How To Increase Data Quality With Memphis Schemaverse

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Using Schemaverse, you force producers to produce messages based on the given structure by validating each ingested message. This is especially useful if you’re working with multiple producers. It also allows you to set up standards for your product’s schema and evolve your schema (In RUN TIME). Let’s find out how using Memphis Schemaverse will increase your data quality. 

What Is Memphis?

Memphis{dev} is an open-source real-time data processing platform that provides end-to-end support for in-app streaming use cases using Memphis distributed message broker.

Building Real-Time Data Systems the Hard Way

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What Is Real-Time Data?

Real-time data proves to be beneficial for businesses. They use real-time data throughout the organization to derive useful information from it and extract better insights. Real-time data is helpful for monitoring and maintaining IT infrastructure. Real-time data enables businesses and organizations to get better visibility and understanding of the operation of their intricate networks.

It is crucial to have a better grip on concepts related to real-time data. These might include data velocity, the choice of processing, and an unavoidable problem of maintaining and monitoring systems for creating and consuming real-time data.