WordPress Polyglots Team Launches New Monthly Newsletter

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WordPress’ Polyglots team has published the first edition of a new monthly newsletter aimed at helping contributors stay informed and engaged with the team’s activities.

WordPress has been translated by volunteers for more than 15 years since version 1.2, with the earliest contributions from the Hindi, French, Japanese, and Norwegian communities. Since that time the Polyglots team has grown to include the work of 55,427 translation contributors. They have also adopted more efficient tools like P2 and Slack to stay connected, but some translators find it difficult to follow the constant stream of posts and meetings.

The monthly newsletter was launched to provide a short-format digest of all the significant happenings and discussions in the translation community. It will include news related to upcoming releases and Polyglots tools, condensed so contributors don’t have to keep a close eye on the team’s P2 blog, Slack channels, or RSS feed.

The first edition features a brief summary of the month-long WordPress Translation Day 2021 event, which brought in 697 new translation contributors. Altogether the contributor teams submitted 518,710 approved translation strings during 22 local and six livestream events.

The majority of people using WordPress are using it with a translation. As of October 2021, 55.36% of WordPress sites are running a translated site. That figure is slowly inching upward as WordPress adoption grows in the non-English speaking world.

Even if you’re not a member of the Polyglots team, this newsletter is a good way to stay up-to-date with the exciting frontier of WordPress translations. Subscribers can sign up to receive monthly Polyglots updates directly via email.

Quality backlinks

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I want to get some idea and strategy on how to get more quality backlink to improve my site. If you have some idea or an seo expert feel free to leave a comment, some suggestion will be appreciated.

Why is the PayPal Checkout page greyed out?

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It seems this fault has been going for years, PayPal don't know why it is and say it's our fault.
I think the checkout page is hosted somewhere else?
My regular customers don't have this problem, it's the NEW customers that can't pay. I suspect PayPal save their details so checkout is faster or pre-filled?
Does anyone have this problem?
Did anyone solve it? Ta everyone, Steve

Help naming company

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Help please,

I'm trying to decide between names for my company:
Office Surgery
Office Surgery Centers

I am starting a company to help doctors open a surgery suite in their office. I own the domain: www.officesurgery.com and have email addresses with @officesurgery.com including info@officesurgery.com

Any suggestions? I am hoping to get people to vote on which they prefer given my domain ownership, etc.


55+ Big Name Brands That Use WordPress (2021 Edition)

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Big Name Brands That Use WordPressPeople will say anything to keep their buzz going, and WordPress – just like any other human-made project – has received its fair share of bad-mouthing. People (who don’t know so much about WordPress or its potential) say all manner of things against the platform. For instance, it’s not that hard to come across comments […]

The post 55+ Big Name Brands That Use WordPress (2021 Edition) appeared first on WPExplorer.