How to Use CSS Media Queries: A Complete Guide for Beginners

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how to use CSS media queriesIt’s been more than a decade since responsive web design became a household term, and it’s critical that all front-end developers know how to use CSS media queries in 2022. The basic syntax for a CSS media query isn’t difficult to remember, but it’s not as easy to recall all the different media features you have access to when building responsive websites.

A First Look at CSS When and Else Statements

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In CSS, we make selections of different devices by using media queries. Media queries give us an easy way to select devices based on numerous conditions, such as screen size, pixel density, or even format: i.e., print or screen.

This has progressively gotten more complicated over time, and now we are often balancing many conditions that sometimes conflict with each other.

How Dynamic Rendering Works Using HTML and CSS?

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A user might be operating in front of a mobile screen and a desktop screen, but their expectation changes widely on both devices. A user in front of a mobile device is a little less patient, as they are mostly “on the go” compared to when they are in front of a desktop. Mobile devices have changed the overall user experience and how a user perceives a website nowadays. In short, we need our content to render dynamically on mobile and desktop screens abiding by their requirements. If we could do that, we could create a responsive design with content specific to the device users.

For example, you cannot hide a “Login” button on a dropdown or hamburger menu in the corner. While you can do that on a desktop screen (even though it’s a bad design!) and the user will find it. The developers cannot mess up with the mobile design, considering the traffic size and data generation a mobile device is responsible for. Also, we have a lot to share with our users on the developer's end and want a large screen space to accommodate everything.

CSS Basics: Creating Inset Borders With CSS

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Sometimes when creating inset borders, we want to set them at different distances from the edge of the element. There are several ways to do this in CSS, which can all be applicable depending on the situation you find yourself in.

Let's look at the different ways to create inset borders with CSS.

Tailwind CSS Tutorial for Beginners: A Guide to Get Started

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One of the hottest and admittedly controversial CSS frameworks to land on the front-end scene in recent years is Tailwind CSS, and this Tailwind CSS tutorial for beginners will try to get you up to speed with what it’s all about. I’ll cover the basics, along with why you might want to use a tool like Tailwind CSS to build your web pages, and how Tailwind changes your whole view of HTML and CSS.

Manuel Matuzovic’s CSS Specificity Demo

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If you’re looking for a primer on CSS specificity, we’ve got that. And if you’re trying to get ahead of the game, you should be aware of CSS Cascade Layers as well.

Screenshot of the CSS Specificity Demo.

One of the ways to help get a grasp of CSS specificity is thinking terms of “what beats what” or how strong the specificity is. Manuel Matuzovic has a helpful interactive step-by-step demo. You keep clicking the “Add selector” button, and the CSS shown (and applied to the page) changes with ever-increasingly-strong selectors applied to the body that change the background-color. At the end, it veers into not-really-selectors trickery, like using @keyframes to override things.

More specificity practice

If you enjoyed the trickery at the end, check out Francisco Dias’ A Specificity Battle!, an article we published a few years back that does a back-and-forth styling battle with nineteen steps “selecting” the same element to re-style it. CSS is cray sometimes.

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Manuel Matuzovic’s CSS Specificity Demo originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values

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Imagine you have an element with a multi-value CSS property, such as transform: optional custom property values:

.el {
  transform: translate(100px) scale(1.5) skew(5deg);

Now imagine you don’t always want all the transform values to be applied, so some are optional. You might think of CSS optional custom property values:

.el {
  /*         |-- default ---| |-- optional --| */
  transform: translate(100px) var(--transform);

But surprisingly using optional custom property values like this does not work as intended. If the --transform variable is not defined the whole property will not be applied. I’ve got a little “trick” to fix this and it looks like this:

.el {
  transform: translate(100px) var(--transform, );

Notice the difference? There is a fallback defined in there that is set to an empty value: (, )

That’s the trick, and it’s very useful! Here’s what the specification has to say:

In an exception to the usual comma elision rules, which require commas to be omitted when they’re not separating values, a bare comma, with nothing following it, must be treated as valid in var(), indicating an empty fallback value.

This is somewhat spiritually related to the The CSS Custom Property Toggle Trick that takes advantage of a custom property having the value of an empty space.


Like I said, this is useful and works for any multi-value CSS property. The following demo shows it using text-shadow, background, and filter in addition to the transform example we just discussed.

See the Pen CSS var – Fallback To Nothing by Yair Even Or (@vsync) on CodePen.

Some properties that accept multiple values, like text-shadow, require special treatment because they only work with a comma delimiter. In those cases, when the CSS custom property is defined, you (as the code author) know it is only to be used in a situation where a value is already defined where the custom property is used. Then a comma should be inserted directly in the custom property before the first value, like this:

--text-shadow: ,0 0 5px black;

This, of course, inhibits the ability to use this variable in places where it’s the only value of some property. That can be solved, though, by creating “layers” of variables for abstraction purposes, i.e. the custom property is pointing to lower level custom properties.

Beware of Sass compiler

While exploring this trick, uncovered a bug in the Sass compiler that strips away the empty value (,) fallback, which goes against the spec. I’ve reported the bug and hope it will be fixed up soon.

As a temporary workaround, a fallback that causes no rendering can be used, such as:

transform: translate(100px) var(--transform, scale(1));

Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter and become a supporter.

CSS Transitions Generator

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CSS transitions give us the ability to smoothly transition from one set of styles to another. Without them, your hover, click and transform effects can look janky and sudden. 

To illustrate a CSS transition, below are two emojis. Click on them to see the difference:

Should CSS Override Default Browser Styles?

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CSS overrides can change the default look of almost anything:

  • You can use CSS to override what a checkbox or radio button looks like, but if you don’t, the checkbox will look like a default checkbox on your operating system and some would say that’s best for accessibility and usability.
  • You can use CSS to override what a select menu looks like, but if you don’t, the select will look like a default select menu on your operating system and some would say that’s best for accessibility and usability.
  • You can override what anchor links look like, but some would say they should be blue with underlines because that is the default and it’s best for accessibility and usability.
  • You can override what scrollbars look like, but if you don’t, the scrollbars will look (and behave) the way default scrollbars do on your operating system, and some would say that’s best for accessibility and usability.

It just goes on and on…

In my experience, everyone has a different line. Nearly everybody styles their buttons. Nearly everybody styles their links, but some might only customize the hue of blue and leave the underline, drawing the line at more elaborate changes. It’s fairly popular to style form elements like checkboxes, radio buttons, and selects, but some people draw the line before that.

Some people draw a line saying you should never change a default cursor, some push that line back to make the cursor into a pointer for created interactive elements, some push that line so far they are OK with custom images as cursors. Some people draw the line with scrollbars saying they should never be customized, while some people implement elaborate designs.

CSS is a language for changing the design of websites. Every ruleset you write likely changes the defaults of something. The lines are relatively fuzzy, but I’d say there is nothing in CSS that should be outright banned from use — it’s more about the styling choices you make. So when you do choose to style something, it remains usable and accessible. Heck, background-color can be terribly abused making for inaccessible and unusable areas of a site, but nobody raises pitchforks over that.

Should CSS Override Default Browser Styles? originally published on CSS-Tricks

Defensive CSS

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Ahmad Shadeed nails it again with “Defensive CSS.” The idea is that you should write CSS to be ready for issues caused by dynamic content.

More items than you thought would be there? No problem, the area can expand or scroll. Title too long? No problem, it either wraps or truncates, and won’t bump into anything weird because margins or gaps are set up. Image come over in an unexpected size? No worries, the layout is designed to make sure the dedicated area is filled with image and will handle the sizing/cropping accordingly.

There is no such thing as being a good CSS developer and not coding defensively. This is what being a CSS developer is, especially when you factor in progressive enhancement concepts and cross-browser/device unknowns.

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Defensive CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks

How to Add the First and Last CSS Class to WordPress Menu Items

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Do you need to add custom styling to the first and last items of your WordPress navigation menu?

You could simply add a custom CSS class to the first and last menu items, but if the menu is rearranged, then those items will no longer be first and last.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add a .first and .last class that will style the first and last menu items even if the menu items are reordered.

How to Add the First & Last Class to WordPress Navigation Menu Items

Why Style the First and Last Navigation Items Differently?

In a past custom design project, we needed to add some custom styling to the navigation menu items of a WordPress website. This design in particular required different styling for the first menu item and the last menu item.

Now we could easily edit the menu and add a custom CSS class to the first and last menu item. But because we were delivering the project to a client, our solution had to work even if they rearranged the order of the menus.

So we decided to do use filters instead.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you two ways to style the first and last items of your navigation menu. You can choose your preferred method from the list below:

Method 1: Adding First and Last Class Using a Filter

The first way to style your first and last navigation menu items differently is to add a filter to your theme.

You’ll need to add code to your theme’s functions.php file. If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

All you have to do is open your theme’s functions.php file then paste the following code snippet:

function wpb_first_and_last_menu_class($items) {
    $items[1]->classes[] = 'first';
    $items[count($items)]->classes[] = 'last';
    return $items;
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', 'wpb_first_and_last_menu_class');

This creates .first and .last CSS classes for your first and last navigation menu items respectively. You can use those classes to style the menu items.

To learn how to do this in detail, refer to our guide on how to style WordPress navigation menus.

For this tutorial, we’ll add the following basic CSS formatting to our theme’s style.css stylesheet to simply bold the first and last menu items:

.first a {font-weight: bold;}

.last a {font-weight: bold;}

Here you can see screenshots before and after we added the code to our demo site.

Preview of First and Last Menu Items Styled Differently

Method 2: Styling First and Last Items Using CSS Selectors

A second way to style the first and last menu items differently is to use CSS selectors. This method is simpler, but it may not work with some older browsers, such as Internet Explorer.

To follow this method you’ll have to add code to your theme’s style sheet or the ‘Additional CSS’ section of the WordPress Theme Customizer.

If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to easily add custom CSS to your WordPress site.

You should start by editing your theme’s style.css file, or by navigating to Appearance » Customize and clicking on ‘Additional CSS’.

After that, you need to paste the following code snippet and then save or publish your changes.

ul#yourmenuid > li:first-child { }
ul#yourmenuid > li:last-child { }

Note that you will need to replace ‘yourmenuid’ with the actual ID of the navigation menu. The selectors ‘first-child’ and ‘last-child’ select an element if it is the first and last child of its parent, which is the navigation menu.

For example, we used this code to bold the first and last navigation menu items on our demo site:

ul#primary-menu-list > li:first-child a {
    font-weight: bold;
ul#primary-menu-list > li:last-child a {
    font-weight: bold;
Using CSS Selectors to Style First and Last Menu Items Differently

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to add the .first and .last class to WordPress navigation menus.

You may also want to learn how to fix 50 common WordPress errors, or check out our list of the best drag and drop page builders.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add the First and Last CSS Class to WordPress Menu Items first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Remove Render-Blocking JS & CSS for Site Speed

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How to Improve Speed by Removing Render-blocking JS & CSSWhile the aesthetics of a website are important, its content and loading speeds keep people coming back. WordPress supplies users with a sophisticated toolbox of plugins and themes to create their very own custom websites quickly. However, these themes and plugins require JavaScript (JS) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to work. WordPress creates them automatically […]

The post How to Remove Render-Blocking JS & CSS for Site Speed appeared first on WPExplorer.

How CSS Subgrids Make Vertical Alignment Easy

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Do you know that both the grids and alignment CSS properties are always talked about together? Why? Because of the nature of their existence and the mess that alignment creates on different screen devices. How easy and convenient would web developers’ lives become if all the devices in this world existed with the same screen size. That would be a dream! But coming back to reality, we have to deal with hundreds of devices with varying screen sizes, and the problems they create for the developers with alignment is an add-on. CSS grids and CSS subgrids were introduced to tackle the alignment problem with multiple elements existing side by side.

Grids were responsive, and instead of the “hit and try” of pixel and margin values, setting display: grid worked like a charm. As time stands witness to the issues tackled by web developers, if they do not have one, they invent one themselves. Now the developers have started to create complex web designs with one grid nested with other grids. That was a makeshift arrangement, and making it work was an endeavor in itself.

A Deep Dive Into object-fit And background-size In CSS

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We’re not always able to load different-sized images for an HTML element. If we use a width and height that isn’t proportional to the image’s Aspect ratio, the image might either be compressed or stretched. That isn’t good, and it can be solved either with object-fit for an img element or by using background-size.

First, let’s define the problem. Consider the following figure:

Why is this happening?

An image will have an Aspect ratio, and the browser will fill the containing box with that image. If the image’s Aspect ratio is different than the width and height specified for it, then the result will be either a squeezed or stretched image.

We see this in the following figure:

The Solution

We don’t always need to add a different-sized image when the Aspect ratio of the image doesn’t align with the containing element’s width and height. Before diving into CSS solutions, I want to show you how we used to do this in photo-editing apps:

Now that we understand how that works, let’s get into how this works in the browser. (Spoiler alert: It’s easier!)

CSS object-fit

The object-fit property defines how the content of a replaced element such as img or video should be resized to fit its container. The default value for object-fit is fill, which can result in an image being squeezed or stretched.

Let’s go over the possible values.

Possible Values for object-fit

object-fit: contain

In this case, the image will be resized to fit the Aspect ratio of its container. If the image’s Aspect ratio doesn’t match the container’s, it will be letterboxed.

object-fit: cover

Here, the image will also be resized to fit the Aspect ratio of its container, and if the image’s Aspect ratio doesn’t match the container’s, then it will be clipped to fit.

object-fit: fill

With this, the image will be resized to fit the Aspect ratio of its container, and if the image’s Aspect ratio doesn’t match the container’s, it will be either squeezed or stretched. We don’t want that.

object-fit: none

In this case, the image won’t be resized at all, neither stretched nor squeezed. It works like the cover value, but it doesn’t respect its container’s Aspect ratio.

Aside from object-fit, we also have the object-position property, which is responsible for positioning an image within its container.

Possible Values For object-position

The object-position property works similar to CSS’ background-position property:

The top and bottom keywords also work when the Aspect ratio of the containing box is vertically larger:

CSS background-size

With background-size, the first difference is that we’re dealing with the background, not an HTML (img) element.

Possible Values for background-size

The possible values for background-size are auto, contain, and cover.

background-size: auto

With auto, the image will stay at its default size:

background-size: cover

Here, the image will be resized to fit in the container. If the Aspect ratios are not the same, then the image will be masked to fit.

background-size: contain

In this case, the image will be resized to fit in the container. If the Aspect ratios are off, then the image will be letterboxed as shown in the next example:

As for background-position, it’s similar to how object-position works. The only difference is that the default position of object-position is different than that of background-position.

When Not to Use object-fit or background-size

If the element or the image is given a fixed height and has either background-size: cover or object-fit: cover applied to it, there will be a point where the image will be too wide, thus losing important detail that might affect how the user perceives the image.

Consider the following example in which the image is given a fixed height:

.card__thumb {
    height: 220px;

If the card’s container is too wide, it will result in what we see on the right (an image that is too wide). That is because we are not specifying an Aspect ratio.

There is only one of two fixes for this. The first is to use the padding hack to create an intrinsic ratio.

.card__thumb {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 75%;
    height: 0;

.card__thumb img {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;

The second fix is to use the new aspect-ratio CSS property. Using it, we can do the following:

.card__thumb img {
    aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;

Note: I’ve already written about the aspect-ratio property in detail in case you want to learn about it: “Let’s Learn About Aspect Ratio In CSS”.

Use Cases And Examples

User Avatars

A perfect use case for object-fit: cover is user avatars. The Aspect ratio allowed for an avatar is often square. Placing an image in a square container could distort the image.

.c-avatar {
    object-fit: cover;

Logos List

Listing the clients of a business is important. We will often use logos for this purpose. Because the logos will have different sizes, we need a way to resize them without distorting them.

Thankfully, object-fit: contain is a good solution for that.

.logo__img {
    width: 150px;
    height: 80px;
    object-fit: contain;

Article Thumbnail

This is a very common use case. The container for an article thumbnail might not always have an image with the same Aspect ratio. This issue should be fixed by the content management system (CMS) in the first place, but it isn’t always.

.article__thumb {
    object-fit: cover;

Hero Background

In this use case, the decision of whether to use an img element or a CSS background will depend on the following:

  • Is the image important? If CSS is disabled for some reason, would we want the user to see the image?
  • Or is the image’s purpose merely decorative?

Based on our answer, we can decide which feature to use. If the image is important:

<section class="hero">
    <img class="hero__thumb" src="thumb.jpg" alt="" />
.hero {
    position: relative;

.hero__thumb {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;    

If the image is decorative, we can go with background-image:

.hero {
    position: relative;
    background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #a34242, rgba(0,0,0,0), url("thumb.jpg");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;

The CSS is shorter in this case. Make sure that any text placed over the image is readable and accessible.

Adding a Background to an Image With object-fit: contain

Did you know that you can add a background color to img? We would benefit from that when also using object-fit: contain.

In the example below, we have a grid of images. When the Aspect ratios of the image and the container are different, the background color will appear.

img {
    object-fit: contain;
    background-color: #def4fd;

Video Element

Have you ever needed a video as a background? If so, then you probably wanted it to take up the full width and height of its parent.

.hero {
    position: relative;
    background-color: #def4fd;

.hero__video {
    position: aboslute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

To make it fully cover the width and height of its parent, we need to override the default object-fit value:

.hero__video {
    /* other styles */
    object-fit: cover;


As we’ve seen, both object-fit and background-size are very useful for handling different image Aspect ratios. We won’t always have control over setting the perfect dimensions for each image, and that’s where these two CSS features shine.

A friendly reminder on the accessibility implications of choosing between an img element and a CSS background: If the image is purely decorative, then go for a CSS background. Otherwise, an img is more suitable.

I hope you’ve found this article useful. Thank you for reading.

What I Wish I Knew About CSS When Starting Out As A Front-Ender

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Nathan Hardy shares when things “clicked”:

Reflecting back on this time, I think there are a few key concepts that were vital to things finally all making sense and fitting together. These were:

• The Box Model (e.g. box-sizing, height, width, margin, padding)
• Layout (e.g. display)
• Document Flow and Positioning (e.g. position, top, left, etc.)

I called this my ah-ha moment a few years back:

For me, it was a couple of concepts that felt like an unlocking of real power. It was a combination of these concepts that were my “Ah-ha!” moment.

• Every page element is a box.
• I can control the size and position of those boxes.
• I can give those boxes background images.

People shared their own as well. And again.

It’s really the deal.

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The post What I Wish I Knew About CSS When Starting Out As A Front-Ender appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

How to Easily Optimize WordPress CSS Delivery (2 Methods)

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Would you like to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery?

CSS files control the visual formatting and style of your WordPress website. But if your CSS code isn’t delivered in an optimal way, then it could be slowing down your website.

In this article, we’ll show you two easy methods to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery.

How to Easily Optimize CSS Delivery in WordPress

How WordPress CSS Delivery Affects WordPress Performance

CSS files are used to define the visual appearance of your WordPress site. Your WordPress theme contains a CSS stylesheet file, and some of your plugins may also use CSS stylesheets.

CSS is necessary for modern websites, but it’s possible for CSS files to slow down your site’s speed and performance depending on how they’re set up.

Even a small delay in site speed creates a bad user experience and may affect your search rankings and conversions, resulting in less traffic and sales.

StrangeLoop study

One way that CSS files can slow your website is if they need to be loaded before the page can be displayed. That means your visitors will see a blank page until the CSS file has loaded. This is known as render-blocking CSS.

Another common reason CSS files can slow your website is when they contain more code than is needed to display the visible part of the current page. That extra code means that they will take longer to load.

The good news is, you can improve your WordPress site’s performance by optimizing the way the CSS code is delivered.

That’s done by identifying the minimum CSS code needed to display the first part of the current web page. This is known as critical CSS.

This critical code is then added inline to the page’s HTML, instead of in separate stylesheets, so that the code can be rendered without needing to load the CSS file first.

The rest of the CSS can then be loaded after your visitors can see the contents of the page. This is known as ‘deferred loading’.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you two methods to optimize WordPress CSS delivery, and you can choose the one that works best for you.

Method 1: Optimizing WordPress CSS Delivery with WP Rocket

WP Rocket is the best WordPress caching plugin in the market. It offers the simplest way to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery. In fact, it’s as easy as checking a box.

WP Rocket is a premium plugin, but the best part is that all features are included in their lowest plan.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Rocket plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once activated, you need to navigate to the Settings » WP Rocket page and switch to the ‘File Optimization’ tab.

Switch to the File Optimization Tab

Next, you need to scroll down to the CSS files section. Once there, you need to check the box next to the ‘Optimize CSS delivery’ option.

Check Optimize CSS Delivery

This feature will intelligently identify the critical CSS needed to format the part of the web page your visitors see first. Your pages will load more quickly, and the rest of the CSS will be loaded after your visitors can see its contents.

All you need to do now is click the Save Changes button and wait for WP Rocket to generate the necessary CSS file for all your posts and pages.

It will also automatically clear the cache for your website, so that your visitors will see the new optimized version of your site instead of the any unoptimized versions stored in cache.

There are plenty of other ways that WP Rocket can help you improve your website’s performance. To learn more, see our guide on how to properly install and setup WP Rocket in WordPress.

Method 2: Optimizing WordPress CSS Delivery with Autoptimize

Autoptimize is a free plugin designed to improve the delivery of your website’s CSS and JS files.

While Autoptimize is a free plugin, it doesn’t have as many features as WP Rocket and takes more time to set up.

For example, it’s not able to automatically identify critical CSS like WP Rocket can. Instead, Autoptimize requires the help of a premium third-party service which is an additional cost and requires extra time to configure.

However, it could be a good option if you’re on a tight budget and don’t need all the other features of WP Rocket to speed up your site.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Autoptimize plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Autoptimize page to configure the plugin settings. Once there, you need to scroll down to the CSS Options section and check the Optimize CSS Code box at the top.

Scroll Down to CSS Options

Once you do that you need to make sure that ‘Aggregate CSS-files’ option is unchecked and then check ‘Eliminate render-blocking CSS’.

You can now click on the ‘Save Changes and Empty Cache’ button to store your settings.

But the plugin will not work properly until you sign up for a Critical CSS account. This is a premium subscription service that will provide Autoptimize the critical CSS code it needs to optimize your WordPress CSS delivery.

To do that, navigate to the Critical CSS tab in Autoptimize’s settings. Here you’ll find the information you need to sign up with Critical CSS. You can get started by clicking the sign up link in the third paragraph.

Sign Up for a Critical CSS Account

Once you’ve received your Critical CSS API key, scroll down to the API Key section so you can paste it into the ‘Your API key’ text box. After that, make sure you click the Save Changes button.

Paste Your Critical CSS API Key

Autoptimize now has all of the information it needs to add the critical CSS inline and defer loading the stylesheets until after the page has been rendered. As a result, your website will load more quickly.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to optimize WordPress CSS delivery.

You may also want to see our ultimate guide on how much it really costs to build a WordPress website, and our comparison of the best managed WordPress hosting companies.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Optimize WordPress CSS Delivery (2 Methods) appeared first on WPBeginner.