Enhancing GenAI Results With the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

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Forget about artificial intelligence (AI) and all that fancy math for a moment. Let’s talk about cheese. Specifically when you are creating a charcuterie board. If you’re not familiar, the United State’s version of a charcuterie board is (literally) a board of wood or stone with a spread of meats, cheeses, and other tasty bits. If you’re doing it right, each meat on the board has been meticulously paired with a specific cheese to complement flavor, texture, and appearance (we eat with our eyes, you know). Creating a board is as much an art as it is a culinary delight.

What makes one cheese better than another? What makes one board better than another? A few distinct characteristics can categorize all cheeses. And one can use these characteristics to craft the perfect board. You could even follow a theme like “cheddar,” “goat’s milk,” or “high-contrast.”