<how to solve this question>

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I have a problem to do price data and i don’t know to insert it into the coding

this is question

this is the coding that i have made


$page_title = 'Yoho Express!';

include ('includes/header.html');

<form action="q2.php" method="post">
<p><h1><fieldset><legend>Enter your information in the form below:</legend></p></h1>
<p><b>Departure day:</b> 

//This programme is display in an array.
$day = array (1 =>'Select',
//the programme is display using the pull-down menu.
echo '<select name="day">';
foreach ($day as $key => $value) {
echo "<option value=\"$value\">$value</option>\n";
echo '</select>';

<p><b>Departure time:</b>

//This programme is display in an array.
$time = array (1=>'Select',
//the programme is display using the pull-down menu.
echo '<select name="time">';
foreach ($time as $key => $value) {
echo "<option value=\"$value\">$value</option>\n";
echo '</select>';
 <b><p><div align="left"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Book" /></div></b></p>

// Validate day
if (!empty($_POST['day'])) {
 $day = $_POST['day'];
} else {
 $day = NULL;
 echo '<p><b><font color="purple">You forgot to enter your departure day!</b></p>';

// Validate time
if (!empty($_POST['time'])) {
 $time = $_POST['time'];
} else {
 $time = NULL;
 echo'<p><b><font color="purple">You forgot to enter your departure time!</b></p>';

// Validate price
if (!empty($_POST['price'])) {
    $price = $_POST['price'];
   } else {
    price= NULL;

// If everything is okay, print the message.
if ($day && $time  && $price) {
 // Print the submitted information.
  echo "<b><font color='purple'>Below are your bus ticket details </font></b></p>
 <br /><b>Day:</b>$day
 <br /><b>Time:</b>$time
 <br /><b>Price No:</b>$price";
} else {
 // One form element was not filled out properly.
 echo '<p><font color="red">Please go back and fill out the form again.</font></p>';


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My Business Needs Local SEO

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To expand your customer base, it is pertinent to launch an organic search engine optimization campaign.
Avail these highly beneficial local SEO Tactics
At first claim Google My Business Listing
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Prioritize your Customer Reviews
Approximately, 90% customers value the reviews on your website. Also consider the star rating.

Localized Your Website Content
Always add your name, address, and phone number easily scrollable on your website, make a header or footer of this information.

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Microphone issue – Samsung Tab A

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Microphone no longer works in apps after June Samsung update has been installed to the Samsung Tab A tablet. Tried changing mic permissions but same result. Is there a setting or something I can do so the microphone will work in Google Meet after the latest Samsung update has been applied to the tablet?

I have been able to do this for Zoom

  1. Open Zoom

  2. Settings -> Meeting

  3. Scroll down to "Use Original Audio" and make sure it is Toggled On

  4. While in the meeting select the three dots on the far right and click "Enable Original Audio."

Targeting gay community online

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I'm gay but not a marketer, I'm a developer. Currently I'm working on non-adult gay website/community. I'd like to get potential users before I go any further. I'm not sure where to start advertising.

I don't know many online gay communities, except for dating apps, but I don't want to go there. Facebook seems like a good option for advertising. I'm not selling any products or such, I'm not targeting any specific gay niche, my plan is to target gay community in general because the plan is to create private online community for gay people with verified members. It would be invitation-based system, meaning that you can only joined if you are invited by another member and once you are verified you can start contributing and s get full access.

Can anyone give me some tips?

RPA Use Cases in The Field of Healthcare

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Many large healthcare organizations are adopting RPA leading to digitalization which can lead to healthy competition between medical services. The use of disruptive science and technology can make the healthcare industry more efficient. Using RPA can perfectly automate the query tasks of Electronic Health Record data, partner ecosystem, financial and accounting systems, and payment personnel letter, thereby reducing the workload of medical personnel.

In different industries, RPA is considered to be an exploratory step for enterprises and organizations to move into the world of artificial intelligence. According to the recent RPA report, increasing productivity and improving customer experience are the top priorities for organizations to adopt RPA.

Find Google Sheets Linked to your Google Forms

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When a user submits your Google Form, the response can be either saved in the Google Form itself or it can be written as a new row in a Google Spreadsheet. Multiple Google Forms can be associated with a single spreadsheet and their responses will be…

Create your next Web API in SQL

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My CTO is a kick ass SQL guy, but he doesn't know much C#, so wrapping his SQL into a Web API is difficult for him. Every now and then he throws me some SQL statement or Stored Procedure in our Teams chat, and asks me to wrap it into an HTTP endpoint for him, because one of my colleagues needs it for our frontend parts. The process is almost the exact same every single time.

  • Wrap the SQL into an SqlQuery invocation using Entity Framework
  • Create some sort of view model matching the return from the Store Procedure
  • Choose which roles are allowed to access the endpoint
  • Parametrise the SQL invocation
  • Execute the SQL and return the content as my view model

Realising I could completely automate this process using Magic, providing high level UX components doing the entirety of the job, resulted in the following click button solution.