How to Create a “Meet the Team” Page in WordPress

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meet the team pageIf you run a small business, creating a meet the team page on your site can help you appear more approachable. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a web designer to create an effective and nice looking meet the team page. In this article we'll show you some real-life examples and then we'll teach you how to build a team page of your own.

10 Ways to Create an Interactive Homepage

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Interactive homepage.An interactive homepage can make your website more engaging and help you stand out from your competitors. However, designing an interactive page can be difficult when you lack design or coding skills. Fortunately, there are tons of ways for beginners to create homepages that prompt visitors to do something (interactivity). You can add contact forms, user-generated content, fun quizzes, polls, and many other interactive elements.

How to Create Good Services Page Design in WordPress

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services page design in WordPressStellar Services page design in WordPress uses the same fundamentals and tactics as almost any other website. The idea is to capture a visitor’s attention and give them reason to become a customer. In this respect, the design of your page will follow conventional design practices. However, there are a few specifics that relate to your own page and WordPress that warrant mentioning – especially the plugins you’ll turn to.

How to Install WordPress on Localhost: Step-by-Step From Scratch

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how to install wordpress on localhostYou can learn how to install WordPress on localhost using a few different ways depending on your preferences, skill level, and desired workflow. In this post, we'll show you a few methods to get the job done. The instructions will cover Windows, macOS, and even Linux. This means regardless of your operating system (OS) you'll be able to follow along.

A Brief History of Website Builders

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history of website buildersThe process of website building has gone through significant transformation over the years. Nowadays almost anyone with basic computer skills can build a website, but during the early days of the internet, web design was the sole domain of programmers and coders. In this article, we will explore the history of website builder from the mid-90s to the present.

5 Web Design Trends to Follow

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web design trends 2023Trends pop up in basically every industry, and web design is no exception. From voice-activated interfaces to "scrollytelling," web design trends are all about enhanced usability and incorporating new ways for site visitors to experience websites. In this article, we'll discuss these web design trends and what makes them so popular.

Wix Review: Is Wix the Right Website Builder for You?

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Since you’re here, it means that you are considering using Wix for building your next website. It also means that you’re still undecided and want to learn more about this website platform before making the final decision. We are here to shed some light on what you should expect when you choose Wix to be your tool. This is a comprehensive Wix review that will highlight all you need to know about this platform.

Squarespace Tutorial: How to Build a Squarespace Website

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Compared to its competitors, Squarespace offers some of the most stylish website designs in the industry, along with a site builder made for business owners of all experience levels. The platform expands its functionality on a regular basis with user-friendly tools for social media marketing, online selling, and email marketing. In this Squarespace tutorial, we’ll walk you through how to build a website on Squarespace, from start to finish.

The Ultimate CSS Grid Tutorial for Beginners (With Interactive Examples)

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For some time, many CSS developers had been holding off on incorporating the CSS Grid Layout specification in real projects. This was due to either volatility of the spec, lack of browser support, or possibly not having the time to invest in learning a new layout technique. We're now at the stage that Grid Layout is safe to use in most projects, so I hope this CSS Grid Layout tutorial will help if you haven't yet fully examined this CSS feature.

Wix Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners on How to Use Wix

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While there are dozens of great tools for building a website, Wix offers the fastest route to a complete and fully-functioning site. With AI-powered tools like the Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence), you can enjoy a hands-off website building experience without sacrificing your personal touch. In this Wix tutorial, we will guide you through building a website from start to finish.