Using Insomnia to Upgrade Dependencies — With Confidence

Featured Imgs 23
Demo app: “Is Today My Birthday”
Demo app: “Is Today My Birthday”

Always keep your dependencies up to date. When you don’t upgrade, you miss out on bug fixes, security patches, and new features. You may even be up against an “end of life” deadline if the version of a package you use will soon no longer be supported.

If upgrading dependencies is so important, why don’t many developers do it? They may not know-how, or they may not understand the benefits of upgrading, or they may not feel like they have the time. Or, they may be afraid.

How I Built My Own Insomnia Plugin

Wp Plugins

Insomnia is an open-source API client that helps you test and debug GraphQL, gRPC, and REST API endpoints. As powerful as Insomnia is, sometimes you want to extend its functionality even further, which you can do with plugins.

My Insomnia plugin (requests-desktop-notification)

There are many great plugins available on the Insomnia Plugin Hub, all contributed by the open-source community. Even more exciting, if you’d like to contribute, you can build your own plugin!