8 Ways to Identify and Fix Browser-Based Website Errors and Issues

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No one is perfect, and that goes for website owners as well. Even the best, most well-coded and thoughtfully put together websites will experience errors and issues at some point – it’s simply unavoidable. In fact, part of the process of owning a website is being able to identify and fix an error as it comes up.

Often, you’ll find issues occur after switching hosts, updating plugins or themes in WordPress, or adding code snippets to existing designs. It doesn’t take much to break a site and prevent it from interacting with browsers properly.

However, not all errors or issues are the same. Some are relatively minor and can be fixed with ease; others may require more time and effort on your part.

That’s why in this article, we’ll outline 8 different types of browser-based website errors and issues you may encounter, along with tips on how to identify and fix them on the spot.

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Page Not Found (404) Error

This is perhaps the most common type of error you’ll encounter. A 404 error occurs when a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist on your website. There can be a number of reasons why this might happen, but usually, it’s because the page in question has been moved or deleted.

Page Not Found (404) Error

In any case, if a user encounters a 404 error on your website, it’s important to have a custom error page set up. This should include a brief message explaining the error, along with links to other pages on your website that the user may find helpful.

Connection Timeout Error

A connection timeout error occurs when a user’s browser is unable to establish a connection with your server. This can happen for a number of reasons, but usually, it’s due to heavy traffic on your website or an issue with your server itself.

If you’re encountering this error frequently, it may be a sign that you need to upgrade your hosting plan to one that can accommodate more traffic. Alternatively, if the issue is with your server, you may need to contact your host or web developer for assistance.

Internal Server Error

An internal server error is similar to a connection timeout error, in that it’s also caused by an issue with your server. However, this error is typically more serious and can be caused by more pressing issues like a corrupt file or database.

Should this error occur, the first thing you should do is access your server directly in order to identify and fix the issue via an FTP client like FileZilla or Cyberduck.

Internal Server Error

Potential solutions include:

  • Checking (and adjusting) your file permissions
  • Clearing your website’s cache
  • Running a malware scan
  • Upgrading your hosting plan

Maintenance Mode Error

If you’re in the process of making changes or updates to your website, you may want to put it into maintenance mode. This essentially means that your website is only accessible to you and other administrators; regular users will see a custom error page explaining that the website is down for maintenance.

Putting your website into maintenance mode is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to remember to take it out of maintenance mode when you’re finished making changes. Otherwise, your regular users will continue to see the error page and may become frustrated.

DNS Error

A DNS, or Domain Name System, error occurs when a user’s browser is unable to resolve your website’s domain name. This usually happens due to an issue with your DNS settings.

Here’s how to adjust your DNS settings to resolve this error:

  1. Log in to your domain name registrar and select the DNS management tool.
  2. Find the A record for your website’s domain name and make sure the IP address is correct.
  3. If there is no A record for your website’s domain name, you’ll need to create one.
  4. Make sure your www CNAME record is pointing to your website’s domain name.
  5. Save your changes and wait for the DNS to propagate (this can take up to 24 hours).

SSL Certificate Error

An SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, certificate is a type of security certificate that helps to encrypt data being transmitted between a user’s browser and your website. If you have an SSL certificate installed on your website, you may encounter an error if it expires or is not properly configured.

SSL Certificate Error

If you’re encountering an SSL certificate error, the first thing you should do is check the expiration date on your certificate. If it has expired, you’ll need to renew it.

If your certificate is still valid, but you’re encountering an error, the issue may be with your configuration. To fix this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your domain name registrar and select the SSL/TLS certificates tool.
  2. Find the SSL certificate for your website’s domain name and make sure the details are correct.
  3. If there is no SSL certificate for your website’s domain name, you’ll need to create one.
  4. Save your changes and wait for the SSL to propagate (this can take up to 24 hours).

Browser Compatibility Error

Browser compatibility errors occur when a user’s browser is not compatible with the code used to build your website. This can happen for a number of reasons, but usually, it’s because the user is using an outdated or unsupported browser.

If you’re encountering this error, the first thing you should do is check to see if the browser you’re using is supported or up-to-date. If not, you may need to update your browser or switch to a different browser to view the website properly.

It can also be helpful to create a notice on your website that indicates its browser compatibility clearly — especially if your site has a very new feature or attribute that isn’t universally supported yet.

Malicious Website Errors

If you’re encountering an error that says your website has been flagged as malicious, it’s likely because your website has been hacked. This can happen for a number of reasons, but usually, it’s because the hackers were able to exploit a security vulnerability on your site.

If you believe your website has been hacked, the first thing you should do is change all of your passwords — especially if you think the hackers may have access to them. You should also run a security scan on your website to check for any malicious code or files that may have been injected. If you find any, you’ll need to delete them and then update your website to the latest version to patch the security vulnerability.

Don’t Let Browser Issues Halt Site Progress

Website errors that show up in browsers can be frustrating, but luckily, most of them are relatively easy to fix. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix any browser-based website errors and issues you encounter.

State Of CSS Survey: Influence The Future Of CSS

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This year, I joined the team and helped design the survey together with the community which led to a number of improvements. If you write CSS frequently, investing a few minutes to fill it in could come back to you hundredfold, since implementers make decisions on what to work on based on the developer pain points identified through the survey every year. In fact, Chrome is funding work on the survey for this very reason.

Past Surveys

So, how did past surveys help web developers? Let’s look at the impact in Chrome, as described to us by Nicole Sullivan, Product Manager for Chrome at Google:

“I showed the ‘Missing features’ section to my team before the pandemic and we got to work on it. Several things on that list are underway.”

Indeed, literally everything in that list is now being worked on or finished unless there was no (stable) specification for it:

  • Container queries
    Size queries have shipped in Chrome 106 , style queries behind a flag.
  • Parent selector/:has selector
    Shipped in Chrome 105.
  • Nesting
    Currently underway, delayed a bit due to discussions in the CSS Working Group about last minute changes to the syntax.
  • 🟡 Functions
    No specification to implement yet, but is being worked on in the CSS WG.
  • Scoping
    Experimental implementation in Chrome 105 behind a flag.
  • 🟡 Mixins
    No specification to implement yet, but ideas are being explored in the CSS WG.
  • Subgrid
    Implementation underway.

Let’s look at the corresponding section in the 2020 results. A lot of overlap, but some additional items:

The 2021 corresponding section includes roughly the same items, with one new thing: color functions. And lo and behold, the color functions for which there is a stable specification are being implemented in Chrome as we speak, and Chrome has funded specification work on the rest.

And it’s not just Chrome. The focus of Interop 2022 was largely shaped by these results.

What’s Next?

We’re taking on the world of styles and selectors to try and identify upcoming trends, and figure out what featurs and tools to learn next. What’s more, the survey results will also help browser vendors prioritize their roadmaps and work towards better compatibility between browsers.

What do you want to see more of in CSS? Better typography? New responsive layout features? New features to improve maintainability? Layout? Components? Something else? The sky is the limit! Make sure to share your CSS dreams with us in the survey, and they may well start coming true.

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Why to Add FAQs to Your WooCommerce Store

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Why to Add FAQs to Your WooCommerce StoreA website is a complex mixture of multiple elements like images, content, back-end code, domain, hosting, etc. All the elements are interlinked and it is possible to influence one from the other. FAQs are one such element that can improve your website’s performance if incorporated smartly. To help you understand the importance of adding an […]

The post Why to Add FAQs to Your WooCommerce Store appeared first on WPExplorer.

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Edit Someone Else’s Website: contenteditable and designMode

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Full Post vs Summary (Excerpt) in WordPress Archive Pages?

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Are you wondering whether you should use an excerpt instead of full posts in your archive pages?

A summary helps provide a quick glimpse to your visitors about your content. Users can read through the short excerpt and decide if they’d like to view the entire blog. However, using the full post may get more eyes on the content because it doesn’t require extra action on the user’s part. But which is better?

In this article, we will compare full post vs summary (excerpt) in your WordPress archive pages.

Full post vs summary in your WordPress

What is an Excerpt and How to Add It in WordPress?

An excerpt is a short summary of an article that you can display on the archive pages in WordPress. The excerpt also has a link that users can click to read the whole article.

If you have limited space on your WordPress site, then excerpts are great for showing descriptions of your content.

By default, WordPress will use the starting 55 words of a blog post and show it as an excerpt. However, you can also manually add an excerpt.

Adding Excerpts in WordPress Posts

First, you’ll need to add a new post or edit an existing one. Once you’re in the WordPress content editor, you can click the ‘gear’ icon at the top right corner to open the settings panel.

Next, scroll down to the ‘Excerpt’ section and add your text in the ‘Write an excerpt (optional)’ field.

Add an excerpt in WordPress

When you’re done, simply publish or update your blog post.

Adding Excerpts in WordPress Pages

If you need to add a summary to a WordPress page, then you’ll notice that there’s no option to add an excerpt. However, you can simply add the following code to your website:

add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );

To add the code, you’ll need to install and activate the WPCode plugin. For more details please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head to Code Snippets » Add Snippet from your WordPress dashboard, and then select the ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ option.

WPCode Add new Snippet

Next, you can enter a name for your code snippet.

After that, simply paste the snippet in the ‘Code Preview’ area and select the ‘PHP Snippet’ from the Code Type dropdown menu.

Add code snippet for excerpt pages

From here, you can scroll down to the ‘Insertion’ section and select where you’d like to add the snippet on your site.

Next, click on the ‘Location’ dropdown menu and choose the ‘Run Everywhere’ option under ‘PHP Snippets Only.’

Run the snippet everywhere

After entering the code, you can click the toggle at the top to activate the snippet and then click the ‘Save Snippet’ button.

This will add an ‘Excerpt’ meta box in the settings panel in your WordPress editor, where you can easily provide a short summary for your page.

Save and activate code snippet WPCode

Please see our tutorial on how to add excerpts to your pages in WordPress for more information.

That said, let’s see the advantages of using a summary vs a full post in archive pages.

Benefits of Using Summary vs Full Post in Archives

When optimizing your site for a better user experience, choosing between excerpts and full posts in archive pages can play a huge role. You want users to easily browse the website, find what they are looking for, and improve search engine ranking.

With summaries, you can provide an improved user experience. It helps users find the content they want to read. Plus, it keeps your page organized and allows you to display multiple posts on a page. This would be very difficult if you show full posts in archives.

That said, here’s a closer look at why we recommend using summary (excerpts) vs full posts on your WordPress site’s archive pages.

1. Improves Page Load Time

Did you know Google now uses your site speed as a ranking factor? The search engine will rank fast-loading websites higher than the ones that take a lot of time to load fully.

By using excerpts on your archive pages, you significantly improve the page load time.

Imagine an archive page that shows 10 posts per page. If each of those 10 pages is 500+ words long with 5 images each, then your user has a lot to scroll through. The page will also load slower than normal.

By using excerpts, you can significantly improve the user experience.

Here’s a preview of how a short summary appears on WPBeginner when you view the archive pages.

Preview summary on WPBeginner

Users can load and browse through our category, tags, date, and other archive pages quickly and easily. As for search engines, you will see a boost in rankings for archive pages and improvement in WordPress SEO with faster page load times.

2. Prevents Duplicate Content

By showing excerpts on your archive pages, you can prevent being flagged for duplicate content in search engines.

For example, WordPress by default has category, tags, date, and author archives. Publishing full posts in archives will make each article appear at full length on several different pages on your site.

Even though search engines are quite smart in finding canonical URLs for each post, they can still flag the site for duplicate content which will affect your search engine rankings.

3. Increases Pageviews and Reduces Bounce rate

Using summaries or excerpts can reduce the bounce rate and increase pageviews. Users can click through to the full post in order to read the entire article.

If you just have full posts displayed in the archive pages, then people will not see any other elements that are on the blog page itself, such as a popular posts widget inside the post or page content.

By displaying the full post, users might just leave your site after looking at a single page instead of clicking around.

A summary makes your archive page more engaging and allows your readers to see find more content easily.

Disadvantages of Using Summary vs Full Post in Archives

1. Short Excerpts Provide Poor User Experience

If you don’t set an excerpt for blog posts, then WordPress will automatically create a summary using the first 55 words in the article. This is too short, and sometimes your sentences will be cut in half, resulting in a poor user experience.

You can always change the excerpt length in a WordPress theme, but that doesn’t fix the problem entirely.

One solution is to write a custom excerpt in the content editor before publication. Another solution is to write short, catchy introductions that will most likely make the user interested and can easily work as excerpts.

2. Hidden Content

Some users prefer to read everything on one page rather than having to go to a different page to read the entire article. This is useful if you have short blog posts that don’t contain many images.

These users are likely to stay on your site longer, even if they don’t click on any other pages, which is also a metric that Google uses to determine search engine rankings.

Should You Use Full Post or Summary in Archive Pages?

If your articles are short and do not contain a lot of images, then you can get away with displaying full posts on your archive pages.

However, in most cases, we always recommend using a summary or excerpts for your archive pages. Most WordPress themes come with a built-in option that allows you to choose between full posts vs excerpts from the settings.

Excerpts provide a better user experience and make your site look clean and organized. You can boost user engagement, increase pageviews, and show multiple articles on your archive pages.

We hope that this article answered the question of whether you should use a full post or summary in your WordPress archive pages. You may also want to see our guide on how to move a WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS and WooCommerce made simple.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Full Post vs Summary (Excerpt) in WordPress Archive Pages? first appeared on WPBeginner.

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