Dark and disturbing experience in Quora.com and “Spaces”.

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Hi, Im a return member of danweb. My last time here was 2010/11. Good to he back and thanks for having me. Im here with a purpose and it's due to some harrowing experiences ive endured on Quora.com to which I also recently returned. Reason:I had my first real encounter with a narcissist and was oblivious to the fact until almost 9 months later is when I realized the scale of it all. As i was learning about NPD, it seemed there were dedicated spaces to specific interest groups related to natcissim Narcissistic Abuse and Victims.
I didn't realize that place was full of Narcissists and i am cyberbullied there. I know and have a list of users who are intentionally as a group spreading misinformation about NPD making it worst for survivors or victims who seek information that is reliable. Ive been calling out these hoaxer and their lies and misinformation about psychology that is harmful, and noe have become a target of abuse online myself.my report to Quora has no effect no response.

Are there any ways that i can use to find out, who has been sharing my quora profile link, and to which space or url was my profile link shared to. I am asking to find out if webcrawlers or webscrapers be used to search for and list the urls where my profile link appears within quora.com and the account name that posted it? Is that possible?
If not how can it be helped?
Please assist dear members. The abuse there is horrific and some people who seek answers there are oblivious to the psychological tarpits that trap them.

Is there