On Auto-Generated Atomic CSS

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Robin Weser’s “The Shorthand-Longhand Problem in Atomic CSS” in an interesting journey through a tricky problem. The point is that when you take on the job of converting something HTML and CSS-like into actual HTML and CSS, there are edge cases that you’ll have to program yourself out of, if you even can at all. In this case, Fela (which we just mentioned), turns CSS into “atomic” classes, but when you mix together shorthand and longhand, the resulting classes, mixed with the cascade, can cause mistakes.

I think this whole idea of CSS-in-JS that produces Atomic CSS is pretty interesting, so let’s take a quick step back and look at that.

Atomic CSS means one class = one job

Like this:

.mb-8 {
  margin-bottom: 2rem;

Now imagine, like, thousands of those that are available to use and can do just about anything CSS can do.

Why would you do that?

Here’s some reasons:

  • If you go all-in on that idea, it means that you’ll ship less CSS because there are no property/value pairs that are repeated, and there are are no made-up-for-authoring-reasons class names. I would guess an all-atomic stylesheet (trimmed for usage, which we’ll get to) is a quarter the size of a hand-authored stylesheet, or smaller. Shipping less CSS is significant because CSS is a blocking resource.
  • You get to avoid naming things.
  • You get some degree of design consistency “for free” if you limit the available classes.
  • Some people just prefer it and say it makes them faster.

How do you get Atomic CSS?

There is nothing stopping you from just doing it yourself. That’s what GitHub did with Primer and Facebook did in FB5 (not that you should do what mega corporations do!). They decided on a bunch of utility styles and shipped it (to themselves, largely) as a package.

Perhaps the originator of the whole idea was Tachyons, which is a just a big ol’ opinionated pile of classes you can grab as use as-is.

But for the most part…

Tailwind is the big player.

Tailwind has a bunch of nice defaults, but it does some very smart things beyond being a collection of atomic styles:

  • It’s configurable. You tell it what you want all those classes to do.
  • It encourages you to “purge” the unused classes. You really need to get this part right, as you aren’t really getting the benefit of Atomic CSS if you don’t.
  • It’s got a UI library so you can get moving right away.

Wait weren’t we talking about automatically-generated Atomic CSS?

Oh right.

It’s worth mentioning that Yahoo was also an early player here. Their big idea is that you’d essentially use functions as class names (e.g. class="P(20px)") and that would be processed into a class (both in the HTML and CSS) during a build step. I’m not sure how popular that got really, but you can see how it’s not terribly dissimilar to Tailwind.

These days, you don’t have to write Atomic CSS to get Atomic CSS. From Robin’s article:

It allows us to write our styles in a familiar “monolithic” way, but get Atomic CSS out. This increases reusability and decreases the final CSS bundle size. Each property-value pair is only rendered once, namely on its first occurence. From there on, every time we use that specific pair again, we can reuse the same class name from a cache. Some libraries that do that are:

React Native Web

In my honest opinion, I think that this is the only reasonable way to actually use Atomic CSS as it does not impact the developer experience when writing styles. I would not recommend to write Atomic CSS by hand.

I think that’s neat. I’ve tried writing Atomic CSS directly a number of times and I just don’t like it. Who knows why. I’ve learned lots of new things in my life, and this one just doesn’t click with me. But I definitely like the idea of computers doing whatever they have to do to boost web performance in production. If a build step turns my authored CSS into Atomic CSS… hey that’s cool. There are five libraries above that do it, so the concept certainly has legs.

It makes sense that the approaches are based on CSS-in-JS, as they absolutely need to process both the markup and the CSS — so that’s the context that makes the most sense.

What do y’all think?

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Fixing Smooth Scrolling with Find-on-Page

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Back when we released the v17 design (we’re on v18 now) of this site. I added html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } to the CSS. Right away, I got comments like this (just one example):

… when you control+f or command+f and search on CSS-Tricks, it’ll scroll very slowly instead of snapping to the result, which makes finding information and keywords on CSS-Tricks much slower. As someone who uses this shortcut frequently, this is a usability issue for me.

Not terribly long after, I just removed it. I didn’t feel that strongly about it, and the fact that you have almost zero control over it, made me just can the idea.

I see it come up as a “CSS tip” a lot, so I chimed in with my experience:

After mentioning that, Christian Schaefer chimed in with a great idea:

Love that!

Christian blogged it:

Smooth scrolling is consequently applied to everything. Always. Even when cycling through the browser’s page search results. At least that’s the case for Chromium. So for the page search it would be desirable for the browser to make an exception to that rule and to deactivate smooth scrolling. Until the Chromium team fixes it, here is a trick how to solve the problem on your own with a little bit of extra CSS and HTML.

I’m not sure if Chrome (or any other browser) would consider that a bug or not. I doubt it’s specced since find-on-page isn’t really a web technology feature. But anyway, I much prefer find-on-page without it.

html:focus-within {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

It mostly works. The bummer part about it is situations like this…

<a href="#link-down-the-page">Jump down</a>


<h2 id="link-down-the-page">Header</h2>

That will jump the page down. With scroll-behavior: smooth; in place, that’s kinda nice. But <h2> is typically not a “focusable” element. So, with the trick above, there is now no focus within <html> anymore, and the smooth scrolling is lost. If you want to preserve that, you’d have to do:

<h2 tabindex="-1" id="link-down-the-page">Header</h2>

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CSS Snapshot 2020

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I think it’s great that the CSS Working Group does these. It’s like planting a flag in the ground saying this is what CSS looks like at this specific point in time. They do specifically say it’s not for us CSS authors though…

This document collects together into one definition all the specs that together form the current state of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as of 2020. The primary audience is CSS implementers, not CSS authors, as this definition includes modules by specification stability, not Web browser adoption rate.

Remember “CSS3”? That was the closest thing we had to a “snapshot” that was designed for CSS authors (and learners). Because CSS3 was so wildly successful, we saw a short round of enthusiasm for CSS4, me included. There is zero marketing panache on that snapshot page, which is exactly what CSS4 would need to succeed. Remember, HTML5 and friends (including CSS3) even had fancy logos!

If someone were to say to me “Chris, when CSS3 came around, I boned up on all that, but I haven’t kept up with CSS since, what should I learn?” I’d say “That’s a damn fine question, developer that has a normal healthy relationship with technology.” But honestly, I might struggle to answer cohesively.

I’d say: Uhm, CSS grid for sure. Custom properties. Clipping and Offset paths I suppose. prefers-reduced-motion. I dunno. There are probably like 100 things, but there is no great single reference point to see them all together.

I’ll work on putting a list together. I don’t think I’ll have the gumption to call it CSS4, but at least I’ll be able to answer that question. Feel free to suggest ideas in the comments.

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How to Highlight Text in WordPress (Beginner’s Guide)

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Are you looking for a way to highlight text in a WordPress post or page?

Highlighting text can help point the user’s attention to a specific part of your content. This can be great to show off a call to action, a special offer, or to simply add emphasis on specific sentences.

In this article, we will show you how to easily highlight text in WordPress.

Adding text highlight color in WordPress

Why and When to Highlight Text in WordPress

Text highlighting is an easy way to emphasize important information in your content. It helps you direct the user’s attention to details that you don’t want them to miss.

For instance, highlighting a discount offer on your WordPress website in a different color will draw the reader’s attention to it, helping you generate more sales.

Here’s a sample of what text highlighting might look like in a blog post:

Preview for highlighting text in the block editor

Highlighting text in a different color can also help users with visual impairments or reading difficulties to navigate and understand the content more easily. It can even enhance the appearance of your content and make it more visually appealing.

However, highlighting too much text on your page can be distracting and reduce its effectiveness. That’s why we recommend only highlighting very important text like calls to action, warnings, and other details that readers should pay attention to.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily highlight text in WordPress. You can use the quick links below to jump to the method you wish to use:

Method 1: Highlight Text in WordPress Using the Block Editor

This method is for you if you want to easily highlight text in WordPress using the block editor.

First, you will need to open up an existing or new post in the block editor from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Once you are there, simply select the text that you want to highlight and then click the ‘More’ icon in the block toolbar at the top.

This will open up a dropdown menu where you must the ‘Highlight’ option from the list.

Expand the More dropdown menu from the block toolbar and select the Highlight option

A color picker tool will now open up on your screen. From here, you will first need to switch to the ‘Background’ tab.

After that, you can choose a default highlight color from the given options.

You can also select a custom color to highlight text by clicking on the ‘Custom’ option to launch an ‘Eyedropper’ tool.

Choose a highlight color from the color picker tool

Finally, don’t forget to click the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

You can now visit your website to check out the highlighted text in action.

Preview for highlighting text in the block editor

Method 2: Highlight Text in WordPress Using WPCode (Recommended)

If you want to consistently use a specific color to highlight text all over your WordPress website, then this method is for you.

You can easily highlight text in WordPress by adding CSS code to your theme files. However, the smallest error when entering the code could break your website, making it inaccessible.

That’s why we recommend using WPCode, which is the best WordPress code snippet plugin on the market. It is the easiest and safest way to add code to your website without directly editing your theme files.

Create a Code Snippet With WPCode

First, you need to install and activate the free WPCode plugin. For more instructions, please see our beginners’ guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to the Code Snippets » + Add Snippet page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Next, just click the ‘Use Snippet’ button under the ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ option.

Add new snippet

This will take you to the ‘Create Custom Snippet’ page, where you can start by typing a name for your code snippet.

After that, you need to select the ‘CSS Snippet’ option from the ‘Code Type’ dropdown menu.

Note: The ‘CSS Snippet’ option is only available in the premium version of WPCode. If you are using the free version, then you will have to select the ‘Universal Snippet’ option instead.

CSS Snippet as code type for the highlighting text in WordPress

Next, click inside the ‘Code Preview box’.

Then, you have to copy and paste the following code:

mark {
background-color: #ffd4a1;

Once you have done that, add the hex code for your preferred highlight color next to the background-color line in the code.

In our example, we are using #ffd4a1, which is a light brown color.

Paste the code snippet to highlight text in WordPress

After that, scroll down to the ‘Insertion’ section.

From here, select the ‘Auto Insert’ method to automatically execute the code upon activation.

Choose an insertion method

Next, head to the top of the page and toggle the ‘Inactive’ switch to ‘Active’.

Finally, click the ‘Save Snippet’ button to store your changes.

Save text highlight code snippet

Highlight Text in the Block Editor

Now that the CSS snippet has been activated, we will have to add some HTML code in the block editor to highlight the text in WordPress.

First, open up an existing or new post in the WordPress block editor.

From here, click on the ‘Options’ icon in the block toolbar at the top. This will open up a new dropdown menu where you must select the ‘Edit as HTML’ option.

Choose the edit as HTML option from the Options dropdown menu in the block toolbar

You will now see the block content in HTML format.

Here, simply wrap the text that you want to highlight inside the <mark> </mark> tags like this:


This will highlight the text in the hex color that you choose in your WPCode snippet.

After that, click the ‘Edit Visually’ option in the block toolbar. to switch back to the visual editor.

Write HTML code on both sides of the text that you want to highlight

Once you are done, go ahead and click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to save your changes.

Now, you can visit your website to check out the highlighted text in action.

Demo of highlighting text in WordPress

We hope this guide helped you learn how to highlight text in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to customize colors in WordPress to make your website more aesthetically pleasing and our comparison of the best email marketing services to grow your traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Highlight Text in WordPress (Beginner’s Guide) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Centering in CSS

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Adam Argyle has a post over on web.dev digging into this. He starts with the assumption that you need to do vertical centering and horizontal centering. It’s that vertical centering that has traditionally been a bit trickier for folks, particularly when the height of the content is unknown.

We have a complete guide to centering that covers a wide variety of situations like a decision tree.

Adam details five(!) methods for handling it, even getting into centering unknown vertical and horizontal dimensions, plus a handful of other restraints like language direction and multiple elements. I guess all the silly jokes about the difficulty of centering things in CSS need to be updated. Maybe they should poke fun about how many great ways there are to center things in CSS.

Adam does a great job listing out the pros and cons of all the techniques, and demonstrating them clearly. There is also a video. He picks “the gentle flex” as the winning approach:

.gentle-flex {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  gap: 1ch;

You can always find it in my stylesheets because it’s useful for both macro and micro layouts. It’s an all-around reliable solution with results that match my expectations. Also, because I’m an intrinsic sizing junkie, I tend to graduate into this solution. True, it’s a lot to type out, but the benefits it provides outweighs the extra code.

Remember that when you’re “centering in CSS” it’s not always within these extreme situations. Let’s look at another situation, just for fun. Say you need to horizontally center some inline-*¹ elements… text-align: center; gets you there as a one-liner:

But what if you need to center the parent of those items? You’d think you could do a classic margin: 0 auto; thing, and you can, but it’s likely the parent is block-level and thus either full-width or has a fixed width. Say instead you want it to be as wide as the content it contains. You could make the parent inline-*, but then you need another parent in which to set the text-align on to get it centered.

Stefan Judis talked about this recently. The trick is to leave the element block-level, but use width: fit-content;

The ol’ gentle flex could have probably gotten involved here too, but we’d need an additional parent again. Always something to think about.

  1. What I mean by inline-* is: inline, inline-block, inline-flex, inline-grid, or inline-table. Did I miss any?

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A Calendar in Three Lines of CSS

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This article has no byline and is on a website that is even more weirdly specific than this one is, but I appreciate the trick here. A seven-column grid makes for a calendar layout pretty quick. You can let the days (grid items) fall onto it naturally, except kick the first day over to the correct first column with grid-column-start.


  • I’d go with an <ol> rather than a <ul> just because it seems like days are definitely ordered.
  • The days as-a-list don’t really bother me since maybe that makes semantic sense to the content of the calendar (assuming it has some)
  • But… seeing the titles of the days-of-the-week as the first items in the same list feels weird. Almost like that should be a separate list or something.
  • Or maybe it should all just be a <table> since it’s sort of tabular data (it stands to reason you might want to cross-reference and look at all Thursdays or whatever).

Anyway, the placement trickery is fun.

Here’s another (similar) approach from our collection of CSS Grid starter templates.

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“Yes or No?”

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Sara Soueidan digs into this HTML/UX situation. “Yes” or “no” is a boolean situation. A checkbox represents this: it’s either on or off (uh, mostly). But is a checkbox always the best UX? It depends, of course:

Use radio buttons if you expect the answer to be equally distributed. If I expect the answer to be heavily biased to one answer I prefer the checkbox. That way the user either makes an explicit statement or just acknowledges the expected answer.

If you want a concrete, deliberate, explicit answer and don’t want a default selection, use radio buttons. A checkbox has an implicit default state. And the user might be biased to the default option. So having the requirement for an explicit “No” is the determinig factor.

So you’ve got the checkbox approach:

  <input type="checkbox">

Which is nice and compact but you can’t make it “required” (easily) because it’s always in a valid state.

So if you need to force a choice, radio buttons (with no default) are easier:

  <input type="radio" name="choice-radio">
  <input type="radio" name="choice-radio">

I mean, we might as well consider another a range input too, which can function as a toggle if you max it out at 1:

<label class="screen-reader-only" for="choice">Yes or No?</label>
<span aria-hidden="true">No</span>
<input type="range" max="1" id="choice" name="choice">
<span aria-hidden="true">Yes</span>


And I suppose a <select> could force a user choice too, right?

  Yes or no?
    <option value="">---</option>
    <option value="">Yes</option>
    <option value="">No</option>

I weirdly don’t hate that only because selects are so compact and styleable.

If you really wanna stop and make someone think, though, make them type it, right?

  Type "yes" or "no"
  <input type="text" pattern="[Yy]es|[Nn]o">


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Optimizing Image Depth

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Something I learned (or, I guess, re-learned) this year is how important it is to pay close attention to the bit depth of images. Way back in the day, we used to obsessively choose between 2-, 4-, or 8-bit color depth on our GIFs, because when lots of users were using dialup modems to surf the web, every kilobyte counted.

Now that a huge number of us access the web via broadband, guess what? Every kilobyte still counts. Because not everyone has access to broadband, particularly in the mobile space; and also, any time we can shave off page rendering is worth pursuing. I’d assumed that optimization tools handled things as trivial as color depth optimization that for us, but discovered I was wrong there.

This is particularly true for PNGs.  By default, lots of image editing tools save PNGs with 2^24 color depth, just in case.

For a photograph, that makes some sense (though if it’s a photograph, you should probably save it as JPG or WebP) but for things like logos and icons, that’s approximately 2^24 more colors than you’re going to be using.

So in Acorn, my image editor of choice, I’ve been taking special care to crank down the bit depth on PNGs in the export dialog. In many cases, I’ve cut image weight 80% or more by indexing colors to a palette of 256 or fewer values, with no loss of visual fidelity.  (Again, these aren’t photographs I’m talking about.)

Here’s an example:

PNG export from Acorn

That PNG at full-color depth is about 379KB. Restricted to a palette of 32 colors, it’s 61KB. And that’s just at the export time: once I run them through ImageOptim, the optimized sizes are 359KB and 48KB. That’s a weight savings of about 85%, just by lowering the color depth. And if I deployed the image and discovered it needs a few more colors, I could re-run the process to use 64 colors: the final size, in that case, is 73KB, still enormous savings.

Image run through ImageOptim, reducing size by another 22%

Reducing color depth by eye is clearly more onerous than throwing an optimization script at a directory of images, but in my experience, the results are much more efficient in terms of image weight and therefore user experience. And that’s really what all this is about, isn’t it?

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What Makes CSS Hard To Master

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Tim Severien:

I feel we, the community, have to acknowledge that CSS is easy to get started with and hard to master. Let’s reflect on the language and find out what makes it hard.

Tim’s reasons CSS is hard (in my own words):

  • You can look at a matching Ruleset, and still not have the whole styling story. There might be multiple matching rulesets in disparate places, including in places that only apply conditionally, like within @media queries.
  • Even if you think you’ve got a complete handle on the styling information in the CSS, you still may not, because styling is DOM-dependent. You need information from both places to know how something will be styled.
  • You have no control over the device, browser, version, resolution, input mode, etc., all of which can be CSS concerns.
  • Making changes to CSS can be scary because it’s hard to understand everywhere it applies.

I’m not sure people making sweeping generalizations about CSS either being too hard or too easy is helpful for anyone. It’s much more interesting to look at what can be straightforward about CSS and what can be tricky, like Tim has done here.

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Three Ways to Distinguish a Site From the Norm

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In an age where so much web design is already neat, clean, and simple, I can think of three ways to distinguish your site from the norm:

  1. Stunning visuals that cannot be created in UI vector editors, like Figma and Sketch
  2. Beautifully-animated interactions that cannot be dreamt in the language of Stacks of Rectangles
  3. Typography

The third is the most accessible, and an awesome place to differentiate your brand. Accordingly, look for a renaissance of type — a flourishing of serifs, throwbacks, quirky fonts, and genre-bending typefaces. Expect that font pairing will become an even more important skill, and picking great fonts for your brand will carry even more weight in the near future.

After all, it’s basically a design cheat code.

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MDN on GitHub

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Looks like all the content of MDN is on GitHub now. That’s pretty rad. That’s been the public plan for a while. Chris Mills:

We will be using GitHub’s contribution tools and features, essentially moving MDN from a Wiki model to a pull request (PR) model. This is so much better for contribution, allowing for intelligent linting, mass edits, and inclusion of MDN docs in whatever workflows you want to add it to (you can edit MDN source files directly in your favorite code editor).

Looks like that transition is happening basically today, and it’s a whole new back-end and front-end architecture.

Say you wanted to update the article for :focus-within. There will be a button on that page that takes you to the file in the repo (rather than the wiki editing page), and you can edit it from the GitHub UI (or however you like to do Git, but that seems like right-on-GitHub will be where the bulk of editing happens). Saving the changed document will automatically become a Pull Request, and presumably, there is a team in place to approve those.

We think that your changes should be live on the site in 48 hours as a worst case scenario.

Big claps from me here, I think this is a smart move. I can’t speak to the tech, but the content model is smart. I’d maybe like to see the content in Markdown with less specialized classes and such, but I suspect that kind of thing can evolve over time and this is already a behemoth of an update to ship all at once.

In August 2020, the entire MDN (writers) team was laid off, so it looks like the play here is to open up the creation and editing of these technical docs to the world of developers. Will it work? It super didn’t work for the “Web Platform Docs” (remember those?). But MDN has way more existing content, mindshare, and momentum. I suspect it will work great for the maintenance of existing docs, decently for new docs on whatever is hot ‘n’ fresh, but less so for anything old and “boring”.

Seems a little risky to fire all the writers before you find out if it works, so that speaks to the product direction. Things are changing and paying a content creation team directly just ain’t a part of whatever the new direction is.

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Unconventional Stock Image Sources

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This year, I learned that there is a wide world of free stock imagery available beyond Unsplash and Pexels. You see, I’ve been working on designing WordPress themes this year, and all images need to be compatible with the GPL. Unsplash and Pexels both have free and open licenses, but unfortunately, aren’t compatible. Many other free stock photos sites don’t have the highest quality photos, so I’ve had to get creative about where I get the imagery I use in my mockups.

I discovered the solution to my stock imagery problem, ironically, on Unsplash. I started noticing photos from sources like the British Library, Birmingham Museums Trust, and Library of Congress. Who often has archives of public domain imagery? Libraries, museums, and governments. The sites are never a site like Unsplash, but they work well if you have the time and patience to dive through their archives. Plus? You can find some pretty cool photography, art, and illustrations that have a very different vibe than most stock photo resources.


There are tons of libraries with license-compatible digital archives, such as the New York Public Library, Library of Congress, The State Library of New South Wales, National Library of Ireland, and many more. Try seeing if a major city with your state has a digital archive. Libraries are great for old photos, advertisements, and illustrations that I’ll use in portfolio site designs.


Many museums have started digitizing their collections in the past few years, such as the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, the Met, and the Art Institute of Chicago. As the museums are often digitizing the work themselves, they have the luxury of releasing the images into the public domain. Museums are a fantastic resource for art, and for photos of objects like ceramics and jewelry that work well in e-commerce mockups.


US Government agencies like NASA tend to release a ton of their own media for public use, and I’ve discovered that space images look great in blog post mockups. Need some COVID photos? The CDC’s got you covered. Need some black & white nature photos? Check out the National Park Service’s “Open Parks Network.” 

Finding high-quality, totally free stock imagery can be a huge hassle. But I’ve found, with some creativity and some patience, there are far more options than I knew!

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Web Performance Calendar

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The Web Performance Calendar just started up again this year. The first two posts so far are about, well, performance! First up, Rick Viscomi writes about the mythical “fast” web page:

How you approach measuring a web page’s performance can tell you whether it’s built for speed or whether it feels fast. We call them lab and field tools. Lab tools are the microscopes that inspect a page for all possible points of friction. Field tools are the binoculars that give you an overview of how users are experiencing the page.

This to me suggests that field tools are the future of performance monitoring. But Rick’s post goes into a lot more depth beyond that.

Secondly, Matt Hobbs wrote about the font-display CSS property and how it affects the performance of our sites:

If you’re purely talking about perceived performance and connection speed isn’t an issue then I’d say font-display: swap is best. When used, this setting renders the fallback font almost instantly. Allowing a user to start reading page content while the webfont continues to load in the background. Once loaded the font is swapped in accordingly. On a fast, stable connection this usually happens very quickly.

My recommendation here would be to care deeply about the layout shift if you use this property. Once the font loads and is swapped out you could create a big shift of text moving all about over the place. I once shipped a change to a site with this property without minding the layout shift and users complained a lot.

It was a good lesson learned: folks sure care about performance even if they don’t say that out loud. They care deeply about “cumulative layout shift” too.

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Under-Engineered Responsive Tables

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I first blogged about responsive data tables in 2011. When responsive web design was first becoming a thing, there were little hurdles like data tables that had to be jumped. The nature of <table> elements are that they have something a minimum width depending on the content they contain and that can easily exceed the width of a small screen device.

This image I made then still covers the issue pretty well:

Except… maybe they don’t equally suck. If that image on the left were scrollable, then maybe that’s actually… not so bad. In fact, that’s what I’ve done right here on CSS-Tricks recently. I think it’s the safest way of handling responsive tables when you have no idea what content the table contains. That’s the case here, where I need to set up base table styles that apply to any blog post which may contain a table.

The crux of the idea of a scrollable table is to wrap it in a <div> that has overflow: auto; on it. That way the <table> inside is free to exceed the width of the parent, but it won’t “blow out the width” and instead triggers a scrollbar. This isn’t quite enough though, so here’s Adrian Roselli with the real scoop. The wrapping <div> needs to be focusable and labelled, so:

<div role="region" aria-labelledby="Caption01" tabindex="0">
    <caption id="Caption01">Appropriate caption</caption>
    <!-- ...  -->

Then apply the scrolling and focus styles, in the condition you’ve done everything else right:

[role="region"][aria-labelledby][tabindex] {
  overflow: auto;

[role="region"][aria-labelledby][tabindex]:focus {
  outline: .1em solid rgba(0,0,0,.1);

If you’re going to further engineer responsive tables, there are all sorts of options. One of the classics is to display: block a lot of the elements, meaning that all the data in a row (<tr>) ends up as a chunk of stacked content together that stands less of a chance of breaking the parent element’s width. You can get all the data labels properly with pseudo-elements. But, this only makes sense when individual rows of content make perfect sense alone. That’s not the case with every table. A table’s purpose might be cross-referencing data, and in that case, you’ve ruined that with this approach. So again, there are nice approaches for responsive tables when you know exactly the content and purpose of the table. But the best responsive solution when you don’t know is to just make sure they are swipeable.

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What’s Missing from CSS?

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The survey results from the State of CSS aren’t out yet, but they made this landing page that randomly shows you what one person wrote to answer that question. Just clicking the reload button a bunch, I get the sense that the top answers are:

  • Container Queries
  • Parent Selectors
  • Nesting
  • Something extremely odd that doesn’t really make sense and makes me wonder about people

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grid-auto-flow : CSS Grid :: flex-direction : Flexbox

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When setting a parent element to display: flex, its child elements align left-to-right like this:

Now, one of the neat things we can do with flexbox is change the direction so that child elements are stacked vertically on top of each other in a column. We can do that with the flex-direction property (or with the flex-flow shorthand):

Okay, cool. But how would I do something like this with CSS Grid? As in, let’s say I want all those child elements to be aligned like this:

1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8

…instead of this:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

By default, when I set a parent element to use CSS Grid, the elements will be positioned left-to-right just like flexbox. In the example below I’m telling the grid to have 6 columns and 2 rows, then let the child elements fill up each column of the first row before they fill up the columns of the second. You know, standard line wrapping behavior.

.parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
  grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 150px);
  gap: 20px;

Basically what I want here is the opposite: I want our child elements to fill up column 1, row 1 and row 2, then move on to the next column. In other words, column wrapping! I know that if I create a grid with rows and columns I could individually place those elements into those positions. Like so:

.parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
  grid-template-rows: repeat(6, 150px);

.child-1 {
  grid-column: 1;
  grid-row: 1;

.child-2 {
  grid-column: 1;
  grid-row: 2;

.child-3 {
  grid-column: 2;
  grid-row: 1;

/* etc, etc. */

Okay, neat! This gets me what I want but it’s a giant pain having to individually set the position of each item. It feels like I’m using position: absolute and it doesn’t feel particularly smart. So what if I just wanted this layout to be done for me, so that each new child element would align into the correct spot…correctly?

What I’m asking for (I think) is this: is there a CSS Grid version of flex-direction: column?

Well, after searching around a bit, Rachel Andrew pointed me to the correct answer in her rather excellent playground, Grid by Example. And as you can see in this demo, Rachel shows us how to do just that:

Neato! Rachel does this with the grid-auto-flow property: it tells a grid container how to fill the unoccupied space with child elements. So I can do that just by writing this:

.parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-flow: column;
  /* set up columns and rows here */

By default, child elements of a grid will fill up each column until a row is filled, then it’ll flow into the next beneath it. This is why the default for grid-auto-flow is set to row because we’re filling up rows of the grid first. But if we set it to column, then each new element will fill up all the space of column 1 before moving on to column 2, etc.

.parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-flow: column;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
  grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 150px);

This is what the flow part of grid-auto-flow means and for the longest time I ignored the property because it seemed (don’t laugh) scary. Just reading the word grid-auto-flow is enough to make me want to shut off my laptop and walk into the ocean.

But! It’s a pretty useful property and makes a ton of sense, especially if you think of it as the CSS Grid version of flex-direction.

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Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid

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Great tutorial from Alex Trost (based on some demos, like this one, from Andy Barefoot) showcasing how, while CSS grid has straight grid lines across and down, you can place items across grid lines creating a staggered effect that looks pretty rad. Grid-like, but it appears to align to diagonal lines rather than horizontal and vertical lines because of the staggering. And you still get all the flexibility of grid!

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