WordPress 5.7 Lets Administrators Send Password Reset Links

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It’s that time in the release cycle when all the dev notes are rolling out ahead of the next major update. These notes include technical summaries of all the goodies coming in the next release. If you haven’t been paying close attention, there are always a few happy surprises in there that pop up as conclusions to tickets that contributors have been working on for years.

The new password reset feature coming in WordPress 5.7 allows administrators to manually send a password reset link to users, resolving a five-year old ticket. Instead of having to instruct a user about where to go to click on the lost password link and follow the steps, this new feature lets administrators push a button in the admin to send the link. If you have ever had to support clients or a community of users who may not be very technically inclined, this new password reset feature will save lots of time in helping users regain access to their accounts.

The “Send password reset” link is available in several places. Administrators can find the link on the Users screen, as well as in the bulk actions dropdown menu.

It is also available on the individual user screen with a button and a note clarifying that this action will not change the user’s password or force the user to change it.

The password reset email notification includes the site name, username, a password reset link, and the IP address where the request originated:

This password reset request originated from the IP address [IPADDRESS].

There is an open discussion on the original ticket regarding whether this email notification should include the administrator’s IP address.

“The IP address (while fraught with privacy concerns) is the only thing validating that this email came from the website and is not a phishing email,” contributor Gabriel Mariani said. “Unless there is a better way to validate the authenticity of the email I’d say it would be worthwhile to keep it.”

Others see the IP address as useful only if a user is attempting to verify that it is their own IP address or collecting the information to prevent a phishing attack. Giving out the administrator’s IP address doesn’t seem pertinent to either of those concerns.

“I could use my phone to send a reset, and I would have no idea what my IP was,” Mika Epstein said. “And that can easily be faked. Omitting the IP actually reduces the data being sent out that could be used by bad-actors.

“I think it’s more likely we’d have a savvy bad actor than end users who would need to ask for a password reset but also know what a valid IP is and how to ask about it.”

This part of the email text may be iterated on in subsequent patches or future releases of WordPress. Check out the dev note for more discussion on this feature, along with information about further customizing the notification email.

Tracking multiple sources of traffic

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This might be a simple question, but I have an affiliate site that I want to drive traffic to, and the traffic will be coming from various sources.

All I want to know is that I got the traffic count that is being contracted for from each source...

My first thought is to create a sub-domain for each traffic source and utilize a DB update query to increment the visitors on the index page for that sub-domain, and then Automatically redirect the visitor to the actual affiliate page.

This would accomplish 2 things -

  1. give me a count on each sub-domain to compare to the contract
  2. make the link easier without the affiliate code at the end of it.

I guess the basic question is whether there is an easier quicker way to do this other then creating a mysql table to keep track of the visitor count per sub-domain?

Suggestions are welcome.

Social Media is Very Interesting Media.

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Social Media is very great Platform to Explor our Talent.The idea that social media are defined simply by their ability to bring people together has been seen as too broad, as this would suggest that fundamentally different technologies like the Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok are also Sosial Midea

AI Models Are Making the World a Better Place

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a future trend; it is very much a part of our present and is steering our everyday lives. From the posts we see on our social media profiles to the movies we are recommended by Netflix and products Amazon suggests to us, we actively use AI technology. 

Further on, with big companies and makers like NVIDIA, Intel, Qualcomm, and others, innovating the underlying technology (semiconductors), AI models are becoming smarter and better. Here we explore a few ways in which AI is changing our world and making it more advanced and simpler.

WordPress Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2022 Sales, Coupons & Deals

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The Best WordPress Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sales, Coupons & DealsWhile many folks are looking forward to a shorter work week, football games, parades and day with friends or family – that’s not all that’s going on. If you’re crazy about WordPress like I am, this week is the absolute best to get incredible deals on themes, plugins, hosting plans and more. Why? Because it’s […]

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WordPress.com Gives Conservative Treehouse the Boot, Citing TOS Violations

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The Conservative Treehouse, a political publication hosted on WordPress.com for the past 10 years, is moving to a new host after receiving a notice from Automattic regarding violations of its Terms of Service. The site’s owner, previously identified as Florida resident Mark Bradman, claims to have a 500,000 – 1,000,000 unique readers per day. He has been ordered to find a new hosting provider and migrate the site away from WordPress.com by December 2, 2020.

Bradman followed up with Automattic to inquire about the specific infractions that put the site in violation of Automattic Ads Terms of Service. A representative from WordPress.com referred him to Section 5’s guidelines on “Prohibited Content,” and the prohibition against calls to violence in WordPress.com’s User Guidelines.

The Conservative Treehouse was characterized by The Daily Beast as “Patient Zero for a number of hoaxes that have percolated through [the] right-wing media ecosystem” after President Trump tweeted a conspiracy theory that originated on the site. Trump referenced an incident in Buffalo where police officers shoved an elderly protestor during the anti-police brutality protests that happened in June. The notion that the protester was an “ANTIFA provacateur” was originally seeded by an article on The Conservative Treehouse.

A cursory review of the past several months of posts on the anonymous blog shows it is home to a steady stream of misinformation. NewsGuard, an organization that assigns trust ratings based on transparent criteria, recommends readers proceed with caution because the website “severely violates basic journalistic standards.” The Conservative Treehouse gets a rating of 30/100 due to publishing false information and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories on numerous topics:

Because The Conservative Treehouse has published false and misleading claims, including about the COVID-19 pandemic, NewsGuard has determined that the website repeatedly publishes false content and does not gather and present information responsibly.

Bradman said he received the notification about the website being removed after publishing his post on what he calls “the COVID-19 agenda.” The conclusion of the article includes an image of a knife with the word “resist” written on it, followed by the words “whatever it takes.” The site’s comments are home to a “Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits,” as the tagline suggests, and there are more than 1,800 comments on the post announcing its upcoming move to a new host.

Despite the publication’s poor reputation, the site ranks #3,294 in the US, according to Alexa, with a largely American audience. Its owner claims to have more than 200,000 subscribers.

“We will take this challenge head-on and we will use this attack against our freedom as fuel to launch CTH 2.0, a new version of The Conservative Treehouse,” Bradman said.