem[IDcardP2])
            cout << "  PLAYER 1  " <<endl;
            cout << "  PLAYER 2  " <<endl;

    //display score for each round
    cout << "The scores for this round"<<endl;
    cout<<" Player 1 score :"<<scP1<<endl;
    cout<<" Player 2 score :"<<scP2<<endl;


//score for all round
int FinalScore(int scP1,int scP2){

    //score total round
    cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
    cout << " Your scores for 5 round : "<< endl;
    cout << " Player 1's score: " << scP1<<endl;
    cout << " Player 2's score: " << scP2<<endl;
    cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
    cout <<endl;

    //announce the winner for this game
    if (scP1>scP2)
        cout << "\tPLAYER 1 WON!" << endl << endl;
        cout << "\tPLAYER 2 WON!" << endl << endl;

WordPress Themes Directory Adds Block Themes to Filter Menu

Best Wordpress Themes 1

This week has been heavy with theme news, as the discussion around improving block themes’ visibility in the directory became heated before the Themes Team landed on a course of action. Meta contributors added a new “Block Themes” menu item to the filter menu on the directory homepage, a solution that some classic theme developers fought tooth and nail to discourage in the ticket over the course of seven weeks.

Clicking on Block Themes displays themes that have the full-site-editing feature tag. Previously, block themes were buried three clicks deep and users had to know how to find them through the feature filter. They are now easily accessible from the directory landing page.

Although most WordPress themes support blocks in the content editor, the “block themes” identifier refers to themes that allow users to edit templates with blocks through the Site Editor.

As the landscape of themes is changing, contributors have been working towards building a shared lexicon for how they refer to themes that support full-site editing. When the team updated the Theme Handbook prior to the WordPress 5.9 release, they settled on using the term “classic” for PHP-based themes and “block” for those that support full-site editing.

Block themes are about to cross a major milestone in the directory. At the time of publishing there are 99 block themes available, representing roughly 1% of the directory’s total number of themes. As part of the project’s big picture goals for 2022, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden-Chomphosy set 500 block themes as a goal for the community. The number is not even halfway there but the newly released Create Block Theme plugin should give it a boost, as it allows anyone to design a theme in the editor and export it for others to use.

10 Error Status Codes When Building APIs for the First Time and How To Fix Them

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Things don’t always go well when using an API for the first time, especially if you’re a beginner and it’s your first time integrating an API into another system. Often documentation is lacking in terms of errors, since it’s easier to anticipate things going right, than things going wrong.

In HTTP, many status codes can give you an idea of what was going on when you called an API. The standardized status codes go from 100 to 511, and all have different meanings, but only the ones from 400 to 511 are about errors. See them here in this handy table.

What are WordPress Microinteractions?

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What are WordPress Microinteractions?Microinteractions can significantly improve your website’s user experience. In this article, we’ll tell you what microinteractions are and how you can add them to your WordPress site. You’ll also learn the following: How to use microinteractions in WordPress How to make the most of microinteractions Then, we’ll go over a few tips to help you […]

The post What are WordPress Microinteractions? appeared first on WPExplorer.

The Impact of the Pandemic on the WordPress Community (Two Years After): As Told by Community Leaders

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WordPress Community Two Years After the PandemicAt the beginning of the pandemic, I reached out to a handful of people in the WordPress community to see how they were doing and how all that uncertainty was affecting their work. That was a scary time! People were generally afraid, and no one knew how long the pandemic would last and how it would impact their businesses, their jobs, and their families. Two years have gone by and I wanted to follow up with our interviewees and see if anything significant has happened in their lives in the meantime, plus hear any new lessons learned they might have.

cannot read the txt file


hi guys, i dont know why when i run the code, its shows my txt is not found, here i attached the txt.file and the coding :)
i just follow the coding in the example that lecturer given, but yeah as i mentioned before, the txt cannot be found :( i hope u guys can help me

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

void readCards();

int main()


    return 0;

void readCards(){

    const int CARDS = 10;
    int ID[CARDS];
    string cardName[CARDS] ;
    string pcode[CARDS];
    string type[CARDS];
    string plusMode[CARDS];
    string system[CARDS] ;
    int i=0;

    ifstream infile;"cards.txt");
    if (infile)
        while (!infile.eof()){

            //Read from file
            infile >> ID[i] >> cardName[i] >> pcode[i] >> type[i] >> plusMode[i]>>system[i];


        cout << "File cannot be found.\n";

How Does MySQL Configuration Work?

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If you've found yourself in the MySQL space at least for a little while, chances are that you have heard about one of its well-known files: my.cnf. my.cnf is a configuration file exclusive to MySQL and all of its flavors and it's widely regarded as the "go-to" file whenever MySQL configuration errors occur. Sure, we can set up a couple of settings when we start MySQL with the "--" options, but that doesn't do much - it's much more effective to set the settings inside of the configuration file instead.

Why Does MySQL Need a Configuration File?

First things first, we will look into why MySQL needs a configuration file in the first place. After all, MySQL is a powerful beast as-is, right? Well, not quite. You see, these days MySQL is running on a very wide variety of infrastructures and database servers - some servers might have 20TB of hard drive space and 256GB of RAM allocated to them, others - like small virtual private servers or the like - might only have 2GB of space and 256MB of RAM. The difference here is huge and the primary purpose of configuration files in this scenario is to provide an "endpoint" for MySQL DBAs and developers to configure it according to their requirements.

Monneo Releases Banking as a Service API

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Monneo, an end-to-end payment ecosystem provider, has launched a new API aimed at the Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) market. The API will allow Monneo’s partners such as FinTechs and online businesses to offer banking services to their customers by accessing the company’s digital banking infrastructure.