Three Tips for Success as Product and Engineering Grow

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Building a new version of your product is an exciting endeavor, but it can also be an overwhelming one. In the earliest days of a startup, there tends to be little formal structure in place, which is usually for the best! Everyone’s wearing numerous hats and just trying to get the product and company off the ground. It’s a time of innovation and creativity. When we built the first version of our product, we didn’t have a dedicated product team. That changed with version two, bringing new opportunities and challenges along with it. 

Through trial and error, we moved through several iterations of workflow, communication, and reporting. The key was balancing input from both the engineering and product teams while also balancing planning and innovation. We learned a lot from this endeavor and, in addition to successfully updating our core offering, gained some important insights about how to set yourself up for success even (and especially) as your company grows. 

The Top 3 Challenges Facing Engineering Leaders Today—And How to Overcome Them

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It's no secret that a tech startup is only as good as its engineering team. It's tempting to follow that statement by saying an engineering team is only as good as its talent. That's true, to some extent, but it takes expertise and leadership to get the most out of your talent—and, of course, to identify and recruit the right employees in the first place. To use the most obvious analogy, even an all-star soccer team is unlikely to win a championship without a savvy coach at the helm. Similarly, even the most stacked engineering team (pardon the pun) risks falling short without a smart and persistent leader.

As the engineering lead at a growing up startup, I've experienced success and navigated numerous challenges. While a leader's role is multifaceted, steering the ship through difficult times is one of the most critical Aspects. So let's take a look at the three biggest challenges I've encountered and how they can be overcome.