Event Streams Are Nothing Without Action

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Each data point in a system that produces data on an ongoing basis corresponds to an Event. Event Streams are described as a continuous flow of events or data points. Event Streams are sometimes referred to as Data Streams within the developer community since they consist of continuous data points. Event Stream Processing refers to the action taken on generated Events.

This article discusses Event Streams and Event Stream Processing in great depth, covering topics such as how Event Stream Processing works, the contrast between Event Stream Processing and Batch Processing, its benefits and use cases, and concluding with an illustrative example of Event Stream Processing.

Will Event Sourcing Outgrow the Database?

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Event sourcing is not a new term. If you are working in tech, you must have come across event sourcing. Event sourcing is a powerful tool, and it is adapted by many large organizations as their database architectural design. It has the capability to scale up and serve the needs of the modern data industry.

In this article, we will understand more about event sourcing and why it’s gaining popularity. We will also discuss the popular question: Is event sourcing going to outgrow databases?