miss rose makeup

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please told me the technique that create higher rank of mine website through key words just miss rose makeup is cosmetic website

Is there any importance for URL AGE ?

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One of my client he have a domain whcih is example.ae from the last 9 years. Now I have desinged the website for him and need to host the website. But his all social media urls are examplemobile. I have suggested to him we can better purchase the domain examplemobile.com which is availabe for purhcase.

If we boghuth this domain it will effect the SEO ranking.

I heared that old domain have more imporant than newly purhcased domain, Is it true ?

This domian .ae it will icluded in the domain age calculation of SEO Bots.

Learning the Art of Electronics (A Hands-On Lab Course)

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This introduction to circuit design is unusual in several respects. First, it offers not just explanations, but a full course. Each of the twenty-five sessions begins with a discussion of a particular sort of circuit followed by the chance to try it out and see how it actually behaves. Accordingly, students understand the circuit's operation in a way that is deeper and much more satisfying than the manipulation of formulas. Second, it describes circuits that more traditional engineering introductions would postpone: on the third day, we build a radio receiver; on the fifth day, we build an operational amplifier from an array of transistors. The digital half of the course centers on applying microcontrollers, but gives exposure to Verilog, a powerful Hardware Description Language. Third, it proceeds at a rapid pace but requires no prior knowledge of electronics. Students gain intuitive understanding through immersion in good circuit design
Click Here

Blocked by robots.txt in GSC going down

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The number of known pages in Google Search Console blocked by robots.txt in the Coverage report just recently started going down. Over the course of this month, it went down from about 400K pages to 200K pages.

No changes to robots.txt file in 6+ months nor any big structural changes, 404'd pages, etc. in that amount of time either.

What would cause this number to go down on its own?

SEO Audit – Link Issues

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Internal links are wrecked One of the ways to rank websites pages in search engines is by swarming their links. If there are deceased links or broken links on your website, it can stop search engine bots from crawling your site and, thus, indexing it. It is good that your website has 0 dead links.

External links are lost anchor text (title) & no follow attribute Counting titles for the links helps search engines and users to better know about the page youre linking to. We must place titles on all the links so that users can simply understand that it is a link and we are connecting to that page.

Internal links are lost anchor text (title) Including title for the links assistances search engines and users to better know about the page youre linking to. We must place titles on all the links so that users can simply understand that it is a link and we are linking to that web page.

favicon.ico is showing up as a soft 404

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www.domain.com/favicon.ico is showing up as a Soft 404 in my GSC Coverage report. I can't imagine blocking it with robots.txt because it seems as if bots might want to access it from time to time. Suggestions? Or should I just ignore?

AMP version of noindexed page

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If a page is noindexed, but includes a meta reference to an AMP version, is this a mixed signal?

Is the AMP version checked to see if its noindexed as well? Are there situations where you would want to index the AMP version but not the desktop version? Is Google even willing to index an alternate version of a URL when the primary version is noindexed?

Correlation between new content and traffic

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The new Crawl Stats in Google Search Console shows a breakdown of how much googlebot recrawls existing content for refreshing its index, and how much is discovery of new content.

Has anyone been working on increasing the rate of new content and seeing that correlate to a linear increase in traffic?

Link Building Tutorial for DA/Referral Traffic

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Hey all!

I've been a long-time lurker on this forum so I wanted to share some super powerful SEO link building tactics that I've used that I think might benefit a lot of you. I'm primarily a marketer, so dev is a weak point for me, and this forum has been very helpful for me. Conversely, I see a lot of awesome devs who sometimes need help on the SEO front.

Has anyone here tried using Q&A Links to generate referral traffic and boost your link profile? Its a strategy Ive been using for a while to build highly relevant backlinks and drive targeted traffic to my websites, and Ive seen some great results.

I havent been able to find any posts with instructions on how to actually go about building these links quickly, so I figured Id give something back and make one myself! Heres an in-depth explanation of exactly how I create Q&A Links:

Step 1: I Set Up The Accounts

The first thing I do is set up an account for each of the websites Im trying to rank on 10 different major Q&A sites (like Quora, Fluther, etc.). I then personalize the page as much as possible by creating a custom description, adding my social media accounts, and uploading my logo.

Step 2: I Choose Some Targeted, Relevant Questions

The next thing I do is choose 10 different questions related to my business niche. For example, if you were building links for an insurance website, you might choose questions like what is the best type of life insurance - you get the picture! Ive found it helps to get inside the head of my target market and try to think about what questions they might ask.

Step 3: I Write a Detailed, Relevant Answer

Finally, I do a little research on each question so that I can write an accurate answer. The answer should be of as much value to the reader as possible. The aim is to get upvotes so your answer commands more authority. I also include any target keywords that I want to rank for in each answer (as naturally as possible) and a natural, contextual backlink. I tend to vary between branded, naked, and generic anchor text for each answer. Once Ive written the 10 questions and answers, I post them to 10 different Q&A sites from the accounts I built in step 1.

The Results

The best thing about this strategy for me is that it lets me leverage the ranking power of authoritative Q&A sites. Q&A sites tend to rank on the first page of the SERPs for tons of search queries. By having a link in some of those pages, I can generate lots of referral traffic. I also get the added bonus of having 10 powerful, highly-relevant backlinks from high DA websites.

The biggest problem with this strategy for me is the amount of time I need to invest in researching and answering different questions. Those that don't have the time or the content writing ability are usually the types of clients that my company works with, but if you've never done any link building, this is an easy DIY strategy you can start with to bolster some quick wins.

Has anyone used any other link building strategies that theyd recommend? Let me know! Let's get a discussion started.
