Why We Need Cybersecurity Whistleblowers

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The term “whistleblower” can carry wildly different connotations depending on who you’re talking to. While some see the practice as noble, others may associate it with disgruntled employees seeking revenge on their employers. Despite the potential controversy, whistleblowers are an essential part of cybersecurity.

Corporate leaders may be uncomfortable with insiders calling them out on their missteps. But when you take an objective, security-minded stance, you’ll see that true whistleblowers do more good than harm. Here are three reasons why.

How to Implement Deception Technology

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Deception technology is a cybersecurity tactic that involves setting traps for potential intruders with fabricated versions of valuable assets. An organization’s security teams are alerted when cybercriminals are lured by this method. 

This approach shortens the time required to detect and mitigate intrusions because security professionals know which network assets have attracted the hackers. Here are some best practices to follow if you’re considering using deception technology in your organization.

5 Common Firewall Misconfigurations and How to Address Them

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Cybersecurity experts are always learning the latest methods criminals are using to break into networks and steal data — but sometimes the criminals don’t need nefarious solutions. Especially not when people take an average of 277 days to recognize a breach through things like common firewall misconfigurations.

Protect yourself or your clients by addressing these concerns with common firewall issues. When criminals run into optimized firewalls, they’re more likely to look for potential victims elsewhere.

Should You Create Your Own E-Signature API?

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Is it worth coding your own e-signature API, or is purchasing a ready-made solution a better option? Electronic signatures have become a popular way to verify one’s identity without signing printed forms. They have many benefits over written signatures, such as higher security. 

What’s the best way to implement an API for using e-signatures: buying an API or building one? 

The Missing Link in Cybersecurity: Culture

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Cybersecurity culture is vital to strengthening a business’s first line of defense: Employee security practices. Most cyberattacks on businesses today target employees first. By building a supportive workplace culture that motivates employees to improve their security awareness, businesses can reduce their cyber risks.

How can business leaders go about creating a cybersecurity culture on their teams? A few core principles offer a good place to start.

How Zero Trust Improves Ransomware Response

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There is an increased demand for cybersecurity analysts due to cybercriminal activity rising. Zero trust is the prime cybersecurity framework that analyzes and authenticates all users on a network. The same validation protocol runs regardless of whether you are inside or outside an organization.

Ransomware attacks could affect everyone — businesses and individuals alike — so anyone working with sensitive data must implement systems like zero trust for sufficient protection. How does this benefit responses to ransomware attacks?