Send Push Notifications to Users of Another App

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As online shopping for products and services becomes more and more popular, new business opportunities have also arisen. To seize such opportunities, I recently developed an online shopping app, which I shall refer to in this article as "app B". Once you have developed an app, the next thing that you need to do is to promote the app and attract more users to use it. Since sending push messages to users is a widely used method for promoting apps and improving user engagement, I decided to do the same for my new app in order to deliver promotional information and various coupons to users, which hopefully should increase their engagement and interest.

However, I discovered a glaring problem straightaway. Since the app has just been released, it has few registered users, making it hard to achieve the desired promotional effect by just sending push messages to these users. What I needed to do was to send push messages to a large pool of existing users in order to get them to try out my new app. It suddenly occurred to me that I once developed a very popular short video app (which I shall refer to as "app A"), which has now accumulated thousands of registered users. Wouldn't it be great if there was a one-stop service that I can use to get app B to send push messages to the wide user base of app A, thus attracting users of app A to use app B?

Actually, the San Francisco Typeface Does Ship as a Variable Font

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Apple unveiled an expanded version of its San Francisco system font at WWDC 2022. Then, last month, Jim Nielsen zeroed in on the font’s variations, explaining how the font provides a spectrum of variations based on the width and weight. It’s a remarkable read if you haven’t checked it.

With all of these great new options, you might be tempted to use them in a web design. Chris was ogling over the expanded sets as well over on his personal blog and pondered:

But it’s not year clear how we might tap into the condensed, compressed, and expanded varieties in CSS, or if there is even a plan to allow that. I suppose we can peek around eventually and see how they do it if they start using them there.

Doesn’t this make perfect sense to construct as a variable font and ship the whole kit and kaboodle that way?

Turns out, yes. It does make perfect sense. Chris follows up in a new post:

But just yesterday I randomly stumbled across the fact that the built-in San Francisco font (on the Apple devices that have it built-in) is already variable (!!). See, I was derping around with Roboto Flex, and had system-ui as the fallback font, and I was noticing that during the FOUT, the font-variation-settings I was using had an effect on the fallback font, which renders as San Francisco on my Mac. Which… unless I’m daft… means that San Francisco is a variable font.

So, as for using it? Chris has a demo, of course:

There are some gotchas to all this, the most significant being fallbacks for non-Apple devices. After all, that demo is simply calling system-ui for the font family — it’s not telling the browser to download a font file or anything and who knows if Apple is gonna ever ship a variable font file we can serve up as an actual custom web font.

The other interesting thing? Chris did some sleuthing and counted 35 layout featured included in that system font. Go read the rest of the post to see ’em all (and to get a good ol’ dose of Chris-isms — I know I miss them!).

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Actually, the San Francisco Typeface Does Ship as a Variable Font originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Stripe vs. Square for WordPress eCommerce

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Stripe vs. Square for WordPressToday payment solutions online have reached a highly convenient stage, where the customer has endless options available. However, the downfall of several small to medium businesses is that they don’t pay attention to this Aspect, losing out on customers. Not only can this deter new visitors from subscribing to your services or buying your products, […]

The post Stripe vs. Square for WordPress eCommerce appeared first on WPExplorer.

Difference Between Data Mining and Data Warehousing

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Data mining and warehousing are two processes essential for any organization that wants to be recognized on a global or national level. Both techniques help prevent data fraud and improve managerial statistics and rankings. Data mining is used to detect significant patterns by relying on the data gathered during the data warehousing phase.

Data mining and data warehousing are both considered as part of data analysis. But they work in different ways. This blog will look at the differences between the two and whether or not one can exist without the other.

Developing a Cloud Adoption Strategy

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The value of technology in businesses and organisations cannot be underestimated, and there was nothing like the COVID-19 pandemic for us to see its value first-hand. 

Overnight, the way we interact with and operate businesses was forcefully changed forever, effectively accelerating our journey towards digitally transforming our organisations. According to a 2020 McKinsey report, companies were able to adopt digital changes 20-25 times faster than they would have anticipated.

What are 4 benefits of digital marketing?

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What are the 4 benefits of digital marketing?
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Top Advantages of Digital Marketing
Global Reach. Traditional marketing is restricted by geography and creating an international marketing campaign can be hard, expensive, as well as labor-intensive.
Local Reach.
Lower Cost.
Easy to Learn.
Effective Targeting.
Multiple Strategies.
Multiple Content Types.
Increased Engagement.

What exactly Wedding Garter?

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What Is a Marriage ceremony Garter? Being married garter is a small piece of bridal lingerie the fact that the bride has on under her dress around much more both of her legs. It’s a tradition that groom gets rid of the garter from underneath her dress with his hands or perhaps if you’re sense […]

Noindex RSS feeds?

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Has anyone ever come across any authoritative statement from Google on their official position of whether RSS feeds should be noindexed or not?

Deriving Ideal Indexes: A Guide

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Indexes are there to simplify our work when searching for data: they speed up SELECT queries at the expense of slowing down other kinds of queries like DELETEs, UPDATEs, and INSERT s instead. However, as awesome as indexes might be, they also need a lot of work to get right — in this blog, we will tell you how you should go about deriving ideal indexes for your database. The majority of the examples in this article will focus on MySQL: however, the concept is the same for all major database management systems available on the market today.

What Are Indexes?

If you are familiar with database structures, great — because that's essentially what indexes are! Indexes are database structures that can be used to quickly find rows having specific column values. At the expense of taking up disk space and time if your tables are big and you find yourself adding indexes on top of them, indexes allow databases to skip reading through entire tables and instead, only scan relevant rows which means that databases have less data to scan through.

How Do You Know If a Graph Database Solves the Problem?

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One of the greatest questions to consistently badger a developer is "what technology should I use?". Days of thought and analysis determines which option(s) (from an increasingly growing number) best suits the need, manages volume and demand, plans for long-term strategy, simplifies/reduces support, and gets approved by colleagues and management.

Those steps may even seem easy compared to real life. The decision's complexity can get compounded by how much buy-in is needed, and the current constraints of existing technology plus developer knowledge. For instance, investing in an unknown or newer solution means allocation for learning costs.