Learning From Failure With Blameless Postmortem Culture

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This is an article from DZone's 2022 Performance and Site Reliability Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Site reliability engineering aims to keep servers and services running with zero downtime. However, outages and incidents are inevitable, especially when dealing with a complex system that constantly gets new updates. Every company has a relatively similar process to manage incidents, mitigate risks, and analyze root causes. This can be considered an opportunity to identify issues and prevent them from happening, but not every company is successful at making it a constructive process. 

Jakarta EE and MicroProfile at EclipseCon Community Day 2022

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Community Day at EclipseCon 2022 was held in person on Monday, October 24 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Community Day has always been a great event for Eclipse working groups and project teams, including Jakarta EE/MicroProfile. This year was no exception. A number of great sessions were delivered from prominent folks in the community. The following are the details including session materials. The agenda can still be found here. All the materials can be found here.

Jakarta EE Community State of the Union

The first session of the day was a Jakarta EE community state of the union delivered by Tanja Obradovic, Ivar Grimstad, and Shabnam Mayel. The session included a quick overview of Jakarta EE releases, how to get involved in the work of producing the specifications, a recap of the important Jakarta EE 10 release, and as well as a view of what’s to come in Jakarta EE 11. The slides are embedded below and linked here.

20 Git Basic Commands Every QA Engineer Should Know

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In this article, we will talk about Git. Git it’s a version control system, a tool that tracks changes to your code and shares those changes with others. This article lists the most basic commands that a QA person/developer should know in order to master the management of GitHub repositories at a high level. It will be useful for both beginners and experienced users to review again basic day to day commands.

Setting Your Username in Git

The username is needed to bind commits to your name. This is not the same as the GitHub account username used to log in to the GitHub profile. You can set or change the username using the git config command. The new name will automatically show up in subsequent commits pushed via the command line.

Ten Questions About Staff Plus Engineers When It Comes to Technical Career Development

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What Is the Difference Between Contributor Individual, Staff Engineer, and Leadership Technical?

Individual Contributors, ICs, are professionals who work with a team or an organization but do not work in management. That is it; they influence a group and an organization; however, they do not have “official responsibility for this.

This contributor performs a great integration and cross-time communication activity and is not isolated, as the name suggests.

120+ Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2022 WordPress Deals – Big Savings

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Looking for the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on your favorite WordPress products?

The next few days are the perfect time to buy premium WordPress plugins, themes, web hosting, and tools to grow your business. As always, to help you find the best deals, we have created the ultimate listed of best WordPress Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for 2022. Some of these are exclusive just for WPBeginner readers.

View our Complete Black Friday and Cyber Monday List for 2022

We will be updating this page on a daily basis to add more deals.

View our Complete Black Friday and Cyber Monday List for 2022

The post 120+ Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2022 WordPress Deals – Big Savings first appeared on WPBeginner.

Remix vs Next.Js Which One Should You Use?

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Nowadays, we have many different framework options when we want to create a new web project based on React. As a developer, you can find yourself struggling to know which one should you choose or which one would best suit your needs.

One of the most used frameworks you may know is Next.js, commonly used by companies like Netflix, Twitch, or Uber. It is considered one of the fastest-growing React frameworks.

When Not To Use a Graph Database

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The use of graph databases has grown massively in recent years, and they are becoming promising solutions for organizations in any industry. Their increased flexibility makes it easier to leverage relationships and connections in a way that traditional relational databases can't do. But how do you know when to use a graph database? In this article, we explore what to consider if you’re thinking of using a graph database and show how the best approach may be to not use one at all.

What Is a Graph Database?

A graph database is a type of database that uses graph theory as the foundation for its data model. Graph databases consider connectedness as a first-class citizen, making them better suited to represent connected data than more old-school relational databases.

What Are SpeedUp and ScaleUp in DBMS?

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In this article, we will discuss all the SpeedUp and ScaleUp in DBMS, two of the fundamental concepts from Parallel Processing for Databases that are used for tweaking databases.


Data warehouses carrying several hundred gigabytes of data are now relatively typical due to the steady increase in database sizes. Even several terabytes of data can be stored in some databases, referred to as Very Large Databases (VLDBs). 

What Is CORS?

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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that supports secure requests and data transfers from outside origins (domain, scheme, or port).

For example, example.com uses a text font that's hosted on fonts.com. When visiting, the user's browser will make a request for the font from fonts.com. Because fonts.com and example.com are two different origins, this is a cross-origin request. If fonts.com allows cross-origin resource sharing to example.com, then the browser will proceed with loading the font. Otherwise, the browser will cancel the request.

Register New Domains With One-Click Setup and Integration on WPMU DEV

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Register, manage, and connect unlimited affordable domains directly from WPMU DEV – making creating websites for you and your clients easier than ever!

Domain registration is all done right from WPMU DEV’s Hub. It just takes a few clicks, with unlimited options for picking top-level domains.

As you’ll see, domain management has been streamlined for web developers on our Agency Plan. Especially when managing domains for multiple clients.

In this article, we cover everything you need to know about using domains with WPMU DEV, including:

If you’re a member, you can get started here. Not a member yet? Get started with a trial of our Agency plan today!

Now that you’re ready to go let’s…

Register a New Domain

Registering a New Domain is quick and simple. Whatever domain you’re looking for, we have 120+ extensions — whether it be .com, .org, .shop — you name it! They’re all affordable. (And P.S. — We’ll be adding another 100-150 TLDs VERY soon.)

It’s also important to note that domains are for Agency Plan members ONLY. We can only offer this kind of service at wholesale pricing by making it exclusive (just as we did with Quantum hosting).

We provide domains purely at cost (purchase and renewal), with no margin for us (except to cover transaction fees) so that you can resell them to your clients with your own markup and save money on your existing provider.

The costs for new domains.
Every domain type has a different cost. You can also request a domain extension if you have another extension in mind!

So, now that you know the gist of our domains, here’s…

Where to Begin

Registering a new domain starts from the Domains tab and Register New Domain. Just type the domain name you want to use.

Where you register a new domain.
Whatever domain suits your needs, type it in.

Once you type in the domain name you prefer, a list of options will appear with various prices.

In this example, I’d like to register the name ‘awesomewebguy.’ As you can see, many top-level domain options appeared (e.g. .org, .net, .online, etc.) under Matches.

A list of available domains.
The prices vary for all domains.

Want to see other options? Click Load More, and you’ll get others.

The load more button.
There are plenty of options to choose from.

WPMU DEV domains also have Suggestions for a new domain based on your search criteria.

Suggested domains.
More options that may be suitable for a domain.

Once you have a domain name, click Buy Now. And that’s it!

You’ll be directed to a registration page. From this page, you pick out the Registration Terms. This includes the Registration Period, Renewal Price, and Auto-Renew.

To start, select a Registration Period. This can be anywhere from one to ten years!

Choose between 1-10 years in a click.

Also, determine whether you’d like to auto-renew or not (you can always change this later – as you’ll see).

Activate renew.
Auto-renew is a hands-off approach to ensure your domain stays active.

Next, enter the Registrant information. This is information about you as the domain owner. None of this information is publicly shared or on WHOIS.

Registrant information.
Click the box to save as your default registrant information.

Once your domain is successfully registered, you can automatically add DNS records by clicking connect to a hosted site. If you don’t want to connect your domain to a hosted site – no biggie. Click Skip for Now.

Sign of a successful registration.
The registration was successful!

That being said, let’s say you want to connect domain to a hosted site. Here’s how it’s done…

Add Domain to Hosted Site

Adding a domain to a hosted site with WPMU DEV doesn’t take much at all to set up.

You can do this while creating your domain or after the domain is verified and completed. Just select from the dropdown what site you would like the domain to be hosted on.

Add domain to hosted site.
All of your hosted domains will appear here.

Add your domain to a hosted site at any time. From the Domains tab, you’ll see by your site a Link Icon.

The link icon.
Click on the link icon, and then Connect to a Hosted Site. It will bring up a dropdown (just like the image above) where you select the site to host from.

Just click Connect to a Hosted Site, and select from the dropdown what site you’d like to use.

Add domain to a hosted site.
Select any site you want to add your domain to!

Click Save, and you’ll see your domain’s DNS status. It may take a little while to complete. You can recheck your status by tapping Settings (the ellipsis).

DNS status.
It will take just a little while to get the DNS and SSL status completed.

Below this area, you’ll also see the DNS information for the site you’re using with your domain. It includes the CNAME Record, A Record, and AAAA Record.

Note: if you use the Connect Domain feature, you don’t have to manually add any DNS record.

DNS records.
All the information is clearly displayed for quick reference.

Ready to go live? We have an awesome guide that takes you through how to do it step by step.

View Your Registered Domains

Once you register a new domain, it will be located under Registered Domains. If you view it soon after registering a domain, you’ll see that its Registrant Status maybe be ‘verifying.’

Domain status.
The domain name, status, registrant, registrant status, and expiration date are displayed.

A message will appear indicating that as well.

Time verification.
Times vary, depending on several factors.

So, how do you go about verifying the registrant status?

Confirm Your Registrant Information

Once you register your domain, you’ll receive an email. This is to ensure that you are who you say you are regarding your domain ownership and to complete your registration.

Whatever email address you include in your Registrant Information is where this email will be sent. Once opened, this is what it says:

The verification email.
Your particular domain will be displayed in the body of the email.

It contains two links: one is to review ICANN’s Policy, and the other is to continue on with verification.

Where you verify your info.
Once you verify your information — you’re all set!

When verified, you’ll get notified immediately.

Confirmation of verificaiton.
Once your contact info is verified, you’ll be notified.

Please keep in mind that if you don’t verify within 15 days, the domain will be suspended until you verify it. So, make sure to complete this important step.

Domain Management in The Hub

All of your domains are in one place in The Hub under Domains. This is your one-stop area where you can new, update, manage, and more.

The active domains.
Every domain you have will be shown here, whether it be one or thousands of domains.

By clicking on the ellipsis by individual domains, you instantly have access to key features, such as:

  • Manage Domain
  • Renew Domain
  • Update Contact Information
  • Update Nameservers
  • Update DNS
The ellipsis.
Want to manage a domain? It’s quickly and easily accessible.

To make it easier for you and your clients, you can activate Auto Renew in one click.

The renewal button.
The renewal price is also indicated.

Click on the name or status of the domain to get to the Domain Overview page. From the Overview, you can view a ton of information. Everything from Domain Status, Registration Date, GDPR status- – and more!

Be sure to check out our documentation for an in-depth look.

Domain Overview

Get a 360-degree view from the Domain Overview.

This is an overlook where you can see the domain status (active or inactive), expiration date, whether auto-renew is activated – and more!

The domain overview area.
The Domain Overview gives you a whole spectrum of information about the domain.

Perform tasks from this area as well, such as renewing a domain, activating auto-renew, and implementing transfer lock.

Find out more in our documentation.

Contact Information

All the contact information regarding the domain Owner, Admin, Billing, and Tech are in the Contact Information tab. You can always adjust, add, and delete information.

The contact info area.
Need to make any changes? Just click ‘Edit Info’ – and change as needed.

Manage DNS

All of the current DNS records are located in the Manage DNS area. From you, you can add a Subdomain, email, or custom DNS records.

Manage DNS button.
All the DNS information is in one spot.

Learn a lot more in our guide on how to add a Subdomain.

Filtering Domains

Filtering domains is a way to quickly and easily find specific domains, organize the list of domains you want to view, find who’s registered for domains, and more!

Filter button.
The Filter button gets you started.

Once clicking Filter, you have options for:

  • Domain Status
  • Registrant
  • Registrant Status
  • Auto Renew
  • Hosted Site Status
Filtering options.
Click Apply to look for a specific domain.

Each option has different varibles in their dropdowns. For example, if you choose Domain Status, the dropdown includes Active, Suspended, and Expired.

Domain status search.
Filter domains by status.

Connected Domains

View all of your Connected Domains in one place. This section displays all your connected domains and their status (e.g. propagated correctly or pending).

Connected domains area.
In this example, there are two propagated domains and one pending propagation.

You can Manage DNS, Recheck DNS, and Delete on the ellipsis.

The ellipsis area.
Want to manage DNS? Just click the ellipsis.

If you click Manage DNS, you can add the Nameservers and view Records (e.g. AAAA and A). It also displays the TTL for each record.

Where you manage DNS.
DNS management is all available in one spot!

It also indicates where it directs to by each type of DNS record.

Domain Management Made Simple

You can see how simple and easy it is to set up, implement, and manage domains with WPMU DEV and The Hub! With a new domain, you can be up and running in just a few clicks.

Plus, coming soon in 2023 — you’ll essentially be able to create your own GoDaddy! More on that to come…

So, what are you waiting for? To get started, if you haven’t tried our Agency plan, start your 7 day no obligation free trial today. And if you are already an Agency member, begin registering domains immediately!