398: DevOops

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Stephen and I hop on the podcast to chat about some of our recent tooling, local development, and DevOps work. A little while back, we cleaned up our entire monorepo’s circular dependency problems using Madge and elbow grease. That kind of thing usually isn’t the biggest of deals and the kind of thing a super mature bundler like webpack deals with, but other bundlers might choke on. Later, we learned that we had more dependency issues like inter-package circular dependencies (nothing like production deployments to keep you honest) and used more tooling (shout out npx depcheck) to clean more of it up. Workspaces in a monorepo can also paper over missing dependencies — blech.

Another change was moving off using a .dev domain for local development, which oddly actually caused some strange and hard-to-diagnose DNS issues sometimes. We’re on .test now, which should never be a public TLD.

Time Jumps

  • 00:26 Dev ops spring cleaning
  • 01:25 Local dev with .dev, wait, no, .test
  • 06:58 Sponsor: Notion
  • 07:54 Circular dependency
  • 11:41 Monorepo update
  • 13:35 Interpackage and unused packages
  • 16:25 TypeScript
  • 17:54 Upgrading packages
  • 20:35 Hierarchy of packages

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

397: User-Generated Content Saftey

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I was asked about the paradoxical nature of CodePen itself recently. CodePen needs to be safe and secure, yet we accept and gleefully execute user-authored code, which is like don’t-do-that 101 in web security. Marie and I hop on the show to talk this through as an update from quite a long time ago. It’s wonderfully-terribly complicated. Part of what complicates it is that there are many different kinds of worrisome code, from malicious, to distasteful, to spam, and they all need different treatment. This is a daily and never-ending war.

Time Jumps

  • 00:27 Listener question
  • 04:09 Browsers have gotten safer
  • 06:18 Sandboxing
  • 09:31 Sound in the browser
  • 11:19 Sponsor: Notion
  • 12:21 It’s not always bad actors, but sometimes it is
  • 15:35 SEO spam
  • 19:27 The threat of Google blocking
  • 20:31 Tooling to stop bad behaviour

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

The post 397: User-Generated Content Saftey appeared first on CodePen Blog.

395: The Most Hearted of 2022

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Marie and I hop on the show to discuss our recently released Most Hearted of 2022 Pens. We only did the calculations the day before, so this is more of a first reaction than a deep dive.

  • Congrats to Hyperplexed for #1 and a massive year on CodePen. Last year, just one entry on the Top 100, and this year, nine. “Full layouts” like this appeared a number of times, including Aysenur Turk, last year’s winner, at #13 with Liquid Transition Effect, and there were two NFT-themed landing pages (1, 2) in the Top 100.
  • A lot of Pens attract attention when they have that “I could use this” feel to them, demonstrated by Ryan Mulligan’s Logo Wall at #2!
  • High five to Greensock for taking #3 with a re-creation of Brian Cross’ lovely Pen. The tag “gsap” was used a ton in the Top 100.
  • Jon Kantner took #4 and 10 other spots making this the most appearances on the Top 100 list ever, and also took a spot with a Pen made on December 13th! Aaron Iker and Yoav Kadosh both had 4 spots.
  • Perhaps my favorite because of the deep CSS trickery involved was Scott Kellum’s Apple inspired pride clock. Scott has the oldest account of anyone in the list, over 10 years old! Huge fan of Steve Gardener’s joke, though as well.
  • 11 of the Top 100 were created for CodePen Challenges.

Time Jumps

  • 00:23 The rules of the game
  • 05:13 Grinch style hearting reminder
  • 06:34 Number one on the list
  • 10:24 Sponsor: Notion
  • 11:12 Logo wall
  • 12:52 Greensock scrolling site pen
  • 14:40 NFT landing pages
  • 16:25 11 appearances by John
  • 17:30 Shaw made the list
  • 19:09 Challenge pens made the list
  • 22:16 New CodePen members on the list
  • 23:25 Longest CodePen member on the list
  • 25:09 Elements that are popular
  • 27:44 Spider pens
  • 29:37 Snowball pen

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

371: Jon Kantner

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I got to speak to Jon Kantner! Jon is an incredibly prolific creator, and I believe has the most appearances in the CodePen Spark of any creator. Like so many other creators I’ve talked to Jon also shares what he knows in a variety of ways, like writing (see his personal site, or articles he wrote when I ran CSS-Tricks). We got to chat about some of his iconic Pens, his work, and some past fascinations like Tweet-sized code experiments. Follow him on Twitter here.

Time Jumps

  • 00:26 Guest introduction
  • 02:44 What’s a day like as a front end dev?
  • 05:48 SVG Pens
  • 06:48 Skateboard spinner Pen
  • 10:38 Acrobatic tree loader
  • 11:50 Input progress Xmas Pen
  • 13:40 Writing about obsolete technology
  • 16:02 Code golfing
  • 19:25 Navigating without CSS
  • 21:22 What new web tech are you excited about?

The post 371: Jon Kantner appeared first on CodePen Blog.

370: Alex Trost

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This week I got to speak with Alex Trost! Alex has been hard at work created Frontend Horse, a clever brand celebrating the beautiful and clever things in our industry via a newsletter, articles, streaming, a Discord community and more. This is the way to do it!

Time Jumps

  • 00:15 Guest introduction
  • 01:18 What is Frontend.Horse?
  • 06:35 Helping people unlock new technology through a newsletter
  • 11:22 The business angle to Frontend.Horse
  • 16:27 Sponsor: Notion
  • 17:29 History of Frontend.Horse
  • 20:21 Embracing Twitch
  • 22:42 Using Discord to build community
  • 30:56 Building on CodePen

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com/codepen. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

The post 370: Alex Trost appeared first on CodePen Blog.

366: Paulina Hetman

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I got to talk to Paulina Hetman this week! Paulina is a heck of a creative coder, using her skills as an illustrator and all-around web developer to make ideas come to life. And she doesn’t keep all those ideas to herself, she spends time educating other budding developers both professionally and by building courses and things like her incredibly clever quizzes (as Pens!).

Time Jumps

  • 00:22 Guest introduction
  • 01:12 Making quizzes in pens
  • 05:17 Working with cascade layers
  • 06:20 Using CodePen for teaching
  • 08:38 Homepage design as a pen
  • 09:54 Sponsor: Notion
  • 10:47 Working with WordPress and Automattic
  • 13:23 Working with particles and three.js
  • 17:31 Working with illustrations
  • 19:29 Working with the syntax of CSS
  • 22:10 Horizontal parallax pen
  • 24:15 CSS Shapes forest collection
  • 26:22 Tagging Google fonts
  • 27:36 Landscape in a triangle pen
  • 27:51 When you can’t decide pen
  • 29:39 Header transition pen

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com/codepen. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

The post 366: Paulina Hetman appeared first on CodePen Blog.

365: Klare

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Klare is moving on from design at CodePen to design at GitHub. Huge congrats Klare! If you didn’t know Klare was our one and only dedicated designer here at CodePen and left a massive mark here in the design and UX of CodePen, the app, as well as internally in our organization practices. I’m talking with Klare here just a few days before her last day to reflect on her years here.

Time Jumps

  • 00:25 Klare’s announcement
  • 01:40 What are some of your work highlights?
  • 04:01 Accessing your work
  • 05:26 Following social feeds on CodePen
  • 08:00 Designing at CodePen
  • 11:27 Leaving behind a design system
  • 14:06 Making incremental changes
  • 16:08 Sidebar nav for an app
  • 18:02 Homepage updates
  • 21:26 Using a common language for code design system
  • 25:35 Documentation and project management
  • 29:08 New job description

The post 365: Klare appeared first on CodePen Blog.

362: Chris Nager

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This week I got to speak with Chris Nager! I’ve known Chris quite a while. I remember being inspired by his hand-drawn SVG plus symbol and subsequent guide to <path> commands, which inspired my own shortly after I was properly obsessed with SVG. We talk about all sorts of things like accessibility, how far CSS has come, and some of the amazing stuff that has shipped recently in Safari Technical Preview. Check out Chris’ Twitter, personal site, and classic great project Give ‘n’ Go, a CodePen/Dribbble crossover website.

Time Jumps

  • 00:24 Guest introduction
  • 01:56 Hand drawing SVG
  • 04:07 Dribbble and CodePen
  • 06:55 Accessibility as a focus
  • 09:04 Color-contrast function
  • 11:30 Color mix function
  • 13:20 inert and letting trim
  • 15:37 Clamp function
  • 16:28 Accessibility and JavaScript or React
  • 22:12 Deploy previews are amazing
  • 28:31 CSS logical properties and values
  • 30:16 ThingUI
  • 33:34 Using ch

The post 362: Chris Nager appeared first on CodePen Blog.

361: Forks in a New Tab

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If you Command (Mac) or Control (PC) click the Fork button, it will open the newly forked Pen in a new tab in your browser. That’s new behavior. Before, it would open the fork in the same tab, no matter how you click. That was unfortunate, as Cassie called out:

Why didn’t it work like this before? Well, that’s what Shaw and I get into in this podcast. It’s a smidge complicated. The root of it is that that Fork button isn’t a hyperlink. It’s a button handled by JavaScript because of the nature of how it works (a fork might have data that only the client knows about: unsaved code changes). But Shaw found a way to make it work anyway, by essentially passing the metaKey information through all the forking process until that moment we had an opportunity to open that new tab.

Time Jumps

  • 00:32 What was the request?
  • 03:37 Being careful with target="_blank"
  • 05:14 The whole forking process
  • 07:16 A form for example
  • 08:41 How forks work on a pen
  • 10:47 How did you pass the data?
  • 13:41 It’s behaving like a link
  • 15:29 Sponsor: Notion
  • 17:18 A few issues
  • 20:14 People forking instead of saving

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an incredible organizational tool. Individuals can get a ton out of it, but I find the most benefit in making it a home base for teams. It can replace so many separate tools (documents, meeting notes, todos, kanbans, calendars, etc) that it really becomes the hub of doing work, and everything stays far more organized than disparate tools ever could.

The post 361: Forks in a New Tab appeared first on CodePen Blog.

355: With Adam Argyle

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I grabbed Adam intending to chat about all sorts of CSS stuff and his work at Google and on VisBug. But then we chatted pretty much the entire time about color and what’s coming there to the web platform.

Time Jumps

Sponsor: WordPress.com

WordPress.com is the fastest way to spin up a WordPress site. You’ll be able to build any sort of site around it to power your business or hobby. How do you make the most of it? Subscribe to their brand spankin’ new YouTube channel to learn more about using your site and what fellow customers are doing with theirs.

The post 355: With Adam Argyle appeared first on CodePen Blog.

353: With Louis Hoebregts

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Louis Hoebregts (aka Mamboleoo) has been creating wonderfully creative Pens on CodePen for many years. His early work, as we learn on this episode, was inspired by the CSS trickery of Lea Verou! He rotates his tools between HTML and CSS, SVG, and canvas, but tends to have an Aspect of motion and the unexpected. Some of the most popular Pens have an Aspect of education to them as well. Here’s a list of Louis’ Pens he chose to talk about, covering some of his history here, each of which is symbolic of a personal era and often unlocking new professional doors:

Time Jumps

  • 00:34 Guest introduction
  • 02:35 His first Pen
  • 05:21 Second Pen
  • 09:13 Sponsor: WooCommerce
  • 10:50 Animating a photo (2015)
  • 15:23 ThreeJS Pen
  • 18:26 Generative art and NFTs
  • 21:18 Turn your mind Pen
  • 25:11 Teaching code
  • 29:12 Try to have fun with code
  • 30:01 Happy New Year Pen
  • 32:42 CSS 3D Pen
  • 36:22 Running a Meetup
  • 40:48 Most popular Pen
  • 43:24 Among Us inspired Pen
  • 44:32 The Trick to Viewports in Mobile article

Sponsor: WooCommerce

WooCommerce can do it all as far as adding eCommerce functionality to a WordPress site. One off product sales, for sure, including shipping and inventory management and all that. But it can also sell digital products. It can also sell memberships and subscriptions. Put on your what if hat. What if your business sold memberships? What could you offer? It’s always worth thinking about.

The post 353: With Louis Hoebregts appeared first on CodePen Blog.

348: With Jhey

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Jhey Tompkins is one of the most prolific CodePen creators out there! Find him as @jh3y on CodePen and @jh3yy on Twitter. His creations tend to have a twist of whimsey while being beautifully designed as well as pushing the platform in unique ways. You’ll always be surprised at a Jhey Pen! I talk with him about the creative process, problem-solving, and sharing what you learn.

Time Jumps

  • 00:37 Guest introduction
  • 04:57 The origins of the bear pen
  • 06:12 What’s your process?
  • 11:00 Sponsor: Notion
  • 12:46 Do you feel satisfied when a project is finished?
  • 15:04 Incorporating sound
  • 16:02 Working with Kent Dodds
  • 19:43 Starting with problem solving as an interest
  • 21:00 Video and streaming
  • 25:00 Working with Egghead
  • 29:49 Do you try to keep up with all the things?

Sponsor: Notion

For companies of all sizes, Notion provides one central and customizable workspace that can be tailored to fit any team and bring all teams together to get more done and move faster. Notion is an all-in-one team collaboration tool that combines note-taking, document sharing, wikis, project management, and much more into one space that’s simple, powerful, and beautifully designed. Find out how Notion may be the missing piece your team needs to grow, get more done, and delight everyone who uses it in the process.

The post 348: With Jhey appeared first on CodePen Blog.

347: Using Notion

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Rachel and Chris dig into the many, many ways in which we use Notion at CodePen. Heads up, Notion has sponsored a couple of episodes of CodePen Radio lately, but not this. It’s just a tool we heavily use and this podcast is all about that sort of thing. Heck, this podcast itself was planned in a calendar database on Notion, which deals with dates, publication status, sponsors, and all sorts of stuff. And it’s probably one of the least involved Notion setups we have. Much more involved is stuff like project planning and our individual structures for our company-public weeknotes.

Time Jumps

  • 00:28 Topic introduction
  • 01:21 Tools we’re using for CodePen
  • 04:51 Getting buy in from the team
  • 07:57 What is Notion?
  • 10:55 Multiple views of the same data
  • 13:58 What does CodePen actually use Notion for?
  • 20:04 Sponsor: Jetpack Backups
  • 21:27 Second brain storage
  • 23:44 Roles and permissions in Notion
  • 31:14 Other features of Notion
  • 36:37 Fav Notion recent feature

Sponsor: Jetpack Backups

The big news from Jetpack is that all backups are realtime now. Realtime backups are awesome. Anything that happens on your site, it’s backed up immediately. That makes backups extremely useful as there is no risk you have to miss three-quarters of a day of content, purchase, comments or anything else because all you have is daily backups.

The post 347: Using Notion appeared first on CodePen Blog.

344: With Aaron Iker

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Today I get the pleasure of talking with Aaron Iker. Aaron builds incredibly delightful bits and bobs of UI that give you the feeling of hey, I bet I could actually use this! And that’s exactly what Aaron wants you to do. He takes care to make sure the code is easy for you to use if you wish. This idea of taking somewhat practical-looking UI elements, like buttons, loaders, toggles, etc, and then making them do something unexpected and fun is a perfect fit for popularity on CodePen. Last year, Aaron occupied 10 spots in the Top 100! Aaron’s advice: keep challenging yourself.

Time Jumps

  • 00:17 Guest introduction
  • 01:13 Designing for usability
  • 03:43 Sharing across multiple platforms
  • 05:03 Are you interested in 3D?
  • 05:54 Sponsor: Netlify
  • 07:18 Where do you get inspiration?
  • 08:58 Is this what you do professionally?
  • 12:52 What do you reach for in tech tools?
  • 15:35 What’s your process for creating?
  • 19:36 Do you use other platforms?
  • 23:47 Feedback differs on platforms
  • 26:07 Any advice for people?

Sponsor: Netlify

Netlify is Jamstack hosting with all sorts of features to help make developing sites easier (have you seen Netlify Dev? You can run the whole platform locally) and deployed sites better. But Netlify is a big place! They do all sorts of community things like Jamstack Explorers, a whole learning platform for leveling up your Jamstack skills. Not to mention several YouTube channels loaded with learning and fun.

The post 344: With Aaron Iker appeared first on CodePen Blog.

341: Challenges

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Marie and Chris talk about CodePen Challenges, which have been going strong for many years now. The gist is that you pop in and make something along a theme. The “challenge” is doing the work (they aren’t meant to be tricky otherwise). We’ve seen people seriously level up their skills by participating, but of course, there is no obligation, and no prizes other than the satisfaction of a job well done.

One interesting twist is that Chris used to do a lot of the challenges while Marie was running the podcast, but we just up and switched jobs and we both prefer our new jobs much better (for now!).

Time Jumps

  • 00:51 Explaining how time works
  • 01:45 Having monthly themes
  • 06:33 Sponsor: Netlify
  • 08:08 How to be a part of challenges
  • 13:03 Putting together the challenge collections
  • 17:04 Makes sense from a business perspective
  • 19:28 Swapping roles and creating more joy for everyone
  • 25:47 Using better dashboards to build fun things

Sponsor: Netlify

Just look at the October 2021 changelog at Netlify. They are always building things and making the features they offer better. We know firsthand how difficult that is to pull off, so hats off! One feature (BETA) that is definitely worth a look is On-Demand Builders. What a great idea for making your builds and deploys fast and efficient.

The post 341: Challenges appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#328: Large Scale Planning

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Chris and Klare chat about the incredibly daunting task of planning a project that is huge and long-term. We know we’re pretty OK at planning smaller-scale projects. We plan, we kanban, we get the job done. But a single basic kanban isn’t going to cut it for a truly gigantic project. We get into talking about chopping the project into phases, chopping those phases into sections (sometimes with their own phases), and a databasing/kanbaning strategy to tie it all together. This also touches GitHub workflows and meeting structures, so there is a lot to think through here and it requires constant effort.

Time Jumps

  • 01:19 How do you plan well?
  • 05:17 The vision has happened – now what?
  • 08:18 Sponsor: WordPress Growth Summit
  • 09:29 The known unknowns
  • 18:58 Breaking Phases down into Sections
  • 24:27 Deadlines vs speed
  • 29:08 Using GitHub to manage projects

Sponsor: WordPress.com Growth Summit

The WordPress.com Growth Summit is coming up August 17th (Americas & EMEA) and August 18th (Asia Pacific) and is focused on running a business with a WordPress website as a core.

Get expert advice on how to design your site, write effective copy, attract traffic, build a community, and earn money.

The post #328: Large Scale Planning appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#324: How can we help you better?

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Chris and Marie talk about customer support. If you’re a regular listener of this show, you’ll remember that we’ve had a lot of success with customer support over the last year, the point that our volume of direct support is rather low. That’ll happen when you fix every major problem that comes up. But it also means that we have some space to do better! It’s a big bummer when we have a customer leave when they never reach out at all to get a hand from us on whatever they might need. It leaves us thinking… what else can we do? Can we help you with anything? We’ve been trying a handful of things to get better data and answers to these kind of questions.

And that Call-To-Action: If we can do anything to help you, hit us up.

Time Jumps

  • 01:17 Support volume is low
  • 05:54 Having support available and improving error messages
  • 08:13 Support levels from Pro vs free members
  • 10:43 Sponsor: Automattic
  • 12:30 The perks of Pro support
  • 16:53 Evaluating support with a WordPress plugin
  • 20:24 Community supporting each other
  • 24:35 Contextual support

Sponsor: WooCommerce + MailPoet = Paid Newsletter Subscriptions!

WooCommerce is the premier eCommerce plugin for WordPress. MailPoet brings a fancy email builder right into WordPress. Combine the two and you get more than power of them individually. For one thing, you get extra powerful eCommerce email abilities — things like abandoned cart emails. Better, you can combine them to make a paid subscription newsletter, but powered by your own site!

The post #324: How can we help you better? appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#318: Anna Lytical on What CodePen Is

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When Anna Lytical heard Stephen and I talking about “What is CodePen?” she mentioned we did fab without her. So of course, I had to do one with her! Anna creates fun coding content all over the web, in addition to being an engineer at Google. Catch her on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. For Anna, the appeal of CodePen is in the simplicity: nothing to set up, easy/free to get started, and you can get to the heart of learning quickly. Not to mention the sharing—as a teacher you can provide code as simply as sharing a URL. And of course, all the existing code to be inspired by!


  • 00:31 Guest introduction
  • 03:05 Taking part in building the technology around us
  • 05:20 What is drag?
  • 07:08 How to pick a platform to share content on
  • 13:03 Sponsor: Netlify
  • 14:59 Changing the bar for learning
  • 17:06 Using CodePen to teach code
  • 19:59 GitHub vs CodePen
  • 23:33 What’s your incentive to keep going with this?

Sponsor: Netlify

Did you see that Netlify bought FeaturePeek and rolled into into all Deploy Previews? They did! It’s cool! Imagine you need to make a change to a website, and need approval from a client first. You can do a Pull Request against the site and your Netlify-hosted site will give you a URL with a Deploy Preview. They’ve done that forever, and it’s incredibly useful. Now, it’s even more useful, as that client can open up a little UI widget on the Deploy Preview and give feedback. They don’t need to know anything about GitHub, yet their feedback can manifest as a GitHub Issue. And that’s just one possible integration.

The post #318: Anna Lytical on What CodePen Is appeared first on CodePen Blog.