How to Build Great HTML Form Controls

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Today I'm going to show you all the things to consider when building the perfect HTML input. Despite its seemingly simple nature, there's actually a lot that goes into it.

How To Make the Control

Well, we need to start somewhere. Might as well start with the control itself.

Edit Someone Else’s Website: contenteditable and designMode

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The first time I opened up my DevTools and changed the contents of a website, I actually thought that I had hacked it. I thought, “Oh my gosh, what sort of crazy powers have I unlocked?”

Little did I know that it was just a local change that would go away when I reload the browser. Still, it is kind of cool to think we can do that.

Roll Your Own Static Site Host on VPS With Caddy Server

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I recently had to work on a project with some interesting requirements:

  • Host a static website
  • With a user-friendly file upload process
  • Running on a custom domain
  • With an SSL certificate
  • And have root access to the server (for…reasons)

Most of those requirements would actually be very easy to fulfill with a 3rd party provider, but that last one: that’s the tricky one. Most service providers don’t give you root-level access, which means I’d have to do this all myself on a Virtual Private Server (VPS).